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Fandom Akame Ga Kill

HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫She soon giggled before the heat started to go away☫...
"Now let's get going seris do you want to know anything about the inner city?"He asked her.He then started to look around viewing different citizens "May I stand by your side when you are in need and you stand by side when I am need"He took her hand stand started to walk.
HimeragiSeiker said:
"Sure. Just try not to fight too much"
"Ask any question you would like to know"He said excitedly.He walked with her along the streets looking around. He soon began to think of any answers for her questions.
MrNeko said:
"Ask any question you would like to know"He said excitedly.He walked with her along the streets looking around. He soon began to think of any answers for her questions.
''How old are you?''

...☫She asked since she was 21. If Yutaka was younger than her, she probably would've ditched him☫...

@LeSoraAmari[/URL] @Defective Kitten @National @BloodyKharma @Mr Swiftshots

Once it seemed everything had calmed down Krieg watched in silence as everyone conversed. Honestly in the end he felt the kid got what he deserved, he shouldn't of started a fight in the first place. Silently he walked back over to the harness he had for carrying the firewood and attached it back to his person before trudging back towards the base, axe balanced on his shoulder. Luckily the wood he'd cut down had been spared, otherwise he'd of been depressed...and had to cut more wood. Shortly after Krieg began his slow journey Alexis entered the area, looking around at the destruction that'd be caused, eyes coming to a stop on the unconcious Katsuki draped over Santios' shoulder. Sighing Alexis quickly closed the distance between them, checking Katsuki over as best she could from his carried posistion. "So this was the racket I heard coming from the forest...makes sense now. Right..well." She spoke, mostly to herself. "Mind carrying him to the infirmary for me Santios?" She asked quickly after.

Krieg had made his way over to Rin before fully starting towards the base, coming up behind him he patted his shoulder as gently as his massive frame would in a reassuring manner. He didn't blame Rin for what he did, in an odd way he found himself partially agreeing with his methods. After all, Rin had the self control to stop and not kill him. Katsuki on the other hand didn't know when to give up, or at-least fake doing so. After a moment of silence he resumed his slow march back to base, sure that Rin understood his silent gesture.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''How old are you?''
...☫She asked since she was 21. If Yutaka was younger than her, she probably would've ditched him☫...
"I am 23 years old"He said looking around at the shops and cafes."continue asking questions if you would like seris"He put his scythe on his shoulder.


Sin - Gifnora Forest
As Sin treaded through the dense forest, he could suddenly tell why they use to bring children here to be trained up as assassins - at least judging by what Sin's research gave him on the countries history and geography. The forests would be a perfect place to get lost and to hide secretly without anyone really being able to tell you're there - ideally it could be a very good place to stage his meeting with Night Raid, just in case things got heated that is. He also figured that if he searched deep enough, there could be a fairly large chance he'd find the Night Raid base itself. It wouldn't come as a surprise really, it was a great place to hide but it's because of that fact he felt it also very unlikely. Good hiding spots are places no one would expect, Sin knew that some base hidden in the dense woods would probably be the first place the Empire would look; assuming they had the resources that is.

Trailing his way through the forests, he heard that there could very possibly be numerous danger beasts living in the area. While he hadn't seen anything aside from a few normal wildlife creatures roaming around in very low number's. Sin could practically feel as if he would very soon approach one - it was mostly likely just going to be unavoidable. He let out a sigh at the thought "Let's just hope it they don't call for help, otherwise I could very well be here all night fighting the damn beasts.." he almost tripped over a tree root which grew above ground after speaking to himself - however catching himself by placing his arm on the tree to gain support and regain his balance. Sin lifted himself back up and let out a cautious sigh "That was close.." unfortunately, Sin made the mistake of letting his guard down for even a second, closing his eyes as he sighed once looking back up and opening his eyes once again - he'd find himself staring right into the face of a danger beast who somehow was able to sneak right up on him. Before Sin could react to his shock and awe however - he was struck right in the torso by a quick and very powerful left jab from the danger beast that sent Sin flying backwards into a tree.

The tree slightly cracked and after the danger beast suddenly appeared right before Sin again and displaying it's enhanced speed. This time, Sin was able to react from what should have been a slight drip for a normal person - yet was somewhat almost gushing blood for Sin a wide grin crept up his face "Branch of Sin, activate" his blood suddenly began attatching and stretching across his skin - covering his skin from the waist up to his neck; right in time to be hit by the danger beasts two crushing arms which completely snapped the tree and sent Sin's body pumbling into the ground..

