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Fandom Undertale The Sequel [OPEN-ACCEPTING]

Gaster's appearance turned back to that of his more broken said as his anger flared, he would not be chastised over what he had done by someone who didn't understand a thing about his work or the real cost of everything he had done.

" I did what was asked of me and i never made the Amalgamates, i never... never tried it again... after" (I did what was asked of me and i never made the Amalgamates, i never... never tried it again... after) He said his tone going from anger to sorrow as he resumed his more normal appearance " But that talk can wait it would be rude to stay (But that talk can wait it would be rude to stay) He said moving seemingly gliding to the prone skeleton " You will let me stay with you won't you and we can talk about my work (You will let me stay with you won't you and we can talk about my work) He said bending down and grabbing the align sack of bones.
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'I said GET OUT OF MY DARN HOUSE WITH YOUR BARBARING!' - she was at point of no return while seeming to unclench her left hand, grabbing on something that seemed to be a cyan spear, emmiting energy, grabbing it with both hands while then standing in battle stance. She was tottaly 'Not in a mood' as she looked at the Gaster and Marines, (seeming to) be laying on the ground as, indeed, sack of bones. She didn't understand a thing that Gaster was saying as she keeps distance, saying 'I give you punks ten seconds to leave... or I will have to SUPLEX YOU BOTH LIKE ROCKS OUT OF MY HOUSE...' - anger was seen in her left eye.
"Marines begrudgingly agrees with Gaster"Well I guess you can hehe.... I guess it's time to catchup on what happend during my exilation"As Marines tries and get's up his right eye bleeds and he walks out of undyne's home but before leaving he said"I guess you did grow up to replace me heh... So Gaster we going or not?"As he waits outside"

@Karcen @ShadNova
" Exilation isn't a word it is exile you were in exile you were exiled " (Exilation isn't a word it is exile you were in exile you were exiled ) Gaster said seemingly appearing behind Marines. At least things would calm down and perhaps Sans wouldn't realize what he had done and just blame the current scientist. Gaster wanted to make up for his past screw up and Marines bringing them up wasn't helping.
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"Heh you were always strict about words... So how are things now since I was just in snowdin's forests near the ruins watching over your son since you were... Umm... Erased from existence he seems to really like Toriel Oh! And how about your old partner Alpyhs, Alyphs umm... I could never pronounce her name right"As Marines walks beside Gaster heading towards hotland"So what did it feel like to be erased?"

She walks to the fallen door while allowing her spear to disintegrate from all sudden. She reaches for the door while lifting it up with an ease, looking at the center of it to calculate the damage, which it had durring blast from the laser. She leaves the burnt and blunt mark on the door while attaching it back in place, without doorlock (Because it was blown up with the blast). She just installs it on weak loops spots, roughly sliding them into the sockets. She opens the door, checking the loops. They seem to somewhat be able to open and close, yet they could easily slide out of the sockets in any slam. She lets it be while panting quietly, saying 'Thank you... Sans... for wasting YET ANOTHER DOOR FOR ME... punk.' - she was expressing mixed thoughts and yet - she went upstairs in the instant, quickly putting on her trousers and her eyepatch. Yoinking back to the ground floor.

" Being erased was painful being torn apart in ways that the mind can't understand is very painful." (Being erased was painful being torn apart in ways that the mind can't understand is very painful) Gaster said almost casually " But real pain is to see yourself erased, forgotten and seeing the world exactly the same without you " (But real pain is to see yourself erased, forgotten and seeing the world exactly the same without you) He continued sounding a little more sad as they moved . " And i am very well aware of what has happened, and what they are up too, i watched from outside existence over and over. I saw them both die over and over without you (And i am very well aware of what has happened, and what they are up too, i watched from outside existence over and over. I saw them both die over and over without you)Gaster said remembering the countless times he had seen the world end .
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She took a sit on the chair while holding her forehead, sighing heavily while blinking her eye as she just puts her hands on the table, saying 'Well, that was unexpected,Sans, yet I am not sure... who was that guy anyway. So sudden, esepcially on New Year Eve. Yeah...' - she seem to be a little bit surprised, tapping her fingers on the table as she shakes her head. She seem to be driven in thoughts about that unexpected guest, about that strange affection of his and how she could've forgoten about him since then.


The skeleton picked up the spaghetti and walked over to Undyne, and placed it on the table.

"Papyrus sent this. He couldn't come himself. Said he has 'to do morning sports to stay fit'."

Sans turned and walked away, stopping right before the door frame.

"Also, sorry 'bout the door. He'll handle it."

And with that, he stepped out and left, heading down the street towards the mansion where Asgore lived.
OOC: In Undertale it never specified Frisk's gender. They, them pronouns were a big thing for some people. (I will more than likely just reference Frisk as third person such as: Frisk does this ... or Frisk hugs whoever... Also Toriel is Mom. I mean...if she constantly says my child...might as well accept it and call her Mom.)

*Frisk slowly looked around the room. It was a beautiful day. Frisk saved everyone through DETERMINATION...how long? How long was that?

*Slowly getting up out of bed Frisk noticed Butterscotch pie on a plate on the floor. Mom.

