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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Alright I'm coming!" Perry shouted into his mic and he swung out of range of the enraged monster. "Sorry! I'm going to hang out with someone else! Hope you understand!" he gave a short wave to Massacre and he went to Dimitri. "So, what's the plan exactly?"
Cyrus could feel the particles rush into his skin, "Yeah this actually does hurt quite a bit.... ow...." He replied
Dimitri grabbed perry and ran around in circles around the massacre.

"Shoot your webs at him! As much as you can!"
"Hey! Motion sickness is a real thing and I like people not entering my personal space bubble!" Perry shouted jokingly and he started shooting. Unlike his father, his are organic. Though he doesn't need those machine thingies or whatever they are he still has a cooldown on webs.
The shield around Steph held strong despite the blast and it told her Ultron wasn't dead, really she just would not stay down, well he would this time. Really if the robot had any sense he would retreat and come up with a batter plan that attack, attack, attack, even the mindless ones could do better than that and they couldn't even think.

" Seven Suns of Cinnibus" She said casting the bright super heated beam at the prone robot " Just stay down this time" She said as the beam started to melt though the outer armor.

"Your webs wouldn't happen to be flammable would they spidey?" Dimitri asked, still running.
Reaper said:
Pietro rushed to Rosaline. "I'm going to get you out of here. You've helped more than you know."

He picked her up.
The girl struggled feebly against him, shaking her head. "No...No...He isn't dead yet...I have to...keep..." Shaking, she raised her free hand in the direction of Massacre, her vision now clear. Flames started to come from her fingertips, forming into a ball in the center of her palm.
Massacre was smart for a symbiote, very smart. The moment the brute saw the plan it countered with an even deadlier counter attack, before it could be completely solidified in web, it used it's own - thicker - web to make a clothesline across the street, which if all goes well, the heroes would charge right into it, leaving both injured and vulnerable.
As Massacre was distracted trying to get Spider-Man, Smasher wobbled to his feet and with a deep breath of pure rage charged towards the villain, not paying too much attention to anything else. He felt a renewed vigor and charged headfirst at the semi-trapped symbiote.
"Well I say-" THUNK. Dimitri was clotheslined at full speed by massacres webbing, flying several meters before coming to a stop, where he didn't move.
His head started tingling. Spidey-Senses kicking in. But at what? He looked to his left and there was a gigantic web blocking his way. "Yo! Get o-" it was too late. The guy grabbed onto him and he couldn't shove him away and he hit the array of webs. Like a baseball he was propelled into a nearby building. "Ouch..." he got up holding his lower abdomen. He looked below. Dimitri seemed to just refuse to get up. This is when he should be thanking his healing factor. "Come on magical healing thing, heal me," he winced in pain. He stumbled out onto the very edge of the broken building.
Despite the success of Massacre's plan, he now realized that ignoring Smasher had been a grave mistake, the wall of muscle slammed into Massacre with incredible strength, Massacre struggled to escape as he was slammed through multiple walls in whatever building they had entered. Now Smasher was mad, which complicated things. After the initial momentum left Smasher's charge, Massacre, locked arms with the giant, and attempted to overpower him.
Realizing that his energy beams are being blocked by a shield, Ultron activates his thrusters and precedes to fly away in order to find some cover.
Come on, think. What did dad say he used to beat the guy up? Or what that guy Wade Wilson bluffed about using against Carnage... he kept thinking about this with no prevail. It seemed to be stored deep into his memory where he can't reach.
Steph flew after the robot, she was not going to let him get away just to have to face him again five minutes later. Still she had opened his armor hurt his insides meaning even if the outside was insulated, she could most likely hurt him with shock now.

" The Demons of Denak" She said calling forth innumerable invisible demonic claws were summoned forth around the metal man and while he outran some of the invisible claws were still inside him and those ones started to do their job tearing him apart from the inside out with the others following after the few inside.
He felt Massacre trying to gain a bit of ground on him and shifted his stance a bit. While he was loosing speed quickly, he wasn't willing to give up the ground he himself had gained. Digging the front of his feet into the ground he plowed his way forward.
Realizing that Massacre was too far out of her range and that a thick web was blocking her vision, Rosaline clenched her fingers into a fist, causing the fireball to fizzle out. So much for that. She looked at Pietro, a strangely calm expression on her face. "Let..me fight...please." She grounded out. Suddenly she coughed. She covered her mouth with her hand, pulling it out to look at it when she felt something wet. There was red on her palm. "Huh." She said.
"Absolutely not." Pietro said. "You're done young lady. You've done so well. I'll give you a choose though. Hospital or stark tower?"

Dimitri tried to stand and lost his footing and fell back down. That plan worked swimmingly. He tried to remember how venom was beaten by Scarlett spider... Scarlett... He pulled out his phone. "Aunt Wanda.... Help."
Upon seeing that Steph was still pursuing him and was destroying his insides, Ultron sets his thrusters to full power, causing him to fly at a far greater speed. As he is flying, Ultron fires both of his energy beams at Stephen in an attempt to incapacitate her.
The claws moved throughout ultrons body tearing at power cords reactors casing thruster bits all thought the robots body they tore a scrapped, only the outer casing was safe everything inside was being destroyed as more an more of the tiny claws caught up. There was soon going to be no way for the robot to escape. Still as the blasts cam eat Steph she threw up a shield and had to slow down until the beams stopped instead of going as fast as she could, though that was only 25 miles per hour.
Massacre pushed against Smasher, but the Hulk would not budge, realizing that he had lost the advantage of superior strength, Massacre decides to change his tactics, and instead attempted to keep Smasher at bay, whilst the sharp tendrils from his stomach repeatedly tried to impale the thick exterior of Smasher. Hoping to at least weaken Smasher so Massacre can regain the strength advantage, though that was proving incredibly difficult, both brutes pushed against one another, neither moving, and the ground further breaking in.
Smasher began to glow red and over power massacre, as Scarlet Witch arrives, using telekinesis to help him along.
Realizing that Steph was destryoung more of his insides, Ultron attempts to slow her down by blasting the buildings near him with his energy beams, causing the buidlings to begin to collapse.
Even with steph slowed down the claws continued they were not completely bound to her she just said attack and they attacked what she wanted, so even as she had to divert and move around building one of the claws tore out one of ultrons thrusters and another breached his power core. Seeing the damaged Steph put her hand in front of her extending herself as far as she could and using magic she put several tons of pressure onto ultron to push him down into the ground.

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