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Fandom Akame Ga Kill

HimeragiSeiker said:
''Or maybe...we can be patient. I'm sure the resistance and assassins are doing that job for us..''
...☫She said as she grinned☫...
"You are correct the assassins are doing that.But that fun is fadig do you want to kill someone?"He said.He wanted to kill a official for a while so then people won't have to suffer from their actions.
MrNeko said:
"You are correct the assassins are doing that.But that fun is fadig do you want to kill someone?"He said.He wanted to kill a official for a while so then people won't have to suffer from their actions.
''You will have fun soon enough...I'm still trying to create a plan..'' She said.
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HimeragiSeiker said:
''You will have fun soon enough...I'm still trying to create a plan..'' She said.
"Alright continue creating your great plan.Do you want me to help you but in what ways exactly."He asked then began to think of ways to kill the officials.
MrNeko said:
"Alright continue creating your great plan.Do you want me to help you but in what ways exactly."He asked then began to think of ways to kill the officials.
''Just...wait for it..''

...☫She said before she started walking again☫...
HimeragiSeiker said:
''Just...wait for it..''
...☫She said before she started walking again☫...
He went to walk right next to her "So do you want to buy anything?"He asked her being generous to her by offering to buy things for her.He liked to be around seris she was all he would want in a girl.
MrNeko said:
He went to walk right next to her "So do you want to buy anything?"He asked her being generous to her by offering to buy things for her.He liked to be around seris she was all he would want in a girl.
''No...maybe not. Later maybe.''

...☫She said as she looked up to him and smiled☫...



Sin - Gifnora Forest
If one thing was for sure, this guy was deffinately short spoken and very subtle with the hints he gave out. 'Knowing his name would get me killed huh?' the thought trailed and sat in his mind for quite a while. While the stranger didn't seem to be much out of the ordinary - his performance from earlier was enough proof for Sin to know that this guy had some serious tricks up his sleeve, He almost felt too tempted to test the man but after a few moments of thinking about it - Sin made what he believed the best decision was and go along with what the man said.

Nodding slightly and letting out a sigh, Sin reached up to rub the side of his neck again as he rested his eyes before speaking. "Okay.." brushing off some dust on his long sleeved T-shirt he introduced himself as he normally would with anyone. "Everyone knows me by Sin, and since I don't believe I have much choice. I'm just going to be straight with you and tell you exactly what I plan to do, if you aren't what I was looking for and it turns out everything I said becomes a risk rather than a benefit. I'll just have to deal with you like everything else." he let out a bothered sigh, while most would often take what he says as just any normal threats. For Sin it was a little different - he never truly liked getting his hands dirty for no reason and especially during a time like this, it was time wasted.

"I came here from a place very far from here to find a group known as 'Night Raid'..You wouldn't happen to be one of them would you?"


(Blood Count: 2250/2500)

HimeragiSeiker said:
''No...maybe not. Later maybe.''
...☫She said as she looked up to him and smiled☫...
"Oh alright is their anything you would like to learn something here? Or would you like to go drink wine?"He asked thinking of good places to go drink wine and have fun.
MrNeko said:
"Oh alright is their anything you would like to learn something here? Or would you like to go drink wine?"He asked thinking of good places to go drink wine and have fun.
''How much security is in the kingdom's dungeons and prisons?''

...☫She asked as she looked up at him☫...

Mitchs98 said:
Sera Lightbane
Sera arched a brow at Weilows words, half wondering if he'd been faking it when they first met but quickly brushing those thoughts aside. Its not like it mattered now anyway, she was decently sure it was genuine. "
Seafood stirfry? Alright..sounds simply enough." She told them, downing the last of her tea before standing and walking to the fridge. "What uh..what exactly do you want in it? What seafood I mean." She asked. After all, seafood was a vauge term. It could mean anything from salmon to oyster. Then Spice mentioned a book store later. Sera did enjoy reading, plus she needed to get a cookbook anyway. Probably a few more books to go along with it. "Sure thing Spice, sounds great." She told her.

Rin Suzajamori

Truth be told, she preferred men to women. Grace was only solidifying her preference with each passing second she insisted on annoying her. Grace, of course, accepted her proposal of a date night instantaneously. It had been no more than twenty seconds since she offered that Grace had accepted. Something seemed off about her, but Rin being the airhead she was didn't really think too far into it. Most everyone was weird in their own special brand of weirdness to her anyway. "
Slow down there sparky. Dinner will tommorrow night will be fine, no wedding spots. You gotta be patient, okay?" She replied. She felt briefly that she was getting into more trouble than she realized, but soon dismissed it. She doubted she'd snap or something if it didn't work out. Then again she could be a complete yandere psychopathic bitch. She hoped not, but, it was possible.


