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Fandom Akame Ga Kill

Mitchs98 said:
Rin Suzajamori
Rin was about ready to leave, the fight was boring and several other guards had already left. Really the only reason she was here was due to the fact she was the only medic that was useful. She didn't class being able to halfass stitch a wound and splint a broken limb a qualified medic, not that she knew how to do that herself...but the thing was she didn't need to. She glanced over to Asaki being annoyed by some girl, she couldn't hear what she was saying but she knew she was being annoyed. Good enough reason to tolerate whoever it was in her books. All that would change when she was pointed at and the girl was sent over to her. Rin sighed and tried her damndest to start ignoring her, even going so far as to watch the fight. Then she started tugging on her sleeve and giggling. She rolled her eyes and sighed before looking at her, hopefully it wouldn't be too bad.

She smirked at her as she started speaking about getting married. Seriously, who the hell randomly asks someone that? Just..really? And with fourteen kids? Was she nuts? Better question was how she intended on getting said kids, unless she had a little something extra under that dress. She even went so far as to get down on one knee and ask her. Rin sighed and shook her head, "
My names' Rin, and no. I won't. I don't marry people at random, or ask and expect them to. Not sure what gave you that idea, if it was your 'friend' over there you were lied to. Very gullible too might I add" She replied.

Cirillia Vines

Ciri nodded when he offered to mix the stuff. "
Sounds good to me! I'll get the pan ready." She replied before placing the pan on the stove and turning the eye on. After she just watched Fujio mix the batter up. She had to admit, he was pretty good at cooking. If only at mixing things up and stuff. Everytime he helped her it was generally just as good as what she'd do, maybe a little better sometimes. When he was done and slid the bowl over to her she smiled excitedly, "Awesome! It looks great Fujio!" She replied before grabbing the bowl up and pouring enough mix in to fill the bottom of the pan. Ciri didn't make stacks of pancakes, she made two pancakes. Massive, pan sized pancakes. Hey, if it worked it worked. While the pancake cooked she started frying the sausage in one pan and eggs in another.

There were two things the girl was able to focus on multitasking on, cooking and fighting. Once belonging to a chef had its perks, and this was one of them. In a few minutes everything was done and on a plate. She quickly shoved all of the dishes into the sink, save for what they were eating on of course. She'd do them later or someone else would. "
Annd done!" She declared as she sat their plates on the table, grabbed their silverware, and sat down. "They look good, you put just enough chocolate chips in them too!" She told him. When it came to cooked food, for Ciri there was actually such a thing as TOO much. She wanted to be able to taste the rest of the food and not just one thing, after all.
Grace - Guards

Grace's excited and bright look quickly dwindled into a saddened one as she was rejected on the spot. Slowly she stood from her kneeling position with a look of defeat on her face, her small hands reaching forward and grabbing Rin's collar, pulling the two very close together. "But Rin, this wasn't at random, this was fate! We were meant to be together! "I saw it in my dream! A pretty person like me and a prettier person like you in love!" She said passionately, totally contradicting what she said about Asaki sending her over. Her face grew closer to Rin's until they were touching noses, the girl speaking once again but in a softer tone. "Why must you hurt me so much Rin? Is it because of the beach part? We can live somewhere else if you want. Anything to make you happy. Or is it about the children? I'll give birth to all 14 if you want, and you can just sit back and relax. Wouldn't you want that? Or perhaps we could cut the number down to 10?" Grace stared into Rin's eyes with an intense look for a moment before taking a step back and releasing her collar. She couldn't quite understand why she was being rejected, or how she could prove that they were meant to be. "Please Rin, let me prove my love to you. Give me an order and I will carry it out. It can be anything!"

Fujio - Night Raid

With his part out of the way Fujio leaned against the counter and calmly watched as Ciri went to work. He was rather relieved that he didn't have to do the important part of actually cooking the pancakes as they definitely wouldn't come out as good. "Keep up the good work Ciri!" He said in a cheerful tone, clapping his hands lightly together as she cooked. Everyday Fujio thought about how blessed he was to have the best Teigu in the world, or rather what he thought was the best Teigu in the world. Who could really ask for more? A cheerful, cute bunny girl who always had food on her, was an amazing cooker, and wan an equally amazing fighter. Nothing in the world could top that.

Luckily not long after the pancakes were finished and the table was set. Fujio happily strode over to the table that he and Ciri would be eating at and took his spot besides the Teigu, watching as she brought over plates. He felt a little guilty for letting her do all this work, but his mind told him that she was happy to do all of this. Using a fork he scooped up a few of the hot cakes and placed them on his plate before drizzling syrup onto them as a finishing touch. They honestly did look amazing and he was very proud of the teamwork between them.
"I may have put the chocolate chips in, but you added the love. That's what makes them so good." Fujio explained between bites, smiling slightly at the rich taste.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Well...at that day I was to complete a trial. I took it early since I felt ready. I slew a fire beast and drank it's blood. Then when I headed back...''
...☫She soon sighed☫...

''All I saw were flames on the other side of the mountain, when I reached the top, I saw my village burning, and my mother being raped and then killed. When I saw they were leaving...I decided to burn them alive. And so, I did.''
"Thats sad to hear watchibg someone you loved being like that.So you managed to kill all of them or did some escape?"He asked still hugging her so she can feel comfortable.
MrNeko said:
"Thats sad to hear watchibg someone you loved being like that.So you managed to kill all of them or did some escape?"He asked still hugging her so she can feel comfortable.
''I killed all of them...all of them having a slow and painful death...''

...☫She said as she stopped walking. She did have some sort of malevolent aura at the moment☫...

Kayzo said:
Grace - Guards
Grace's excited and bright look quickly dwindled into a saddened one as she was rejected on the spot. Slowly she stood from her kneeling position with a look of defeat on her face, her small hands reaching forward and grabbing Rin's collar, pulling the two very close together. "But Rin, this wasn't at random, this was fate! We were meant to be together! "I saw it in my dream! A pretty person like me and a prettier person like you in love!" She said passionately, totally contradicting what she said about Asaki sending her over. Her face grew closer to Rin's until they were touching noses, the girl speaking once again but in a softer tone. "Why must you hurt me so much Rin? Is it because of the beach part? We can live somewhere else if you want. Anything to make you happy. Or is it about the children? I'll give birth to all 14 if you want, and you can just sit back and relax. Wouldn't you want that? Or perhaps we could cut the number down to 10?" Grace stared into Rin's eyes with an intense look for a moment before taking a step back and releasing her collar. She couldn't quite understand why she was being rejected, or how she could prove that they were meant to be. "Please Rin, let me prove my love to you. Give me an order and I will carry it out. It can be anything!"

