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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"I've had nightmares too..." Dimitri said. "Ever since that cute redhead made me black out... I can't ever remember what happens on them though.... Why don't you guys just get better glass? I'm sure you could afford to just put a big diamond there."
" Yet he is not the only form you posses, you control them when they are whole but the fragments control you " She said and the second Kalin looks away the very stone he took off would be replaced stopping any progress from being made.
Kalin sighed the symbiote disappearing, "Sadly, And there is virtually nothing I can do about it, much like this reappearing wall, continuing to try is virtually pointless..." He sat back down looking up at the clouds
" There is no wall Kalin there never was there is only you and them there. The wall will be there until there is only you as the master of yourself " She explained the symbiotes might also understand what she was saying they needed to serve Kalin and help him not control him it was his body not theirs.
Reaper said:
"I've had nightmares too..." Dimitri said. "Ever since that cute redhead made me black out... I can't ever remember what happens on them though.... Why don't you guys just get better glass? I'm sure you could afford to just put a big diamond there."
"And what?" Cassie said, snapping her attention on Dimitri. "Put diamonds on every window? Do you even know how many windows there are?" She sighed angrily as she began to wrap Fenrir's other arm. She was wrapping very gently for her emotional state. "And it would be almost impossible to find a diamond that big!" She took the bandages and wrapped them over the synthetic skin to make sure they wouldn't come off. She looked at Fenrir, her eyes still Stoney, but her tone was significantly gentler. "Your legs seem to be ok, and I can just pack that cut over your eyebrow with the syntho-skin." She did as she said she was going to do. "Don't scratch at that, because it will be very painful coming off."
Phoenix found no one else to speak with, so he grabbed out a whetstone, and his claws, and then began to sharpen them, the purple blades glowing brighter then before, due to being dull. And with that, somewhere in the city, Joan Deville was walking around, clearly on a mission for something.
"Look, They exist because I am alive, and I am alive because they exist" Kalin said making a miniature snowman, "And we all exist because of Hybrid. I can only control hybrid because we all have a common goal, but trying to control 4 different people inside your head when you are emotionally unstable as is makes it impossible."

Cyrus patted Dimitri on the back, "Don't let it get to you... personally i think she snapped the second the first window broke..."
He turned to Cyrus. "Thanks Popsicle. How did it even break in the first place? I mean the second time... So the second place."
"popsicle, where did you come up with that one?" Cyrus shook his head, "Hell if I know, I just got here."
" Then the place where you are is the only place you could have a home, you will kill and hurt others for long as the symbiotes can control your body , to get what you want you will have to obtain what you need. " she said honestly if he wanted a place to live he had it if he didn't want to kill her had it that city was prefect and he would never hurt anyone there, they had enough symbiote problems " for long as you can become another venom, a monster this is the best place for you'
"Oh I give everyone nicknames. Cass, green machine, greysilver. Your body is all melty like a Popsicle. Like what you did with your PSP. Remember? Therefore, Popsicle. You can be anything else that melts I guess..." He said.
Ivory sat up slowly with a grunt, " I*grunt* can't die... Here, I've been through to much"

"That's the spirit Ivory, get up, survive!"

Bringing his hands to his mouth and cupping them he yelled one last time, "HELP... Please...I'm begging you"

He collapsed to his knees, to tired to stand.
"Then what is my nickname? I am alsssso known as The Guillotine." Phoenix interjected, feeling somewhat awkward for putting that info out. "SSSSSSorry, i might have said too much." he said, going back to his business. Back in the city, Joan had found a closed Butcher shop, with so many morsels and cuts. "Yummy, Which one should i pick first." she said as she went into an alley, and goes in through a back door. @Reaper
"I'll think of a better one, but for now you're just P! Oh yea, I forgot about fire bird too. I don't give mister stark any nicknames because he's pretty dangerous."
"He is nothing compared to my dad in termsssssss of ferocity, but in terms of geniusness, he is dangerousssssss." Phoenix added as he puts his whetstone away, and sheathes his blades.

And as soon as Joan enters the shop, she looks around, making sure it was empty. "Clear, time to dine!" she whispered to herself as she began to help herself to the raw delicacies. @Reaper
Ivory looked around as quickly as he could, darkness creeping into the corners of his vision, "Savage, where are we?"

"Uh" the Symbiote paused, thinking back, "I believe we're in a place called Stark Tower, why?"

Ivory paused, not sure what a Stark Tower was, he called out once more,"Please, I need help, Im bleeding bad, and I can't stop it, I'll leave as soon as your done just... Please...."

He passed out once more
Aedan dinally came to, the minor impact of his fall and rapid blood loss causing a loss of concoiusness. The charmiing part was, he was still on the cold hard stone floor of the street... How considerate of the avengers, it isn't like he NEEDED help. Hell, internal bleeding must have been pretty minor. Aedan dragged his body towards the avengers tower, mainly to see the aftermath of the battle... And to explode at the fact not a single person decided to check on him after he fell out of a god-knows-how-high building. Luckily enough, his wounds had died down, he didn't have a healing factor, but he was durable, and now he had 'rested' he was slightly... Or barely, better.

Despite the common warning to not use elevators after a battle Aedan didn't have the willpower to go trudging up the dreaded stairs, finally he reached the previous area, took one glance around... And did not like what he saw.

