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Fandom Undertale The Sequel [OPEN-ACCEPTING]

(Too bad we don't have Asgore character, plus, Sans was going there as well, so I can't really tell.)
*Frisk woke about half an hour later.

*Party still going strong. She smiled and hugged everyone present before heading upstairs.

*Frisk had saved every monster. Everyone.

*Frisk left the living room and took another set of stairs up to her bedroom. She opened the door to find Flowey in a flower pot on her desk near her bed.

*Frisk had offered Flowey her soul..when he was Asriel...but then he resorted back into a flower shortly afterward.

*Frisk was determined to love the evil little flower as well. She just couldn't leave him down in the Underground while everyone else was above ground...he would have been alone.

*Frisk walks over and grabs the watering can and pours some water over him. Taking care of the flower.

*Let Flowey be mean all he wants. He couldn't harm her from the flower pot.

*Frisk smiled and flicked on her heating lamp. Not having it near him to much to dry him out but enough to warm him as she watered him.

*She did this almost every day. Just sat and watched him, watered him. Took him outside and placed the flower pot on her head as she looked at the rising and setting sun with him.

*Flowey is soul less,but that didn't stop Frisk from being nice to him.

*Frisk would leave her roomsoon to go back downstairs but for now she was in her room taking care of Flowey.

@ManyFaces @Karcen @ShadNova
*Flowey drank the water by catching the droplets in his mouth,he was somewhat used to this but he still tried to escape every now and then.When Frisk stopped watering him he looked at her and hissed like some kind of angry snake/cat,this was his attempt to scare her away.* "StOp BeInG sO nIcE tO mE..." *He glared at Frisk to this day he still didn't understand why Frisk didn't kill him after all he did and it just confused him since he was incapable of gratitude he often resorted to untasteful comments or just flat out questions of why.He watched Frisk leave and sighed it was boring to be stuck in here but at most he couldn't manage to get out of the pot however he could move it with enough effort but the others probably didn't know he was here and if they did...he thought of all the things they might do to him*

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*Frisk had hugged everyone goodnight.

*The New Year. How wonderful to spend it with people she cared for.

People who loved her and she loved back.

*Frisk went back upstairs and turned off the heating lamp then patted Flowey's petals lightly before climbing into bed.

*Frisk wasn't really afraid of the dark...but...ever since she fought and died and then came back....memories that were not her but affected a different time line still haunted her.

*She turned on a night light lamp and then climbed back into bed and stared at Flowey.

*She sighed and closed her eyes the night fast approaching.

"Night Asr-...Flowey."

*Frisk turned over, her back facing Flowey as she went to go to sleep.

*When Frisk touched his petals he shied away he did not apporove of being touched after all he was a flower,he looked at her when she started to say his past name and held the stare until she appeared to be going to sleep.He turned himself to face the doorway to make sure no one would see him if anyone came he would attempt to retreat into his soil* "Don't let the bedbugs bite.." *He said eerily and closed one eye sleeping with one eye open* "Nightmares wait for no one..." *he said in a hushed tone*

Undyne, after giving the hug to sleepy Frisk, would then keep talking with the crowd, finally having Alphys (Too bad we still don't have Alphys player YET) near her. She was holding the tea cup while standing up 'Guys, that year was indeed AWESOME, we finally have seen the light of surface after so many years of being in Underground. Human kid just saved us all and gave us chance to feel the breath of new life. We have learned the importance of friendship between diffirent two races. I want to bring up the cup for our new future, and for determination, so we could all be filled with it. NGHAA!!!' - she lifts it up while waiting to colide her cup with others.
Papyrus kinda just went back home in Snowdin and made some spaghetti. He was hungry and spaghetti was his favorite meal.

