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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

TKolord said:
(lol xD )
Cyrus nodded, "That's good. I guess this would be considered an upgrade for me then." He said chuckling.
Tony nodded, smiling. "Here she is!" He said, showing him into a room. "We moved her due to vulnerability. She's safer up here, right Friday?"

"Yes sir," the smooth female voice said. "Fifty-seven percent safer."
Massacre's great plan of eliminating Smasher was cut abruptly short, as a small, but powerful force slammed into him at an intense speed, pushing the Symbiote directly into the flames, the beast began to melt and scream a blood-curdling scream, but before it was defeated, the vehicles reached the tornado, sparing Massacre from a very near death, the few seconds of being free from the heat allowed Massacre to regenerate, though now weakened. Not wasting time, the huge symbiote smashed the girl who burnt him away to the side, with enough force to kill multiple normal people. Though Massacre hadn't the energy to deliver an insta-kill blow, instead, he assumed the girl was out of the fight, the opportunity to finish her was unavailable, as Smasher was still a threat, along with the magic girl, and the two new heroes... These odds didn't seem favourable to Massacre. He needed to try and take Smasher out quickly, otherwise victory would be impossible. With a fierce new determination, Massacre charged at Smasher, mustering all the strength he held into one powerful strike to the head.
After landing Connor shook his head. "I hate flying." He mumbled, getting his bearings and spotting the different battles going on. "Next time I'm walking."

The shout directed towards him and Cassie had him turning his head to eye their foe. Recognizing her as the one who'd dropped Dimitri from the camera he wasted no time in sending his shield spiraling at her, "Hey yourself!" And then he was on the move to either engage her in close combat or catch the shield after it did it's thing.
TKolord said:
Cyrus cracked his knuckles, "Alright then, anyway we can get this directly into my bloodstream?" Cyrus asked.
"I have jumper cables, sir," Friday said, lowering two from the roof .

Hypnas did a back bend, dodging the sheild and then catching Cassie's eyes. She layered her willpower into her voice. "Feeling tired hero?"

Cassie's knees began to shake as she tried to fight off the drowsiness that was creeping into her. She raised a hand and charged up a beam and fired before collapsing to the ground. "Not again...." Then she was asleep.

Achievement acquired, Hypnas turned and fled after shooting a smirk at Connor.
Connor could see that the woman wasn't focusing on him, but behind him. That's when he saw her smirk, and he risked a glance over his shoulder at Cassie. The beam she fired narrowly missing Connor himself and then she was on the ground. "Cassie!" He called out but kept his focus on the problem and turned back to face the attacker but she'd already made her escape, he caught the end of her red hair as she fled into around a corner and into an alley. He considered giving chase but he couldn't leave Cassie out in the open. Giving a low growl he recovered his shield before returning to the unconscious girl.

"Hey!" He called out at her kneeling down beside Cassie and lifting her head off the ground. Was it the same thing that had hit Dimitri? He wasn't sure, he kept his eyes on the heated battle down the street where he could see Finn and Rosaline still fighting. "Friday is she alright? Give me a status update or something." He was supposed to have Cassie's back and he'd failed. He couldn't focus on any one thing for now, he kept an eye out at the surrounding buildings just in case the woman came back for another go.
Tony chuckled. "Maybe, I've never done this before."

"Yes, Mr. Rogers, she's only asleep. A deep sleep, but a sleep nonetheless," Friday said. "She'll wake up in.... Twenty or so minutes unless awakened by an outside stimulus." Friday paused for a second. "Water or fire would do the trick here. I suggest the water."
Smasher felt the force propel him off his feet and he smashed back first into the wall of some dingy building. Shaking his head he unsteadily rose to his feet and staggered a few steps. He could tell that his nose was broken even without feeling it, his eye felt puffy and he could almost taste the blood in his mouth from biting his tongue. "Painful." He muttered before rushing towards Massacre once again.
sitanomoto said:
Tony chuckled. "Maybe, I've never done this before."
"Yes, Mr. Rogers, she's only asleep. A deep sleep, but a sleep nonetheless," Friday said. "She'll wake up in.... Twenty or so minutes unless awakened by an outside stimulus." Friday paused for a second. "Water or fire would do the trick here. I suggest the water."
Cyrus chuckled nervously, "Wonderful, alright Tony start her up." He braced himself for whatever would happen
Massacre gazed at Smasher once more, surprisingly impressed by the incredible resilience of the brute, though currently, all Smasher was doing was enduring Massacre's onslaught, and not attempting to fight back with much force. It almost seemed as if the brute was simply trying to keep Massacre's attention, when Smasher rushed forward once more, Massacre simply retaliated, meeting the charge, and attempted to throw Smasher once more. Hoping to remove the beast from the fight so Massacre could move onto the smaller foes. Though Smasher's strength was going to rise if he wasn't put down soon.
Connor breathed a sigh of relief when Friday said she was only asleep, then snorted at the A.I's suggestion. "Yes Friday, water would be best." He instantly looked at his surroundings. Where am I supposed to get water?