Despite the Danger Beasts efforts however, Sin was hardly injured from the torso attack and the 'blood scales' technique which Sin used on himself was still active. Letting out a gasp of breath he began chuckling to himself almost chaotically as he picked himself off the ground. His eyes glared towards the Danger beast, which stared right back him with a fierce and dangerous look about it.Sin stretched and cracked his neck before glaring back up at the beast with a sinister look over his face "Alright, now that I'm up and get a good look at ya'...I can see exactly what I need to do for you big boy..Let's just hope your friend's don't hear your howles of pain afterwards.." his tone darkened and lowered slightly, he knew that the creature wouldn't understand him. But the shame of the beast getting the better of him so easily got to Sin - and now he was out to gain back his pride by shredding this creature apart until there was nothing left.


First, Sin need to get something sharp in order to cut himself in the right area's so he was able to operate his blood the way he wanted. Which meant that Sin's ideal goal right now was to somehow obtain one of the teeth of the danger beast by ripping it right from the thing's jaw. To do this, Sin spread the 'blood scales' across most of his body excluding his head. Placing the extremely heavy bag he had on his back on the ground where it almost cracked the ground on impact and getting into a position where he was ready to fight. "I should probably pump my blood, but I always get too excited when I do that.." he said to himself as if to reassure that he doesn't cross his own line.

Instantly he burst from the ground and at the fastest speeds he could he rushed at the danger beast before leaping up above the Danger Beast and punching down on top of it's head into the ground. He almost forgot just how easy it was to punch things down when he was using his blood scales technique and he continued to do so instead of even attempting his original plan. While the beast was definately powerful in offense capability - the beast was surprisingly flimsy and did little to defend itself from the flurry of wild punches cracking down on top of it by Sin. By the time he was done, blood had splattered across the area around him, the danger beasts head was now little more than a mushed up pile of flesh and Sin was ready to leave. Ripping his hands from the bloody flesh and shedding the blood scales off his Skin - with the exception of his face which was now almost completely covered in the beasts blood. His skin was completely clean from the neck down, walking over to his back before slowly putting it back over his shoulder and continuing on his journey. Sin looked up at the sky to see the day going by - he wondered how long it would take him to get through the forest. From where he could see, there was no visable end but Sin decided to keep walking until it got dark - which is when Sin would decide to camp in the forest for the night.

(Blood Count: 2250/2500)

Leo stumbles up, her support a little awkward, but helpful nonetheless. He nods at her, silently thanking her. His amber eyes gleam as he follows her back to the base. He never went to the base, and he was secretly excited. He didn't know who Night Raid was, and he still didn't know what was happening. He looks at Arden, his eyes glistening from the setting sun.

"Are we going back to your home?"

@Defective Kitten

Guvi looks at the young girl before sighing. Suddenly, his arms shoots around her waist before Guvi flashes away again, the girl in tow, right behind the fight.

"Fine, here's a closer look."

@Defective Kitten

Santios looks around the forest, his eyes scanning the fields, his body looking fairly calm. However, if someone looked closely enough, Santios's muscles were still a little tensed up, meaning there was something else out there. He looks at Alexis, before gently handing Katsuki over to her.

"I would love too Alexis, but I have to give this boys care to you, the professional. Besides, I can feel something else in the forest. I'll be right back. But just in case, tell everyone to bar up the Night Raid doors. Herd everyone back, and make sure no one follows me. I gotta go."

Without giving Alexis even a chance to retort, the young leaders arms start to wrap in blue flame, as he jumps up, and flaps his flaming wings. The propulsion fires Santios into the air, a ring of blue flames emanating from where he took off.

@Mitchs98 @BloodyKharma

Just a few moments after Sin started walking away from the completely massacred danger beast, a sudden crash could be heard from behind him, as the air around the area started to heat up, but only slightly. From the plume of dust, Santios stands up, looking straight at Sin.

"I swear to god, there are more people in these forests now a day than the damn city itself. May I ask who you are? And no, you're not a salesman. Unless the thing you sell is death."

