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Fandom Akame Ga Kill

HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫Seris giggled a little bit before resuming to eat her pancakes. She had to admit he was showing every color she can possibly have. But now that it's morning, she need to plot something soon☫...
"Well I'm finished with my plate of pancakes that means I'm done with my my food"He said and went to put his plate in the sink."What do you want to do maiden when you're done?"He asked her going back to sit down.
MrNeko said:
"Well I'm finished with my plate of pancakes that means I'm done with my my food"He said and went to put his plate in the sink."What do you want to do maiden when you're done?"He asked her going back to sit down.
''I dunno...maybe we can probably have some fun?''

...☫She said before she finished her pancakes☫...

HimeragiSeiker said:
''I dunno...maybe we can probably have some fun?''
...☫She said before she finished her pancakes☫...
"Ooh any ideas on where to have do you know any places?"He asked her then putting his hands together.He began to think of places he knew where to have fun in.
MrNeko said:
"Ooh any ideas on where to have do you know any places?"He asked her then putting his hands together.He began to think of places he knew where to have fun in.
''Hmmm...maybe your bedroom.''

...☫She said in a slightly teasing tone. She soon smirked at Yutaka a little bit☫...



Tremki Kaguya - The Capital

It had been a long and hard morning ever since Tremki opened his eyes within the Guard's barracks quarters. First starting with basic exercises such as stretches, two-hundred pushups, three-hundred situps, running rounds around the northen guard barracks before coming back to finally start training his technique. Several punching bags, training dummies, archery target's, and a wooden wing chun dummy also which Tremki never really focused on because he already knew the potential he had with his arms and felt that it was useless to try train any further simply using a dummy - he needed something much faster. So, he would make do with what he had by using the punching bags to practice kicks and several punches with elbow strikes - all apart of his krav maga martial arts. After he worn into the punching bags he moved over to the training dummies and taking out his rather over-sized kunai and slashing several times at the wooden dummy across the arms, torso, neck and also sweeping low across the thighs and rib area's - all vital points that if timed and done correctly could change the whole tide of a fight. After he was finished several hours later he finally stopped and let out a heavy sigh "I wonder if that is even good enough.." he never really knew just how good he was - how could he? Not until he fought someone worthy of fighting that is. Tremki wasn't ignorant enough to believe that no one out there would be a match for him - he knew there were plenty of other's with potentiel. He just wondered who the 'lucky duckling' would be so they could have some 'fun' for as long as possible. Stretching his arms as he began walking back to a towel rack, taking one to dry off any sweat he had on him including the back of his neck before tossing it lazily on the ground beside the towel rack and continued to walk outside the barracks with the intentions of buying himself something else to eat besides candy - because unfortunately it came to Tremki's attention a lot of candy 'isn't' good for you 'Wherever that stupid idea came from' he could help but think to himself. However, there he was still ready to go towards a local resturant/inn by the northern side of the Capital - close and convinient.

As Tremki walked through the seemingly endless streets and corner's leading to all the different sorts of market's. Tremki always wondered what the place would look like if the Capital wasn't going right down the drain - but those sort of things were behind his imagination at this stage. He lived a long not knowing for too long and now he feels almost condemmed to forever do his duty. It wasn't all bad, he had fun with his job for most of the part he just wanted more people to have 'fun' with. He eventually found himself at a rather busy street and at the end was the place Tremki was looking for. As he approached he could hear a bunch of commotion which sounded like arguing coming from inside - but before he was able to reach the door of the resturant the conflict ended and a man stormed outside. The timing was rather bad for the two as Tremki bumped right into the man as he stormed outside and causing Tremki to stumble back slightly before regaining his balance again and focusing his attention completely on the man.

"Mind telling me what happened there?" While Tremki wasn't exactly 'on duty' yet he still felt that these things should be dealt with 'his way'. He knew little of the man's name and appearance so it was clear that the stranger wasn't from around here. But by the looks he wasn't just your average scholor - if you look away from the rather nerdy classes and hair-style which made him look all too elegant for Tremki's tastes. He also had a sword by his side and after looking over the stranger's shoulder Tremki was easily able to tell that he struck the man down with little haste and relative ease. To say the least these things made Tremki oddly intriuged on who exactly this man was - and if he would really be worth starting trouble with. A slight smirk came across his face at the thought and it seemed to stick there as he waited for a reply.