Smiling and picking up the pie, Frisk goes to search throughout house to find Mom.


*Tilting head slightly to one side, Frisk sees Mom standing in the kitchen making muffins. Smiling Frisk sets the Butterscotch Pie down and tugs on Mom's dress.

Toriel smiles down at Frisk.

"Hello my child. Oh? You want to help me make muffins? Alright." Still smiling Toriel picks up Frisk before setting Frisk down on the counter.

*Frisk hands eggs to Mom giggling quietly.

"Oh. My child, these muffins will surely be EGGcellent. Hehe." Toriel giggles herself before continuing to bake with Frisk.
Holding the spaghetti plate, Undyne seem to sigh heavily, perhaps the plate itself is now hardly warm. She just walks to the 'Fridge', opens it and puts the plate into hot rails of fridge, warming up the food. After some time of gathering thoughts and strenghs, she went out of her house, going for the jog in her casual cloth, having bandana waving on the wind. She just keeps the run, passing through several obstacles on her way, yet finding surroundings somewhat cold, after all - time has passed, its New Year eve and Alphys still is in Hotland, doing groceries. But that strange feeling of something missing in her head seem to strike her. The something important was waving in her mind while she immdediately stops there, the Gaster greeting was not really pleasant indeed, but after some more seconds - she remembered about the New Year eve, at last. And she thought that it would be actually healthy to visit the 'savior', congratulate with the holiday. And after a few more minutes of running backwards to her house, grabbing the first item that she could find in her pile of stuff in her room - she then made her jog to Ruins/Or Captital/Wherever Frisk and Toriel live. After all, she was trying to forget about the casus that happend earlier today.

Time has passed as she was standing behind the door, leading to Toriel's house, knocking on it with half of force, just to make it quite audible.

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*Frisk hears the audible knock and hops down from the counter.

"Oh? I wonder who that could ... Be careful my child." Toriel says to Frisk as she puts the muffins into the oven.

*Walks down the stairs to walk down the long passageways of The Ruins. Reaching the door Frisk opens the door to find Undyne.

*Smiles and waves at Undyne before pushing the heavy door completely open to let Undyne into The Ruins.

*Frisk remembers that it is the New Year. It was a time for celebration.

Undyne smiles widely, showing her teeth as warm greetings would be going out of her mouth 'Eyy, kiddo! Glad to see ya in one piece. I assume you are getting used to our places after your EPIC JOURNEY!' - booms it out like she used to do, holding the packet in her left hand while holding her right hand in fist. She lowers it while walking in, saying 'Lead on, little athelete! You know this place better than me!' - thus following Frisk while hiding her right hand in her pocket of jacket.

Sans walked on before stopping and glancing behind. Undyne was entering the other mansion on the other side of the street; the one that belonged to Toriel. It was New Year's Eve, he knew--she must be 'congratulating' Frisk and Toriel. He shrugged and continued towards Asgore's. He and Papyrus would stop by later for the celebration.
*Frisk nods and leads Undyne back. Going up the stairs to the main part of the house with the living room, and kitchen off to the top left.

*Muffins sat on the counter to cool and Frisk takes one and hands it to Undyne.

*Celebreation food. Frisk points at a banner that says New Year Party that Toriel had made with Frisk the day before. Glitter, and little hand prints, mixed with Toriels was seen.

*Frisk also grabbed a muffin for themselves and began munching on the muffin before tilting head to one side and making a gesture asking for the presence of Alphys.

*Frisk remembers that Undyne and Alphys were together. Together together ... a couple.

*Frisk's eyebrows furrow and also gestures about Papyrus and Sans ... Friends? Would they come later?

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Accepts the meal while holding the muffet-- OPPS , I MEAN MUFFIN ( xD ) in her right hand, reading gestures as all guards were taught the gesture languge, but at the same time - she felt strange sense of dread for a momment, having the Gaster figure behind Frisk hallucinating. She blinked while saying with light pause '... A-Alphys? Ahh, yeah, don't worry, she, as long as I understood correctly, went to MTT Resort to grab some groceries. I actually didn't ... think that much that I would end up here... BUT WHAT FRIEND COULD I CALL MYSELF IF I DIDN'T COME TO MY OF MY BESTIES AND HAVE FUN!! NGHAAA!!' - she lets out her famous 'NGHAAA' as she sparks her emotions, attempting to toss these visions away. Frisk could've noticed that shape of her emotion and that sudden look into the depth of the room. 'So yeah, just gonna call Al and she will be here in a momment. Bet my golden coins over my SPEAR OF JUSTICE! FUHUHUUHUHU!' - and then - she sounds more reliefed, lively, after all - it is family holiday, and they are all one big family. Then she continues 'Speaking of Paps and Sans, I guess they will come as soon as their rattling bones can, after all - how could they not come? Fuhuhuhu!' - she kept her smile while kneeling to Frisk, going to pull one close and go for semi-tight MAN-FISH-HUG , showing her passion and care over her best friend.
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*Frisk nods understanding that friends...more like Frisk's family would try their very best to arrive and make it to the celebration.

*Frisk was a very observant kid.

