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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Crono said:
Connor raised his shield up with a smirk, "Hardly counts as armor. You got stabbed nine times and your still standing, that's something." As they neared the tower entrance Connor sighed. "It really has. I just want a hot shower, and to get out of this sweaty suit." Connor said with an almost whine.
(Carbon polymer isn't exactly metal is it? It's like plastic right? Pfft. I am the worst at knowing these things.)
(It's modified plastic)
Two days later....

The heroes are all at their homes, Each one resting and recovering. It has been two days since any incident. Stark tower is fully repaired, the streets have been for the most part repaired as well due to the help of Tony and his daughter. The buzzing of the press has died down, and the villains seem to be laying low.... For now.....

Evening at the Stark Residence:

"Hey Dad?" Cassie called out from her room after hearing a thud. "You alright?"

"Yeah Cass!" Tony called back. "Just dropped some tools!"

Cassie laughed and turned back to her book. The Hobbit was her favorite book at the time. In a hole in the ground, there lived a Hobbit..... She re-read the beginning for the eighth time. Reading brought her such joy.
Perry was sitting down on the couch watching TV with his parents. "So wait, all I had to do was blast music and his face would blast off?" he asked his parents. This was a bad time to bring up this subject since they were in the middle of watching. "Yah, pretty much," his dad grabbed some popcorn and ate it.
Finn sat back from a workbench in his family's basement and looked proudly at the pair of goggles that sat on the bench. He looked at them from all angles and tentatively stretched the side straps, hoping that he used the right material for it. He called down his father, who had returned from his trip a day earlier after hearing about the incidences in New York, for a critique. Bruce came down the stairs and looked at the goggles. "Aren't those a little small for your big head?"

Finn grinned and smacked his dad on the arm. "I keep them around my neck at all times, and before I change I take off my glasses and put them on. Then they stretch with the change that way he doesn't have to try and figure out how to put those things on. After what happened two days ago, it became really clear that I needed eye protection." He sat back from the desk and hung the goggles around his neck. As a test he removed his glasses and held the goggles over his eyes. He had made sure to put his prescription in them so that he could see better when wearing them. He dropped the goggles around his neck, put his glasses back on and went back upstairs, turning the light off as he went.
Massacre had been doing nothing of significance since the incident, merely prowling the sewers, snatching the occasional criminal in an alley,and repeating. He needed to be 100% before entering another conflict.

(It isn't THAT simple Pyos, it needs to be a high sound frequency, music wouldn't do it)


Aedan had learn't of the destruction that had happened two days prior later that day, he never made it to the Avengers tower,to overcome with guilt to face them. How could he have let himself miss it? Though once more he stood beside the building, of course he wanted to enter. But couldn't bring imself to see the others wearing injuries, injuries he could have helped prevent...

((For the love of all that is good @sitanomoto look at your messages, I've asked you the same question four times, three in OOC! xD ))
After a few days passed, Ultron finally completes his new, upgraded body and begins to transferes his consciousness into the Adamantium body. Once fully transfered to the body, Ultron begins to monitor multiple News stations in order to learn any information about the Avengers or any other heroes.
Connor walked across the grass of a park dressed in cargo pants and a tight red long sleeve shirt, his phone ringing interrupting the quiet. "Dad? Yeah I know. No I left the shield at home for a reason. No, I just wanted some quiet so I didn't want to bring it. I'll be home later, love you too, bye." And with that he hung up the phone, finally reaching a bench he sat, adjusting his glasses slightly. His injuries had healed for the most part though some bruising still lingered, his pride still a little sore as well after the events two days ago.

The park was always his go to place, most knew that, his father never liked Connor leaving his shield at home but occasionally he needed to, and he tried to leave it at home whenever he went out to the park.
(@Barbas edge out ya homicidal toaster, it's the trickster god's time to shine.)

Arner was sent flying into Stark Tower through a glass window, completely shattering it. Storms of blue danced in his eye was Arner slowly got up and drew his sword. Meanwhile, Johnny was running to Stark Tower, his fist glowing. The god he had just punched was corrupted by a force greater than he could see. Johnny made his way to Stark Tower as Arner teleported behind him, nearly running Johnny through with an Asgardian blade. Johnny dodged and punched Arner in the face. Arner staggered back before beginning to multiply and encircle Johnny. He couldn't take much more of this fight.
Cyrus knocked on the door to stark tower, "Mr. Stark I'm here to assist you in today's project" He stood outside enjoying the fresh air, "Today is going to be a good day."


