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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

(lol xD )

Cyrus nodded, "That's good. I guess this would be considered an upgrade for me then." He said chuckling.
(Any idea how

I could get back in? Maybe I was looking somewhere less violent to learn about Earth and now I'm back and debating whether to conquer it. Something like that.)
Hypnas smiled coyly as she felt the breath leaving her lungs. Her vision began to get blurry and then she finally passed out, smiling.

Cassie looked at Connor. "Alright. I have your back, you have mine?" She said, standing.

Deadkool said:
(Any idea how
I could get back in? Maybe I was looking somewhere less violent to learn about Earth and now I'm back and debating whether to conquer it. Something like that.)
((Sounds good to me!))


Barbas said:
You can have your character form an alliance with Ultron.
(Pfft. Like Ultron would ever make an alliance with anyone.)
( can no one use OOC for OOC)

Well that was one person down, Steph would just leave her with the mist on her as she had learned from the previous battle that it was best to be sure that the opponent was down before you tried anything and if she died then well that was a threat gone. Steph turned and she saw nearby, relatively speaking that ultron had returned, but she didn't think he was paying attention to her. She needed to deal with him before the thing below and as surface damage didn't work she would attack the inside. She would need two spells and she still had her shield so she should be able to do it and she started chanting and gesturing having to do both to cast both spells at the same time.
Upon returning to the city, Ultron begins to fire both of his enegy beams at Smasher in an attempt to destroy him.
Connor scoffed as he slid the cap on. "Do you even have to ask? Always." Stepping over to the chair he grabbed his blue tinted shield where he'd left it. The thought in the back of his mind nagging at him on if this was actually a good idea or not.
Steph was right ultron didn't notice her instead firing on the hulkling, prefect. Steph moved her hands down in a circle then pointing them at ultron her spells finished. The spells where one for teleportation and the other small explosives. The first would teleport the second directly into Ultron and the second would explode inside. The second was made of five small orbs each of which had the same explosive power of grenade. Steph was assuming that Ultron's insides were weaker than his outsides. Well there was no harm in trying.
As the seller explosed inside of Ultron, Ultron begins to fall to the ground due to some of his insides being damaged by the spell. After falling for a few moments, Ultron's body falls to the ground, causing causing the ground his body landed on to crack.
Finally free, Rosaline swiftly flies upwards, high enough that she can catch her breathe and summon her shield again. Looking below, she saw Smasher still fighty Massacre, both beasts fighting for dominance. A bit away, Raven was trying to wake Dimitri with no success, shaking and yelling at him. Steph was floating above the young woman from earlier, said person lying on the ground with a smile on her face. An enemy? Before she could ponder anymore, a familiar metallic humanoid descended from the heavens, firing laser beams at Smasher when he had gotten close enough.

Rosaline's eyes widen a margin. How had he managed to repair himself so quickly? Did he have another body or something? It shouldn't have been possible for him to be able to fight again so quickly. He must have been somewhat weaker, for Steph was able to send him to the ground with a few spells.

Breathing deeply, the fire angel opted to split her power by firing her attacks simultaneously at Ultron and Massacre.
She walked downstairs and put on her armor. She returned upstairs and held out her hand to Connor. "Shall we?" She said.
Connor reached out taking Cassie's hand and gave a half amused half worried smile. "Just, be gentle."
Massacre halted his melee with Smasher, assuming the blasts from the robot were enough to distract it, once more, the Symbiote opted to go for the girl who had power over fire, as that was currently the greatest threat, considering her offensive was split between him and the robot, Massacre had little trouble preparing a counterattack, though this time, he attempted to kill her then and their, Massacre lifted a nearby car, hissing manically whilst doing it, before launching it through the air towards his opponent.
Crono said:
Connor reached out taking Cassie's hand and gave a half amused half worried smile. "Just, be gentle."
"Easy, bigshot," she said. "If course I'll be gentle." She said. "Do you think it would hurt if I gave you a piggyback ride?"
Connor groaned, "I doubt it matters how we go about it. Let's just get it over with."
Smasher fought back against Massacre as best as he could before good 'ol Ultron was back. Quickly he turned his back to the robot to keep his face away from the beams. He was not going back through that again. While he was trying to fend off Ultron, Smasher briefly noted Massacre sneak off. He wanted to go after him but if he moved the beams could ricochet against an ally. Soon the onslaught stopped and he cautiously peaked around to see Ultron on the ground.

