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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Too tired to protest, she shrugged. "Makes...no...difference...to me." She muttered, darkness floating at the corners of her vision. It depends on whether or not you want to send the public into a panic. Her strength leaving her, she untransformed, revealing the girl in tattered clothing beneath. "And I was having so much..fun...too." Her head lolled as everything went black.
The battle was intensifying, Connor could see that. He had to get Cassie up, to either help or escape so that she wasn't vulnerably lying in the street. He glanced back at the Hydrant again, this time raising his shield higher he closed his eyes. This might sting a little. Gripping the strap to his shield tight he brought it down as hard as he could, the familiar jolt reverberating through him. He could have shouted for joy at the fact that the cap flew off and water was actually coming out, except it came out so sudden it managed to knock him off his feet.

Quick to regain himself he used his shield as a bowl, holding the water and moved slowly to Cassie. "You'd better wake up or I'm so yelling at you later." He said focusing on not spilling it, he let the shield hover over her a second before tipping it and letting a slow stream of water fall on her face.
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"Privacy then." Pietro zipped to the penthouse at stark towers, where his first aid kit was open from last time. "Deja vu eh?" He chuckled.
Knowing that his body has received significant damage that could not be quickly repaired, Ultron prepares to leave his current body so that he can escape and create a new body that would be more powerful than his original form.
Steph honestly had no way of knowing Ultron would leave his body or was, she knew he could but there was no magic she knew to block out such things that would be the Stark's domain. She suspected he might do such but at least that meant it would take awhile for him to build a body, and while he might make a few tweaks she was sure there would be a way to beat him after all, everything had a weakness. Meanwhile inside ultron one of the claws tore into the power core ripping it apart removing ultrons power source all together.
Just as Ultron's power source was destroyed, his consciousness was transfered to a large computor located inside of Utron's large, hidden bunker. Once fully transfered to the computor, Ultron begins to construct a new, upgraded body.
With ultron dead for now and hopefully not just charging right back into a fight while being oddly silent, really that made her wonder if that really was ultron at all as her father mentioned the normally delusional robot did like to talk about how weak humans were and just how great it was. Well there was no way for his technology to fight her magic he was metal , metal could melt and she could melt it. now of course she had another fight to finish so she turned around and started heading back to the fight with the venom thing.
Crono said:
The battle was intensifying, Connor could see that. He had to get Cassie up, to either help or escape so that she wasn't vulnerably lying in the street. He glanced back at the Hydrant again, this time raising his shield higher he closed his eyes. This might sting a little. Gripping the strap to his shield tight he brought it down as hard as he could, the familiar jolt reverberating through him. He could have shouted for joy at the fact that the cap flew off and water was actually coming out, except it came out so sudden it managed to knock him off his feet.
Quick to regain himself he used his shield as a bowl, holding the water and moved slowly to Cassie. "You'd better wake up or I'm so yelling at you later." He said focusing on not spilling it, he let the shield hover over her a second before tipping it and letting a slow stream of water fall on her face.
Cassie's eyes shot open and she sputtered. "Gah!" She sat straight up then looked at Connor with a raised eyebrow. She'd ask him about this if not for the sound of the battle behind her. "Ok, Wonderboy," she said, noting how tired he looked. "What now?"

((Map use for a while guys! GN!))
Massacre hissed as he was pushed back further and further, Now realizing that the fight had taken a turn for the worst, Massacre was hard pressed to fight against a powered Smasher, and the remaining heroes. Fighting a losing battle would be pointless, best to retreat now before Massacre is critically injured. With one last assault on Smasher, Massacre used it's symbiote web to pull the ceiling in the building onto Smasher, likely to slow the brute down enough so that Massacre could start to escape. As Massacre turned from the fight, and began charging through the rest of the building at immense speeds, hoping to find a sewer upon reaching the other side.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie's eyes shot open and she sputtered. "Gah!" She sat straight up then looked at Connor with a raised eyebrow. She'd ask him about this if not for the sound of the battle behind her. "Ok, Wonderboy," she said, noting how tired he looked. "What now?"
((Map use for a while guys! GN!))
(no tags or qoutes... sorry i was gone! possibly fill me in?)
Smasher was so focused on Massacre that he didn't even notice when Massacre moved away. Startled, Smasher tumbled face first onto the crushed pavement. Shortly after that, before he had even gotten up, buildings were tumbling down on top of him.

Smasher was causing more harm to himself rather than the building at this point, so Finn changed back and picked his way from the rubble. Once out of the building he noticed two gashes on his stomach and remembered that Massacre had been trying to impale him. They weren't that bad though and he patched them up using pieces from his unfashionably ripped jeans.
GoldenCharizard4 said:
(no tags or qoutes... sorry i was gone! possibly fill me in?)
(Big fight, we're all fighting Massacre, Cassie got put to sleep by Hypnas, my new villain. )

((Ok, with everyone done fighting, we should all go home and I'll do a time skip, K?))