A teen with blue hair was walking around lost and alone his clothes were tattered and all he had on him was his Mp3Player, "Please somebody help me, I don't wanna fight anymore..." He said to himself trying to hold together his sanity, "NONSENSE! YOU WORK FOR US!" a voice in his head echoed, "YES WE ARE HERE ON A MISSION AND YOU MUST COMPLY TO US!" The teen began to break down, "No please, I don't want to do this anymore they're all dead, and it's my fault..." he stumbled into the alleyway as something gray began to cover his face, "WE'RE HERE TIME TO GET TO WORK, I WILL GO..." The teen became a gray blur as it began to crawl up the building.
Fenrir appeared at Stark Tower, fully recovered from his previous battle thanks to some miracle of medical science. He saw Arner, his older brother encountering some difficulty with some idiot in a costume. "Well, what do we have here? Arner, do you need some help with this idiot?" Fenrir smirked, ready to begin his favourite pastime of general destruction and torture. @Deadkool
Aedan's period of self doubt and guilt was soon banished as something - or someone - crashed through the Stark tower above, not wasting time, Aedan rushed into the building, as receptionists and staff panicked at the suspected villain attack, since that was all it ever was, hopping into the elevator, Aedan used his momentum manipulation to speed up its ascent, despite the dangers. Upon hearing the familiar 'ping'. He hopped out onto the damaged floor, prepared for conflict.

(If we're fighting can it be briefer than the rest?)
Her mp3 player on at full blast, Rosaline was currently laying flat on her bed, brown eyes staring at the white ceiling. Two days had passed since she had joined up with the Avengers, and if it weren't for the fact she was still covered in bandages, she almost wouldn't have been able to believe it actually had happened. After the eventful day had ended at last, Rosaline had quietly made her way out of Stark Tower, not even bothering to worry about whether or not she had been seen. When she had gotten home, naturally her guardians were worried sick about why she was so injured, but with a few skilled lies she had learned over the years, Rosaline had somehow managed to convince them that it was nothing too serious and that she had just ended up in a little skirmish. Since then she had been lazing the days away, letting her wounds heal as she pondered what to do next.

She didn't regret her desicion to help the Avengers in the slightest-in fact she was glad to have made that decision. For the first time in years, she had found something life threatening to do that sent her blood pumping, giving her fire extra heat that her body had been craving to use up. She had felt powerful, excitement flooding every fire of her being as she performed dangerous stunts that would have killed a normal human being. It made her smile remembering, right at that present moment as she laid there, to have been able stretch her wings and fight with every part of her being. She had long since gotten over the fact that she could never truly die, always coming back despite the broken shell, the body her soul had been using, had at last expired. But she had gotten bored of the ways she could die, normal humane ways that people died of every day. Those battles she had participated in with the Avengers had given the possiblity that she would die once again more purpose than ever before.

Rosaline didn't really know much more than public knowledge about the Avengers, her curiosity having piqued when she had met them in person. She didn't understand their bonds and friendships either, which was something her lonely soul secretly craved. The question was, would they ever need her again? Did they even care?

She frowned, wondering if her fun would end so quickly.
Arner just smiled as he multiplied on more, dozens of Arners running at Fenrir with their sharpened blades ready to strike. Johnny said to the oncoming hero, Aedan "You may verify my loyalty to peace and tranquility as prince of Ku'un Lu'un." A moment later, Johnny deflected the oncoming swords, punching one of the Arners as he disappeared into mist.
"I'm going to go outside, maybe swing around or something. Maybe I'll ask Cassie to show me some new Stark stuff," Perry sat up from his sitting position and he walked over to his costume. I should really hide it sometime, he thought as he put on the suit. It wasn't exactly resistant to well, anything but it looked cool so that's what counts. "Bye!" Peter shouted as Perry ran out. Damage Control (it's a thingy that Marvel used to respond to the absurdly fast rebuild speeds on NYC) seemed to already have rebuilt everything at happened two days ago. Except for the hole in Stark Tower. It's either they got sloppy or something happened. Hopefully it was the second so it gave me a reason to enter the tower with is not, "hey can I look at stuff?" Either way, he'd better check it out. He started swinging over there. It was pretty close and his web-slinging was getting better each time he used it. Soon enough, Perry reached a nearby building. There seemed to be duplicates of a person and an Iron Fist clone or something fighting them.
Aedan didn't respond to the statement, mostly because he was more focused on trying to figure out who was friend and foe,but it didn't take long to realize the duplicates were the villains in all this, with a quick glance at Johnny, Aedan raised his own bo staff and rushed forward to combat the clones, he would have been mauled running in there like he did. If he didn't have his power, any clones that ran his way were immediately tripped as he stole their momentum, and any swords that got to close frozen, as their momentum stopped, though he couldn't keep that up forever.
"TARGET LOCKED PROCEEDING TO MISSION" The Grey blur said as it was on the side of stark tower, it's eyes were focused one person, "SPIDER-MAN!!" The voice screamed, it pounced on the newcomer knocking him into another building.