Fujio - Night Raid

With his part out of the way Fujio leaned against the counter and calmly watched as Ciri went to work. He was rather relieved that he didn't have to do the important part of actually cooking the pancakes as they definitely wouldn't come out as good. "Keep up the good work Ciri!" He said in a cheerful tone, clapping his hands lightly together as she cooked. Everyday Fujio thought about how blessed he was to have the best Teigu in the world, or rather what he thought was the best Teigu in the world. Who could really ask for more? A cheerful, cute bunny girl who always had food on her, was an amazing cooker, and wan an equally amazing fighter. Nothing in the world could top that.

Luckily not long after the pancakes were finished and the table was set. Fujio happily strode over to the table that he and Ciri would be eating at and took his spot besides the Teigu, watching as she brought over plates. He felt a little guilty for letting her do all this work, but his mind told him that she was happy to do all of this. Using a fork he scooped up a few of the hot cakes and placed them on his plate before drizzling syrup onto them as a finishing touch. They honestly did look amazing and he was very proud of the teamwork between them.
"I may have put the chocolate chips in, but you added the love. That's what makes them so good." Fujio explained between bites, smiling slightly at the rich taste.
Rin Suzajamori

Rin only sighed lightly and looked the other way when Grace was seemingly getting up to leave, though she was soon made aware that wasn't the case when she grabbed her by the collar and pulled her to her. Rin instantly glared at her, who the hell did she think she was? It..wasn't exactly that Grace was bad looking, not at all infact. It was the fact she was so..so..annoying? Idiotic? Airheaded? One of those. Though, Rin couldn't exactly comment. She was pretty much all three. But that didn't mean she liked others who were. "It's no-" She began, quickly being interrupted by Grace continuing her rant. This girl didn't seem to get the fact that, even if she did see the future of them being together or whatever, that one didn't simply go from barely knowing each other to married instantly.

She couldn't help but feel slightly bad for her, she really honestly believed they were meant to be by some kind of odd twist of fate. Well she guessed it could be worse, it could be someone ugly trying to get at her, or even worse; Asaki. She couldn't help but arch a brow and grin somewhat evilly when Grace said she'd do anything for her. Was she really going to use such a innocent and naive girl? Yes, yes she was. And it was going to be
fun. If she found out she actually liked her in the process, even better. "Well. You know Asaki? Or rather 'AkiAki' as you call her?" She asked her. "Go over and pull her top down and I'll consider your proposal." She told her, smiling reassuringly at Grace.


Ciri smiled and giggled softly at Fujios' words, he really didn't know how accurate that was. "Thanks Fujio! I did my best just for you. I'm glad you like them." She replied. She really did what to tell him her true feelings for him, but the question was if he felt the same way and would even accept her. He did like her enough as a friend it seemed, but. She was a Teigu, a weapon. Sure, some people were known to love biological Teigu. But more were known to think of them as mere weapons and only show them affection to keep them happy. She knew Fujios' feelings of friendship for her were genuine though. Maybe she'd tell him later...definetely. Maybe after breakfast was over, the question was how to go about it. Perhaps the direct route would do best? She had been trying to be subtle about it, but he didn't seem to get subtle. So, the direct route it was she guessed. "We're gunna go find Santios after we eat right?" She asked before stabbing a chunk of pancake and eating it.

I..have something I wanna tell you after we eat before we go, okay? It's nothing bad, I promise." She told him slowly, honestly nervous.
Spice gently laughs at sera's comment then says" Not all about ten dishes or so will be enough for me able to tell you progress level and yeah your right i hope the customers don't do anything stupid, there's enough stupid guards to deal with as is".

Wei-kun gently gigles then says" thanks sera chan, by the way you don't have to be reserved around me it's kinda awkward, but i do understand your still not fully used to me so i understand why things are what they are".

Rin Suzajamori

Rin only sighed lightly and looked the other way when Grace was seemingly getting up to leave, though she was soon made aware that wasn't the case when she grabbed her by the collar and pulled her to her. Rin instantly glared at her, who the hell did she think she was? It..wasn't exactly that Grace was bad looking, not at all infact. It was the fact she was so..so..annoying? Idiotic? Airheaded? One of those. Though, Rin couldn't exactly comment. She was pretty much all three. But that didn't mean she liked others who were. "It's no-" She began, quickly being interrupted by Grace continuing her rant. This girl didn't seem to get the fact that, even if she did see the future of them being together or whatever, that one didn't simply go from barely knowing each other to married instantly.

She couldn't help but feel slightly bad for her, she really honestly believed they were meant to be by some kind of odd twist of fate. Well she guessed it could be worse, it could be someone ugly trying to get at her, or even worse; Asaki. She couldn't help but arch a brow and grin somewhat evilly when Grace said she'd do anything for her. Was she really going to use such a innocent and naive girl? Yes, yes she was. And it was going to be
fun. If she found out she actually liked her in the process, even better. "Well. You know Asaki? Or rather 'AkiAki' as you call her?" She asked her. "Go over and pull her top down and I'll consider your proposal." She told her, smiling reassuringly at Grace.

Issac had been silently watching this unfold just because he was bored out of his skull, then after a minute more says" Ay polin i wonder if it really is an act there's a lot of people in this world that play dumb and such but are far from it, i wonder if grace is one of them it wouldn't surprise me was the other thing i don't get is why is she here she doesn't come over as a guard in any shape or form".

polin turned and then says" Now you mention it yeah, you must be really board to take interest in this stupid game well not like the company round here is fantastic so i can't blame your.