Ciri blinked when Fujio ran up and pulled her into a hug, sort of confused at first. Maybe he'd changed his mind? Then he started speaking, she pretty much immediately started hugging him back. She hadn't meant to make him feel bad alongside her, really he shouldn't have even if she didn't understand what the big deal was. She could just show everyone she was a weapon fairly easily, plus how many people had big rabbit ears sticking out of their head? Being a Teigu she didn't fully get the whole idea of it being a bad thing for someone that appeared much older than her to date her, at all. Though she knew he didn't hate her. His words did make her feel better, though it still confused her about the whole 'bad idea thing'. Her expression instantly brightened when he said to ask him again in a day or two.

It seemed like a good idea, give him time to think about it and what not. It wasn't like either of them would be going anywhere in that timespan. "I know you don't hate me Fujio. And I really don't understand why it'd be a bad idea but..I won't keep pressing it, I'll do what you said and ask you if you changed your mind later." She told him before sighing. "I really hope you do, but, I'll try to accept whatever choic you make. I won't force you into anything you don't like just because of me." She added, looking up at him with a hopeful yet reassuring smile. The only thing she could do now was wait and hope he did change his mind and prepare for if he didn't.
@Leo Radomir @whatever guards are around

Grace didn't mind the fact that they weren't going to look at potential wedding places. A date was a date and that's all that mattered. The thought of spending alone time with Rin sounded so fun! They could eat dinner, then go on a walk, then go shopping, and then kiss! That's a perfect night in her books. You knew she was excited when she was willing to get all dressed up for something. Grace found herself giggled slightly as she was told to slow down. "Silly Rin, I can't slow down! I have big plans and I have to move fast. Speaking of which, I have to get going now. Do me a favor and meet me at the big fountain in the city square no matter what you see or hear. Ok? Great! I'll see you then Rin!" She said, patting her head softly before walking off. However she wasn't quite done yet. Walking into a smal, crowd Grace disappeared from sight, only to reappear on the top floor where the high ranking officers and royals socialized. Most of these men were tall or big so the short little Grace was able to slip through the people relatively undetected. At the balcony looking down was a rather handsome, blonde man. He had the face of an angel too, his beautiful eyes radiating down upon the guards. Soon he'd be on the same floor. Only moments later did the mans body fall down and crash to the floor with a sickening crack. His body laid backside up, a pool of Royal red blood forming around his side where a sharp knife stuck out his body. Tucked into his shirt was a piece of cloth that had the symbol of the revolutionary army sewn into it.

Grace happily trotted down the road leading away from the building where the party away being hosted, a bright smile on her face.
"Let's pay those Night Raid fellows a visit!"
HimeragiSeiker said:
''How much security is in the kingdom's dungeons and prisons?''
...☫She asked as she looked up at him☫...
"It depends on which type of time your talking about like at night or day.At night their may be less guards inside of the prison because they are overworked from the many prisoners that are wrongly accused and their ate more patrols on the perimeter and watchtowers.If you say at day then their may be less on the outside but more on the inside thats what I see."He says thinking of all he knew of the kingdoms prisons then he looked around to see if their was anyone looking at them.
MrNeko said:
"It depends on which type of time your talking about like at night or day.At night their may be less guards inside of the prison because they are overworked from the many prisoners that are wrongly accused and their ate more patrols on the perimeter and watchtowers.If you say at day then their may be less on the outside but more on the inside thats what I see."He says thinking of all he knew of the kingdoms prisons then he looked around to see if their was anyone looking at them.
''Ah...so that's it..''

...☫She said as she walked with him☫...

Santios looks at the man, who called himself Sin. It was an interesting name, a name that rang very familiar. What the young man didn't know was that Santios was the leader, and Santios was still pondering on whether to tell Sin straight up front, or for him to figure it out. However, Santios thought it would be more amusing if he just told him up front.

"Yes, you could say I know Night Raid. I would hope so, since I am the leader."

