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Fantasy War of the Magi [Open]

Prince Ali Sekhemi

Sekhemi arrived shortly after on the huge elephant heading straight towards the large forming group of Dragons and other worthless human scum. As he did guards paraded on the field, blowing horns as loud as they could. Then all the guards began to sing loudly. As they sang, seventy-five golden camels came on through the field. After that, thirty-five purple peacocks followed. Next were ninety-five Persian white monkeys. Finally, one hundred slaves were dragged through the field. All the while the guards were singing and dancing. The guards pushed Green out of the way, knocking him off his perch to the ground, not even attempting to pick the little dragon up. The guard shouted out loudly to the whole group. "Move out of the way, peasants! Prince Ali Sekhemi is here!" They would just ignore Green completely as they carried on. Green dodged out of the way of the guards' feet and their pathway until he created a small earth dome which wrapped around him. The dome was kicked and bumped about quite a bit as the parade continued. When the whole song and dance was over Sekhemi got off his elephant and walked in front of everyone.

"Where's the Headmistress? She better not keep me waiting; otherwise, somebody is going to get hurt very quickly!"

He didn't care about one single person at all. No, he cared about himself not these worthless scum. As he waited one of the slaves came up to him. "Your Magi Tech sir" Sekhemi looked to the peasant and slapped him in the face, forcing him to drop the Magi Knuckle Busters. "Idiot! Are you trying to get me expelled? Magi Tech is banned here!" Sekhemi focused on the Knuckle Busters, and suddenly, they burst into flames, the soul in them quickly being completely destroyed before Sekhemi kicked the worthless thing away. "I'll use my non-Magi Weapons, Guards. Take him away to the stock holds." As the slave screamed and begged while the guards dragged him away, Sekhemi looked around.

(I'll let other people react before I post my characters.)


Was awkwardly standing around in the large group feeling somewhat uncomfortable when suddenly a ray of golden light shined down and disappeared just as fast before she could react to that she hear load music in the distance followed by a literal parade just as she was wondering why some students are being so flashy when they are meant to be discreet her eyes opened wide as she saw magi tech such an expensive item and an invaluable research material then look of awe quality turned to horror as it was set on fire


Rose yelled out as she ran past tglhe little green dragon and attempted to put out the flames on the tech in an attempt to salvage what was left.
"Wonder if he feels a bit short... down there, if you know what I mean," whispered Cerralei.

"That kind of insinuation is not necessary," Andalm whispered back. "Still, this is a rather... ostentatious display. And his treatment of others is disgraceful."

Nei flared his wings in quiet irritation.
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Realizing that this was largely fruitless as the best interaction the had had so far was a demon who thought it would be fun to play tricks on them and had largely ignored them since the large dragon rained on their parade, Kodoku grabbed Stuffy and made a portal to the academy. Maybe in more structured environments and less crowded places they could actually have someone interested in them, but in this crowd they were just going to disappear. There was little point in staying where it was no fun, so it would fine some place that was or at least spend its time and energy working to become better so that it could do more fun things than be ignored and feel jealous of others.

Cress Everdeen

Cress was currently nervously shifting her feet side from side. Her sensitive ears only drove her to shrink when a sudden musical pulled up with all sorts of animals and muggled, dirty humans. Some seemed distant, more respected than the "Peasants" who were struggling to keep up. She curled her tail in dismay, shocked to see such horrible creatures (humans who she still despised, but...) tortured in a humiliating way.

Just then, another dragon with scales of black and white stepped forth with claws shredding the grass underneath. That dragoness clearly seemed angry, and Crescent was stuck there to watch.

"Oi, who in dragonspine do you think you are?! Last time I checked, an academy wasn't made for clowns who wore crowns like a trophy."

Despite the harsh tone, the black and white dragon didn't even seem one bit scared-only defiant. In just the corner of Cress' eyes as well, she caught sight of the fallen angel already helping the green dragon-Green-up from his poor fall. At least the creature wasn't so big to have taken much damage from the collapse.

Cress was currently nervously shifting her feet side from side. Her sensitive ears only drove her to shrink when a sudden musical pulled up with all sorts of animals and muggled, dirty humans. Some seemed distant, more respected than the "Peasants" who were struggling to keep up. She curled her tail in dismay, shocked to see such horrible creatures (humans who she still despised, but...) tortured in a humiliating way.

Just then, another dragon with scales of black and white stepped forth with claws shredding the grass underneath. That dragoness clearly seemed angry, and Crescent was stuck there to watch.

"Oi, who in dragonspine do you think you are?! Last time I checked, an academy wasn't made for clowns who wore crowns like a trophy."

Despite the harsh tone, the black and white dragon didn't even seem one bit scared-only defiant. In just the corner of Cress' eyes as well, she caught sight of the fallen angel already helping the green dragon-Green-up from his poor fall. At least the creature wasn't so big to have taken much damage from the collapse.

Changed code into this
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Manta nodded gently at the two humans before blowing out another bubble cutely. Then he spoke to them through telepathy again. "Nice to meet you! I can use my feelers to send out psionic waves and I can use water magic too! My guardian, Neptune is the same!" Neptune nodded. "That is correct. Manta's species comes from a line of endangered magical beings poached by humans for powerful souls. I have been assigned to him in order to protect him." That was when a loud parade came on through. Manta watched his shock, while Neptune let out a loud hiss. Quckly, using is Psionic magic, he teleported the two of them out of the way.


