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Fandom Akame Ga Kill

Spice gently laughs and sera chan comment and says" can't

Mitchs98 said:
Sera Lightbane
Sera shrugged in response while she adjusted her skirt, maybe she should. It would be nice to be able to cook decently enough to call it a meal after all. "That sounds great actually. Maybe whenever you're free you can Weilow?" She asked him. "Who said we needed to know what the stuff tasted like? Just let them order it and tell them it tastes good." She told her. "Though..I am kinda curious to taste it myself." She added before shrugging lightly.
Spice gently laughs at sera chans comment and gently nudged sera chan and then goes and makes her self and wei-kun some tea after a few minutes she comes back to the table with the tea and says" sera chan being a decent chef would be a good thing i'm looking forward to seeing what she makes as her first dish for us, that aside though i'm really happy were about to help wei-kun and doesn't he look sexy in waiter outfit, we might have to beat a few women off him".
...☫After that fun little time between Yutaka and Seris, and a hot shower, Seris soon walked back down stairs in her red dress. She soon waited at the bottom of the stairs for her new lover, Yutaka. She had taken an interest in him. Well, which was why she decided to bed him just a while ago. So she wasn't gonna kill him, which she was going to at the start, so instead she'll just belong to him since he did retrieve the documents for her. Though she wished that he were not so much of her puppet☫...

HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫After that fun little time between Yutaka and Seris, and a hot shower, Seris soon walked back down stairs in her red dress. She soon waited at the bottom of the stairs for her new lover, Yutaka. She had taken an interest in him. Well, which was why she decided to bed him just a while ago. So she wasn't gonna kill him, which she was going to at the start, so instead she'll just belong to him since he did retrieve the documents for her. Though she wished that he were not so much of her puppet☫...
"Well that was great"He said getting out of the room.He soon walked down to the stairs to go meet with series."Well my maiden what should we do now? Or should we go around the city exploring"He said
MrNeko said:
"Well that was great"He said getting out of the room.He soon walked down to the stairs to go meet with series."Well my maiden what should we do now? Or should we go around the city exploring"He said
''I guess we can just explore. I'm sort of new to the area...''

...☫She said as she tilted her head a bit☫...

''I used to live on the outskirts is why. Not the inner part of the kingdom.''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''I guess we can just explore. I'm sort of new to the area...''
...☫She said as she tilted her head a bit☫...

''I used to live on the outskirts is why. Not the inner part of the kingdom.''
"So lets go explore the outskirts of the city?"He said Putting his arms behind his back."Let me just get my scythe because im going to need it"He went to go grab it and hold it with his hand."Alright im ready my maiden"He said
MrNeko said:
"So lets go explore the outskirts of the city?"He said Putting his arms behind his back."Let me just get my scythe because im going to need it"He went to go grab it and hold it with his hand."Alright im ready my maiden"He said
''I mean we're just gonna explore the interior...the more inner part of the kingdom...not the outskirts.''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''I mean we're just gonna explore the interior...the more inner part of the kingdom...not the outskirts.''
"Oh sorry i didn't understand you but lets go already"He said.He took her hand and lead her outside to the inner part of the city."well in the inner parts of the city are more protected than the outskirts because of important people which i work around this area"He said
MrNeko said:
"Oh sorry i didn't understand you but lets go already"He said.He took her hand and lead her outside to the inner part of the city."well in the inner parts of the city are more protected than the outskirts because of important people which i work around this area"He said
''Ah...I see..''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Ah...I see..''
"Well if their is a murderer lose I have to go hunt him.Also I dislike very much the prisons because they execute the wrong people which are innocent which is pretty much terrible."He said
MrNeko said:
"Well if their is a murderer lose I have to go hunt him.Also I dislike very much the prisons because they execute the wrong people which are innocent which is pretty much terrible."He said
''The government officials are...corrupt. Even some murderers are those among the guard...''

...☫Seris said as she walked with Yutaka☫...