And as if a lightbulb went off in his brain he jerked his head to the nearest hydrant. "There!" Letting down Cassie's head softly he made his way to the red hydrant and struck at one of it's side caps with his shield. The blow sent a jolt through his entire body, reminding him of each individual bruise and scrape he had. But it hadn't been enough to break the cap off.
TKolord said:
Cyrus chuckled nervously, "Wonderful, alright Tony start her up." He braced himself for whatever would happen
"Hold this while I put the other end on the reactor," Tony said, handing him one end. "Maybe clip it to your finger." He walked over to the Reactor and held the clip at the ready. "Ready?"
Smasher met him and bent over to shove his shoulder into Massacre's stomach though Massacre seemed to have a bit more strength at the moment. He dug his feet into the pavement to prevent himself from falling over but he still slid backwards, giving his opponent the upper hand. He looked around to see if anybody was in the close vicinity. He wasn't sure how much longer he could go.
Massacre crashed into Smasher as the two great forces collided, yet this clash was more in his favor, Smasher seemed to be weakening, which is exactly what Massacre needed to happen. "Your ssstrength failss you mighty one!" Massacre doubled his assault, determined to take the hulking brute out of the fight, with Smasher out of the way, the rest would likely fall easily, a great victory it would be. "Why do you ressist uss? What hope do you have?" Massacre pushed again, now wrapping his huge hands around hulks throat, before driving the warrior down into the ground, cracking it violently as Massacre continued dragging him through the already broken earth.

(Good time to help out Spidey!)

(Yep give me a sec)

Perry rose from his nap by the sound of a nearby battle. How long was my nap? Meh, I don't really care, he got up from his couch and started walking towards his closet. Perry produced a yawn and he opened the piece of furniture. Crash! "Yah, I hear you just give me a second," he mumbled. A minute later he put on his mask and he walked towards his door to the outside world. Hero time, he thought as he opened the door. Perry stretched his arms and he ran. Gaining speed he jumped and swung onto a nearby lamp post, landing on it. There seemed to be a battle between someone who pretty much looked like the Hulk and someone else of symbiotic nature. "Hey! Your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man's here!" he produced a web, linking onto the creature and he zipped, kicking it. "Well, the new one at least."
Massacre's whole being grew rageful at the new entry, the previous determination of removing Smasher from the fight was now replaced by the deep desire for vengeance against the spider. The huge symbiote released its grip on Smasher and turned in time to receive a unharmful, but vastly annoying kick from the annoying rat. "SSSPIDER!" Was all massacre cried, as he began angrily launching cars at the web-slinging hero. Needing to place his hands upon what he deemed to be his old nemesis.
"Alright then," Tony said. "Three.... Two.... One...." He linked the other jumper cable to a bar on the reactor. Immediately, the cable lit up in a bright blue and the reactor's energy surged from one end to the one hooked to his finger.
"Wow hey that's what I call carllateral damage!" Perry rolled away from the incoming cars. This guy reminds me of that thing dad fought, wasn't his name Eddie Break or something? he thought and he zip kicked him again. This is when I regret listening to those stories dad and mom told me about the people they fought, if I actually listened I'd probably know his weakness by now!
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Massacre's great plan of eliminating Smasher was cut abruptly short, as a small, but powerful force slammed into him at an intense speed, pushing the Symbiote directly into the flames, the beast began to melt and scream a blood-curdling scream, but before it was defeated, the vehicles reached the tornado, sparing Massacre from a very near death, the few seconds of being free from the heat allowed Massacre to regenerate, though now weakened. Not wasting time, the huge symbiote smashed the girl who burnt him away to the side, with enough force to kill multiple normal people. Though Massacre hadn't the energy to deliver an insta-kill blow, instead, he assumed the girl was out of the fight, the opportunity to finish her was unavailable, as Smasher was still a threat, along with the magic girl, and the two new heroes... These odds didn't seem favourable to Massacre. He needed to try and take Smasher out quickly, otherwise victory would be impossible. With a fierce new determination, Massacre charged at Smasher, mustering all the strength he held into one powerful strike to the head.

Rosaline let out a cry of pain as the Symbiote smashed her with the last of his strength with a black gooey fist. The world spun as she hurtled in the air against her own vitiation, a blur flashing before her eyes. It seemed to last several seconds before she crashed to the pavement, tumbling over and over before at last skidding to a stop. Copper filled her month, making her cough. Her entire body ached, the last of her flames smoking out. Somehow however, her transformation held, her wings spreading out from her prone form. She tried to move, but the world was still spinning.
Dimitri shot up. "S-spider man??? Spider-Man!!!!!!" He turned on his comlink again.

"Dad, dad, spiderman is here!"

"That woke you up?.... Huh. Okay well we could use help down here-" He was interrupted by Dimitri zipping to his position.

"Spidey! I have a plan! Come down here!" Dimitri said.

Pietro rushed to Rosaline. "I'm going to get you out of here. You've helped more than you know."

He picked her up.
Massacre roared once more as he received a second kick, now shooting out its own gooey web to intercept Perry whilst he glided around, in an attempt to drag him down from safety, and force a close confrontation, where the advantage would be Massacre's, Perry may have been strong and fast, but avoiding Massacre just didn't happen at close range, and that would be the key to eliminating the spider. Though the agitation of the Symbiote was being taken to new heights as he just couldn't catch the spider, the pest!

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