Saber who had been studying and reading the student diary the whole time finally looked up as the Parade approached. Luckily he was out of the way so he didn't have to worry. Still Saber put his student diary away and finally stood up. "Are all humans this arrogant and petty?" He shook his head, seeing how the little dragon was already getting help he didn’t need to act. Instead he turned to Rose. "You disgust me. You'd save Magi Tech and not the little dragon? You humans really are all selfish." Still, he looked to Emperor Draco, knowing he was a teacher because of the student diary, he waited to see what he'd do.


Pozuzy was all for the idea up until Draco had spoken. He then stayed quiet for the meantime. After a while he shook his head and spoke quietly mostly to himself. "They'll be plenty of chances to get them back somehow!" That was when the parade came. He watched as Sekhemi came on through, even knocking the little green dragon to the ground. He couldn't help but laugh a little. That was when he saw Rose. A wide grin came on his face as an idea came him. Subtly using his illusion magic, he made the Magi Tech look perfectly fine, almost brand new with very mild burns hoping she'd be tricked into thinking it wasn't too damaged.


After the parade had finished Green came out from his dome. Looking up to Piper he gave a small chirp. "Thank you! Sorry about your shoulders earlier." He looked sincere. As Piper picked him up, Green spoke again. "Thank you! My name is Green, I hope I can find a way to repay you for your kindness!"

Cherry Rose

Cherry and Crimson looked to a young boy who approached them both. When Cherry heard the Demonic voice, her own demon spoke out. "This flesh vessel will be too weak to cage the likes of much for much longer." Crimson looked to Cherry and spoke over. "Not if I can help it. We'll find a way to break this curse Astaroth." Chery looked to Crimson and then to the boy.
"Astaroth.... he's very powerful. I don't know who your demon is, but I think it would be wise to stay away. At least until I break this curse" Cherry was hoping nobody would know about her situation but it turned out that was an impossible wish. It was then, with a bright light that someone, or something descended.

Before any of them had chance to respond though a huge parade pushed through the field. Cherry quickly jumped back and watched. People like Sekhemi made her sick but with her condition and weak body, she didn't know what she could honestly do to help.

Draco and Sekhemi

Draco looked to Rose and the smell of a corpse came to him immediately. Still, he had smelt enough death to really care. When someone approached him and spoke to him he gave an annoyed response. "There's a few Phoenix's this year, as much as I despise their kind, we're at a truce. I imagine their kind are training elsewhere, away from my eyes, not like it matters. When our war continues, I'll find a way to annihilate them." Once he stopped talking a bright light appeared and descended another Phoenix. He was about to speak up about being discreet when a huge parade rolled in.

Draco watched, growing angrier and angrier by the second. When Green was knocked off, red magic began to sizzle around him in a fiery hot blaze. It only grew hotter as he saw the Magi Tech. "I knew there were scum everywhere in this plane, but you, you really are something. If it weren't for Grace thinking she can redeem you, I'd destroy you right now. You were told to specifically be discreet or are you too blind, deaf or stupid to know that?" Draco took in a deep breath before letting out a huge fire breath which spread over all the slaves. Their chains instantly melting, releasing them. As for Sekhemi and his guards, their clothes were burnt to a crisp, leaving them only in his underwear.

Sekhemi clenched his fist, looking to Draco then to the other dragon who insulted him. "How dare you! You will regret the day you insulted and humiliated me!" Quickly, he snapped his fingers and one of the guards quickly brought him a new set of clothes.


Moon wanted to leave it to the last possible moment to arrive. Once she was sure it had been long enough, she closed her eyes. Karma, her wolf Manifested beside her then she jumped on her back. "Let's go Karma. It's time we arrived With that Karma sprinted towards the meeting location.

Lady Red and Grace

Moments later, a large portal opened. Lady Red stepped out in her elegant regal outfit. She held her gun to her lips and blew it gently before speaking. "Did I, or did I not say discreet? Well, I wouldn't exactly call that discreet at all Celest but at least you aren't Sekhemi." Lady Red spun her gun around in her hand as Grace stepped out. Lady Red spoke again. "Everybody, it is time to finally see the Academy. Come on through. For those of you who didn't follow the letter, I will say this is your first and final warning. Disappoint me again, and you'll regret it. Especially you Sekhemi. You should know Magi Tech is illegal here, I could expell you now, but I think I'll enjoy watching you suffer on the school grounds." She laughed and gently pointed her gun to him before pretending to fire as a warning.

Grace then stepped up and spoke herself. "Welcome all of you. I believe everyone has a place here, everyone has a chance to find a better version of themselves on the school grounds and with our help I believe you can become that version of yourselves. So come on through, please head straight to the Grand Hall. There, roommates shall officially be given. All pairings are made to allow students to complement each other's abilities or personalities or to simply aid each other in one way or another." When Grace finished, She and Lady Red moved out of the way of the portal, waiting for everybody to step through.[/B]

Agnes Juni

Golden Widow

  • The Beginning Of Time...

    Agnes sighed, nudging Sage's tongue away as a scarlet, well dressed woman arrived with what looked like a white and rainbow pup-or kitten...wolf...whatever! The partly velvet dragon snorted, mimicking Sekhemi's poor threats. Out of everyone, he seemed to be just the worst. If anyone was getting a roommate and a headache, it'd be the one with him.


    She muttered, Agnes and Sage going forth to the portal Lady Red and Grace stepped away from. The ginormous vortex must be leading to the academy, but she was hesitant to step through. In all honesties, she'd rather fly to the "school," instead of trust such portals. When she slid past the last bits of sparkling gleam, Agnes was met with a beautiful structure. It wasn't something she'd seen before-no, it was magnificent. Shades of all kinds, bronze, gold, platinum, obsidian-it was all there. Just set up like a mini museum.