Spider-Sense, what do we have n-, just then, it hit me. It was fast. Too fast and I wasn't ready. I would have probably dodged it if it didn't move really quickly. Out of the rubble I looked up. "Aw another symbiote? I just dealt with one!" Perry shouted over to him. He created a wall of webs to make a more stealthier escape. In past experience it's pretty noticeable that he's incapable in taking on a symbiote head on. At least for now.
"OH NO WEB-HEAD YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY!" Riot yelled, his arms turned into hammers as he smashed his way through the webs and began to run at Perry with full force, "MUST CONSUME SPIDER-MAN!!"
"Ooo we have a really mad guy here!" Perry taunted and he jumped above the symbiote. He quickly propelled a fire extinguisher over to him and then he smashed it into the monster, dispersing it's contents everywhere. Soon after the building was foggy and it was time for stealth. (No idea if that's how fire extinguishers work so...)
Pyosimros said:
"Ooo we have a really mad guy here!" Perry taunted and he jumped above the symbiote. He quickly propelled a fire extinguisher over to him and then he smashed it into the monster, dispersing it's contents everywhere. Soon after the building was foggy and it was time for stealth. (No idea if that's how fire extinguishers work so...)
(lol its close but the smoke doesn't last long)

"YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ME SPIDER-BRAT, RIOT WILL CONSUME YOU!" Riot swung his hammer arm quickly dispersing the smoke, "COME BACK HERE SO I CAN EAT YOU!!" Riot turned one arm into a tendril and grabbed Perry by the leg
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Aedan didn't respond to the statement, mostly because he was more focused on trying to figure out who was friend and foe,but it didn't take long to realize the duplicates were the villains in all this, with a quick glance at Johnny, Aedan raised his own bo staff and rushed forward to combat the clones, he would have been mauled running in there like he did. If he didn't have his power, any clones that ran his way were immediately tripped as he stole their momentum, and any swords that got to close frozen, as their momentum stopped, though he couldn't keep that up forever.

"It's been a while since I had some fun..." Fenrir smirked as he used one of his vectors to grab and throw Aedean into a wall, before using several more vectors to punch and cut him.
Aedan was caught off guard by the surprise attack, and whilst his ability naturally worked for physical matter, there was n stopping the vectors. Psychic energy did not have momentum, which would be a pretty large problem... Getting close would be the solution here, but even then, he assumed the villain to be a vicious fighter,especially after almost killing Iron Girl. After Aedan took a pretty thorough beating from the ethereal arms, he found his bearings and retaliated, not allowing another assault to begin, he threw his bo staff and accelerated its momentum, not fast enough to definitely hit, but certainly fast enough to throw the villain off balance, and close the distance.
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Aedan was caught off guard by the surprise attack, and whilst his ability naturally worked for physical matter, there was n stopping the vectors. Psychic energy did not have momentum, which would be a pretty large problem... Getting close would be the solution here, but even then, he assumed the villain to be a vicious fighter,especially after almost killing Iron Girl. After Aedan took a pretty thorough beating from the ethereal arms, he found his bearings and retaliated, not allowing another assault to begin, he threw his bo staff and accelerated its momentum, not fast enough to definitely hit, but certainly fast enough to throw the villain off balance, and close the distance.

Fenrir was knocked back by the accelerated staff, that did surprise him. Still, he could take her. Several vectors came rushing towards her at high speed, cutting various parts of him, aiming for tendons and other such parts.

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