@Sinister Clown


Sin - Gifnora Forest
Raising his left eyebrow in surprise, Sin wasn't expecting a response like that - even if the guy was actually the leader, Sin never thought they would be so up front about it as to just plainly say he was their leader. But the body doesn't lie, and unless this person wasn't a person at all (Herr herr, irony) Sin would have been able to tell the difference between his lies and truth - it was just one of Sin's useful skills he learned during his short time in life. He simply nodded and chuckled for a bit "Well I know you're not lying but.." he looked off to the distance and got lost in his thoughts - so lost in fact once Sin came back to reality he started saying something completely different.

"I was sent here by the revolutionary army..If you want to know why, I don't even know myself but I'm guessing there is some good reason for them to bring me all the way here." he said in a dull and rather careless tone, as if he were starting to get tired of speaking.
'For a leader, he's very...Strange.' Sin thought to himself as he glared seemingly right through Santios.


(Blood Count: 2250/2500)

Wei thinks for a moment then says" Small fish pie pieces and and squid rings are pretty easy to cook in a soy sauce, noddles are pretty much a case of heat through and are ready with in a few minutes tops". " I haven't brought any new books in a while now that i think about it, after all is done how about a short walk on the beach down to the wine bar at the end so we can properly celebrate".

HimeragiSeiker said:
''Ah...so that's it..''
...☫She said as she walked with him☫...
"So are you planning something in a prison? Who do you want to get out or do you want to blame it on night raid? Or just cause chaos."He said wondering why she choosed the prison and for what reasons.
Santios looks right at Sin, returning the strange young mans gaze right back at him.

"Yeah, the revolutionary Army mentioned you. They hate telling me anything, but I know who you are, Sin. The Blood user, a very formidable Teigu user. I am guessing they told you nothing of me? I am Santios Diasla, the Phoenix Teigu."

@Sinister Clown


Sin - Gifnora Forest
Once the gaze was set on back on him, and Sin found himself staring right into the eyes of Santios - he couldn't help but naturally gaze away as the awkward feeling built up in his chest. Still keeping his hand hanging on his neck, he done his usual habit of cracking his neck and let out a small chuckle to Santios' reponse. 'So it isn't just me..' he thought to himself before coming up with a reponse.

"Oh? Impressive, and well like you they don't like to talk to me any more than they have to..Even sending me here they were painfully vague." he said with a tone of pain at the ending as he rembered the letter's details 'Capital, Night Raid, Kill' were the only three words which were given to him. The rest was left for Sin to decide and find out in his own time - he never thought he'd be taken out of his original task for something like this. But Santios' title definately was something which would raise many eyebrows and Sin was on of those people.

"A teigu huh? Every biological teigu I've met like you haven't been nearly as...Human." as he said this, it also came to mind how pathetically stupid he had chosen his words during their meeting. Not only did he expose himself to someone who could possibly be with the Empire and was able to lie with all the correct emotions needed to fool even himself, or even threatening a weapon such as a biological teigu. The thought didn't weigh too heavy on Sin's mind however as he continued on "So, 'boss' why are you out in the woods by yourself? Or are the other's close by?" he asked while taking a look around them - not to find a single living thing in sight.


(Blood Count: 2250/2500)

Kayzo said:
@Leo Radomir @whatever guards are around
Grace didn't mind the fact that they weren't going to look at potential wedding places. A date was a date and that's all that mattered. The thought of spending alone time with Rin sounded so fun! They could eat dinner, then go on a walk, then go shopping, and then kiss! That's a perfect night in her books. You knew she was excited when she was willing to get all dressed up for something. Grace found herself giggled slightly as she was told to slow down. "Silly Rin, I can't slow down! I have big plans and I have to move fast. Speaking of which, I have to get going now. Do me a favor and meet me at the big fountain in the city square no matter what you see or hear. Ok? Great! I'll see you then Rin!" She said, patting her head softly before walking off. However she wasn't quite done yet. Walking into a smal, crowd Grace disappeared from sight, only to reappear on the top floor where the high ranking officers and royals socialized. Most of these men were tall or big so the short little Grace was able to slip through the people relatively undetected. At the balcony looking down was a rather handsome, blonde man. He had the face of an angel too, his beautiful eyes radiating down upon the guards. Soon he'd be on the same floor. Only moments later did the mans body fall down and crash to the floor with a sickening crack. His body laid backside up, a pool of Royal red blood forming around his side where a sharp knife stuck out his body. Tucked into his shirt was a piece of cloth that had the symbol of the revolutionary army sewn into it.

