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Fandom Undertale The Sequel [OPEN-ACCEPTING]

"Ok but can you tell Toriel Thanks for helping protect humans for me she was kind to me for what I did"Marines said to Gaster as they went their separate ways, Little did Gaster knew after he had gone from his range of vision Marines followed him still having doubts in his heart of him changing his ways"

Gaster took three steps then vanished not saying a word to the other, he of course would not appear directly at Toriels' but rather a distance away. He had to be sure about the human's heart and that their soul was their own and there was only one way to do that. Now that he was free of being followed as any use of space and time folding would be something he would notice, and in fact his arrival would no doubt be notice by those attuned with in Toriel's house if they were trying.

Gaster could go about this a great many ways, no one in the house would remember him and he and Frisk had never truly met and there was no way he could tell Toriel about what had happened a parent didn't need to know about that kind of thing. He also couldn't spy like he used to his presence distorted reality however minutely it was twisted by something that shouldn't be here. So he had to take the direct route and he just had to get Frisk alone for a little while then he could make sure that demon wasn't here.
"If that Human Frisk still lives with Toriel... I can't trust Gaster not yet athleast"Marines makes his way back to undyne's house knocking on the door waiting for undyne to answer"

Sans' phone vibrated and gave a small, brief bell sound. It was a new message. He pulled it out of his pocket and checked it.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/SansToriel.png.2172b3ee202695dff4d189bec8ae7a00.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99009" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/SansToriel.png.2172b3ee202695dff4d189bec8ae7a00.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sans texted her back.

'Don't worry Tori, Papyrus and I will stop by later. I'm currently at Asgore's.



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Undyne can feel how Frisk holds on her left hand while turning, saying 'Ey, loser with big heart, something wrong?' - she can sense that Frisk is indeed worried about something, she eyes the kid down as then tighten the grip, saying 'Some punk did say something to my bestie? Huh?!' - she raises her eyebrow while lifting her head up, looking around while trying to find the 'possible bully'. Then she continues 'Don't worry, kid... ' she lifts her up and puts her on her shoulders, holding the kid tightly, allowing her to position Frisk wherever one feels good on her strong, scaly shoulders 'I'm not gonna let any punk even touch a hair on your head, only over my dead body, fuhuhuhu!' - she keeps her smile while revealing her sharksharp teeth, keeping her lifted up, hoping that Frisk would feel better.
*Frisk shook her head. It wasn't a punk, just someone who Frisk didn't know and tried to be friendly with but...whatever made Coury upset towards Frisk it...well disappointed Frisk to say the least.

*Once lifted though on Undyne's shoulder Frisk let out a laugh that was bright and happy. Frisk wiggled a bit and patted Undyne's head in a little rhythm.

*Frisk smiles enjoying the company immensely. Undyne made the uneasiness and hurt go away just by being herself. Loud and very warrior-like Undyne.

Toriel smiles looking at the message until Asgore was mentioned and a small irritated frown was visible. Toriel then goes to Coury.

"Sans says he is at Asgore's. He will be here I assure you. Why not relax though and have some muffins? Or some butterscotch pie? "

Toriel turned to look at her child Frisk. Frisk's laughter warming her heart.

"I hope knowing Sans's whereabouts has helped you Coury." Toriel says quietly over her shoulder before sitting in her armchair hands folded on her lap as she watched Frisk and Undyne bond.

@ShadNova @ferociousfeind
Undyne, in order to relieve the momment, just decides to have some fun as she then says in her full of beans voice 'Alright kid! I hope you hold on me tightly, because THIS FISH IS GOING TO ROCK, NGHAAAAAA!!' - and without futhuer ado - she 'blasts' off, running quite fast forward while storming out the room with Frisk, making laps around the house while showing her aggility, perhaps almost hitting Coury on the way while saying 'Out of the way, punk!!!' as it was followed by her cackle, running around the house like some immature child, making laps around Toriel, perhaps letting more of her 'Fuhuh's. She just having fun, trying to act more a mother as well, or auntie - a reckless auntie. She felt happiness, joy of playing with children, despite of one actually burning her house once tho. But that didn't really matter for her - she was with her familiy, and it was already good for her. After all, everyone once in a while wish to feel like a child, and Frisk, right now, would greatly need that attention, in her new home.