HimeragiSeiker said:
''The government officials are...corrupt. Even some murderers are those among the guard...''
...☫Seris said as she walked with Yutaka☫...
"I'm different I don't kill for fun those assassins are taking my fun of killing criminals and political officials which I do plan to do"He said holding his scythe tightly."My imperial arm will be stained with assassin blood and political official blood"He said with a serious tone.
MrNeko said:
"I'm different I don't kill for fun those assassins are taking my fun of killing criminals and political officials which I do plan to do"He said holding his scythe tightly."My imperial arm will be stained with assassin blood and political official blood"He said with a serious tone.
''And then it's you versus the world. You should pick a side soon...you won't be the only guard that has sided among the assassins since someone did that already...'' (I could mention Bullat xD but then that would conflict the RP with the actual anime)

...☫She said as she walked with him☫...



Yumiyasa Shirotsumibachi - Capital ( @Sinister Clown )

Yumiyasa Shirotsumibachi's right hand began to move to his chin, and his left hand being placed on his shoulder examining the male some more. "Ah, nice to meet you Tremki Kaguya, the names Yumiyasa Shirotsumibachi, the 14th head of the tsutsumibachi family" He says with pride and honor, the male seem quite amusing indeed.

Yumiyasa was a noble honest, and polite male, unlike the punks that tried to beat him to a pulp, but managing doing the same to them, lucky enough they wasn't dead, he was just showing enough courtesy to them. " I'm just curious, that's all." He replies to his question.



Tremki Kaguya - The Capital
Letting out a slight muse, after the stranger's introduction and comment afterwards Tremki couldn't help but see'ing this conversation truly lead no where. And after watching some of the thug-men squirm on the ground, it also was clear he didn't really finish them off. Causing him to let out a rather heavy sigh it seemed he just come across some sympathetic joke. His mind went off track and soon, he went into a daze where he didn't even maintain eye-contact with Yumiyasa and instead gazing off into empty space. When snapping back awake, he done so with a reply, a very subtle comment which could have been taken in as some kind of riddle depending on what type of person you are. "Curiosity is a killer." his tone of voice was rather low and quiet compared to his normal tone. Eventually he continued on and changed the subject by saying "Anyway, If you want those thugs behind you dealt with, I'll be here to do my job...If you have nothing more important to talk about then I also suggest leaving as soon as you could." a slightly sadistic smirk crept up the corner of his face.


"You have a lot to learn about the way things work here..If you don't understand that by now, you're sure to understand it very soon." after saying what he needed to. He walked inside the place that Yumiyasa had just walked out of, this time not bumping into the man when doing so. When he entered, Tremki all but forgot about the meal he came here to buy and instead he stopped in front of the pile of bodies on the ground from the slight unconcious thug-like men. That is when, for a slight moment Tremki's eyes turned into a purely black shade and from his shadow, a dark and rather creepy figure emerged - strangely enough despite some feature's being different such as lack of clothing and color of skin & hair. The 'doppelchild' as Tremki calls them is almost a complete replicate of himself, only his eyes appeared to be hollow and white unlike the rest of his body which had been just black - his teeth were also completely jagged and sharp. If that didn't make it easy to tell them apart, when the doppelchild moved in and began picking the bodies up using one arm - the arm of the doppelchild was capable of stretching out the perfect length it needed to carry the bodies while Tremki merely stood and watched.

After the bodies were picked up, Tremki placed his hand up to excuse himself from the frightened people in the resturant who saw the oddly shaped creautre beside him "Don't worry good people, you are all safe I assure you." he said with a polite smile and rather welcoming tone of voice. If there was one thing Tremki was better at than back in his earlier days. It was that he knew how to make people calm down without freaking them out even more. The people began to calm down and Tremki and his doppelchild exited the resturant, yet again walking passed Yumiyasa where Tremki politely added "I hope you have a lovely stay in the Capital." he said with a sweet, polite smile. Despite just contradicting his words from before it was all done on purpose - this was simply the way Tremki operated throughout most of his social meetings. However he couldn't help but get the feeling in his stomach that he'd soon meet this man again. He couldn't possibly know or even guess why that would be - he just had that feeling he always got when he knew something was about to happen..He was now only curious as to what that would be.