Very few guests were still filing into the royal party, and amongst those people was Grace Rey. The girl had a cheerful smile on her face as she entered the building where everyone was, giggling quietly as she did. The excitement that her body was holding in was quiet evident by her facial expressions and body language. Nothing excited her more than today, and she was willing to bet money that no one else was as excited as she was. It was rather unprofessional and she was already getting distasteful glances by a peculiar blonde haired girl. However she didn't care about her and the blonde girl felt the same way, though she was tempted to talk with her just to start something. However she decided against it in the end.

Deciding that finding someone to talk with was the best idea, seeing that partying alone was depressing, Grace quickly made her way over to Sera, Spice, and Wei-Kun. The green haired girl didn't know anything about these three except for that they were apart of the elite guards. Stopping in front of the three with a childish smile, she spoke. "Howdy! Nice party we are having, huh? I'm really really really enjoying it! How about you? In fact, what are your names? You are all cute and look like you like fun, like me! Speaking of me, I never introduced myself! My name is Grace of the Guard! But not the Royal Guard like you guys. How is the Royal Guard life treating you? Do you get to take down the biggest baddies that the empire has ever seen? You guys must be sooooo cool. I wish I was in the Royal guard... Oh! Is that food in your hand? I want some food, where did you get it? I'm very hungry and didn't eat at all before I came here. I probably should've done that. Yeah." She said in one breath, her red eyes glowing as bright as her smile, her body swaying back and forth happily. To finish it all off she giggled at the end.

@Mitchs98 @Leo Radomir


Yumiyasa Shirotsumibachi - Capital ( @Sinister Clown )

As Yumiyasa finished handling some thugs, he had excused himself leaving the three unconscious, walking over the three bodies, and leaving. This day was going off a pretty bad start, as he wish that didn't happen, but things must be done around here, he had thought people woudld have been nice enough to say excuse you while bumbing into to a random guy. While walking yet another unknown stranger bumbed into him, the stranger had almost feel, but suddenly kept his balance.

Yumiya as rather irritaited yet again being bumbed, he began to squeez his book once a question came about regarding to the innocent that just happen, but he kept his cool with a sigh, and turned out. "Nothing just had to handle with some thugs who wanted to pick a fight. He says staring at the male. "Say are you a guard by any chance?" Yumiyasa Curiously asked.

HimeragiSeiker said:
''Hmmm...maybe your bedroom.''
...☫She said in a slightly teasing tone. She soon smirked at Yutaka a little bit☫...
"Oh hehe if you say so"He said jokingly and getting a grin."Why don't we go to the bedroom then or how about to a nice dinner more later"He said standing up.
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Morgan saw the butterflies in the distance and yanks zenith by the collar then drags him through her power and reappears near the assassin and with her spare hand launches a energy ball at him with out warning not caring for foul play, after he was just a dog that needs to be put down.

Zenith slips out of her grip and then waits to see what happens next now that she's joined the fight, he could sense she's a foul mood and watching the captain having a pissing contest with the other guards just made her week that much worst.


Yamada Ezio sat on a couch inside the assassin's hide out twerling his pistol around, staring at the ceiling borde as usual. He had wondered where most of he assassin's where, but he had assumed that they were on there mission, a sigh left from the seemingly old looking male, as he puffed out the smoke that he inhaled from the cigarette that he was smoking from his left hand. "Maybe I should go out, and partake in there events, maybe get this bordeom off of my chest." He says getting up admittedly, placing his other gun in his gun pouch that was on his back along side the other one.

He knew there where others inside "Alright I'm out." He yelled so they would here him, and walked out of the hideout, too head to the capital. Yamada Ezio is a fine assassin, mastering in both marskman, and swordsman. He wasn't wanted at all, he usually just stays in the hideout, and sleeps, or just trains. Several minutes of walking had passed him bye, and he would then made in in the streets of the capital, passing bye horses, men, women, and there children.

"Well then, I wonder what's in stores for today." Yamada says.

MrNeko said:
"Oh hehe if you say so"He said jokingly and getting a grin."Why don't we go to the bedroom then or how about to a nice dinner more later"He said standing up.
''Sure. We can go to your bed room then. Let's go?''