@Sinister Clown
National said:
Leo stumbles up, her support a little awkward, but helpful nonetheless. He nods at her, silently thanking her. His amber eyes gleam as he follows her back to the base. He never went to the base, and he was secretly excited. He didn't know who Night Raid was, and he still didn't know what was happening. He looks at Arden, his eyes glistening from the setting sun.
"Are we going back to your home?"

@Defective Kitten

Guvi looks at the young girl before sighing. Suddenly, his arms shoots around her waist before Guvi flashes away again, the girl in tow, right behind the fight.

"Fine, here's a closer look."

@Defective Kitten

Santios looks around the forest, his eyes scanning the fields, his body looking fairly calm. However, if someone looked closely enough, Santios's muscles were still a little tensed up, meaning there was something else out there. He looks at Alexis, before gently handing Katsuki over to her.

"I would love too Alexis, but I have to give this boys care to you, the professional. Besides, I can feel something else in the forest. I'll be right back. But just in case, tell everyone to bar up the Night Raid doors. Herd everyone back, and make sure no one follows me. I gotta go."

Without giving Alexis even a chance to retort, the young leaders arms start to wrap in blue flame, as he jumps up, and flaps his flaming wings. The propulsion fires Santios into the air, a ring of blue flames emanating from where he took off.

@Mitchs98 @BloodyKharma

Just a few moments after Sin started walking away from the completely massacred danger beast, a sudden crash could be heard from behind him, as the air around the area started to heat up, but only slightly. From the plume of dust, Santios stands up, looking straight at Sin.

"I swear to god, there are more people in these forests now a day than the damn city itself. May I ask who you are? And no, you're not a salesman. Unless the thing you sell is death."

@Sinister Clown
@BloodyKharma @LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots @anyoneimissed

Alexis Jackson

"Bu-.." Alexis began, though before she could say anything else Santios was already gone and Katsuki was already in her arms. 'Course they leave the weak girl to tote the man back to the base. WELL, at-least it wasn't TOO far from the base. "You heard him, let's go guys. Back to base." She told everyone present, and not waiting on a response, simply started running back to base with Katsuki. It didn't take her long at all to reach the base and summarily the infirmary, which she quickly placed Katsuki down on. Carefully she took off his shirt to asses the damage, nothing too major which meant she wouldn't have to use her Teigu to help. Thus she simply set to work bandaging and cleaning the wounds he'd received, main thing he needed was rest.
"My age is 23 years old.How old are you seris?"He then put His scythe on his shoulder.He spinned his scythe a bit moving it from left to right then stopping.He then looked around for other guards then looking ahead.

MrNeko said:
"My age is 23 years old.How old are you seris?"He then put His scythe on his shoulder.He spinned his scythe a bit moving it from left to right then stopping.He then looked around for other guards then looking ahead.
''Hm...I'm 2 years younger than you.''

...☫She said as she walked with him☫...

HimeragiSeiker said:
''Hm...I'm 2 years younger than you.''
...☫She said as she walked with him☫...
"Ah I see your 21 years old correct? Any other questions?"He asked her.He didn't Care that her age was 2 years younger than him and continued to think of answers for questions.
MrNeko said:
"Ah I see your 21 years old correct? Any other questions?"He asked her.He didn't Care that her age was 2 years younger than him and continued to think of answers for questions.
''Yeah, I'm 21...and I think I'm all out of questions.''

...☫She said as she walked☫...

HimeragiSeiker said:
''Yeah, I'm 21...and I think I'm all out of questions.''
...☫She said as she walked☫...
"Oh alright would you like to know anything about the inner part of the city?"He asked walking next to her."So how about you ask me questions to know more about me?"
MrNeko said:
"Oh alright would you like to know anything about the inner part of the city?"He asked walking next to her."So how about you ask me questions to know more about me?"
''Well then...what's your hobby?''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Well then...what's your hobby?''
"Well I like to go out at night and go look for criminals to kill or just go out drinking or go to cafes.I also like to read learn about what to do if I'm hurt extremely and make tea from herbs.Another is sharpen my imperial arm but that's once in a while another is train."He said happily."What about you?"
MrNeko said:
"Well I like to go out at night and go look for criminals to kill or just go out drinking or go to cafes.I also like to read learn about what to do if I'm hurt extremely and make tea from herbs.Another is sharpen my imperial arm but that's once in a while another is train."He said happily."What about you?"
''I guess read...since I have nothing better to do..''