HimeragiSeiker said:
''And then it's you versus the world. You should pick a side soon...you won't be the only guard that has sided among the assassins since someone did that already...'' (I could mention Bullat xD but then that would conflict the RP with the actual anime)
...☫She said as she walked with him☫...
"Yes me against the world I fight for those who can't protect themselves.I can live with that not choosing a side"He said to her."May my scythe take the lives of those who tend to spread evil in this once great city"He said while walking her.He viewed around him seeing more security in this part of the city and being in disgust of the guards who take advantage of average citizens
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MrNeko said:
"Yes me against the world I fight for those who can't protect themselves.I can live with that not choosing a side"He said to her."May my scythe take the lives of those who tend to spread evil in this once great city"He said while walking her.He viewed around him seeing more security in this part of the city and being in disgust of the guards who take advantage of average citizens
...☫Series soon sighed. She guessed that Yutaka wasn't going to join a side anytime soon. It may just be a matter of time until he's being hunted down by everyone. It could be best to kill him now but it'll just be such a waste. So instead, she might as well enjoy him for a little longer☫...
HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫Series soon sighed. She guessed that Yutaka wasn't going to join a side anytime soon. It may just be a matter of time until he's being hunted down by everyone. It could be best to kill him now but it'll just be such a waste. So instead, she might as well enjoy him for a little longer☫...
"But still I am capable of defending myself and I will protect you.Although I do have some friends that are guards one who is called Rei Akita its fun to mess with her.I threw a book at her once then she threw it back to me."He said with a grin the to a smile about the person he was talking about.
MrNeko said:
"But still I am capable of defending myself and I will protect you.Although I do have some friends that are guards one who is called Rei Akita its fun to mess with her.I threw a book at her once then she threw it back to me."He said with a grin the to a smile about the person he was talking about.
"Ah...I see..."

...☫She said as she walked with him. This didn't really make her jealous. It just made her lose a slight interest☫...



Yumiyasa Shirotsumibachi - Capital ( @Sinister Clown )

"I'm afraid you're right" the male had let off a weird vibe once the conversation was through with, as he turned his body facing the opposite side once the male had entered the shop while the thugs twitching a bit. Yumiyasa started to turn and walked away from the scene, but suddenly felt an unsettling feeling, his eyes widened in shock. Who is this guy, what is he? something had felt off, to off at that. Yumiyasa would slightly lean back, and witness that the thugs were gone, once his eyes was set, he would then walk off with questions, and thoughts swerling around his mind.

What did I just saw? I know I felt some sort of presence, not just his a few minutes ago. Maybe that could've been his imperial arms? yumiyasa began to take a firm grip on his book with his left hand, as his right hand was in his pocket. "This place is all sort of crazy, but I would expect less though, I'll have to investigate more, but need enough help as possible, he could be deadly, however." He says, while he was looking straight ahead, witnessing a lot of crowds in the capital.

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HimeragiSeiker said:
"Ah...I see..."
...☫She said as she walked with him. This didn't really make her jealous. It just made her lose a slight interest☫...
"Me and her are just friends I like you so I am your lover"He said to her in a calm tone.He put his arms around her hugging her"I like very much maiden"He said.
MrNeko said:
"Me and her are just friends I like you so I am your lover"He said to her in a calm tone.He put his arms around her hugging her"I like very much maiden"He said.
"You don't have to call me maiden since I do have a name..."

...☫She said as it seemed the air around them started to heat up☫...

HimeragiSeiker said:
"You don't have to call me maiden since I do have a name..."
...☫She said as it seemed the air around them started to heat up☫...
"I-i know alright seris I know you have I name.its getting hot here strange wait its just you your causing it."He said still hugging her.
MrNeko said:
"I-i know alright seris I know you have I name.its getting hot here strange wait its just you your causing it."He said still hugging her.
"Will you call me by my name now?"

...☫She said as the heat rose☫...

HimeragiSeiker said:
"Will you call me by my name now?"
...☫She said as the heat rose☫...
"Yes I will from now on seris.May we stay together for a long time my love."He said excitedly and kissed her head."Now please calm down I can tell your angry but your not showing it on your face only through your power"
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MrNeko said:
"Yes I will from now on seris.May we stay together for a long time my love."He said excitedly and kissed her head."Now please calm down I can tell your angry but your not showing it on your face only through your power"
...☫She soon giggled before the heat started to go away☫...

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