"What the hell is he doing here?!" He growled, marching towards Fenrir and Cassie pointedly ignoring anyone else present. "He tried to kill me! He invaded your home! And you're TREATING HIM?!" Of course, he had the right to be angry. Though Aedan was a little more than angry, he was certainly a good guy... But that was the problem, he was a little too good, and aiding a hero aiding a villain, was a villain in his eyes.

((Damn it Cassie!))


The rather oversized symbiote known as 'Massacre' had been busy, very busy. In order to bring itself back to full strength, the former Venom had been consuming a rather handy amount of humans, though he didn't feel like causing a scene such as last time. Instead, he decided to scout out the rooftops within a few mile radius of Stark tower, it may help save the incredibly dangerous symbiote in the future.

((Three symbiotes?!

Massacre has company...))
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Aedan dinally came to, the minor impact of his fall and rapid blood loss causing a loss of concoiusness. The charmiing part was, he was still on the cold hard stone floor of the street... How considerate of the avengers, it isn't like he NEEDED help. Hell, internal bleeding must have been pretty minor. Aedan dragged his body towards the avengers tower, mainly to see the aftermath of the battle... And to explode at the fact not a single person decided to check on him after he fell out of a god-knows-how-high building. Luckily enough, his wounds had died down, he didn't have a healing factor, but he was durable, and now he had 'rested' he was slightly... Or barely, better.
Despite the common warning to not use elevators after a battle Aedan didn't have the willpower to go trudging up the dreaded stairs, finally he reached the previous area, took one glance around... And did not like what he saw.

"What the hell is he doing here?!" He growled, marching towards Fenrir and Cassie pointedly ignoring anyone else present. "He tried to kill me! He invaded your home! And you're TREATING HIM?!" Of course, he had the right to be angry. Though Aedan was a little more than angry, he was certainly a good guy... But that was the problem, he was a little too good, and aiding a hero aiding a villain, was a villain in his eyes.

((Damn it Cassie!))


The rather oversized symbiote known as 'Massacre' had been busy, very busy. In order to bring itself back to full strength, the former Venom had been consuming a rather handy amount of humans, though he didn't feel like causing a scene such as last time. Instead, he decided to scout out the rooftops within a few mile radius of Stark tower, it may help save the incredibly dangerous symbiote in the future.

((Three symbiotes?!

Massacre has company...))

Tony sucked in deeply. "I wouldn't do tha-"

Cassie's head snapped around to Aedan. "That. Is. IT!" She yelled. She was furious. "I'm helping him because if I didn't, he would die. I have seen enough death today and had my patience pushed too much for you to come in here and yell at me for having a conscience." She glared at Aedan. "I will not let him die." She growled. "If you want to rant at me, then you can just rant yourself out the door. If you want to stay so I can treat you too and everyone else in the room who is injured, be my guest, but don't push me."

((Damn it yourself. I would not mess with Cass right now.))
Finn's jogging brought him around the side of Avengers Tower where he saw the smashed glass. He looked around suspiciously for any villians hiding before he noticed the crater and the person in it. He approached the person with caution, not sure if he was friend or foe, but after seeing his injuries thoughts of good and evil fled his mind. He rushed to the side of the other guy and knelt down. He didn't really know anything about first aid, but he knew enough to know that this kid was in bad shape. He pulled out a spare shirt from his bag and tied it to his head tightly to stop some of the bleeding. He apologized to the unconscious teen before he set the kid's leg back in place.

After looking around he grabbed two branches that had fallen off at some point and ripped half of the fabric from one leg of his sweatpants. He took a brief moment to thank himself for having not been able to find any shorts. Quickly he tied the sticks to either side of the leg as a splint and gently shook the guy to see if he would wake up. He also dumped half a bottle of water onto the kid just in case.

@Kalin Scarlet
Aedan returned the girls glare, not caring for her inane adoloscent tantrums, he couldn't believe the audacity of these... These Avengers! What hero helps the enemy? That vile excuse of a man would kill them all given the chance, and she'll learn that the hard way when the psychopath decides to kill them all after being healed. "And you call yourself Avengers..." His voice trailed off, and he glared at Tony, Cassie and Fenrir with dark eyes.

He felt betrayed, the man had tried to kill her, tried to kill Aedan, and he was getting first aid treatment.

Aedan turned on his heels, abruptly leaving the prescense of these pretenders. It seemed the heroes were anything but that, the city couldn't rely on them to help save it... Hell, even Tony Stark - Iron Man himself - had gone soft, he was leashed by his own daughter... When would any original avenger accept this? Thor would never accept it... He was sure Captain America, wouldn't accept it. Times had changed for the worst...

Wasting no more time, Aedan left the building, rage-filled and angry. Perhaps slightly over emotional...

((I now have a villain, and an anti-(anti?)-hero, I suck at keeping JUST a hero... Sorry Cass, Aedan just has a strange mentality.))
Cassie looked at Aedan as he started to leave. "Aedan! Aedan, wait!" She stood and ran to him, stopping him and putting a hand on his shoulder. "I... I'm sorry. I just-" she sighed. "I can't let anyone die... Come back and let me help patch you up at least, then you can go."

"Would you like sssssssome help?" Phoenix asked Cassie. "I grow bored of sharpening my blades, and wish to be of use to anyone here. I will do anything that is needed." He said, basically just looking for something to do, and wanting to get to know Cassie more. @sitanomoto

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