    The soft flaps sounded, and Raven flew past with Ivory still complaining. But Sage just ordered for the crow to let go of Agnes' familiar. Raven begrudgingly let the reptile fall splat on the floor, which only made Ivory make several attempts to bite the midnight wings that shot down feathers as well.

    Agnes used her tail to scoop Ivory up, not flinching when he bit her own tail in anger and bitterness. He didn't poison her-couldn't. That just was the laws, and she was grateful, or she'd be long dead. Agnes set her familiar onto her neck once more, standing besides Sage who was snickering by the extravagance of the whole academy.

filler! ignore!

filler! ignore!

filler! ignore!

filler! ignore!

filler! ignore!

♡design by latte, coded by uxie♡

Agnes sighed, nudging Sage's tongue away as a scarlet, well dressed woman arrived with what looked like a white and rainbow pup-or kitten...wolf...whatever! The partly velvet dragon snorted, mimicking Sekhemi's poor threats. Out of everyone, he seemed to be just the worst. If anyone was getting a roommate and a headache, it'd be the one with him.


She muttered, Agnes and Sage going forth to the portal Lady Red and Grace stepped away from. The ginormous vortex must be leading to the academy, but she was hesitant to step through. In all honesties, she'd rather fly to the "school," instead of trust such portals. When she slid past the last bits of sparkling gleam, Agnes was met with a beautiful structure. It wasn't something she'd seen before-no, it was magnificent. Shades of all kinds, bronze, gold, platinum, obsidian-it was all there. Just set up like a mini museum.

The soft flaps sounded, and Raven flew past with Ivory still complaining. But Sage just ordered for the crow to let go of Agnes' familiar. Raven begrudgingly let the reptile fall splat on the floor, which only made Ivory make several attempts to bite the midnight wings that shot down feathers as well.

Agnes used her tail to scoop Ivory up, not flinching when he bit her own tail in anger and bitterness. He didn't poison her-couldn't. That just was the laws, and she was grateful, or she'd be long dead. Agnes set her familiar onto her neck once more, standing besides Sage who was snickering by the extravagance of the whole academy.
Kodoku's portal led to one of the training rooms. There was no real point in not using the training room if they were just going to practice. Breaking rules just because they were rules was sort of pointless even if it was alone. Plus, one would think of all the rooms in the academy the training room would be most likely to have the things useful to training. They considered building and consuming souls in the hope of possibly getting on the same level as some of the others, but that tended to be an exhausting process that they wanted to save for the end rather than the beginning. Instead they worked on their portals. The claw thing had demonstrated a potential weakness in Kodoku's responsiveness. While it wasn't going to put itself in actual danger it could work on building up the basic skills required to use them defensively.

Stuffy began conjuring up snowballs and throwing them at Kodoku while it formed portals to redirect them. Sometimes to strike Stuffy. Other times just at walls. Other times at other portals to try to effectively do trick shots and work on its ability to get the angles right like seeing how many walls you can bounce a ball off of and still hit a target. It might not be practical in a fight, but it did help to improve a skill that might one day. That was the point of training after all, to improve. The think you were practicing didn't have to be directly useful as long as the skills developed in the process were. It might be effectively in the remedial class, but that didn't mean it wasn't able to learn and grow. It was comparing itself to creatures tens, hundred, thousands of times its age and coming up short, but who wouldn't? What day old child matched the skill of a ten year old? What one year old could match the skill of someone who had lived for a millennium? The same thing that meant that there was no victory to be had in its defeat also applied to all the things it was dealing with with this school. It was young, very young, compared to the other students. Effectively a child prodigy given the fact that it was that one day old baby in the same classes as the metaphorical ten year old children. It could take pride in that instead of being sour about the older kids being better.

Stuffy was enjoy itself as well. While throwing objects was not its best skill, this was all low stakes sort of fun. There was no danger. It made Kodoku happy. This was a good time. Kodoku hadn't seemed happy since they got there and it's mood seemed to be improving as they practiced. It was a thing they could do and get small victories with instead of just a parade of failures and humiliations. Even as things got more complicated, and the occasional snow ball made it through, those were the exception instead of the rule. Kodoku was still meeting with success more often than failure while being challenged so that it was rewarding to get those successes. This was nice.

Once the fire was out Rose was briefly relived as the tech appeared fine but she couldn't be to sure at a glance as she had never seen magi teck before so she waved her hand in front of her face as she did two runes the runes for eyes and truth appeared her glasses as she cast the eyes of truth spell that can see the truth of all things she immediately let out an almost painful grown and she saw the techs true state but worse then how badly burned they where was the fact she couldn't see any soal in the tech at all the texh was so badly damaged the soil lost seeing this she deactivated her spell and drop the tech back on the ground as she did this she heard a few people and teacher talking this reminded her magi tech was banned at the school a fact that she had forgotten in her experiment to study the tech she then realised how embarrassing her actions where and how she likely lost any chance at making a good first impression if it wasn't for her the fact she was already dead he blood would be rushing to her cheeks right about now she quickly got up dusted herself off and hurried past
The other students and though the portal