Using this opportunity he quickly moved to intercept the car. The power of it ramming into him sent him stumbling back but it was better than anybody being flattened by it. Quickly he used the momentum to fling the car back towards Massacre before launching himself towards the villian.
The thrown car never reached its mark, instead Smasher had somehow managed to intercept it, and now the vehicle had hit Massacre, and sent him spiraling back, recovering from the impact, Massacre threw his gargantuan fist at the large brute that was leaping towards him, Massacre had the strength advantage, for the moment. But obviously that would change the madder Smasher got.
After laying on the ground motionless for some time, Ultron begins to slowly rise up from the ground. Just as Ultron fully risen from the ground, he raises his right arm and fires his energy beam at Steph.
"Thank you, Smasher." Rosaline said, her voice echoing in the flames. Her attention had been split between the two villains, which had nearly caused her to be flattened as a result. It would be better to focus her attention towards one. The robot seemed to be incapacitated at the moment. If her and Smasher worked together, maybe, just maybe, they'd be able to handle Massacre. But the question was...how?

She smirked, an idea coming to mind. She'd use the same method that had been used when she had attacked Ultron. She summoned another tornado, this time aiming it horizontal at Smasher. The flames surrounded him, turning him into a living torpedo as he lunged. Thankfully, the flames wouldnt be able to hurt him since his skin seemed to be thick.
The flames were pretty hot but Smasher didn't notice nor really care. He felt Massacre's fist smash into his face and he stumbled back a few steps right into some flame. He didn't even feel it. It was purely his anger fueling him now, his body was worn out from transforming twice in one day but he wouldn't let that slow him down. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted the energy blast heading Steph's way but he had no choice but to hope she was able to deflect it. He pulled his fist back and jumped forward again.
Massacre writhed once more as the flames burst around him, the symbiote crying in anguish at the heat ravaging it. Massacre was mirroring the anger Smasher was showing, the hatred growing for the fire girl reaching a whole new vendetta. Though his first reaction was to create another shield, he knew that Smasher would likely break through, instead the symbiote suit tried a new experiment, instead of trying to battle the flames and Smasher in a combined attack, it decided to use it's black web to pull several vehicles to the base of the flaming tornado, hoping to reduce the amount of heat energy coming towards Massacre. The next phase of the plan was to to smash Smasher, through those cars, making the brute take the combined impact of intense heat from the tornado, and the impact of the steel vehicles.
Uh-oh...Rosaline frowned slightly, her guess that Massacre would put up another shield incorrect. She watched as the symboite took the heat and punches from Smasher, a web forming in front of his feet. The goo snaked its way under immobile cars, slowly dragging them in...Rosealine wasn't sure what he was going to do, but she had a feeling it was going to be aimed at Smasher.

Without thinking about her actions, she sped forwards, moving past the mini hulk and crashing into Massacre, using her strength to push the two of them back several feet. Pain radiated in her body, but she ignored it, fueling the flames as they surrounded her and the symboite.

She panted, but held on.
Hypnas managed to, in her almost-unconscious state, find a way to breathe (how, she didn't know). She used her willpower to release the gas from her face and stood. She sneaked away behind a building while chuckling. "Can't keep me down that long."

Cassie grabbed Connor around the waist firmly enough to keep him from falling but gentle enough to not hurt him. "Hang on!" She said. She jumped out of the window and flew to the scene. She set Connor down Gently and took up a Karate stance. "Alright, whose butt do we need to kick first?"

Hypnas noticed the girl and the boy land, and could sense the passion in the girl. Where there's passion, she thought, there's always fear. "Hey!" She called out to Cassie and Connor.

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