(I could be Alphys if I'm allowed to be more than one character...)
Coury didn't know that the human saved them, "Undyne, is this true? You better not be yanking my chain, I've been yearning for a timeline where the human isn't a murderous psychopath, teamed up with Chara" (pronounced like 'karma') Coury decided to accept it, and clanked his cup against Undyne's, "Welp, anyways, happy New Years everyone. Even you, determined pacifist Frisk."
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'Oh, then it seems that you missed the fun! That kid is full of beans, evading my spears like no tommorow and running like one hell of jaguar. Ohoho, she saved us all... and we are all in great depth for that. Altough... Chara? I think it sounds familiar...' she took a sip on the tea cup while tapping her fingers on it, looking down, holding on her right eye, letting out light sigh.
*Frisk couldn't sleep. Tossing and turning.

Frisk sat up and looked over to Flowey.

*She sighed and brought her knees up to her chest. Flowey was right. Nightmares wait for no one.

*Frisk sat in front of Flowey after a long while of sitting alone on her bed.

*Frisk held the pot and sighed.

*She wanted to talk to Sans about her nightmare....it felt so real...but Flowey was here.

*Frisk decided to not talk to Flowey about it. Instead she laid her head on the desk still holding the flower pot and letting her tears silently fall onto the desk.

*Frisk's nightmare...Chara...she killed everyone, Do you really hate me that much?

*Frisk had killed Toriel...that sick gut wrenching pain. Then Papyrus...she felt so awful. Frisk hid her face more in her arms.

*Frisk brought Flowey closer, instead of saving everyone she killed them all....no...Chara killed them all.

*Frisk sighed and wiped her tears away and hugged the flower pot. She hugged Flowey before climbing back into bed.

*Frisk was not Chara. Frisk was a hero. A good person. Smiling as she looked over at Flowey she closed her eyes again and fell back to sleep.

*Flowey looked at Frisk waking up he flinched then blinked a couple times fully awakening,he'd had a nightmare as well but it started off as what one might call a 'dream' he was with Chara when is was Asriel he remembered how he became a flower for a few brief seconds and looked at Chara again,in the dream Chara was getting rather close to him but he couldn't run,Chara pulled out a knife but before killing him she ripped off all his petals one by one then finally ended him with a knife*"Why are you leaking salt water near me?" *Flowey watched her cry with a puzzled look on his face and sighed when she went to bed again humming a melancholy tune*
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Gaster had used the distraction to sneak away from the party as much as Frisk seemed to think others could forgive him, that they would understand he knew better. He had done horrid things and while he wanted to make up for it he didn't really think he could, he would try but that was pointless. He had chosen to come back from nothing because he had grown tried of watching but he was still distant.

He walked out from one of the dark corners of Frisk's room like some nightmare despite being in his normal appearance he knew just what he was. He also knew that Asriel was like someone hew knew, someone he had lost forgotten like him. She had vanished and everything had gone wrong, really what he wanted to get out of this Gaster didn't know but still there was some link between the former prince and her.

" Asriel" (Asriel) He whispered drawing close to the potted plant.

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*Flowey looked at Gaster something about this new figure didn't seem right to him he wanted to wake up Frisk and gain help but instead he was silent he looked right at the figure and smiled he tried to put on a display that made him sound like he knew what was going on and put on his creepy face
his voice tone changing* "AsRiEl IsN't HeRe RiGhT nOw YoU'Ll HaVe To DeAl WiTh Me!" *he hissed looking at the mysterious man* "AlSo Do I kNoW yOu?"

" You are Asriel, you may not have what the young prince did but in the end you are him" (You are Asriel, you may not have what the young prince did but in the end you are him) Gaster said he didn't make the distinction between Flowey and Asriel they were one being to him Flowey was just lacking in several respects but still he was Asriel

" And you know me, i am W.D. Gaster and you are not the only being brought back without being combined" (And you know me, i am W.D. Gaster and you are not the only being brought back without being combined) Gaster said sounding slightly pained when talking about another.
*Flowey just continued to stare at Gaster and smiled tilting his head* "YoU dOn'T bElONg HeRe YoU sHoUlDn'T eXiSt..."*He remembered something about Gaster being the royal scientist and how he had fallen into his science experiment and died without a trace and also figured out what that the w.d was for Wing Dings and thought of something his tone changing to normal along with his face "Well golly then that means your related to Sans and Papyrus doesn't it?"*he was rather suprised that Frisk hadn't woken up from all the talking going on*

" The two of us shouldn't exist you should have died and remained such Asriel, but we are here and there is another that doesn't belong that i want to find" (The two of us shouldn't exist you should have died and remained such Asriel, but we are here and there is another that doesn't belong that i want to find) Gaster said ignoring the change in subject he didn't need to answer the obvious only to have to weather the flowers assaults.

