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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Look if you're going to eat me..." he sprayed webs at him, hopefully blinding him for a few seconds. "Here's an appetizer!" Perry formed a knife with the webs and he quickly slashed the tendril down. He threw it away afterwards and he kicked him in the chest.
Aedan managed to close most of the distance...But not enough, and soon the intangible weapons were back, he was cut several times, definitely enough times to drop normal person, but the more the blades attacked the better Aedan could counter them, they were targeting his vital points, tendons and ligaments. But soon enough he was able to block the attacks, changing deadly razor attacks into minor scratches and cuts. Realizing he was only getting more injured however - death by a thousand cuts - Aedan changed his game, and hopped over a table and kicked it forwards, and accelerated its momentum, a table was surely too large to dodge, and would leave a bruise. Whilst the table was moving, Aedan used the opportunity to sprint to his bo staff, effectively rearmed.
Fenrir quickly hit the table with 2 Vectors, breaking it and thankfully avoiding it hitting him, before returning to his target, firing more vectors at Adean, aiming for vital organs in his chest and abdomen, whilst the free vectors pulled him a safe distance from the staff.
Pyosimros said:
"Look if you're going to eat me..." he sprayed webs at him, hopefully blinding him for a few seconds. "Here's an appetizer!" Perry formed a knife with the webs and he quickly slashed the tendril down. He threw it away afterwards and he kicked him in the chest.
"ARGGGGHHHH!" Riot yelled trying to pull of the webs, "Let's Tag out brother it's my turn..." Riot's form began to change shape and color becoming this sinister yellow color, "My turn." The new one said chuckling, he quickly sliced off the webs that were blinding him with his bladed fingers, he pointed to Perry as the fingers combined into one giant sword, "Your mine!"
The vectors rushed forward once more, but this time no opening was made for them to attack. Aedan span th bo staff in his hands, whilst increasing the momentum of his hands and staff, until it was a blur, and going fast enough to blow any nearby paperwork into a rugged mess. Any vector strike was repelled by the almost unseeable blur that was the staff traveling at intense speeds. Anything in the room that even moved (which was mostly paper) was instantaneously directed towards the villain, in hopes of distracting him for at least a second.
Fenrir winced as one of his Vectors was deflected. He looked at the flying paperwork, distracted from his opponent.
Capitalizing on his foes distraction, Aedan stopped the staff dead, and lunged for the villain, using his weapons range and increasing his momentum to propel himself forward, and strike the villain in the chest, and then used the momentum from his stumble to throw him back with great force, assuming victory was his. Forgetting about the vectors.
"Hey, look at where you're pointing that. You might accidentally stab someone with that," Perry shot some webs at a bookshelf behind the new symbiote and launched it forward. He quickly front flipped out of the way and he hoped that he flattened him. I should really get a new suit, maybe that Iron Spider suit from that war in another world. I'll ask dad for the schematics later and I'll send it to Cassie, he thought.
Fenrir screamed and coughed up blood when his chest was hit. The bleeding got worse, causing him to continue screaming. His vectors shot out and cut Aedean's wrists, tendons and arteries.
The pain was instant, and though after the first strikes, he was able to dodge the rest, it didn't help that he was now suffering rapid blood loss, the best he could do was stop the momentum of any blood falling from a wound, which would keep him up for a while longer, though the pain and injuries alone were severe enough to make him border on losing consciousness as expected, he had dropped his staff during the counter attack, but was now redirecting its momentum towards the screaming man who had probably killed him, the force was probably just enough to knock him unconscious, Aedan didn't have the will to put a killing blow into the strike, he could barely stand as it was.
Fenrir stopped screaming a short while after the blow had been delivered. The bo staff rushed towards him, which he cut in half quickly, before chopping the two halves in half again. He then took aim with 3 vectors, they rushed towards Adean's stomach. "I'm going to gut you like a pig."
Johnny punched his way through a wall of Arner's and attempted to punch Fenrir in the jaw so as to keep him from impaling the other hero there, Aedan.
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Aedan tried something which was a stupid stupid thing to do with injuries so severe, but did it nonetheless. Summoning all his remaining strength, he began a very weak somersault jump, but increased his momentum to travel over the vectors, and straight in front of Fenrir.
Phage quickly slashed the bookshelf in half and jumped towards Perry, "Sorry Spidey but i'm not as easily going to be taken down..." he grabbed Perry and began to pull him down towards the road.
Dimitri ran alongside the country road, wearing blue jeans, a t shirt, and barefoot. As his phone rang, he slowed down to answer it. He stopped and put his phone between his ear and shoulder, rubbing his previously destroyed ankle.