Saiotiga listened to Draco and just as he had stated there where more phoenix's in the school another one decnded from heaven but before he could say anything prince look at me came strolling in honesty Saiotiga wanted to teach the guy some manners but with so many teachers around he knew it was the best idea he knew that he shouldn't but damn he just couldn't accept him getting away with his actions and the teachers only given him a light warning didn't do anything to suppress his anger and the voice in the back of his head telling him to kill him to rip his head off and feast on his entrails certainly wasn't helping him calm down. In the end his own anger fueled by Armaros blood lust wok over his reason if only a little as he was unable to contain his anger he let out a rage filled roar powered by his sound magic sender a sonic shock wave at the arrogant prince that would send him flying though the portal if it made contact after Saiotiga let out a exasperated sign and he let his built up stress out as he was doing this the realisation of what he had just done dawned on him and he wounded how the teachers would respond to him essentially attacking another student


Before her fellow angelic companions could respond to Celests greetings a load parade started followed by some lectures from some of the teachers Celest Was baffled at what she heard as she pulled out the latter she had received and read it properly this time

"Oh yeah I'm sorry it does in fact mention to be discreet guess I should of read it properly rather then just looking for the meeting location"

After apologising to the teacher Celest flew past them and though the portal

Asdreum, Azetzal, Axol

Asdreum almost laughed at Cherry's warning

"No need to worry about me Azetzal is no slouch herself she's a princess of hell not to mention Astaroths her husband and the contract we signed states that she'll lend mer her powers and aid me in my goals while she inhabits my body so yeah I think I'll be fine thanks anyway, though we should probably get going before anything else goes wrong not that it's likely to be any less crazy on the other side of that portal but Hay at least i finally have the power to protect myself and decide my own future and Hay at least life of a magi ain't boring kinda like the Cherry in the cake right"

Asdreum let out a soft cuckle as he nudged Cherry in a admittedly bad attempt to clear up Cherry

"Sorry bad puns and wors joke aside I think we could be good friends and who know maybe me and Azetzal help you.

Azetzal laughed at Asdreums words
"Foolish boy I've told you before no one can decide there own future free will is an illusion everything is predetermined"

Hearing thus Axol spoke up

"Yeah yeah so you say again but your wrong free will is very much real and one of these days I'll find a way to prove it to you"


Nekelett saw Kodoku leave while the sin demon talked about getting someone back clearly he had already found a target for his sinful actions Nekelett wondered if he should just cleanse him now while no one was around ut quickly realised that the teachers would easily find out what had happened and he would probably be expelled for now he decided to keep following the demon at least for now
"Welp," said Cerralei as she moved towards the portal, "I've made one enemy today. All in all, it's been a good start!" Andalm looked like he was questioning both his and her sanity. "Also, looks like we're the two least interesting people in the whole school. Not sure how I feel about that. Also also, did you see me shreddin' on that keytar? Like I said, good start!"
Keesha Sekhmet
(OPEN for interaction.)

Upon receiving the letter, Keesha found a discreet spot to take off from and began her flight to the academy. It wasn't far to go from where she was staying beforehand, so she trusted herself to be able to make the trip on her own, despite the bag she carried being heavier than she was accustomed to flying with.
Back on the farm, she would fly to the tops of trees to pick fruit or use her wings for a boost getting rocks our of the fields, but never really carried stuff over distances in flight.
It was certainly tiring even with the air currents in her favor, but the academy came into sight just when she thought she'd have to take a break. After a short burst of quickened flight, she landed at the gate and rested there.

Manta watched as Lady Red appeared and listened to what she said. When she finished, he flew into the portal and through the Grand Doors with everyone else. Neptune followed closely behind.


Pozuzy laughed a little as he watched Rose come to the realisation that the Magi Tech was useless. When Lady Red and Grace appeared, he listened to them before going through the portal.


Saber listened to Lady Red and Grace and gave a small nod, then he followed everybody else through the portal.


Moon continued to relax on Karma's back as she rapidly approached. When they got there, Karma could see everyone was going through a portal. Quickly following, Karma slowed herself down and went on through.


Sekhemi listened to Draco and turned head when he finished, clearly not caring. When Lady Red and Grace appeared, he briefly listened to them but got bored. He clicked his fingers, and portal made from fire magic manifested in front of him while the two were talking. He entered and waited for the other worthless students.

Cherry Rose

Cherry listened to Asdreum but didn't really have time to respond. Turning her attention to Lady Red and Grace, she nodded then followed everybody else through the portal with Crimson.

Lady Red and Grace

Lady Red watched as everyone had gone through. She walked through the portal followed by Grace. Once everyone was in the Grand Hall Grace spoke up. "Kodoku isn't here. Want me to find him?" Lady Red simply shook her head "Fear not, for I assure you, I am more than capable of managing the situation." She pointed her gun at a open space and fired, which open up a portal, showing Kodoku's location. Quickly she span around and then fired two more shots through the portal, one under Kodoku and the other under Stuffy, sending them to the Grand Hall.

"I am most delighted to see your eagerness to embark upon the Training Room Kodoku. However, before we immerse ourselves in this noble pursuit, I must first convey a few important announcements. Once I have imparted this crucial information, you shall be free to train for the remainder of the day, should you so desire. First and foremost, I extend a warm welcome to each of you at the Magi Arcane Academy. I implore you to take the opportunity to peruse the student diary when time permits; it contains the Academy's rules as well as other essential information, including details about our faculty and staff. Now, allow me to announce the allocations of your respective rooms:
  • Sage Buer, Cherry Rose, and Asdreum, you shall reside in Room 315.
  • Agnes Juni, Andalm Stundern, and Faith Westmore, you are assigned to Room 316.
  • Obsethine Diamond and Prince Ali Sekhemi, you will be in Room 314.
  • Kodoku, Pozuzy and Nekelett, your quarters will be Room 216.
  • Cress Everdeen and Manta, you shall occupy Room 215.
  • Piper Elderwood and Green, you are designated to Room 175.
  • Cerralei Stundern, Moon, and Saiotiga, you will find yourselves in Room 174.
  • Saber and Rose, your abode shall be Room 176.
  • Celest and Keesha, you are assigned to Room 317.