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Mitchs98 said:
Rin SuzajamoriRin only sighed lightly and looked the other way when Grace was seemingly getting up to leave, though she was soon made aware that wasn't the case when she grabbed her by the collar and pulled her to her. Rin instantly glared at her, who the hell did she think she was? It..wasn't exactly that Grace was bad looking, not at all infact. It was the fact she was so..so..annoying? Idiotic? Airheaded? One of those. Though, Rin couldn't exactly comment. She was pretty much all three. But that didn't mean she liked others who were. "It's no-" She began, quickly being interrupted by Grace continuing her rant. This girl didn't seem to get the fact that, even if she did see the future of them being together or whatever, that one didn't simply go from barely knowing each other to married instantly.

She couldn't help but feel slightly bad for her, she really honestly believed they were meant to be by some kind of odd twist of fate. Well she guessed it could be worse, it could be someone ugly trying to get at her, or even worse; Asaki. She couldn't help but arch a brow and grin somewhat evilly when Grace said she'd do anything for her. Was she really going to use such a innocent and naive girl? Yes, yes she was. And it was going to be
fun. If she found out she actually liked her in the process, even better. "Well. You know Asaki? Or rather 'AkiAki' as you call her?" She asked her. "Go over and pull her top down and I'll consider your proposal." She told her, smiling reassuringly at Grace.


Ciri smiled and giggled softly at Fujios' words, he really didn't know how accurate that was. "Thanks Fujio! I did my best just for you. I'm glad you like them." She replied. She really did what to tell him her true feelings for him, but the question was if he felt the same way and would even accept her. He did like her enough as a friend it seemed, but. She was a Teigu, a weapon. Sure, some people were known to love biological Teigu. But more were known to think of them as mere weapons and only show them affection to keep them happy. She knew Fujios' feelings of friendship for her were genuine though. Maybe she'd tell him later...definetely. Maybe after breakfast was over, the question was how to go about it. Perhaps the direct route would do best? She had been trying to be subtle about it, but he didn't seem to get subtle. So, the direct route it was she guessed. "We're gunna go find Santios after we eat right?" She asked before stabbing a chunk of pancake and eating it.

I..have something I wanna tell you after we eat before we go, okay? It's nothing bad, I promise." She told him slowly, honestly nervous.
Grace - Guards

Grace' eyes widened at the task she was given to do. Pull down the top of Akiaki's top? Could she really do such a thing to her bestest friend? Hell yeah she could. This was in the name of love, and if she didn't do this than Rin wouldn't even consider her proposal. Sighing softly the green haired girl nodded her head and twirled around to face the direction that Asaki was. "Just you watch Rin, I'm going to do this just for you." She said confidently before happily walking over to Asaki, who was still standing by herself and drinking. The blonde girls eyes drifted down to Grace and an annoyed expression filled her face. "Oh, it's you..." She said in a displeased voice, Grace not even picking up on that. Grace extended her hands and cracked her knuckles before speaking. "Hi there Akiaki! I just wanted to come over and thank you for sending me to Rin! I talked a bit and it's confirmed! We are getting married very soon. You're missing out, did you know that? We are going to have sooooo Mapuche fun without you. Oh! Maybe we can get married too! I can have two wives, you and Rin. And then we can have 21 children, 7 each. Wouldn't that be fun? I think that'd be fun..." Grace said with a giggle, swaying her hips happily before getting herself back on track. Glancing at the clock behind Asaki she made a note that she had to be fast. There wasn't much time left to goof around. "Now Akiaki, please don't take what I'm about to do personally. I'm doing this for love! Besides, if we get married you can expect much more of this." She said, reaching forward and yanking down her top.

A bloodcurdling screech overcame whatever noises were going on in the room, a now exposed Asaki red with embarrassment and anger. She was being disrespected and embarrassed in such a formal place by someone who wasn't even in the Royal Guard! This Grace girl was just a normal foot soldier yet she had the audacity to do such a thing. Grace on the other hand was giggling like crazy, stepping out of the way and holding out her hands like she was showing them off.
"Feast your eyes! You can all thank me later." Glancing back the green haired girl saw a fist coming her way, though before it could connect she vanished! The punch that Asaki threw had been a rather aggressive one, and when her target disappeared she was thrown off, the guard falling down onto her stomach. After laying on the floor for a few seconds Asaki got up, fixed her shirt, and stormed out of the building crying.

When all of that ended Grace reappeared again beside Rin, their arms linking together. She was giggling loudly and her hips did that swaying thing, clashing against her "wife's".
"How was that? Good enough for you? Marry me now?"

Fujio - Night Raid

Fujio ate the pancakes in utter silence. Most days he was a rather talkative person at the dinner table as he did love interacting with people, but today was a bit different. He was just too hungry to talk, and there was food in his mouth almost every second. They were just so good and he couldn't get over it. However he was forced to down some food and carve time out of his meal to speak with Ciri. "Yeah, that's what we are doing next. Find Santios and see what he's got to say." He said before getting back to work on his meal. He was burning through these pancakes and he only had a few left, and that was good but bad. At Ciri's words he just simply nodded to show that he heard, but didn't say anything in return. He didn't really know what she wanted to ask him and this actually made him kinda excited. He liked mysteries a lot and this was just another one.

It only took a few minutes until Fujio finished his share of pancakes. He'd never been this full before but it felt good. He leaned back into his seat and waited until Ciri was done with her breakfast. Standing up he took both of their plates and brought them back into the kitchen, dumping them in the sink with the rest of the dishes. He then returned to Ciri and pulled out her chair, smiling down st her.
"So Ciri, what is it you wanted to tell me? Is it something we can discuss on the way to Santios, or would you rather do it here?"
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Santios stands up fully, his average 5'11 frame now at it's full height as he eyes the man in front of him. His eyes float around, searching for clues about the young man. Santios could already tell that the young man wasn't at all worried, which was either a beneficial, or bad sign, depending on who this guy was.

"Well, I won't tell you my name, but I can tell you this. Knowing my name can get you killed. And a whole lot of people would go down with you. I need to know your name, and who sent you. Then, I can exchange my formalities with you."