"Hey dad.... Out for a run.... The outskirts... No, my ankle's fine, I even forgot about it... Yea I guess I'll head on home... Later." He hung up, before stretching and zooming off in the direction he came.
Sitting on the shaded bench next to a tree at the park Connor pulled out a book, and every so often he'd glance up, never letting himself get so deep to forget where he was and enjoy it all. He hadn't spoken to the others in the two days he'd spent recovering other than the occasional text to see how they we're doing. Still upset with himself for what had happened to Cassie when she'd been put to sleep, if he'd played it smart he might have been able to prevent it but he'd thrown the shield early, and the woman had so easily dodged it. No, not might have...should have.

Some loud children ran by laughing, jolting him from his remorseful thoughts. He breathed a sigh and smiled, he wasn't supposed to be thinking like that, he knew it. That's why he came out here, to clear his head, take a breather. Connor was here to enjoy himself and he damn well will, so he shoved the thoughts away so he could enjoy his time here. Setting the book in his lap he stretched his arms over the bench and laid his head back staring up at the branches of the tree above him, the light shining through it.
Dimitri arrived home to see his father at the dining room table. "So what did you want to talk about, dad?" He asked, sitting down.

"Dimitri, I'm getting old and well, I won't be around forever. There will be a day where you have to take my place. That thing we fought a while ago? I've never seen anything like it. Criminals are evolving, and you're going to have to be better than I ever was, without my help. As for right now though, you have my help. From now on I'll be teaching you everything I can. You can start by learning nearly every threat a team such as ours has faced. Later I'll show you how to use our ability to the fullest, meaning fighting and saving people. Sound like a plan?"

Dimitri felt a combination of excitement and nervousness well up in him as he nodded. "Yes."
Perry looked below him. It looked like a rough fall and landing on it wouldn't give me an opportunity to strike back because of the pain. He quickly created a net between them and two lamp posts to break his fall. "Friends..?" he laughed nervously. He didn't exactly think of how he would get the symbiote off.
Crono said:
Sitting on the shaded bench next to a tree at the park Connor pulled out a book, and every so often he'd glance up, never letting himself get so deep to forget where he was and enjoy it all. He hadn't spoken to the others in the two days he'd spent recovering other than the occasional text to see how they we're doing. Still upset with himself for what had happened to Cassie when she'd been put to sleep, if he'd played it smart he might have been able to prevent it but he'd thrown the shield early, and the woman had so easily dodged it. No, not might have...should have.
Some loud children ran by laughing, jolting him from his remorseful thoughts. He breathed a sigh and smiled, he wasn't supposed to be thinking like that, he knew it. That's why he came out here, to clear his head, take a breather. Connor was here to enjoy himself and he damn well will, so he shoved the thoughts away so he could enjoy his time here. Setting the book in his lap he stretched his arms over the bench and laid his head back staring up at the branches of the tree above him, the light shining through it.
Several minutes more passed. Finally, her boredness getting to her once more, she sat up and threw her legs over the side of the bed. She sighed. Maybe a walk would do her good or something. She changed outside of her pajamas and walked downstairs, her earplugs still in her ears.

"Rosaline? Where are you going?" One of her guardians asked, their voice loud enough to be heard over the music.

Said girl shrugged, not looking at them. "Out for a walk. I'll be back later." Before they could protest, she had already gone out the door. She didn't really pay attention to where she was going at first, soley paying attention to the music. When the song ended, she came out of her reverie for a moment, realizing she was in one of the parks.
Slowly Cassie began to drift to sleep.....