These islands possess their share of dangers. While I and my staff shall do everything within our power to ensure your safety, there may be occasions when you must rely upon your own capabilities. Your room keys and a map of both the island and the Academy will be found within your student diary, located at the back. Now, before we conclude, I believe it is time for each of you to introduce yourselves." She spun her gun in her hand before shooting at the roof. suddenly, a huge portal appeared that quickly descended on them. Everyone was taken to a huge plain white room.

"I would like each of you to showcase the full extent of your magical abilities. I shall meticulously record your actions, your methodologies, and your overarching strategies and thoughts. Fear not; there are no incorrect approaches, regardless of how you choose to express your powers. However, before we proceed, my esteemed colleagues and I shall introduce ourselves. Now, allow me to elucidate the workings of this training room. It has been meticulously designed to adapt to your personal vision. Whatever you can conjure in your mind will materialize into reality; however, I must caution you that anything created within these walls cannot leave, for it shall be instantly destroyed.

Should you choose to train in pairs, the room will harmoniously merge both of your imaginations to craft the ideal training exercise. Additionally, within this space, you shall find an inexhaustible source of energy. You could train here for a fortnight and emerge feeling as refreshed as if you had just awoken from slumber. However, I must emphasize that this room cannot simulate the sustenance of food. Now, permit me to demonstrate how this remarkable environment functions."

Lady Red spun her gun then fired magic into a control panel, suddenly the room came to life as it powered itself up. She stepped into the room and instantly, the room changed. Lady Red stood in the center of a room full of targets spread throughout the space. She looked to everybody who was standing in the viewing room and spoke.

"I am Red Summer Rose, though you shall refer to me as Lady Red. My area of expertise lies in Gun Magic, through which I adeptly channel my magical abilities via my firearms, casting spells with precision and skill. Additionally, I possess the remarkable ability to perfectly mimic your magic, allowing me to store up to two distinct types of magic at any given time. This capacity enables me to better guide you in harnessing your powers and identifying areas for improvement. Furthermore, my Calculations Magic empowers me to compute with inhuman speed, greatly benefiting my swift combat style.

As I previously mentioned, within this room, your imagination reigns supreme. When you have completed your demonstration, simply depart the room, and all shall revert to its original state. Now, without further ado, I invite each of you to approach one by one. State your name and share a bit about yourself that you feel comfortable disclosing. Finally, feel free to showcase whatever you wish. Engage in any manner you desire; rest assured, all will be recorded and noted for future reference. We shall begin with the teachers"

the targets were all dressed in Magi Tech armor.


She crouched for a moment before jumped in the air before firing her Magnum Revolvers and her Gun Heels at the targets, firing magic at them. Some of the targets would instantly explode and combust. Others would freeze solid. Soms targets would be sucked into a vortex and be crushed. There were a few where the ground and ensnared and trapped them, the roots pushing through their armor and killing them. When Lady Red landed with a crouch, she elegantly stood back up again. She turned to Rose and spoke. "Rune Magic" Then she looked to Raven and spoke again. "Necromancy" With that she shot at the wall which fired a rune on it. The rune immediately activated, opening a portal. Then, undead began to pour out. Zombie Dragons, Griffins, skeletons, lich and more though strangely, one of them was more elegantly dressed than the rest. As Lady Red stepped out, everything disappeared except for her.


"That took a while Lady Red, I thought I was going to be trapped in there forever." she joked. Stepping forward she spoke up again. "What an amazing introduction, right students? I had asked Lady Red if we could do a surprise introduction for me. I'm surprised she agreed. Anyhow, I am Jane. I will be your Magic Science teacher."

Sekhemi huffed and shook his head. "You're dead. How can you teach anything? You're stuck in that room. Nothing the room creates can leave." Immediately Jane let out a loud sarcastic shocked gasp. "I'm...... I'm dead? Really? How did I never notice this?" She pretended to examine herself before continuing. "Huh, so I am! Anyway. My magic focuses on Cardmancer Magic and Gem Magic." She tilted her hat and a deck of cards flew out. The top card was drawn and turned over. Showing a beautiful woman at a lively party. "I once lived a fantastical life. I was respected and admired but the moment I spoke up about the war, the moment I tried to convince everybody to not proceed, they killed me. Luckily I was prepared." the next card flipped over, showing her now, an undead zombie. "I cast my heart into a soulbox and used my magic to cast a Voodoo spell on it. So when they killed me, they only killed my physical body. I returned to my soulbox and retrieved my heart. So, my body is rotten and decayed, but technically, I am alive. So you can be the judge. I joined this Academy as a teacher, realising there was nothing I could do to stop the war. finally the third card was turned over. "For my future, I see great carnage. Victory is not without its losses. We may win the war, but at what cost? My only hope is to pass my knowledge unto you." When she was finally finished speaking. She tipped her hat again and the cards returned. When she was done, she left the room. She looked to Sekhemi and chuckled herself before standing in the corner. Strangely there was no smell of the undead.