Grace happily trotted down the road leading away from the building where the party away being hosted, a bright smile on her face.
"Let's pay those Night Raid fellows a visit!"
@Leo Radomir @Anyone else

Rin Suzajamori

Rin sighed and shook her head as Grace ran off. Odd girl. Kind of cute and annoyingly nice, but odd. She seemed a tiny bit suspicious but honestly it was none of Rins' business nor concern. The only issue was she didn't specify whether to meet her tonight or tommorrw..she assumed tonight but it was possible she didn't mean that. Oh well. Regardless she'd be leaving soon, there was nothing much going on and she doubted she could be of use. Staring at the somewhat stalled fight a moment later she turned and simply exited the building. Of course she heard the noise of the man falling, but didn't think much of it. Even if someone did get killed she can't fix dead. Besides it wouldn't be her fault anyway, not like a medic could do much.

Thus she walked towards her house she'd rented. A small place with a kitchen, living room, bathroom, and bedroom. Not big at all, but a decent place and better than nothing.

Sera Lightbane

Sera nodded and got out the ingredients, preparing them as Weilow continued speaking. Or rather preparing them as best she was able. "Sounds good to me. What about you Spice?" She replied somewhat absentmindedly as she cut up the stuff and moved it to the frying pan. Good thing about stir fry was it was generally easy to cook. As long as she didn't burn it, overcook it, or otherwise overseason it it should be fine.
Mitchs98 said:
@Leo Radomir @Anyone else
Rin Suzajamori

Rin sighed and shook her head as Grace ran off. Odd girl. Kind of cute and annoyingly nice, but odd. She seemed a tiny bit suspicious but honestly it was none of Rins' business nor concern. The only issue was she didn't specify whether to meet her tonight or tommorrw..she assumed tonight but it was possible she didn't mean that. Oh well. Regardless she'd be leaving soon, there was nothing much going on and she doubted she could be of use. Staring at the somewhat stalled fight a moment later she turned and simply exited the building. Of course she heard the noise of the man falling, but didn't think much of it. Even if someone did get killed she can't fix dead. Besides it wouldn't be her fault anyway, not like a medic could do much.

Thus she walked towards her house she'd rented. A small place with a kitchen, living room, bathroom, and bedroom. Not big at all, but a decent place and better than nothing.

Sera Lightbane

Sera nodded and got out the ingredients, preparing them as Weilow continued speaking. Or rather preparing them as best she was able. "Sounds good to me. What about you Spice?" She replied somewhat absentmindedly as she cut up the stuff and moved it to the frying pan. Good thing about stir fry was it was generally easy to cook. As long as she didn't burn it, overcook it, or otherwise overseason it it should be fine.
Spice gently smiles and says" Just a little advice and that's you should heat the oil before you add the other stuff, but other than that i'll think you'll do ok, i won't interfere unless it starts to look really bad".
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Spice gently smiles and says" Just a little advice and that's you should heat the oil before you add the other stuff, but other than that i'll think you'll do ok, i won't interfere unless it starts to look really bad".

Sera Lightbane

Sera frowned slightly, stirring her dish. "I did heat it though? Sorta." She replied. It might not of exactly been that hot, but it was warm..ish. Yeah she probably should of waited. Oh well. The only reason she was trying was so Weilow didn't lose his job when they went to help him. That'd be bad, especially considering how much he liked it. "Yeah..I guess I should hear it longer next time. Oh well. I'll keep that in mind." She told her. Now the issue was not burning it. After a few minutes the dish was done and luckily not burned. Poorly cooked? Probably. She plated it and walked back over to them, putting a plate with a bit of it on it in front of them both. "Here we go." She told them. "Tell me what you think." She added.
Mitchs98 said:
Sera Lightbane
Sera frowned slightly, stirring her dish. "I did heat it though? Sorta." She replied. It might not of exactly been that hot, but it was warm..ish. Yeah she probably should of waited. Oh well. The only reason she was trying was so Weilow didn't lose his job when they went to help him. That'd be bad, especially considering how much he liked it. "Yeah..I guess I should hear it longer next time. Oh well. I'll keep that in mind." She told her. Now the issue was not burning it. After a few minutes the dish was done and luckily not burned. Poorly cooked? Probably. She plated it and walked back over to them, putting a plate with a bit of it on it in front of them both. "Here we go." She told them. "Tell me what you think." She added.
Spice spins the noddles round her fork and pushes some seafood on it then graceful puts it in her mouth, she chews several times then says" Not bad for your first go at this dish, it's a little salty but that can happen to anyone, the noddles are a little over cooked again we can all lose track so not the biggest deal in the world".