*Whatever was making Undyne feel uncomfortable for just a short time...well

Frisk hopes that everything will work out.

*Once Undyne calmed down Frisk smiles a little.

*Once embraced in a semi-tight hug by Undyne. Frisk hugged back, trying with DETERMINATION to express just as much care for a dear friend.

*Gently pats Undyne's back twice before wiggling out of Undyne's embrace to finish the muffin.

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The human took another menacing step, but Coury bravely went on.

*There is no day like today.

*You, me, we'll stand off.

*I'll beat you at first.

*But, as the attempts wear on,

*You'll figure it out.

*My attacks.

*My patterns.

*You'll soon know what I'll do before I do it.

*And then...

*You'll do it.

*You'll kill me.




Coury awoke with a start, lying in the snow. He felt... whole, yet broken up. "What a strange feeling..." Gaster's anomalous appearance had caused a disturbance to sweep through the universe, and Coury had gotten mixed up in the process. "Where even is this?" Coury looked up. What should be a solid ceiling of rock, was actually an open sky. "It's so beautiful... but, it doesn't quite answer my question." Coury then looked around to see a human village surrounding him. Thankfully, nobody was screaming and throwing everything they've got at him. They seemed to be all inside, celebrating something. "They look so... peaceful. I can't believe that this species brought forth such a determined killer." Coury got up and walked away, carefully staying in the shadows, until he saw what looked like The Queen's home, "But that's impossible! I thought everyone was imprisoned underground." He knocked on the door, awaiting a response.
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*Hearing another knock at the door Frisk brushes crumbs off of hands before walking back downstairs.

*Opening the door Frisk is hit by...confusion? Another Skeleton? Is he related to Sans and Papyrus?...Papy and Sans never mentioned a brother.

*Nervously Frisk waves a bit. Eyebrows furrowing a bit, a small smile forming.

Toriel walks by before walking back to Frisk.

"My child what is it? Oh! Hello Coury. ...It has...been a while since we have seen you."

*Frisk looks up at Mom and then takes her mom's hand.

*Frisk was never usually this nervous or showed this behavior. It was odd. Strange.

*Frisk gathers composure filling with Determination. Holds out hand to shake Coury's boney hand still holding onto Mom.

"Come in for the celebration Coury. I'm sure Sans and Papyrus will come later. We are celebrating New Year with Frisk."

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Coury's eyes widened and he jumped back when he saw the human, his own death on an infinite loop in his mind, red nines visible through his expressive eyes.

*You are the... human?

*It is... nice... to meet you.

He cautiously accepts the invitation inside,

*Queen Toriel, where is Sans currently,

*if you do not mind me asking?
*Frisk brings hand back. The Skeleton that Mom had said was Coury didn't shake hands.

*Frisk stayed behind Toriel before running back upstairs to Undyne.

*Frisk went to Undyne and took her hand. Frisk'shead was lowered slightly taking comfort in just simply holding Undyne's hand.

*Frisk was showing no emotion currently. Just thinking...

Meanwhile Toriel shook her head no.

"My apologies Coury. I have no idea where Sans could be. Shall I text him to find where he is?"

Toriel took out her cellphone and furrowed her brows as she tried to text Sans.

"Oh Coury you can head upstairs. Undyne is here. They might be in the living room. I'll let you know where Sans is when he texts back."

*Sans where are you? There is a skeleton here named Coury that is asking for your where abouts. Hope to see you LazyBones at the New Years Eve party ] :D ~Toriel*

Toriel smiles warmly before walking off to gather other party things.

*Frisk tightens grip on Undyne's hand a bit feeling unsure about the party now...

*Frisk hopes that it does go well...

@ShadNova @ferociousfeind @Darkiplier
"Marines was confused when Gaster said Die over and over"Umm... What did you mean by die over and over?"As Marine's eye stopped bleeding asking Gaster his question"

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" Nothing you need to worry about... i hope" (Nothing you need to worry about... i hope ) Gaster said as he felt the ripples of another entering the world and something else. Gaster stopped in his tracks as he felt it just faintly there, maybe not even really there it could be in Gasters mind, his fractured brain could be making him feel things that weren't there or it could be the other world. Still Gaster couldn't, wouldn't take the chance that that was here where it shouldn't be.... maybe. It could have always been here this could be the wrong timeline this could have been reset it could be here. Gaster's mind was clouded and clear at the same time.

" I have to go now... i have to see .. someone... Her Majesty may not be safe" (I have to go now... i have to see .. someone... Her Majesty may not be safe} Gaster said turning around and heading the opposite direction.
"Hey Gaster! wait for me, I fought for her cause if she's in danger i'm willing to defend her"Marines ran towards Gaster telling him he wants to help knowing that Toriel supported for peace between races

" No" (no)Gaster said bluntly he had good reasons for what he was doing and why he couldn't let another do what he was about to. He knew people wouldn't understand what he felt what he feared might be here now, or may have woken up.

"Then again... you know the humans frisk yes i need to talk to them in private" (Then again... you know the humans frisk yes i need to talk to them in private) Gaster said realizing that he might be walking towards a full house and even he couldn't take them all if they didn't know what he did.
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