Next was Grace. Her fox form walked into the room and instantly, the room became covered in golden rays and light. She laughed before speaking. "Some of you are aware of my true identity. For those that are, I am grateful for keeping your silence. I am Grace. I won't say what I am, but my magic is focused around.... let's say, light. I am the record keeper, though I do teach as well. This form of mine isn't who I actually am nor is it my true form. However, I will provide you a quick glimpse I suppose." she closed her eyes and Grace began to glow brightly. Rings of light surround her gracefully and a almost Angelic mist started to come from her.


She closed her eyes and the rings of light changed colors. Two red ones shot off and as they did, the room created two targets. The two red rings of light wrapped around the targets and the targets burst into flames and eventually exploded from the inside out. There were many colored rings surrounding Grace, red, blue, yellow, green and more but as quickly as the demonstration started, it ended. Grace smiled before leaving the room.

After she had left, three portals opened. One pure black, and another pure white and the last one was black and white. A pure black bear stepped out, followed by a white bear and finally, Rena stepped out.


Rena looked to the two bears that towered of her before speaking. "I am Rena. My mother, Yang, and my father Yin. The two of them are the Yin Yang Gods. As their child, I can control both Yin and Yang Magic. This human form isn't my true form but it is natural to me, and please. I may look like a child but that is only because of my lengthy life span." she looked at both of her parents, then closed her eyes. Yin and Yang turned to energy and flowed into Rena's body. She spoke again. "My parents stay with me, help me to keep a balanced mind and grant me their energy and protection." once done Rena left the room.

The next person to go was a rather strange creature with a glowing shield like object. He stepped into the room yet nothing changed. "I am Sokolov and I will be your Magic Combat teacher. As for what I am? I am the King of the Familial realm. I protect and raise the familiars there. In my absence, I have my second in command taking over while I ensure everyone is prepared to join the war. As a familiar, my specialty is my own Familiar magic but I can also use summoning magic and Psionic magic. This form you see now is merely a weaker version of my true form which I use for serious combat. In this form I reserve my energy and reserve it in my energy armlet. Observe." he raised his arm and the armlet glowed brightly. Suddenly light surround him and when it disappeared, he was at his full size, covered in armor and wielding a magic staff. "This is my battle form. In this form my magic is much more powerful. I only use this form however in emergencies. In this training room however I don't need to worry about wasting energy which allows me to train and teach all of you and your combat expertise." With that said, he reverted back to his weaker form and left the room.

Finally, Emperor Draco stepped forward. The room didn't change again. Instead he just spoke. "I am Emperor Draco, leader of the Dragon Empire. Being a Dragon, I can obviously use Dragon Magic but my focus is my Rage Magic. My rage empowers me, allowing me to fight for longer and more fiercely. I shall be your survival teacher. All I'll say is good luck. You're going to need it because I'm going to enjoy watching you suffer." he laughed ominously before stepping out. Now that he was done, all teachers had finished. Lady Red spoke again. "Students, please proceed."
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Andalm stepped forward. "Hello, my name is Andalm Stundern, and I am a human wizard. The Stunderns are a well-established magical lineage dating back millennia. I specialize in abjuration, which deals with protective and defensive spells, and theurgy, also known as divine or holy magic, which invokes the power of the gods and their blessings. I look forward to getting to know you all, and to seeing what my new classes bring."

Cerralei almost jumped ahead and gave a big smile and an energetic wave. "Hey there! I'm Cerralei Stundern! Andalm's my brother. Now, I know what you're all thinking - how could I possibly be related to this guy? Trust me, it's not a question I haven't asked myself every single day of my life. Anyway, I do Bardic Magic and Illusion Magic! And before anyone asks - yeah, it's real magic, not just tricks and pretty lights. Here, let me show you!"

The room transformed into an ethereal forest grove under a starlit sky. Cerralei manifested a violin this time, and as she began to play (her eyes were closed, she was still smiling, and her head was moving in time with the music), the stars themselves seemed to dance to her melody. Ghostly spirits emerged from between the trees, joining in a haunting waltz. As the music swelled, the spirits began to glow brighter, their light coalescing into shapes of magical creatures - unicorns galloping through the air, phoenixes soaring overhead, and dragons weaving between the trees.

With a final flourish of her bow, Cerralei transformed the entire scene into a shower of musical notes that rained down before fading away.

"That's just a taste of what Bardillusion can do! It's not just about putting on a good show - though I do love doing that. Basically, it's all about how you use it. Trust me, you can do a lot when it's combined with other kinds of magic. Or when you're using it to counter other kinds of magic, whatever. I can't wait to see what kind of magical mayhem we can create, ahem, I can't wait to see how we contribute to each other's journeys this year!"

Cress Everdeen

After a while of a few-correction, couple people speaking their introductions, Cress figured if she did so too, early, it would be better than having to do it last where all eyes were on her. After the what-not music faded, Crescent stepped forward lightly, dipping her head to the direction Emperor Draco had left before doing the same to Lady Red.

"I-well...I am Cress Everdeen but I haven't come with any siblings like the last two had. I am fine with everyone calling me Crescent as well, and I excel in moon magic, something I actually enjoy. It can bring protection through it's trance, visons of what's to come, physical change, and many more! I also have the ability to stop time. No one here will really be able to 'know' I used it because you all will be...well, frozen."

Cress stood their, once again nervously shifting her legs until another gleeful voice filled the air. A green and tan dragon put his wing along her back, voice melodic and sing-son while echoing and bouncing off the walls.

"Hello, and greetings to all kinds! I am Sage, or a title of mine, Buer Of Heavy Sage. I grew up with my this here friend, Agnes"- He pointed at a reddish dragon who just looked away-"and managed to practice most of my abilities. I come with Stone Magic, I can summon jagged structures, move them around-everything! But it really isn't as cool as my mind reading abilities, so I suggest no one here lies to me." He winked.