Wei-kun did the same as spice and after a few more moments says" plenty of seafood that's good but it would of been better with lemongrass and such but that's mine and spices bad for not remembering sooner, it's not burned which is good i prefer my noddles a little more moist but it's not the biggest deal because it's not getting stuck to my throat like some pasta's i've had".
@Daniel reaving[/URL]

Annalise Fredricks]

Anna was currently looking around the base for Silith, wherever she had hidden. Honestly the girl could be a handful at times, but Anna didn't mind all to much. She was a much better joy to have around than she was annoying; most of the time. Finally she moved to check their room, one more time. Knowing Silith she'd ran around a bit and kept changing location. Opening the door she looked around carefully, "Silith come on! Are you in here?" She called out. "This isn't funny, where are you?" She added. Honestly she was beginning to wonder if she wandered off and got captured or something.
Mitchs98 said:
Sera LightbaneSera nodded thoughtfully, listening to both of their comments. "Don't worry guys, I know I'm not that good of a cook. You don't gotta sugarcoat it if its not that good." She replied. "I'll be sure not to add as much salt and stuff next time too." She added. She then turned to Spice, "Your turn. I wanna see how well you can cook what I cooked." She told her with a grin. It would inevitably be better, but, still. She was curious to see how much better it tasted.


@Daniel reaving

Annalise Fredricks]

Anna was currently looking around the base for Silith, wherever she had hidden. Honestly the girl could be a handful at times, but Anna didn't mind all to much. She was a much better joy to have around than she was annoying; most of the time. Finally she moved to check their room, one more time. Knowing Silith she'd ran around a bit and kept changing location. Opening the door she looked around carefully, "Silith come on! Are you in here?" She called out. "This isn't funny, where are you?" She added. Honestly she was beginning to wonder if she wandered off and got captured or something.
Spice grins widely then says very well" it's game time, so what i'll need for the paste is ground cumin ground coriander three chillies some ginger and some garlic, some lemongrass and coriander and a lime and some oil and coconut milk and baby corn and green beans ". Spice went and got all of the ingredients from the right places and then quickly chops them up into the recipe she has in her head and makes it into a paste by hand.

She then puts some more oil into the pot and lets it head up while that's going on she goes in fridge and gets some tiger prawns, then puts them in a clean bowl near by and then puts them under cold water briefly then brings them back to the work space. After a few moments spice gets a small knife and graceful yet quickly peels and de vains then puts on plat for later.

Spice lets the oil heat up till very hot then adds the baby corn and green beans, letting them cook for about forty seconds,
then gets a pot and turns heat up to full it doesn't take long for the pan to heat up, she then adds to curry paste and coconut milk and starts to bring them to a boil.

After their brough to a boil, spice turns down the heat slightly and starts to simmer, she counts roughly six minutes as the time passes and looks at the consistency and then nods to herself.

Spice then adds the prawns and the sauce and stirs for about four minutes on then goes back to the fridge and gets some cold jasmine rice and heats it up in the micro wave and then once done bring it back on two plats and serves them both decent sized potions and turns off the heat.

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Mitchs98 said:
Sera LightbaneSera nodded thoughtfully, listening to both of their comments. "Don't worry guys, I know I'm not that good of a cook. You don't gotta sugarcoat it if its not that good." She replied. "I'll be sure not to add as much salt and stuff next time too." She added. She then turned to Spice, "Your turn. I wanna see how well you can cook what I cooked." She told her with a grin. It would inevitably be better, but, still. She was curious to see how much better it tasted.


@Daniel reaving

Annalise Fredricks]

Anna was currently looking around the base for Silith, wherever she had hidden. Honestly the girl could be a handful at times, but Anna didn't mind all to much. She was a much better joy to have around than she was annoying; most of the time. Finally she moved to check their room, one more time. Knowing Silith she'd ran around a bit and kept changing location. Opening the door she looked around carefully, "Silith come on! Are you in here?" She called out. "This isn't funny, where are you?" She added. Honestly she was beginning to wonder if she wandered off and got captured or something.
Silith giggled happily as she sat there in the gardens of the hide out giggling happily as a massive three headed danger beast about the size of a lion stood infront of her it's middle head gently nuzzling her chest as she pet it happily

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.13ff1214b05e530ff9922a9b43b5f006.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123919" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.13ff1214b05e530ff9922a9b43b5f006.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She kept giggling happily as the beast nuzzled her chest before it pushed her down making her laugh happily as the beast layed down on her to pin her and then all three heads started to lick her face making her squeal happily like a child





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