...☫She said as she also stood up☫...

HimeragiSeiker said:
''Sure. We can go to your bed room then. Let's go?''
...☫She said as she also stood up☫...
His face got a bit red"Alright lets go then to my bedroom"He said taking her hand leading her to his bedroom."Alrighty beautiful here is my bedroom"He said suddenly carrying her and taking her to the bed.
MrNeko said:
His face got a bit red"Alright lets go then to my bedroom"He said taking her hand leading her to his bedroom."Alrighty beautiful here is my bedroom"He said suddenly carrying her and taking her to the bed.
''It's nice. Hm...wanna have fun on the bed now?''

...☫She asked half way teasing and half way meaning it☫...



Tremki Kaguya - The Capital

Tremki stood and listened to what the man had to day intently, while his explanation seemed fair but Tremki wasn't sure still. That was until the stranger showed an interest in his affiliation and even more his tone made it seem he was looking for a guard specifically. Taking a short and rather half-assed bow Tremki introduced himself formally "Correct, My name is Tremki Kaguya..Why do you ask?" Finishig his introduction with a question.

Assuming the stranger was looking for a guard specifically intrigued Tremki - hoping it would be a good excuse to finally have some fun rather than going on his days stuffing his face with candy and amusing himself through other more 'petty' means. Tremki felt as if he needed a good fight, however he could only wait to see where all of this lead him.

(Sorry its short Im on a phone)


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HimeragiSeiker said:
''It's nice. Hm...wanna have fun on the bed now?''
...☫She asked half way teasing and half way meaning it☫...
"W-wait you mean it?"He said making sure she was serious.He patted her head and kissed her cheek and sat down next to her.
MrNeko said:
"W-wait you mean it?"He said making sure she was serious.He patted her head and kissed her cheek and sat down next to her.
''Heh, sure. And it's okay. I've lost my virginity years ago...so you don't have to worry.''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Heh, sure. And it's okay. I've lost my virginity years ago...so you don't have to worry.''
"Oh alright heh how do you want to start of?"He asked her.He had different thoughts in his head about it but he was fine with it.
MrNeko said:
"Oh alright heh how do you want to start of?"He asked her.He had different thoughts in his head about it but he was fine with it.
''Just...do what you wish..''

...☫She said before taking the robe off and smirking at him☫...

''And actually...I kinda rebuild my virginity with my flames so...I dunno. Do what you wish.''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Just...do what you wish..''
...☫She said before taking the robe off and smirking at him☫...

''And actually...I kinda rebuild my virginity with my flames so...I dunno. Do what you wish.''
"Oh alright"He said put his lips on hers and put his arm on her shoulder.He soon stopped "How was that?"He asked.
MrNeko said:
"Oh alright"He said put his lips on hers and put his arm on her shoulder.He soon stopped "How was that?"He asked.
''Kinda...weak. I bed men who do more than just that...''

(maybe we should fade
xD dont want to get too sexual on here)
Grace was having a blast at the Empire's party. She was eating to her hearts content, drinking underage at an event full of Guards, and made tons of new fun friends! And by fun new friends she meant Asaki, and only Asaki. Despite the Blonde Girl's numerous death threats Grace didn't budge at all and stayed beside the girl. And though Grace was extremely happy to have made a friend, Asaki was straight up embarrassed to be around someone. Her face was as red as her clothes and she never once made eye contact with the shorter girl. "So Akiaki, how's the party for you? Are you having fun? I'm having tons of fun with you Akiaki! Lots and lots of fun! Have you ever had this much fun with a friend before? You don't seem like the person to get much action, so I doubt it. But that can change! You and me can get married and live by the beach with our 13 children! You can be the housewife and I can be the fun loving dad! Doesn't that sound wonderful? I think that sounds wonderful. In fact, we should get married tomorrow! Would you like to get married tomorrow? I think we should. The sooner we start bearing children the sooner the fun comes! I'll even give birth to the first few! Doesn't that so-" her voice was cut off by a swift, gloved hand that covered her mouth. Asaki was absolutely done with her shit, her terrible voice, her run on sentences, her idiotic giggling, everything. In fact the was very tempted to plunge her sword into the girl's stomach, but managed to refrain from doing so. In fact she was rather glad that she didn't as an evil thought popped into her head. "Hey, I'm not down to get married with you. I don't swing that way. BUT, see that girl over there? With the wh white hair? She absolutely loves fun and would marry you! Why don't you go talk to her?" "Oh really? I think I'll go talk to her. I want to get married with her if she loves fun. Thank you AkiAki, I'll never forget you. Or at least I'll try. I can't make any promises, but I'll sti-" "Just shut up and go over there." Asaki snapped, to which Grace responded with a nod and walked over to the White Haired girl.