Cress was relieved when Sage took over, because her shoulders relieved it's tenseness and she played a more calmer smile. The dragoness who spat furiously at Sekhemi earlier stood forth as well with the same cold, mannerly posture.

"I am Obsethine Diamond, Obsidian Of Shadows. I am a royal of a small kingdom named Etheria, but I was cast away. But it doesn't matter now, I never wanted to be part of such organization. I can foretell the future of 9 seconds, or choose to go back in time for 9 seconds. My second type is white fire magic. It is more powerful then fire that comes in red or blue. A demonstration is..."

She lifted a "paw" up, sparks of what looked like at first stars and aluminum turning into a full blaze like the moon's light. It slowly toned down when Obsethine set her leg down. Lastly, the dragon Buer had mentioned stepped forth with a side. Cress caught a glimpse of the white snake near the other dragon's throat and gulped.

"I am Agnes Juni, but I prefer being called either Juniper, Golden Widow, or just Agnes / Ag. I have learned how to manifest the power of psychokinesis, where I can control items, similarly to Sage's, but of any kind and let them float around anywhere. The second magic I perform in is natural elements. I can bring forth stems or trees into fast growth, or use the roots to just stab a particular target."

She, without moving, let a huge barkish-thick rope looking piece protrude from the floor. Agnes didn't seem to bother taking it away.

After a while of a few-correction, couple people speaking their introductions, Cress figured if she did so too, early, it would be better than having to do it last where all eyes were on her. After the what-not music faded, Crescent stepped forward lightly, dipping her head to the direction Emperor Draco had left before doing the same to Lady Red.

"I-well...I am Cress Everdeen but I haven't come with any siblings like the last two had. I am fine with everyone calling me Crescent as well, and I excel in moon magic, something I actually enjoy. It can bring protection through it's trance, visons of what's to come, physical change, and many more! I also have the ability to stop time. No one here will really be able to 'know' I used it because you all will be...well, frozen."

Cress stood their, once again nervously shifting her legs until another gleeful voice filled the air. A green and tan dragon put his wing along her back, voice melodic and sing-son while echoing and bouncing off the walls.

"Hello, and greetings to all kinds! I am Sage, or a title of mine, Buer Of Heavy Sage. I grew up with my this here friend, Agnes"- He pointed at a reddish dragon who just looked away-"and managed to practice most of my abilities. I come with Stone Magic, I can summon jagged structures, move them around-everything! But it really isn't as cool as my mind reading abilities, so I suggest no one here lies to me." He winked.

Cress was relieved when Sage took over, because her shoulders relieved it's tenseness and she played a more calmer smile. The dragoness who spat furiously at Sekhemi earlier stood forth as well with the same cold, mannerly posture.

"I am Obsethine Diamond, Obsidian Of Shadows. I am a royal of a small kingdom named Etheria, but I was cast away. But it doesn't matter now, I never wanted to be part of such organization. I can foretell the future of 9 seconds, or choose to go back in time for 9 seconds. My second type is white fire magic. It is more powerful then fire that comes in red or blue. A demonstration is..."

She lifted a "paw" up, sparks of what looked like at first stars and aluminum turning into a full blaze like the moon's light. It slowly toned down when Obsethine set her leg down. Lastly, the dragon Buer had mentioned stepped forth with a side. Cress caught a glimpse of the white snake near the other dragon's throat and gulped.

"I am Agnes Juni, but I prefer being called either Juniper, Golden Widow, or just Agnes / Ag. I have learned how to manifest the power of psychokinesis, where I can control items, similarly to Sage's, but of any kind and let them float around anywhere. The second magic I perform in is natural elements. I can bring forth stems or trees into fast growth, or use the roots to just stab a particular target."

She, without moving, let a huge barkish-thick rope looking piece protrude from the floor. Agnes didn't seem to bother taking it away.

P.S. Changed the code for Cress since it was hard to read.

Saiotiga smiled at the thought that the training room could create anything maybe he could use this for visualisation training to help him suppress Armaros

'Huh you wish but sorry that ain't gonna help at all hahaha"

Saiotiga shook his head to try and clear his mind he got up and walked to the centre stage he took a deep breath calm himself and once he opened his eye he looked to the crowd

"My name is Saiotiga, Xiezhi and like all Xiezhi I hate evil and corruption even though I have always been a little more unpredictable and aggressive then most of my kind its never been a problem until recently when I was bitten by a Werewolf my wolf is extremely bloodthirsty then and heightens my own aggression making hard to control at times my power are Life fore and sound magic though as a Xiezhi I have the natural ability to eat and absorb most form of elemental energy and convert it into my own life force powering my magic."