...☫She said as she walked with Yutaka, running out of ideas☫...

HimeragiSeiker said:
''I guess read...since I have nothing better to do..''
...☫She said as she walked with Yutaka, running out of ideas☫...
"That's pretty nice seris what do you like to read about.I've actually read alot of books well bow I sound a bit boring eh its fine."He said patting her head and giving it a kiss.He laughed a bit quietly to him self.
MrNeko said:
"That's pretty nice seris what do you like to read about.I've actually read alot of books well bow I sound a bit boring eh its fine."He said patting her head and giving it a kiss.He laughed a bit quietly to him self.
...☫Seris looked up at Yutaka and sighed a little☫...

''I'm so short...''
HimeragiSeiker said:
...☫Seris looked up at Yutaka and sighed a little☫...

''I'm so short...''
"It doesn't matter that your short focus on what your good at. your adorable Don't worry you will grow"He said as he put his arm around her and smiled at her.
MrNeko said:
"It doesn't matter that your short focus on what your good at. your adorable Don't worry you will grow"He said as he put his arm around her and smiled at her.
''That makes me feel very young..''

...☫She said as she sighed. She remembered that was what her mom told her a day before she was killed☫...



Sin - Gifnora Forest
He went to continue on, after a few moments of walking away however. Sin could notice a sudden updraft in the wind around him as the tree's starting to shake and shiver around him. It would only be a mere second after that Sin would definately here something crashing behind him where the Danger Beast once was. Sin's first guess was that the creature would be a danger beast, but Sin was far off from the mark. Turning around, his left eyebrow raised slightly and he let out a small chuckle at the stranger's comment towards him.

Turning around completely, Sin motioned his right hand onto his neck and rubbing it with a slight smug smirk on his face. "You're right, I'm not salesman.." he took a look around the place, from as far as he could see; there was not even a single soul to be seen around the area. Placing his gaze steadily back onto the stranger - who judging by the way they entered was in the possession of some sort of Teigu.What was strange that at first glance, Sin wasn't able to actually tell anything on the stranger's person which could be a teigu. Sin didn't reply for a while, and he allowed a few silent moments pass before coming up with something to say.

"You must spend a lot of time in this forest to know when someone has entered or not..Or was
it to loud.." he said with a rather quite and soft tone, reffering 'it' to the danger beast that the stranger was now very close to. He let out a sigh, he wasn't going to tell this guy his name unless he knew for sure this was someone he was already looking for. "As for names, I wouldn't mind knowing yours..And why someone like you is around this place?" rubbing the back of his neck, he let off a slight smirk.



(Blood Count: 2250/2500)

HimeragiSeiker said:
''That makes me feel very young..''
...☫She said as she sighed. She remembered that was what her mom told her a day before she was killed☫...
"Oh so you dont like being short its alright you can grow so you dont feel young and short.So the question I'm about to ask might not good for you but I'm going to ask it anyways you can answer if you want to What was your life like as a child."He said with a nervous voice.
MrNeko said:
"Oh so you dont like being short its alright you can grow so you dont feel young and short.So the question I'm about to ask might not good for you but I'm going to ask it anyways you can answer if you want to What was your life like as a child."He said with a nervous voice.
''Just like a normal village girl. Having fun, doing chores...playing with friends, all that stuff...And then that day came where I lost everything I ever loved.''

...☫She said with a straight face. It seems the past doesn't even hurt her☫...

HimeragiSeiker said:
''Just like a normal village girl. Having fun, doing chores...playing with friends, all that stuff...And then that day came where I lost everything I ever loved.''
...☫She said with a straight face. It seems the past doesn't even hurt her☫...
"Can you please describe the event when you lost it all.Also if you don't want to answer just don't answer and if you do want to cry I'll be here along side you."He said with a calm tone and a bit nervous
MrNeko said:
"Can you please describe the event when you lost it all.Also if you don't want to answer just don't answer and if you do want to cry I'll be here along side you."He said with a calm tone and a bit nervous
''Well...at that day I was to complete a trial. I took it early since I felt ready. I slew a fire beast and drank it's blood. Then when I headed back...''

...☫She soon sighed☫...

''All I saw were flames on the other side of the mountain, when I reached the top, I saw my village burning, and my mother being raped and then killed. When I saw they were leaving...I decided to burn them alive. And so, I did.''

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