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Coury was thinking over the recent events with a muffin in his hand

*Sans is at Asgore's home?

*oh, of course he is.

Coury thanked the Queen, and left [see below post]
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Gaster moved towards the house, he would be direct about being there but he would have to get Frisk away from the others they wouldn't understand, they didn't understand determination like he did and therefore didn't understand death like he did. If Frisk still had determination then he could hurt them, kill, them and they would come back. He didn't really want to have to do that but he needed to draw out the human's soul and see if it would attack him if that darkness was inside it.

Outside the house Gaster could hear the commotion inside and feel the difference inside, not just because of the lost son that was now gone but there was a warmth that the world lacked. He didn't want this to fade for it to all go away so he had to be sure. Gaster reached out and knocked loudly on the door and waited he could be polite.

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Karcen said:
Gaster moved towards the house, he would be direct about being there but he would have to get Frisk away from the others they wouldn't understand, they didn't understand determination like he did and therefore didn't understand death like he did. If Frisk still had determination then he could hurt them, kill, them and they would come back. He didn't really want to have to do that but he needed to draw out the human's soul and see if it would attack him if that darkness was inside it.
Outside the house Gaster could hear the commotion inside and feel the difference inside, not just because of the lost son that was now gone but there was a warmth that the world lacked. He didn't want this to fade for it to all go away so he had to be sure. Gaster reached out and knocked loudly on the door and waited he could be polite.

As Gaster was knocking, another skeleton - which was definitely the source of the anomalous feeling - burst through the door, and stopped dead in their tracks.


*Frisk had giggled and laughed like never before. Frisk hung on tightly but soon got dizzy and slipped from Undyne's shoulders and onto Toriel.

*Frisk got off of Toriel and told Toriel and Undyne to wait. Be right back soon.

*Walking downstairs and smiling still from Aunty Undyne's reckless playing around Frisk stops suddenly. The door to the house was open and Coury was there but then another.

*Frisk felt the new comers presence and stood quietly, almost bravely on the foot of the stairs looking at them both.

@ShadNova @ferociousfeind @Karcen
Coury recomposed impressively despite all of the apparent danger, a possibly murderous human (Coury doesn't know Frisk is a pacifist), and Gaster were both in the same room!

*Well then.

*Looks like we have quite the cast.

*We've got a human, and the mysterious Wing Din Gaster!

*This should be fun...

Coury looked towards Frisk with worry on his face,

*Don't kill me this time around, please?
" I have come to speak with Frisk" (I have come to speak with Frisk) GAster said seemingly ignoring the lost child before him, but he was worried about the human, things looked good it would be really sad if another family was ruined when he coudl have stopped it . He wouldn't let that happen again he had failed enough already.

" I must speak with you on your determination child "(I must speak with you on your determination child) Gaster said focusing solely on Frisk.
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Yeah, Papyrus jumped through the window to Toriel's house I suppose! "Hello Lady Toriel! It is I, the Great Papyrus!" He said with a wink.
Gaster's attention was drawn to the dramatic entry of yet another skeleton, it was almost a family reunion here but one member would never come back. To say Gaster hated humans would be an exaggeration to say he disliked them would be to mild. He didn't like them he couldn't find himself able to forgive them for what they had done, what they had caused him to do. Humans had been the root of every problem in his life it seemed and yet he couldn't just blame them he had a choice and he chose what he had done. Either way he almost had everyone back together, yet still despite being so close to his family he fell into old habits. He wanted to let them know he was here that he had changed ,but there was something more important. There had always been something more important, there was always something he had to do , or something that needed work never time for the family they would be there they could wait he needed to do something and there was always something.

" You should use doors Papyrus " (You should use doors Papyrus) He said once again lacking words to say what he wanted and not knowing how to explain after coming back from being erased there was still something more important than them.

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*Hey papyrus! You're here too? This is great!