CasualDragon said:
Smasher was so focused on Massacre that he didn't even notice when Massacre moved away. Startled, Smasher tumbled face first onto the crushed pavement. Shortly after that, before he had even gotten up, buildings were tumbling down on top of him.
Smasher was causing more harm to himself rather than the building at this point, so Finn changed back and picked his way from the rubble. Once out of the building he noticed two gashes on his stomach and remembered that Massacre had been trying to impale him. They weren't that bad though and he patched them up using pieces from his unfashionably ripped jeans.
((Patching like a boss))
Seeing the girl sputter awake brought a smile to his face, he knew she was fine but seeing her come back was the sight he wanted to see. Looking past Cassie he could see that Ultron had been dealt with, and seeing Smasher exit the building rather calmly told him the battle with the symbiote was over. "Now? Now we go home, and make sure everyone is alright."
Sometime later, Rosaline found herself lying on a couch, a window nearby showing the bustling city underneath and confirming that she was in Stark Tower. She was still a bit in pain, but had been bandaged all over by someone-presumably Pietro. White bandages covered her legs, torso, and arms, she could no longer taste copper in her mouth. She had been stripped down to her tank top and shorts, showing that Petro had been quite thorough with a first aid kit. While a normal person would probably be disturbed that someone had touched them while they were out cold, the brown haired teen felt that Pietro was a trustful individual and had not taken advantage of her. A scan of the room showed that said person was nowhere to be seen.

Rosaline knew she would have to thank him later, but first she would need to deal with her growling stomach. Remembering what Cassie had told her earlier, she went to the pantry and grabbed a big bag of potato chips, munching on them quickly while she sat on the couch.
The elevator dinged open at stark tower to see Dimitri, clutching his ribs. He limped into the room, blood dried under his nose. "I think.... That went pretty well." He said as he collapsed.

"Dimitri!" Pietro screamed, zipping over to assist his son.
Connor couldn't prevent the chuckle that escaped him. "Really? But you just had an asphalt nap." He reached out a hand to help her up off the ground. "Let's get out of here before the press shows up shall we?"
Rosaline had just gotten halfway through the bag when Pietro suddenly appeared from one of the other rooms. He seemed as if he was about to say something to her, but stopped when the elevator dinged open, revealing Dimitri. He looked like hell, clutching his ribs and staggering forwards before collapsing. Pietro rushed fowards, kneeling on the ground as he tried to do something to help his son.

Knowing she couldn't just stand there, Rosaline limped forward to help somehow.
Tony ran up from the bottom of the stairs, concerned. "What happened?" He asked, walking over to Pietro and Dimitri. "Here," Tony said. He looked at Rosaline. "Well, that's two." He looked around as he cleared another spot on the couch. "Cassie's probably coming in a minute."
Pietro inspected him.

"He has a concussion, a few fractured ribs, I don't even know how he's standing with his right foot like it is. Christ.... When did this happen? I wasn't there..." He brought him to the couch and pulled a stool underneath his foot, then leaved to get ice.
Crono said:
Connor couldn't prevent the chuckle that escaped him. "Really? But you just had an asphalt nap." He reached out a hand to help her up off the ground. "Let's get out of here before the press shows up shall we?"
"Agreed," Cassie said. "The last thing I need is the press when my hair looks this bad." She laughed as she took his hand and stood. "Want another ride, or are you going to walk?"
Cyrus nodded, "yeah I feel pretty awesome." he followed Tony upstairs and sat on one of the empty couches. He looked over at Dimitri, "what did you even fight?" he asked around so he could pull some data
"Um." Connor looked down the street ahead then back at Cassie, debating. "You go on ahead. I'll just walk this time. Finn can keep me company on the way." Looking over at the big green wrecking machine he smiled. "Isn't that right big guy?" He called out, half expecting him to leap away and leave him as well.
Dimitri tried to answer, still concussed. "I fought... The endangered black rhinoceros... Only one left in all of Africa..." He fell asleep.

Pietro swore in a different language. "Did anyone see what actually happened to him?"
Cassie laughed. "Suit yourself," she said, her boosters immediately going into action. She waved goodbye to Connor as she rocketed to her Tower. As she entered Via the broken window, she took off her armor, back in the Sweatpants and T-Shirt. She walked upstairs with a cheerful, if tired, "Hi Dad!" She stopped cold when she saw Dimitri. "On my god." She raced over, almost as fast as Quicksilver she was so concerned. She kneeled next to him and held his hand. "Dimitri...." She whispered. She looked at her dad. "Is he ok?" She asked.

Tony looked at him. "Poor kid." He looked at Pietro. "He collapsed after he and some red haired girl stood staring at each other. after that the Venom-Rhino-symbiote-thing Clobbered him into a wall."

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