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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Connor moved swiftly with a small stumble to grab Cassie by the arm at the doorway to prevent her from leaving the room, ignoring the pain in his side as she resisted. "Cass! What are you gonna do, jump into the fight and get taken out after one good knock to the head, then become a burden to the others?!" His tone had been harsher than he'd meant it, and he bit his lower lip in regret, his grip on her arm loosened, those words we're what he'd told himself to keep from going and he hadn't meant for them to be used on anyone else.
[QUOTE="Raven Slender](lol um dude the swords can literally cut through anything) I teleport my self to where i teleported Dimitri and try to wake him by shaking him a little "hey wake up"

(Maybe you should study what a symbiote is... The swords did cut through the horns, though what good will that do? They'll regenerate seconds later, research a symbiote, and venom xD )
The eye in Steph's amulet opened and light shined out keeping illusions at bay and away from Steph. At least this wouldn't be a repeat of earlier she was fighting someone she actually had defenses against, so she wouldn't be nearly shredded and for long as she was careful she wouldn't sleep though she had faith in the eyes protection at least form nightmares.

" You should learn from your father's mistakes and repent for you actions" She said The Mists of Munnopor She said casting another a spell once again gas poured from her hands but this gas seemed alive and moved around just the villain adhering to her namely to her face, these mists was a choking gas, without substance but able to adhere to targets and stop them from breathing.
Several more blasts of heat began grinding against the thick layers of gooey web, and slowly they started to become void, though the quick movement of the hero revealed her position, Massacre needed to even the playing field and get close... With a speed that should be impossible for a brute so large, Massacre leapt through the tornado sacrificing the remainder of the shield, and shooting out a black gooey web to slam her down onto the ground below.
Finn facepalmed himself. "Goggles." He muttered. "I really need goggles." He watched Dimitri get brought out of there before turning to face the two villians. "Now does anybody have a plan?" He asked hurriedly. He didn't want to rush right in if he didn't know what he was doing. He hoped that Dimitri was alright as he assessed the situation.
She shakes Dimitri one more time and sighs " i didnt want to do this but u leave me no choice" I raise my hand to slap him then thinks of another way.
Yes. Yes...just a little more. Rosaline thought with satisfaction, observing as the web finally started to melt. She was almost-

By the time she realized her mistake it was too late.

Her eyes widened in surprise as Massacre suddenly burst from the gooey remainders of the shield with a roar, using a surprising amount of speed to leap through the tornado despite its large size. It shot out another one of its black webs. Rosaline attempted to increase the power of her own shield, but it was too late. The gooey substance slammed into her body, sending her crashing to the ground with a loud boom. The air left her lungs, causing her to loose her concentration and rendering her own shield void.
Finn quickly leapt towards Rosaline as the gooey black symbiote moved. Turning into Smasher he was able to make it through what was left of the tornado. With a roar he tried to peel the creature from her.
I put my hands on the side Dimitri's face with my thumbs on his temples, I close my eyes and enter his dreams trying to wake him from there
Crono said:
Connor moved swiftly with a small stumble to grab Cassie by the arm at the doorway to prevent her from leaving the room, ignoring the pain in his side as she resisted. "Cass! What are you gonna do, jump into the fight and get taken out after one good knock to the head, then become a burden to the others?!" His tone had been harsher than he'd meant it, and he bit his lower lip in regret, his grip on her arm loosened, those words we're what he'd told himself to keep from going and he hadn't meant for them to be used on anyone else.
Cassie looked at him. "I can't let them die, Connor. They're fighting an Alien Symbiote with little to no chance of winning unless I get out there. If they die it's because I wasn't strong enough to look after them," she whispered. She watched Rosaline get thrown into the wall and pulled out of his grip.

As the mist enclosed on her face, Hypnas laughed. "You think that will stop me?" She called, whipping out her gun and firing it at Steph, the bullet heading right on course.
Steph put her hand in front of her and the second the bullet would have hit a shield appeared as the mist solicited while remaining a mist over the girls mouth and nose cutting off all paths of air into the girls lungs. If the girl was human then she would choke and suffocate, if she wasn't well Steph had another idea but first.

" The Shield of the Seraphim" She said and a bubble of energy enclosed her a mere bullet would have no chance of passing though and the girl most likely didn't have long left before she ran out of air.
Connor followed after her down the stairs, "Do you have no faith in them? What makes you think you joining in will turn the tide of battle so greatly?" He was just as worried about Finn, Dimitri, and the others as she was. "You aren't fully responsible for their lives, shouldering shit like this...that's what friends are for."
Massacre let out a sadistic growl as the hero crashed to the ground, leaving her vulnerable. He began slowly walking towards the likely aghast hero, preparing to finish her off, though before he could capitalize, he was tackled by a powerful force, the beast was large, and green. Massacre stared up at the beast known as Smasher, and returned the show of brute force, by attempting to smash into him right back by using it's large horns.
Upon fully repairing his damaged body, Ultron leaves his bunker and begins to quickly make his way back to New York city with the intentions of monitoring the new villains and assisting them in killing the Avengers.
((Ah crap!)

Tony looked at Cyrus. "Yes, it's pretty darn close, but the Arc Reactor is much cleaner."

Cassie looked at Connor. What he said was true, but that didn't stop her worries. "I have faith in them, Connor," she said. "But I feel like it's my job to protect them." She scoffed at herself. "Some help I was today, passing out like that." She shook her head and then turned around. She defeatedly walked back up the stairs to the couch and sat down, grabbing a pillow from off the cushion and burying her head in it.
Rosaline prepared herself for the end, watching as Massacre lumbered his way toward her currently prone form, a growl making its way out his throat. His eyes shown with bloodlust, obviously angry that she had managed to hurt him. He was just feet away, but before he got any closer he was tackled by large green blur. Smasher. Instinctively, Rosealine struggled, trying to breathe against the ooze pressing down on her chest. Damn. Her superstrength wasn't helping at all.

With difficulty, she tried to melt the web away, but it was a slow process.
Connor would have frowned at the thought of going back up the stairs had he not been taking this situation seriously. "They're your friends, your supposed to feel that way." He said reaching the top seeing her buried into a pillow. "You think I don't? I'm worried about them and you."

Glancing from the screen back to Cassie and breathed out a sigh. "Look, if your that adamant about going I won't try to stop you. Just think it through ya know?" He pulled out the cap for his suit, holding it in his hands. "But if you go then you can't stop me from coming with."

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