@Sinister Clown
Kayzo said:
Grace - Guards
Grace' eyes widened at the task she was given to do. Pull down the top of Akiaki's top? Could she really do such a thing to her bestest friend? Hell yeah she could. This was in the name of love, and if she didn't do this than Rin wouldn't even consider her proposal. Sighing softly the green haired girl nodded her head and twirled around to face the direction that Asaki was. "Just you watch Rin, I'm going to do this just for you." She said confidently before happily walking over to Asaki, who was still standing by herself and drinking. The blonde girls eyes drifted down to Grace and an annoyed expression filled her face. "Oh, it's you..." She said in a displeased voice, Grace not even picking up on that. Grace extended her hands and cracked her knuckles before speaking. "Hi there Akiaki! I just wanted to come over and thank you for sending me to Rin! I talked a bit and it's confirmed! We are getting married very soon. You're missing out, did you know that? We are going to have sooooo Mapuche fun without you. Oh! Maybe we can get married too! I can have two wives, you and Rin. And then we can have 21 children, 7 each. Wouldn't that be fun? I think that'd be fun..." Grace said with a giggle, swaying her hips happily before getting herself back on track. Glancing at the clock behind Asaki she made a note that she had to be fast. There wasn't much time left to goof around. "Now Akiaki, please don't take what I'm about to do personally. I'm doing this for love! Besides, if we get married you can expect much more of this." She said, reaching forward and yanking down her top.

A bloodcurdling screech overcame whatever noises were going on in the room, a now exposed Asaki red with embarrassment and anger. She was being disrespected and embarrassed in such a formal place by someone who wasn't even in the Royal Guard! This Grace girl was just a normal foot soldier yet she had the audacity to do such a thing. Grace on the other hand was giggling like crazy, stepping out of the way and holding out her hands like she was showing them off.
"Feast your eyes! You can all thank me later." Glancing back the green haired girl saw a fist coming her way, though before it could connect she vanished! The punch that Asaki threw had been a rather aggressive one, and when her target disappeared she was thrown off, the guard falling down onto her stomach. After laying on the floor for a few seconds Asaki got up, fixed her shirt, and stormed out of the building crying.

When all of that ended Grace reappeared again beside Rin, their arms linking together. She was giggling loudly and her hips did that swaying thing, clashing against her "wife's".
"How was that? Good enough for you? Marry me now?"

Fujio - Night Raid

Fujio ate the pancakes in utter silence. Most days he was a rather talkative person at the dinner table as he did love interacting with people, but today was a bit different. He was just too hungry to talk, and there was food in his mouth almost every second. They were just so good and he couldn't get over it. However he was forced to down some food and carve time out of his meal to speak with Ciri. "Yeah, that's what we are doing next. Find Santios and see what he's got to say." He said before getting back to work on his meal. He was burning through these pancakes and he only had a few left, and that was good but bad. At Ciri's words he just simply nodded to show that he heard, but didn't say anything in return. He didn't really know what she wanted to ask him and this actually made him kinda excited. He liked mysteries a lot and this was just another one.

It only took a few minutes until Fujio finished his share of pancakes. He'd never been this full before but it felt good. He leaned back into his seat and waited until Ciri was done with her breakfast. Standing up he took both of their plates and brought them back into the kitchen, dumping them in the sink with the rest of the dishes. He then returned to Ciri and pulled out her chair, smiling down st her.
"So Ciri, what is it you wanted to tell me? Is it something we can discuss on the way to Santios, or would you rather do it here?"
@Leo Radomir

Rin Suzjamori

Rin crossed her arms across her chest and turned to watch Grace walk over to Asaki. Was she really going to do it? Be absolutely horrid to the person she'd said was her new best friend? Rin doubted her love for a random person was so great she'd actuall-Holy shit she did it. Rin absolutely burst out laughing at Asakis' very expected reaction. She couldn't believe Grace actually went through with it, but oh was she glad she did. Asaki got just what she deserved to bring her ego down a few pegs. Rin clapped alongside her laughter when Grace decided to turn it into a show to further humiliate Asaki. Soon enough Grace came back over and linked her arm with hers, once again asking if she would marry her. Now, she didn't say she exactly would. She said she'd consider it. She was willing to date her, she guessed. After all anyone that dedicated to love wouldn't exactly be a bad person, of course she hadn't heard her talking to Asaki about marrying her either. Little did she know Grace was simply asking anyone and everyone.

She hummed in thought a moment before sighing, "You're nice and all, and I really appreciate what you did. But, I just can't marry someone based on how cruel they can be to other people. Don't be me wrong, I really loved what you did. She deserved it. I mean...if you're willing to I dunno be friends a bit or date or something beforehand..there's a strong possibility." She replied. She really didn't care if it hurt her feelings or not, it'd at-least let her see her priorities.


Ciri nodded when Fujio confirmed they'd still be heading out to find Santios. With that she continued eating the rest of her food in silence alongside Fujio, she was quite hungry herself so there wasn't really room for much more talking until they'd both finished their meal. She was of course, still extremely nervous. But she'd set her mind to it and she'd rather get it out of the way and tell him before she forgot. No matter when she told him there was always a chance of rejection, it was better she told him now than later she supposed. Especially if something happened to either of them, though the better possibility was something happening to Fujio since he had her core. Soon enough they'd both finished eating and Fujio asked what she wanted to tell him. She debated it for a bit but in the end decided it would probably be best if she told him now, just so they wouldn't get interrupted. "Um..here is fine." She replied, a light blush growing across her face. "I um..first don't get mad at me. Second, I won't mind the answer whatever you say." She began, slowly looking up at him to meet his gaze. "I wanted to tell you for a while, but, I was worried you'd get mad at me or not think of me that way because I'm a weapon. But I came to realize you really did care about me unlike the rest of my previous masters. Fujio...I love you." She told him, growing silent and simply holding her gaze to him, her face reddening more.

She'd finally said it, his response was all that was left. Of course..she hoped he felt the same way, if only partially. But, she cared for Fujio so she wouldn't get too upset if his reaction was adverse.
Mitchs98 said:
@Leo Radomir
Rin Suzjamori

Rin crossed her arms across her chest and turned to watch Grace walk over to Asaki. Was she really going to do it? Be absolutely horrid to the person she'd said was her new best friend? Rin doubted her love for a random person was so great she'd actuall-Holy shit she did it. Rin absolutely burst out laughing at Asakis' very expected reaction. She couldn't believe Grace actually went through with it, but oh was she glad she did. Asaki got just what she deserved to bring her ego down a few pegs. Rin clapped alongside her laughter when Grace decided to turn it into a show to further humiliate Asaki. Soon enough Grace came back over and linked her arm with hers, once again asking if she would marry her. Now, she didn't say she exactly would. She said she'd consider it. She was willing to date her, she guessed. After all anyone that dedicated to love wouldn't exactly be a bad person, of course she hadn't heard her talking to Asaki about marrying her either. Little did she know Grace was simply asking anyone and everyone.

