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Fantasy Post Apocalyptic RP (closed) Garrett.Hawke, Otreas, Solaris_, ThatMushroomBoiZey

Viktor folds his arms over his chest. "For all you know they could be dangerous. At least grab your weapon if you're gonna be a jackass."

Viktor walks back over to the couch, where he unceremoniously left his stuff earlier. He picks up an assault rifle. "Let's go I guess."
Zefron grabbed his Chakrams and followed Viktor nonchalantly while Cam followed behind with his shotgun strapped to his back and his bat in his hand “Let’s go fuck them up!”
Zefron sighed ”Jorah can you stay here and let the others know we went out?” Jorah nodded
Xandria continued to mess with Orin, taking full advantage of her newfound fun. Orin tried to ignore her annoying jabs and pokes but when she started teasingly braiding his hair, that was the last straw. Orin took off his cloak and threw it into the air, effectively revealing the invisible girl. "Gotcha!" he said as he tackled her. The two rolled on the ground for a few minutes, annoyed grunts and gleeful laughter echoing through the room as they fought.
Viktor snickers. He starts slowly walking towards the source of the noise. "Let's hope it's a threat, huh?" He teases the youngest in the group.
Cam grinned and swung his bat “I wanna kill something now that Miss. Jorah isn’t here. Buzz kill!”

Zefron ignored them and continued venturing toward the noises “I think it’s people, there’s laughter”
"You're a fucking menace!" Orin said as he pinned his cloak against a wall. Xandria wriggled out of his grasp and threw off the cloak, her disembodied laughter taunting him.
Viktor's hands tighten around his gun, he kicks the door open before aiming the gun at the first person he saw. Orin. "What are you and what are you doing here?" He asks, ready to put a round thought the elven creature if need be.
Zefron swung his chakrams in front of him “I heard 2 voices before but I only see one person“
Cam pushed passed Zefron “no shit Sherlock! Thanks for stating the obvious asshole”
Orin turned at the intrusion and raised his hands. Suddenly what remained of a wooden table sitting in the corner levitated in the air and hovered between the others and Orin. The ego of the guy with the gun grated on his nerves. Who was he to think he could barge in on them and fire questions at strangers, practically threatening to fire bullets as well.
"We-I was in this building first. Why do you feel you have the right to barge in and ask questions? I'm no threat to you unless you make me be one," he said, leveling a glare at him and his gun.
Xandria pulled a knife out of her pocket and threw it as hard as she could at the wall right above the one with the red hair. It vibrated for a second before stilling, sticking deep in the drywall. A warning. She kept the bracelet on, thinking it best to stay hidden from sight in case they decided to attack. She glanced at Orin and, even though it would be hard for anyone else to notice, he seemed frazzled by these guys' sudden appearance.
Cam yelped as the knife flew over his hair “HEY! MY HAIR! YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO FIND HAIR GEL NOW?!” He raises his bat swinging at the seemingly empty air “WHERE ARE YOU?”
Zefron pointed to something “I heard footsteps from over there”
Cam grinned and walked to where Zefron pointed “thanks ZeZe”
Viktor grabs the elven guy by his throat, squeezing gently. "I dare you to say that to my face boy." He snarls.
Orin smirked, refusing to show any sign of being slightly intimidated. "I'll say it again, slower this time. Leave. Me. Alone. You bunch of A-holes don't know who you're messing with," he managed to breathe around the man's grip on his throat.
Xandria wasn't expecting the comically vane reaction to her warning and couldn't help snorting with laughter before managing to stifle it. When one of the intruders grabbed hold of Orin, she screamed with rage, pushing the red-haired boy out of her way as she charged at the man threatening her friend. A small column of fire suddenly appeared around him, catching fire to parts of his clothing. "You. Heard. Him. Leave. Us. Alone!!" she said, kicking him as hard as she could manage in his back before grabbing another of her knives. "Eighteen," she said to Orin as she pointed her knife at the man's neck.
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Viktor realises him to put out the fire on the clothes. "Now you know where the bitch is, do something Cam."
Zefron froze “fuck, I told her to stay behind“ He sighed and covered his ears as a somewhat familiar scream ripped through the air. It was shrill and painfully loud
“DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH THEM!” Jorah burst into the building screaming like a banshee (literally, I mean she is one)
Orin covered his ears and the table fell to the ground with a loud crash. The flames enveloping the man who'd attacked Orin died down a little as Xandria's ears rang.
"Geeze, well maybe try telling them not to attack us?! Then maybe we wouldn't. Y'know, the golden rule everyone's supposed to learn when they're learning to share toys as children? Treat everyone the way you want to be treated if ya don't wanna get pummeled..." Xandria said, gritting her teeth. She now had a pounding headache that wouldn't go away and the ringing in her ears was only just now starting to fade. Judging from the violent noise, megaphone girl definitely had to be part banshee or something.
Orin grabbed his cloak and eyed everyone in the room in turn. "Look, we were just resting for a moment after those mutants attacked. You guys can have the building if you want. We weren't planning on staying," he said, finally able to calm his nerves and speak evenly to the strangers.
Jorah glared at Viktor, Cam, and Zefron “You guys attacked them?” She hugs Zefron and Cam “oh you boys had me worried!“ She then flicks Cam’s forehead “Why didn’t you tell me that it was you who started it? I just blew out these poor people’s eardrums!”
Cam groans and pulls away from Jorah “We would have if you weren’t screaming you hag!”
Xandria snorts, amused by the hair-obsessed boy getting smothered. She takes off the bracelet and materializes next to her friend. "What do you mean alone? I can't seem to get rid of him," she says with a grin, nudging Orin's shoulder. He rolls his eyes. "Don't pretend like you wouldn't be as good as a mutant without me," he retorts as he glares at Viktor, still apprehensive.
Viktor raises his hands in surrender when he sees Jorah. "'Kay, I'm sorry." He grumbles, "I'm gonna go on a supply run, what do we need Кроме сигарет."
"Aww, if you're so perfect little miss bitch why don't you tell me what we need?" Viktor glares at Jorah. "I don't know what were low on besides for Nick's pain meds."
Nick heard the scream, she rolls her eyes, gently tugging on Minkey's hand. "I think something happened. Don't know what but it sounds chaotic." She grumbles.
Orin tried to be inconspicuous as he grabbed the forgotten box of cigarettes from their loot collection and shoved it deep in his pocket. There was no way in hell he was letting Viktor catch sight of their stuff.
But when Xandria heard that the group needed pain meds for someone, she grabbed a bottle from her pack and waved it in the air. "Like this? One of those mutants had this on him..." she said. Orin shook his head at the girl. "Ria, no..."
But she approached Jorah with the bottle. "I'm willing to trade for information. Have you seen a dog around at all? About this tall..." she said, gesturing to her waist. "We haven't seen Sirius for a while..."
Orin's eyes softened at his friend's worry, knowing better than to tell her the truth of what he thinks happened to their 'pet'.
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Minley perks up at the sound of the scream “Thats Jorah! She sounds pissed” She runs out of the door and grabs her weapons

Cam runs up to Viktor “Can you go look for some more hair gel please?” He glances at Xandria angrily ignoring the thick atmosphere
Jorah listens to Xandri’s offer “sorry mate, but I haven’t seen a single living animal other than a few vultures “ she shakes her head solemnly
Zefron approaches Viktor with a list of things they need “We mostly need food” his hood was pulled tightly around his head. He didn’t like the crowd of people

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