Tugging at her sleeve, Grace held her hands behind her back and smiled at Rin, giggling softly.
"Excuse me, but can we talk? My bestest friend AkiAki sent me here to talk to you. Do you know Akiaki? With the blonde hair and pretty face? You have a pretty face lady, and so do I! You know what that means? We need to get married and move down to the beach with our 13, no, 14 kids! You can be the lovely housewife and I can be the fun loving dad! Wouldn't that be just fun? You and me happily married by the beach? I think that would be the best thing ever. Us two sitting on the warm sand cuddling each other while the sun sets. That's my goal in life. In fact, we should get married this week! Maybe tomorrow, or the day after that? Does that sound good? I think that sounds good to me." She said happily with a giggle before getting down on one knee and holding out her hands as if she had a ring in her palm. "Will you marry me...uh...what's your name?"

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Mitchs98 said:
Sera Lightbane
Sera stumbled when Spice decided to leap frog over her, nearly falling and faceplanting into the ground but managing to steady herself. She shot Spice a frown before sighing and quickly changing it to a smile when she said she'd do it. "Sounds good to me, hopefully Weilow is there like you said. It'll be even more fun doing it while he's there." She replied. Soon enough they reached the Cafe, and sure enough Weilow was there. Sera immediately ran over to him and hugged him, "Weilow! It's been a while, how have you been?" She asked him. It'd been quite a while since they'd been able to see each other lately due to all of them being busy, so she was glad Spice was right about him being here. Of course, several of the people in the cafe recognized Sera as a more...emo guard so it was shocking to see her act like that.


Ciri nodded and smiled before leaning her head on his shoulder while he patted her head, once again completely enjoying where she was. "
Sounds good to me." She replied. Secretly she hoped Santios hadn't cooked, she liked cooking for Fujio after all. It was yet another way she could spend time with him too. "Sausage and eggs!" She declared childishly when he mentioned food choices. "And chocolate pancakes!" She added inmediately after followed by a giggle. Couldn't forget the pancakes, especially of the chocolate variety.

When she was sat down on the counter she immediately set to getting pans, spatulas, bowls, and some mixing spoons. "
Flour, sausage, sugar, lotsa eggs, and some chocolate chips." She replied while she neatly arranged the afforementioned utensils and such on the counter.
Fujio wasn't surprised when Ciri suggested chocolate chip pancakes. In fact he had been expecting that and was overjoyed to know that she picked that for breakfast! The thought of the warm, melted chocolate chunks tantalizing his tongue sounded wonderful right now. "Alright, I'll get the ingredients out as quick as I can. I am starving!" He said with a chuckle as he began to move around the kitchen placing all the ingredients on the table. The flour, sausage, chocolate, sugar and eggs were all placed on the counter beside Ciri, who had lightened the load and gotten out all of the pans for cooking. "If you cook, I'll mix everything." He suggested, stretching his arms quickly before going to work. Smiling slightly he began to crack the eggs, pour the flour, sugar, and chocolate chips into the bowl before taking out a whisk and mixing it into a smooth but slightly lumpy mix. He was pretty proud of his work, the batter itself was making his mouth water, but now his dream of pancakes could become a reality. "Here you go Ciri, I made it the best I could, just for you." Fujio said, carefully sliding the bowl of mix to the Bunny Girl.