Coury knew Papyrus well, at least, his Papyrus from his slightly different universe. Who knows? They might be just like Sans for all he knew, but he hoped he was the overenthusiastic human-hunter he always was.
*Frisk nodded understanding that Gaster wanted to talk about the Determination inside.

*Frisk walked over to Gaster after the bold entrance of Papyrus, which made Frisk super happy, but there was a serious tone in the air.

* If Papyrus was here, Sans wouldn't be far behind. However, Frisk turns to pay attention once more to Gaster.

*Frisk tilts head slightly and looks up at Gaster.

*Frisk was quiet,serious for this was a serious situation between Frisk and Gaster.

" Not here in private " (Not here in private )Gaster said holding out his hand to the small child he knew where to take them " Do not worry you have been were we need to go, you will be returned just fine"( Do not worry you have been were we need to go, you will be returned just fine) Gaster said though that was only if he didn't find what he was looking for if he did , he would have to do something.
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*Frisk takes Gaster's hand.

*Frisk was confused...they had been to the place where they were before? Frisk had...memories...but they were dreams...nightmares...of a different time...but these nightmares frightened Frisk, and each time Frisk would wake up crying and screaming.

*Frisk blinked growing a bit more worried.

It was slightly reassuring that Frisk would be returned safely...or...Frisk hoped that both of them would come back in time for the party.

*Frisk's eyes widened a bit. To Gaster, Frisk made gestures of texting Mom, Toriel, when they would be back.

*Frisk did not want Mom to worry.

In a second Gaster and Frisk were gone as he moved them though space and time to somewhere else.

The two of them appeared in the middle of a lab before big machine that both of them would know, the true lab, his lab. It was from here that he had started work on determination and worked on the core. It was here that his fate was sealed and here that had consumed him. Still it was safe here the underground was empty so it would take time to get here. Though that was just because no one would understand what he was doing.

" if you feel odd that will pass. (if you feel odd that will pass.) Gaster said taking a few steps and letting go of Frisks hand " I will be blunt with you Frisk i lied I do know more abotu Determination but that isn't why i needed to speak with you. There is a possibility that there is a demon in you... I need to kill you to find out if there is, because if there is it will kill everyone i have seen it happen many times "(I will be blunt with you Frisk i lied I do know more abotu Determination but that isn't why i needed to speak with you. There is a possibility that there is a demon in you... I need to kill you to find out if there is, because if there is it will kill everyone i have seen it happen many times) Gaster said being up front " i know you can SAVE and LOAD so even if you die you will come back just fine, there should be a SAVE point around here " ( i know you can SAVE and LOAD so even if you die you will come back just fine, there should be a SAVE point around here)He said making sure Frisk understood at least some of what he was talking about and how he wasn't going to just kill them and take their soul.
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*Frisk takes a step back away from Gaster.

*Gaster lied...Demon...a painful flash. A memory.


*Frisk's eyes teared up. So the nightmares...they were memories...they were REAL...in another life in another time Chara...was real..

*Frisk turned to see a SAVE close by. Was this...it? To die...then come back...things wouldn't be the same...they would slightly change...

*Frisk walks slowly over to the button and presses down on the SAVE. Standing there looking down at the button for a while...before Frisk gather up enough Determination.

*Facing towards Gaster, Frisk held open arms.

*Frisk was accepting to die.

*A true pacifist, Frisk would never harm Gaster...or the family that surrounded Frisk everyday.

*Frisk briefly nodded once. A quick nod. Understanding, accepting.

*Frisk would come back...the power of SAVE and LOAD...Frisk would come back.

*Frisk also wanted to know...Frisk couldn't feel Chara within. This was a precaution.

" Good to see you understand, if you feel anything, don't hide it treat this as any other fight " (Good to see you understand, if you feel anything, don't hide it treat this as any other fight ) Gaster explained as the prompt showed up as the battles started.

This battle shouldn't be possible it read.

Gaster was going to play by the rules Frisk was thus far doing what needed to be done and Gaster would rather there be a little resistance it would make him feel better and who knows if Frisk really was that good they may not need to die.

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