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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

I open my wings and fly out the way i came in tracking the other heroes location and landing by Dimitri
Massacre gazed over the new arrivals with hungry eyes, heroes... Speedy little things, and now with the help of a fly! And a human with a gun, though Massacre was disappointed that there was no spiderman here... Oh how he yearned to pull the legs off that wretched creature... But these insects would have to do it seemed. "Heroesss, the tasstiest type of human, we thank you sssincerely, for being our next sssnack!" What followed was a demonic sounding laugh, as Massacre reveled in the thought of devouring these would-be-saviours.
"Ahh," Hypnas smiled. "I just wanted to get your attention." She stared Dimitri in the eyes. "You're looking tired, hero," she said, using her powers to make him feel drowsy. "Why don't you take a nap?"

Cassie walked shakily downstairs and had Friday take her armor off. She came back up in sweatpants and a t-shirt, nearly falling down the stairs. She took her spot on the couch and looked at Connor. A look of relief spread across her face.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.591fe22a3bdecd23fcf144e044c68711.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54284" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.591fe22a3bdecd23fcf144e044c68711.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Cyrus nodded, "I'll head out to assist as well but first..Mr. Stark I am in desprete need of your help." He said to get his attention.
"Do you have any nuclear reactors nearby? The particles I use to keep my body together are deteriorating." He pointed over to his arm which was now on the floor and looked more like silver than an actual arm.
Raven steps in front of Dimitri's sleeping form, shielding him from Hypnas "back off or feel my wrath" she says with a dangers tone.
Massacre, peered at the event unfolding, he found it ironic that they seemed to forget about the surroundings, though at the moment, the symbiote was content to let them murder each other, and devour the corpses. One was already laying down, just ripe to be devoured.

(I don't think Hypnas could use her powers on Massacre, symbiote doesn't exactly have eyes, or a brain)
Hypnas laughed looked at Raven. "You're next." She stared her in the eyes again, hoping that this Hero would go down as well. "Would you like to feel my wrath? Oh, I'm sure that he will be much less forgiving. Oh Maaaasacre!" She called out. "Would you like something to eat?"

Tony smiled. "Follow me," he said, walking down the stairs. "I have a reactor, but it don't know if it'll work, because it's not nuclear."

((She doesn't intend to.))
Cyrus picked up his "arm" and followed tony, "Yes I know, your infamus Arc Reactor. How similar are the particles to nuclear energy?" Cyrus questioned he could feel his other arm starting to slip
"i think your getting kind of sleepy dont you think?" i say in an echoey voice as i watch Masacre cautiously.
Massacre was awfully confused by what ever was going on, heroes fighting each other was a rare thing indeed, though thinking it through was too much effort, and if he didn't have to spend his energy subduing heroes, but was simply being handed free meals by another he wasn't going to complain, the symbiote was quick to lumber over to the super group, relatively happy to munch on the incapacitated heroes, it couldn't hurt letting the other one live if it involved free hero food, after all, mutants and super-humans were the tastiest by far... "We hunger..." Massacre loomed over the now unconscious Mercury, ready to devour the boy. But first Massacre's eyes were fixed on the girls wings... Oh the joy he would get from pulling them off...
Connor watched as Cassie shakily returned in more comfortable clothes. "How are you doing?" He asked in a low tone as she sat down on the couch in front of him. Wanting nothing more than to complain about not being out there, watching the screen was hard, especially after the female villain had shown up and Dimitri was instantly taken out of action. But he also knew Cassie was the last person who'd want to hear it as she probably felt the same.
I start to feel tired then growl and shake my head "i will not succumb to you evil being!" I yell as my twin swords come out of my wrists and into my hands and I hold them at ready.
Massacre roared as the hero all but disappeared before Massacre, the Symbiote enraged at being denied food roaring to full effect, "Disgusting thing! We'll crush you! CRUSH YOU!" Massacre reared his head back, preparing to skewer the hero with the razor horns on his head.
Steph had watched she needed to learn a little about these new villains before she attacked, and while the symbiote was a real problem the second one Steph felt she could take out just as fast as she took out others. So Steph made her appearance in a large poof of smoke her hands glowing in the middle of a spell.

" So you like making people sleep, let's see how you like it " Steph said as her hands started to spew thick fast moving mists " Taste the mists of Morpheus" She said knowing the mist was a powerful sleeping spell to the targets who inhaled it.
Rolling her shoulders, Rosaline looked around at who was still in the room. Conner seemed to be debating whether to rest or not, while Cassie was walking out of the room, seemingly exhausted. The Raven girl had left will the others, seeming eager to help.

"Eh, why not." The brown haired teen said. She recognized where that creature was. She made her way to one of the shattered windows on a lower floor, looking at the former battlefield in front of the tower. Then, letting the fire fill her veins, she jumped. The ground rushed up to meet her, Rosaline transforming just feet from it. She flew upwards, looking like a fiery arrow as she sped through the sky. Barely a few minutes later she had arrived. Body parts littered the ground below, the black monstrous being responsible standing in the center of the carnage. She was about to attack when something caught her eye.

Mercury was...asleep? A young woman stood in front of him, smirking as she held a gun in her hand.

The black monster reared its head then with a roar, about to attack the fallen boy. Rosaline made her decision. Keeping high about the ground, she summoned a fiery tornado, letting it surround the being.
I swing my swords at Massacre's horns and they connect, chopping his horns of as my eyes turn red
"Still have a headache, and I'm just itching to get-" she stopped and watched Dimitri collapse and stood speedily. "Oh my god.... Dimitri...." She looked at Connor. "Connor.... Connor I have to get out there!" She said. She started to run downstairs
Before Massacre can begin moving the girls swords harmlessly strike the horns, with a grin Massacre prepares to squash her beneath his fists, fully realizing she lacks the means to harm him. But before the fists could move, the symbiote felt a roaring tornado of heat push against it's skin. Massacre roared out in pain, as he ignored the swordswoman, in favor of murdering whoever was responsible for the cursed heat scorching and pushing against him. "FIRE! AGHHH!" Massacre encased himself in a large bubble of black web, temporarily guarding himself from the flames.
(lol um dude the swords can literally cut through anything) I teleport my self to where i teleported Dimitri and try to wake him by shaking him a little "hey wake up"
It's just as Peitro said. The symbiote was weak to fire. Said being gave a cry of pain, withering in the flames before encased itself in a black web. A shield?

Rosaline flew around, firing her attacks in quick succession in an attempt to break the beast's shell.
Hypnas laughed. "Sleep-inducement?" She asked Steph as the mist enveloped her. "Doesn't work on me, hon." She stared her down, and layered power into her voice. "Morpheus is my Father's name. He was a villain too, and I inherited my powers from him. Trying to put to sleep a sleepwalker?" For that is what she called herself. "It's going to be a nightmare." She unleashed her nightmare powers on the Strange girl.

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