She hummed in thought a moment before sighing, "You're nice and all, and I really appreciate what you did. But, I just can't marry someone based on how cruel they can be to other people. Don't be me wrong, I really loved what you did. She deserved it. I mean...if you're willing to I dunno be friends a bit or date or something beforehand..there's a strong possibility." She replied. She really didn't care if it hurt her feelings or not, it'd at-least let her see her priorities.


Ciri nodded when Fujio confirmed they'd still be heading out to find Santios. With that she continued eating the rest of her food in silence alongside Fujio, she was quite hungry herself so there wasn't really room for much more talking until they'd both finished their meal. She was of course, still extremely nervous. But she'd set her mind to it and she'd rather get it out of the way and tell him before she forgot. No matter when she told him there was always a chance of rejection, it was better she told him now than later she supposed. Especially if something happened to either of them, though the better possibility was something happening to Fujio since he had her core. Soon enough they'd both finished eating and Fujio asked what she wanted to tell him. She debated it for a bit but in the end decided it would probably be best if she told him now, just so they wouldn't get interrupted. "Um..here is fine." She replied, a light blush growing across her face. "I um..first don't get mad at me. Second, I won't mind the answer whatever you say." She began, slowly looking up at him to meet his gaze. "I wanted to tell you for a while, but, I was worried you'd get mad at me or not think of me that way because I'm a weapon. But I came to realize you really did care about me unlike the rest of my previous masters. Fujio...I love you." She told him, growing silent and simply holding her gaze to him, her face reddening more.

She'd finally said it, his response was all that was left. Of course..she hoped he felt the same way, if only partially. But, she cared for Fujio so she wouldn't get too upset if his reaction was adverse.
Grace sighed quietly as she once again was rejected by the love of her life. Her happy and giddy look turned into a frown although she didn't release her arms. She just embarrassed her best friend and made her cry, and she did it all for nothing. Her excited hip swaying slowled down to a very slow crash. However Rin's words about being friends or dating beforehand sparked her excitement again. "Are you serious? I just have to date you before we get married? That's easy!" She said, letting go of her arm and kneeling down in front of her. "Rin! Go out with me so that we can get married!" She said with a giggle, glancing back at the clock. "Make your decision fast!"

Fujio blushed slightly at what Ciri said. Was she really in love with him? He thought highly of the teigu, and thought of her as his closest friend, but she never thought about her romantically. Besides what would the others think about it? He was rather nervous on what he'd say. He really didn't want to hurt her feelings but he also didn't want to get into anything he didn't want to do. "Listen Ciri... I've never thought of you as just a weapon. In fact I think of you as my best friend. But if we were in a relationship people would look down upon us. I know that you're hundreds of years old or something, but you look like a child." He said, reaching down and patting her head gently. "So I don't know. Let's hold off for now, ok?"

(Sorry for the shitty post. I'm kinda busy.)
Kayzo said:
Grace sighed quietly as she once again was rejected by the love of her life. Her happy and giddy look turned into a frown although she didn't release her arms. She just embarrassed her best friend and made her cry, and she did it all for nothing. Her excited hip swaying slowled down to a very slow crash. However Rin's words about being friends or dating beforehand sparked her excitement again. "Are you serious? I just have to date you before we get married? That's easy!" She said, letting go of her arm and kneeling down in front of her. "Rin! Go out with me so that we can get married!" She said with a giggle, glancing back at the clock. "Make your decision fast!"

Fujio blushed slightly at what Ciri said. Was she really in love with him? He thought highly of the teigu, and thought of her as his closest friend, but she never thought about her romantically. Besides what would the others think about it? He was rather nervous on what he'd say. He really didn't want to hurt her feelings but he also didn't want to get into anything he didn't want to do. "Listen Ciri... I've never thought of you as just a weapon. In fact I think of you as my best friend. But if we were in a relationship people would look down upon us. I know that you're hundreds of years old or something, but you look like a child." He said, reaching down and patting her head gently. "So I don't know. Let's hold off for now, ok?"

(Sorry for the shitty post. I'm kinda busy.)
Rin Suzajamori

Rin sighed. She obviously interpreted her words as it being a sure thing on her marrying her if they dated. Did this girl not understand the general concept of love and dating? Better question, why was she constantly glancing at the clock? "Look. I never said I'd for sure marry you, at all. I mean, you're nice. But, dating you won't exactly lead to me marrying you. You gotta understand, not everyone believes in the whole 'marrying the first person you think you like' thing." She told her. Well, no one did that really. As far as Rin knew. No sane person anyway, and Grace was clearly not. "If it'll make you happy, I'll go on a date with you. No promises of anything else, alright?" She added. She really didn't want to, but if it'd get her to stop annoying her she would. Plus she deserved something after what she'd done to Asaki. Though to Asaki it was probably a fist to the face.


Ciri's expression immediately saddened when Fujio more or less rejected her based on how she looked alone. Honestly she didn't see a problem with it, or exactly care what anyone else thought. But, if Fujio didn't like it she wasn't exactly going to force him. At-least now she knew how he felt, even if she didn't like the answer. "Oh..okay..I guess I understand..You're right, the others probably wouldn't like it..." She told him sadly before hopping out of her chair and starting to walk out of the room. "Lets find Santios, he isn't far." She added. She had told him she wouldn't mind the answer, but really that was only if he didn't feel the same way as her. Not for some trivial reason such as appearance. Maybe that was the real reason, but if he had've just came out and said it she wouldn't of minded as much. Sure she would of been sad a bit, but she couldn't help how she looked.