" You were in this time line more than I was and the person i seek would know how to hide, so tell me Asriel Who else shouldn't exist?" (You were in this time line more than I was and the person i seek would know how to hide, so tell me Asriel Who else shouldn't exist?) Gaster said dead serious.
*Flowey didn't continue to ask him about his relations and allowed Gaster to question him* "Well gosh I think I have a clue but why should I tell you,I don't think the kid would let you kill me and as I see it you have nothing I want,especially since I doubt you have a soul anymore..."*The soulless flower looked over Gaster making sure he hadn't anything with him that he wanted and rocked gently in his pot*

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" The void destroys everything, even souls but here is the thing" (The void destroys everything, even souls but here is the thing) Gaster said leaning in close to the flowers " I have everything you lost love, kindness without having what the others have wouldn't you just kill for that determination and a full spectrum of emotions Then you could understand why Firsk isn't Chara and doesn't tear your petals off one by one" (I have everything you lost love, kindness without having what the others have wouldn't you just kill for that determination and a full spectrum of emotions Then you could understand why Firsk isn't Chara and doesn't tear your petals off one by one) Gaster said it was a long shot that anyone would not belong but flowey had once been able to reset so he might have noticed someone else that knew about resets.
*Frisk whimpered a bit tossing and turning from the noises in her room.

*No...Not noises but voices. They were voices.

*Frisk,still drowsy from sleep, sat up and saw Gaster and Flowey.

*She hadn't heard the conversation between the two but Frisk looked at Flowey and Gaster leaning down close to Flowey.

*Sitting up more to be noticed in her bed she grabbed Flowey and set him down in her lap.

* Her hands firmly on the flower pot as she looked up at Gaster.

"Don't tell."

*Frisk whispered. She wanted to try and help save Flowey. She was sure that her Determination and her love, not level of violence, but her true ability to care could help Flowey be able to feel again.

*Frisk thought that once Flowey could feel he would regain his soul and have his body back.

@Karcen @ManyFaces
Gaster had hoped to keep this meeting under wraps no one needed to know and asriel was the most likely to have seen her. Gaster didn't think as Frisk did he didn't believe simple determinations and love could fix asriel, there was more to it something that perhaps with some research into himself that could help flowey. No more relying on determination no more hurting others that was what Gaster had wanted to offer.

" You should at least let the proposal be made, before you tell others what to say, i could help Asriel with time i could find what made me and apply it to him he would be Asriel once more" (You should at least let the proposal be made, before you tell others what to say, i could help Asriel with time i could find what made me and apply it to him he would be Asriel once more) Gaster explained
*Flowey looked at Gaster then at Frisk at where he was now he wasn't in the position to get on anyones bad side and kept his mouth shut until he thought of something a bit persuasive and mean to say* "Well gosh you haven't tested this i'm pretty sure though if you could get Asgore to give up the souls of children to me though I could become normal again after all i'm not sure I want to end up like you or like one of the amalgamates now do I..."*He looked at Gaster with a smirk*

*Frisk frowned and patted Flowey's head a bit to scold him.

*Mean words and taking souls were not okay.

*Frisk had offered Asriel her soul...but Asriel refused. He couldn't forgive himself in the end.

*Frisk then looked up at Gaster.

"Test first...multiple tests...then...when you find something...come back then we can save Flowey."

*Frisk set the potted flower back on her desk and then patted Gaster's hand.

"Be careful."

*Frisk yawned and smiled at both Flowey and Gaster before laying back on her side. Her back facing the both of them as she fell back to sleep.

@ManyFaces @Karcen

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