Sin - Somewhere within a few miles of the Capital
It had been a long trip, Sin had only just arrived and the welcoming docks of the country after taking a voyage across the sea which parted their countries apart. It had been at least a week or two that Sin had only saw the endless seas until this day so finally being on land was refreshing. He paid the Captain a rather hefty fee with a whole bag filled of gold coin. The exchange was shady but Sin said little words and simply nodded with a comment of "Thankyou" before recieving a simple nod back. He stepped of the ship onto the wooden docks and inhaled deepy before letting out a heavy exhale and rubbing the back of his neck. "This place looks no where near as exciting as I imagined it..Well there's no turning back now I guess." he said to himself as he placed his left forward first and began walking into new territory. Even behind the forrests and rocky mountains which surrounded the Capital - if you looked in the right place you were easily able to spot out the Capital and the great wall which surrounded it. The sight was definately something to look at and from Sin's view it didn't seem that bad at all. Unfortunately that wasn't the case at all, at least according to the letter Sin recieved from the Revolutionary army to join the Night Raid group that operated under them with a list of details of the situation - 'high risk' being one of the first things that stood out to Sin and intruiged him enough to come in the first place.

So it was time to locate the Night raid's hideout - Sin knew that just scaling around the landscape would not help much and his best bet was trying to find one of the assassins first hand. The situation placed Sin in a state where he had to think and while walking almost aimlessly towards the Capital he pondered the ways he could go through with this.
'I could take the simple route and try ask around town but I doubt that will be much help considering the details on this letter..I could try pose myself as the enemy? Perhaps try lead them to me rather than the other way around? That would be a lot of help, I'd have to find out their motives and interfere with one of them in order to make sure they are the ones who find it and not some other baffoon..There's also always the option to play nice with the Capital's guard until I come across them but that could very well put me in a bad position with them..' the options lapped over in Sin's head numerous times and couldn't particulary land on a decsion until reaching a set of hills which lead to the dense forrests which - if Sin's knowledge was correct when researching the place is known to the common people as "Gifnora Forest". Scaling up the hill he looked down into the dense and vast set of tree's, it's when he came upon the sight he finally understood why they gave it the name "Gifnora Forest" as he said to himself in awe of the sight. It also sparked an idea that perhaps there could be an easier way to contact them without knowing any of their motivations.

Sin needed to somehow create attention, commit or do something perhaps even in Night Raid's name to make them personally (And only) aware that there is someone out there searching for them. Of course these things would take time and preperation as well as a lot of thought - the first thing which came to mind was starting a large fire but he felt that wouldn't do much but alert the whole Capital that something is going down and was likely to gain negative attention rather than what Sin wanted. So he placed himself in there position and thought to himself
'What would I do if I were an assassin? What would my objective be?' and judging by the letter Sin already had the knowledge he needed to know Night Raid's common 'vendetta'. Sin was going to have to 'assassinate' someone important or do something which cripples the Empire enough to get the attention of Night Raid - that was step one at least. Sin truthfully hadn't thought the whole plan out yet but he knew that once the time come something would come to him.

So he began treading throughout the Gifnora forest in awe and interest. Nature was somehow always so relaxing to be around - even for a person like Sin he couldn't help but feel that perhaps there was more to these plants and trees than what people could ever imagine. Of course those things couldn't be easily explained through logical explanation or scientific facts but he couldn't help but always ponder about the little and rather useless things like that..Especially when he had much more important things to think about such as progressing his plan on gaining Night Raid's attention..

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Arden Lacer | Assassin

Arden rolled her eyes from Katsuki, her composure returning once she let out the punch and returning back to Leo calmly. Shaking her head at the fragile seeming red head beneath her feet, "Nothing, let's go." Helping him to his feet, or at least trying to, by placing his arm around her shoulders. The walking home was rather quiet on Arden's part, "I'm going." Arden announced without seeming to look at anyone but forward, of corse her mask keeping her expression unknown from whether she was mad or simply expressionless.

Upon arriving back at the base, the aroma of breakfast smacked her face like a raw fish, a pleasant smelling fish rather. Actually, not like a fish at all but you know what I meant. Perhaps we'll eat later after I finished tending to his wounds- wait. Does he even know how to use a shower? Glancing at him as she lead them towards the bathroom.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98


Yasumi Kai | Guard

"Noooo~! Don't stop the fight! I wants ta watch!" Protesting against Guvi's comment, a pouty expression as crumbles scattered her face like out of some sitcom. Her child-like nature that she tried so hard to hide becoming obvious, well as obvious as it could get with her wearing a cat hoodie and all.


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