She guessed she'd never really have a chance with Fujio or anyone else simply because how her physical body looked. She sort of felt like crying, but she'd told Fujio she wouldn't get mad or anything so she'd have to refrain from doing so. Even if she didn't cry it'd be blatantly obvious to anyone that she was sort of depressed. She tried to maintain her cheery attitude but that quickly failed. Maybe she could convince him that it didn't matter? He hadn't exactly flat out told her no or rejected her..so it was possible.


Sera Lightbane

Sera nodded, 10 dishes was fine. Though, by progress level did she mean she had to cook them herself? Surely not, right? "Wait, you want me to cook the food?" She asked skeptically. "Well, I mean. I guess I can. No promises on it tasting good." She told her with a shrug. She blinked at what Weilow said, kind of confused. She wasn't being reserved, she just genuinely didn't know what to say about such things most of the time. "It's..not really that. I'm just not as lovey-dovey in that sense as you guys. Spice should know, it took me a while to tell her anything after all." She told him.
Mitchs98 said:
Rin Suzajamori
Rin sighed. She obviously interpreted her words as it being a sure thing on her marrying her if they dated. Did this girl not understand the general concept of love and dating? Better question, why was she constantly glancing at the clock? "Look. I never said I'd for sure marry you, at all. I mean, you're nice. But, dating you won't exactly lead to me marrying you. You gotta understand, not everyone believes in the whole 'marrying the first person you think you like' thing." She told her. Well, no one did that really. As far as Rin knew. No sane person anyway, and Grace was clearly not. "If it'll make you happy, I'll go on a date with you. No promises of anything else, alright?" She added. She really didn't want to, but if it'd get her to stop annoying her she would. Plus she deserved something after what she'd done to Asaki. Though to Asaki it was probably a fist to the face.


Ciri's expression immediately saddened when Fujio more or less rejected her based on how she looked alone. Honestly she didn't see a problem with it, or exactly care what anyone else thought. But, if Fujio didn't like it she wasn't exactly going to force him. At-least now she knew how he felt, even if she didn't like the answer. "Oh..okay..I guess I understand..You're right, the others probably wouldn't like it..." She told him sadly before hopping out of her chair and starting to walk out of the room. "Lets find Santios, he isn't far." She added. She had told him she wouldn't mind the answer, but really that was only if he didn't feel the same way as her. Not for some trivial reason such as appearance. Maybe that was the real reason, but if he had've just came out and said it she wouldn't of minded as much. Sure she would of been sad a bit, but she couldn't help how she looked.

She guessed she'd never really have a chance with Fujio or anyone else simply because how her physical body looked. She sort of felt like crying, but she'd told Fujio she wouldn't get mad or anything so she'd have to refrain from doing so. Even if she didn't cry it'd be blatantly obvious to anyone that she was sort of depressed. She tried to maintain her cheery attitude but that quickly failed. Maybe she could convince him that it didn't matter? He hadn't exactly flat out told her no or rejected her..so it was possible.

Sera Lightbane

Sera nodded, 10 dishes was fine. Though, by progress level did she mean she had to cook them herself? Surely not, right? "Wait, you want me to cook the food?" She asked skeptically. "Well, I mean. I guess I can. No promises on it tasting good." She told her with a shrug. She blinked at what Weilow said, kind of confused. She wasn't being reserved, she just genuinely didn't know what to say about such things most of the time. "It's..not really that. I'm just not as lovey-dovey in that sense as you guys. Spice should know, it took me a while to tell her anything after all." She told him.
Wei-kun smiles gently and then says" when you put it like that i see what you mean, well for now i'll just have to wait for you to warm up to me more after all everyone's different after all that's makes the world interesting".

Spice gently sighs then says" that was my fault sorry i should of remembered it's been like that for ages, but for now lets give this a rain check and don't worry i'll give you a basic guide so you have a better understanding of how to cook sera chan".
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Wei-kun smiles gently and then says" when you put it like that i see what you mean, well for now i'll just have to wait for you to warm up to me more after all everyone's different after all that's makes the world interesting".

Spice gently sighs then says" that was my fault sorry i should of remembered it's been like that for ages, but for now lets give this a rain check and don't worry i'll give you a basic guide so you have a better understanding of how to cook sera chan".

Sera Lightbane

Sera nodded, "
Thanks for understanding. I hope I didn't upset you or anything." She replied. She was sure he would of said something if she had, but she figured it was a good thing to ask and make sure. After all, she didn't exactly want to make him mad or anything, especially if they intended on helping him. She smiled lightly and shook her head at Spices' comment, "No, no. It's not your fault. I just never have been to anyone really. Trust me." She told her reassuringly. "And a book would be great, what do you want me to try to cook first?" She asked, looking between them both.
Mitchs98 said:
Sera Lightbane
Sera nodded, "
Thanks for understanding. I hope I didn't upset you or anything." She replied. She was sure he would of said something if she had, but she figured it was a good thing to ask and make sure. After all, she didn't exactly want to make him mad or anything, especially if they intended on helping him. She smiled lightly and shook her head at Spices' comment, "No, no. It's not your fault. I just never have been to anyone really. Trust me." She told her reassuringly. "And a book would be great, what do you want me to try to cook first?" She asked, looking between them both.
Wei kun smiles and says" no problems here after all i don't warm up to most people quickly, i've just learned to fake it so i guess somewhere along the line it became part of me ironic ay, but that aside what to cook a seafood stir fry is simple enough to cook".

Spice nodded then says" Ah i just remembered there's a book store near here, we can go after work it's open till pretty late, i hear they a clothes behind the book store but the clothes aren't big names so as long as one doesn't mind that then it's fine". " I'd like to buy some books as well because it's important that i continue to learn useful things".
HimeragiSeiker said:
''I killed all of them...all of them having a slow and painful death...''
...☫She said as she stopped walking. She did have some sort of malevolent aura at the moment☫...
"They deserved that having killed your loved ones.You set the area they were in on fire killing every single one made you feel like you got revenge didn't it?"He said watching suddenly stop and stood by her wondering she stopped.He sort of knew how she felt he never knew his parents or who they were he was adopted by soldier and took him as his son.
Mitchs98 said:
Rin Suzajamori
Rin sighed. She obviously interpreted her words as it being a sure thing on her marrying her if they dated. Did this girl not understand the general concept of love and dating? Better question, why was she constantly glancing at the clock? "Look. I never said I'd for sure marry you, at all. I mean, you're nice. But, dating you won't exactly lead to me marrying you. You gotta understand, not everyone believes in the whole 'marrying the first person you think you like' thing." She told her. Well, no one did that really. As far as Rin knew. No sane person anyway, and Grace was clearly not. "If it'll make you happy, I'll go on a date with you. No promises of anything else, alright?" She added. She really didn't want to, but if it'd get her to stop annoying her she would. Plus she deserved something after what she'd done to Asaki. Though to Asaki it was probably a fist to the face.