And she began to dream.

She was standing in the middle of a street. It seemed to be completely destroyed for at least three blocks, and she was in her armor. She looked down the street and gasped.

Total destruction wasn't the only thing laying on the street. She ran towards what she saw and she stopped cold. "Connor...." She looked down at his body. "No....." She looked down the street and saw a big green figure lying in the rubble. "Finn!" She yelled. She sprinted over, noticing a familiar, skinny shape next to him. "Dimitri....." She heard a crack of thunder and her eyes widened. "Demelza!" She ran over to find a cape with the hammer on it. "No...." She looked around her. Every one of her teammates and friends was lying dead in the decimated street. She turned around and noticed a big letter A laid broken on the cracked asphalt. It was the A from the tower. She heard boosters behind her and she whipped around. "Dad!" She yelled as he landed in front of her. Cassie rushed forward to hug him but she was stopped.

"You failed them, Cassie," a voice from the suit said. It wasn't her father's. "You could've saved all of them."

Cassie felt her stomach drop to her metal boots. "But I-"

"You could've saved them. You could've saved me." The mask opened up and where Tony's face should've been was a big black hole.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She yelled, dropping to her knees. Tears streamed down her face and she looked at the pavement. An evil laugh resounded in her mind.

She shot up. "AAGH!" She looked around to see that she was in her room, and she breathed a sigh or relief. She heard crashing and got up to see what it was about. She found three figures in a tussle. "Oh my gosh!"
Leaving the book where it was, Connor simply sat staring off at whatever caught his interest. His eyes landing on the occasional person or animal. When he caught sight of a girl with long black hair not too far down the path he cocked his head to the side and narrowed his eyes, he recognized her from somewhere...

He scowled at himself internally at the realization that it was the girl from Stark Tower two days ago, he'd met too many people that day. She'd helped him out, you'd think the least he could do is remember what she looked like. He pondered what she was doing when he saw her look up abruptly as if she just noticed where she was.

Connor raised a hand, attempting to give her a calm wave with a mused look. She'd remember him right? Though he had been in his suit and didn't have the glasses on, so who knows. He smiled anyways, waiting to see if he caught her attention. Calling out would be pointless as he could see the headphones as well as the fact that she wasn't all that close, and he didn't want to startle anyone else with an outburst.
Rosaline felt as if someone was looking at her. Her eyes scanned the area in front of her as she tried to figure out whom it was. All sorts of people seemed to be out today. Children playing tag under the careful gaze of a parent. Owners walking their 2000 dollars purebreeds on the sidewalk, not paying attention to anyone else as they held their noses in the air. Couples giggling and kissing as they held hands and sat on the grass. Normal day it seemed. Eventually her eyes landed on a young man with short blonde hair and glasses, waving at her as he sat on a bench some feet away. A book laid in his lap. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she observed him. He looked familiar.

"Hmm?" Looking at him, she finally realized why she recognized him. Same build and looks, minus the suit...Captain America 2.0? She walked forward until they were just a few feet a part, pulling her headphones away from her ears. Her arms rested against her sides as she looked at him calmly. "Conner, right?" She asked, her normally monotone voice carrying a curious edge to it.
"You know..." Dimitri said, announcing his presence behind Kai's bench. "...People with our hair color are pretty rare, but you're rocking it if you don't mind me saying."
Once her attention had been gotten and she started heading his way Connor dropped his hand. "That's me." He said, standing up to greet her. Book in one hand, he reached the other up to remove his glasses briefly with a smile before replacing them. He'd realized over time the glasses would throw people for a loop occasionally, some people could see past them easily and see the same face but it was more difficult for others. So he'd removed them for a second as courtesy, so she could see him more similarly to how she'd originally seen him.

Connor shifted his weight onto his other foot, "Rosaline right?... 'The Fire Bird', as Dimitri put it." He'd said the nickname in a mocking tone of what was an attempt at Dimitri's voice.

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