Ciri's expression immediately saddened when Fujio more or less rejected her based on how she looked alone. Honestly she didn't see a problem with it, or exactly care what anyone else thought. But, if Fujio didn't like it she wasn't exactly going to force him. At-least now she knew how he felt, even if she didn't like the answer. "Oh..okay..I guess I understand..You're right, the others probably wouldn't like it..." She told him sadly before hopping out of her chair and starting to walk out of the room. "Lets find Santios, he isn't far." She added. She had told him she wouldn't mind the answer, but really that was only if he didn't feel the same way as her. Not for some trivial reason such as appearance. Maybe that was the real reason, but if he had've just came out and said it she wouldn't of minded as much. Sure she would of been sad a bit, but she couldn't help how she looked.

She guessed she'd never really have a chance with Fujio or anyone else simply because how her physical body looked. She sort of felt like crying, but she'd told Fujio she wouldn't get mad or anything so she'd have to refrain from doing so. Even if she didn't cry it'd be blatantly obvious to anyone that she was sort of depressed. She tried to maintain her cheery attitude but that quickly failed. Maybe she could convince him that it didn't matter? He hadn't exactly flat out told her no or rejected her..so it was possible.

Sera Lightbane

Sera nodded, 10 dishes was fine. Though, by progress level did she mean she had to cook them herself? Surely not, right? "Wait, you want me to cook the food?" She asked skeptically. "Well, I mean. I guess I can. No promises on it tasting good." She told her with a shrug. She blinked at what Weilow said, kind of confused. She wasn't being reserved, she just genuinely didn't know what to say about such things most of the time. "It's..not really that. I'm just not as lovey-dovey in that sense as you guys. Spice should know, it took me a while to tell her anything after all." She told him.
Grace rolled her eyes at Rin as she said that their marriage wasn't guaranteed. The green haired girl knew that it would happen seeing as it was bound by fate. "Oh silly Rin, it will happen. Just you watch!" She said with a giggle, taking her hands and standing up. She began to swing their hands happily and listened as Rin offered to go on a date. Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and her head began to nod at a fast speed. "Yes Rin yes! I will go on a date with you! When do you want to go on a date? Tomorrow night would be best for me, but I can push it back if you want. And where should we go? Should we have a romantic candle light dinner at a fancy restaurant? Or should we go to potential wedding locations? Whatever you want to do I want to do!" She said excitedly, giggling again. However behind the smile she was rather sad. After they got the date sorted out she would have to leave and wouldn't be able to see Rin until the date.

Fujio felt like absolute shit when his eyes saw Ciri's sad expression. He didn't mean to hurt her feelings like that, but rather to protect her. In all honesty he wouldn't mind being in a relationship with the small girl. She understood him like no one else and he loved everything about her, however it was the body she was in. Yes her age may be hundreds of years old, but her body looked 13. If anyone saw the two walking around or showing excessive affection they'd come under attack. He'd be deemed a criminal and she'd be shunned for it. There was always the possibility that they could keep it a secret, but there was always the chance that they'd be found out. As Ciri began to walk away towards Santios, Fujio quickly caught up to her and pulled the Teigu into a tight hug.
"I'm really sorry Ciri. It's not because I hate you, I hope you know that. In fact I love having you by my side! I just don't know if it'd be the best idea. Maybe if you ask me in a day or two my mind will be change." He said, running his hand through her hair. Fujio hoped that the last part would cheer her up a bit, but he wasn't sure
MrNeko said:
"They deserved that having killed your loved ones.You set the area they were in on fire killing every single one made you feel like you got revenge didn't it?"He said watching suddenly stop and stood by her wondering she stopped.He sort of knew how she felt he never knew his parents or who they were he was adopted by soldier and took him as his son.
''That was to avenge...however, my revenge is not complete...''

...☫She said as she looked at Yutaka a bit coldly☫...

"What else is their to do.Is their someone you want to kill that is in the empire? Or something."He said with a smirk.He was willing to help her do what she wanted to kill who she wanted dead."Well then who do you want dead?"
MrNeko said:
"What else is their to do.Is their someone you want to kill that is in the empire? Or something."He said with a smirk.He was willing to help her do what she wanted to kill who she wanted dead."Well then who do you want dead?"
''The Prime Minister...''

...☫She said as her eyes glowed a gold color out of rage before it stopped glowing☫...

Rei Looked at the captain with a blank stare "W-What?"She knocked the weapon out of his hand."I D-don't know"She suddenly began to laugh and then cry hysterical "W-where is my f-family are they gone or dead?! Who did it you or someone else!"She yelled into his face."Where is my mother and you stop looking at me!"She pointed at another guard still crying and laughing.

HimeragiSeiker said:
''The Prime Minister...''
...☫She said as her eyes glowed a gold color out of rage before it stopped glowing☫...
"Oh the prime minister well that going to be difficult.Well then is their any military official you want to kill?"He asked with a calm tone.The prime minister the one who runs the empire he would be difficult to kill but then he decided to ignore the thoughts.

Zethdesa & Hizashi

Zethdesa looked at her with a strange look on his face, as she attempted to knock the blade out of his hand, but failed, as he moved it out of the way. “Are you alright? You seem to be not yourself at the moment, as I am confused myself.” He says. Another figure which was leaning on the wall scanning a book that he was reading which was about the imperial arms, and other information that was held within the book.

His eyes soon caught an attention of what is going on with the captain, and the guard. A sigh left from him, he began to close his book, and walked over their to see what the problem was. Zethdesa looked over, and see’s that his assistant was making his way over.

“What seems to be the problem” the male says in a boring tone, as he was asking the girl with his arms crossed below his chest.

@MrNeko )

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MrNeko said:
"Oh the prime minister well that going to be difficult.Well then is their any military official you want to kill?"He asked with a calm tone.The prime minister the one who runs the empire he would be difficult to kill but then he decided to ignore the thoughts.
''How about...all of them? If I want to kill the Prime Minister, I need to aim at those high ranking officials..''

...☫She said as she nodded agreeing to Yutaka's suggestion☫...

She had her Imperial arm showing her large claws were on the floor."W-what did you say H-have you s-seen my family? W-whe-re are th-ey.T-heir is no problem here sir!"She then laid down on the floor and beginning to laugh again."influen-ce I th-ink"she said


"Well I can help with that it can be difficult.Can we do it?"He asked.He could see her wanting to avenge her family and everyone she lost."Well we can try to do that but Slowly like every now and then"

MrNeko said:
She had her Imperial arm showing her large claws were on the floor."W-what did you say H-have you s-seen my family? W-whe-re are th-ey.T-heir is no problem here sir!"She then laid down on the floor and beginning to laugh again."influen-ce I th-ink"she said

"Well I can help with that it can be difficult.Can we do it?"He asked.He could see her wanting to avenge her family and everyone she lost."Well we can try to do that but Slowly like every now and then"

''Or maybe...we can be patient. I'm sure the resistance and assassins are doing that job for us..''

...☫She said as she grinned☫...

[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]
Wei kun smiles and says" no problems here after all i don't warm up to most people quickly, i've just learned to fake it so i guess somewhere along the line it became part of me ironic ay, but that aside what to cook a seafood stir fry is simple enough to cook".

Spice nodded then says" Ah i just remembered there's a book store near here, we can go after work it's open till pretty late, i hear they a clothes behind the book store but the clothes aren't big names so as long as one doesn't mind that then it's fine". " I'd like to buy some books as well because it's important that i continue to learn useful things".

Sera Lightbane

Sera arched a brow at Weilows words, half wondering if he'd been faking it when they first met but quickly brushing those thoughts aside. Its not like it mattered now anyway, she was decently sure it was genuine. "
Seafood stirfry? Alright..sounds simply enough." She told them, downing the last of her tea before standing and walking to the fridge. "What uh..what exactly do you want in it? What seafood I mean." She asked. After all, seafood was a vauge term. It could mean anything from salmon to oyster. Then Spice mentioned a book store later. Sera did enjoy reading, plus she needed to get a cookbook anyway. Probably a few more books to go along with it. "Sure thing Spice, sounds great." She told her.

Kayzo said:
Grace rolled her eyes at Rin as she said that their marriage wasn't guaranteed. The green haired girl knew that it would happen seeing as it was bound by fate. "Oh silly Rin, it will happen. Just you watch!" She said with a giggle, taking her hands and standing up. She began to swing their hands happily and listened as Rin offered to go on a date. Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and her head began to nod at a fast speed. "Yes Rin yes! I will go on a date with you! When do you want to go on a date? Tomorrow night would be best for me, but I can push it back if you want. And where should we go? Should we have a romantic candle light dinner at a fancy restaurant? Or should we go to potential wedding locations? Whatever you want to do I want to do!" She said excitedly, giggling again. However behind the smile she was rather sad. After they got the date sorted out she would have to leave and wouldn't be able to see Rin until the date.
Fujio felt like absolute shit when his eyes saw Ciri's sad expression. He didn't mean to hurt her feelings like that, but rather to protect her. In all honesty he wouldn't mind being in a relationship with the small girl. She understood him like no one else and he loved everything about her, however it was the body she was in. Yes her age may be hundreds of years old, but her body looked 13. If anyone saw the two walking around or showing excessive affection they'd come under attack. He'd be deemed a criminal and she'd be shunned for it. There was always the possibility that they could keep it a secret, but there was always the chance that they'd be found out. As Ciri began to walk away towards Santios, Fujio quickly caught up to her and pulled the Teigu into a tight hug.
"I'm really sorry Ciri. It's not because I hate you, I hope you know that. In fact I love having you by my side! I just don't know if it'd be the best idea. Maybe if you ask me in a day or two my mind will be change." He said, running his hand through her hair. Fujio hoped that the last part would cheer her up a bit, but he wasn't sure
Rin Suzajamori

Truth be told, she preferred men to women. Grace was only solidifying her preference with each passing second she insisted on annoying her. Grace, of course, accepted her proposal of a date night instantaneously. It had been no more than twenty seconds since she offered that Grace had accepted. Something seemed off about her, but Rin being the airhead she was didn't really think too far into it. Most everyone was weird in their own special brand of weirdness to her anyway. "
Slow down there sparky. Dinner will tommorrow night will be fine, no wedding spots. You gotta be patient, okay?" She replied. She felt briefly that she was getting into more trouble than she realized, but soon dismissed it. She doubted she'd snap or something if it didn't work out. Then again she could be a complete yandere psychopathic bitch. She hoped not, but, it was possible.


Ciri blinked when Fujio ran up and pulled her into a hug, sort of confused at first. Maybe he'd changed his mind? Then he started speaking, she pretty much immediately started hugging him back. She hadn't meant to make him feel bad alongside her, really he shouldn't have even if she didn't understand what the big deal was. She could just show everyone she was a weapon fairly easily, plus how many people had big rabbit ears sticking out of their head? Being a Teigu she didn't fully get the whole idea of it being a bad thing for someone that appeared much older than her to date her, at all. Though she knew he didn't hate her. His words did make her feel better, though it still confused her about the whole 'bad idea thing'. Her expression instantly brightened when he said to ask him again in a day or two.

It seemed like a good idea, give him time to think about it and what not. It wasn't like either of them would be going anywhere in that timespan. "I know you don't hate me Fujio. And I really don't understand why it'd be a bad idea but..I won't keep pressing it, I'll do what you said and ask you if you changed your mind later." She told him before sighing. "I really hope you do, but, I'll try to accept whatever choic you make. I won't force you into anything you don't like just because of me." She added, looking up at him with a hopeful yet reassuring smile. The only thing she could do now was wait and hope he did change his mind and prepare for if he didn't.

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