Saiotiga then closed his eyes once more to prepare himself for what he was about to do he pictured Armaros in his mind and sure enough a perfect copy of Armaros appeared in front of him

"Haha no way you actually think fighting a poor imagination of me will actually help, your more delusional then I thought"

As soon as the Beast appeared in front of him it let out a deafening sonic roar the vibrations alone could tear the earth apart if the training room wasn't made withstand these kinds of attacks it would cause quite the mess Saiotiga created a sound barrier around him but before he could counter attack Armaros had closed the distance and launched at his throat Saiotiga jumped back only to find Armaros had shot stone bullets at Saiotiga, Saiotiga created a portal behind him as his momentum form his jumped carried him though it he soon disappeared and reappeared behind Armaros Saiotiga covered his claws in a sonic blades then stabbed Armaros though his back as his arm tore though his chest Saiotiga hand could be seen holding Armaros heart

"Pft don't think it would be so easy if we really fought"

"Ya know your problem your to aggressive you leave yourself wide open to counter attacks I just have to wait for the perfect change to strike now only suppressing your darker urges was so easy"

"You'll never control or suppress me so stop wasting both our times and let me take control for one hahaha"

While Saiotiga and Armaros where talking it would simply look like he was stand there quietly for a few seconds once done Saiotiga walked back into the crowd to make way for tge next student

Asdreum, Azetzal, Axol

Asdreum created a portal under his feet and one in the air above the middle of the training room as he fell through the floor he appeared in the middle of the room

"I'm Asdreum I've only recently acquired my powers but now seams like a good chance to see what they can do"

Asdreum drew his sword as he did his eyes glowed red snd fire began to swerve around him with one swing he let out a large flaming slash then pointed his sword away and shot out a dark blast that soon caught up to the fire slash causing an explosion next he stabbed his sword in the ground and earth and ice spikes shot up around him

"So basic elemental magic is easy enough lets try something a little tougher"

As he said this the mark and his head began to glow
"Finally I was starting to get bored of that pathetic display"

Just then a portal opened in front if him and a demon knight stepped out and kneeled in front of him

"Let's spare"

The knight nodded his head and rose off the ground summoning a sword and shield the knight ran at Asdreum and as it was about to swing his sword Asdreum opened a portal under his foot casting the knight to lose balance then side stepped its sword and swung his own down at its next the knight blocked with it's shield at the same time Asdreum pointed the opening of his scabbard at the knights chest and shot out a blast of plasma that went right though it's chest then tilted the scabbard upwards cutting the knight in half as soon as the knight disappeared Asdreum began walking back to his place while talking to Azetzal

"Guess a knight of hell doesn't amount to much when I'm borrowing the power of a princess of hell maybe I should try a Duke nest time."

"You really think those pompous nobles who only know how to order around their mintions would fare any better hahaha"


Celest saw no point in putting on a big flashy show for the audience it wouldn't really prove anything and just be a waste of time and energy so instead she simply let into the centre of the room and as she landed she took her human form and turned to face the crowd.

"I'm Celest i am a angelic phoenix as such I can wild holiy magic and phoenix magic"

Celest pulled out a few features and created a ball of fre in one hand burning the features to ash the ash then began to move and formed into a shap knife as the fire disappeared she took hold of tge knife in her right hand and held out her left inone swift motion she cut of her left hand then the knife turned back into dust she waved her right hand over her left a bright light shined on it instantly healing her hand Celest then picked up her Severed left hand with her newly healed left hand and burned that to ash as well before returning to her phoenix form and flying off.


Nekelett had no of showing off his powers he simply walked to the he simply walked to the centre and addressed the other students

"My name is Nekelett i use shadow magic and teleportatoon magic, that is all."

After that he simply walked back into the crowd
iper, seeing most people already advancing to introduce themselves, waited for the dragons and human's shows to be over. The blaze of a fire, fade of music, the natural essence of a tree's thick root, they all ended soon enough. He fluttered his wings slightly and readjusted his vest before stepping forward like how the others had done.

"I am Piper Elderwood, Angel Of Sorrow, one whom possesses the powers hallucinations and illusions as well, and solar magic. Solar Magic helps radiate warmth, while hallucinations can warp what you see. My abilities do come in more forms, but I think a demonstration would do best,"

He raised his hand just a bit, flicking it just a bit, and soon the room turned more heated. The background was a mix of outside, just like the near meeting place everyone was at just before. A bird landed on his shoulder, but Piper held it, and then crushed it. It's remains were dust, proof of illusionary, and soon everything went back to normal.

Piper smiled before giving another extravagant, common bow of his, and then departed back to where most people watched.

"Waiting For The Day That I feel Human."
Piper Elderwood

Piper, seeing most people already advancing to introduce themselves, waited for the dragons and human's shows to be over. The blaze of a fire, fade of music, the natural essence of a tree's thick root, they all ended soon enough. He fluttered his wings slightly and readjusted his vest before stepping forward like how the others had done.
"I am Piper Elderwood, Angel Of Sorrow, one whom possesses the powers hallucinations and illusions as well, and solar magic. Solar Magic helps radiate warmth, while hallucinations can warp what you see. My abilities do come in more forms, but I think a demonstration would do best,"

He raised his hand just a bit, flicking it just a bit, and soon the room turned more heated. The background was a mix of outside, just like the near meeting place everyone was at just before. A bird landed on his shoulder, but Piper held it, and then crushed it. It's remains were dust, proof of illusionary, and soon everything went back to normal.

Piper smiled before giving another extravagant, common bow of his, and then departed back to where most people watched.
Keesha Sekhmet

She followed everyone else into the training room, looking over her fellow Magi. There were no other sphinxes around. She wasn't expecting there to be, but somehow it was still disappointing. Still, it was heartening to be around other Magi, if a bit intimidating to so see many of their powers were more advanced than hers.

Keesha took her turn, moving to the center of the room.

"I'm Keesha Sekhmet. I've got earth magic and water magic. Here's a little demonstration."
First, Keesha visualized a pizza-sized slab of agate, much like an archery target, and it appeared before her. She wished she could take it with her out of the room, but knew it wouldn't work.
She then conjured up some clay-rich dirt, which she shaped into a small sphere, levitating it by about four feet and moving it in circles around herself. At first, the clay circled slowly, but she picked up the speed.
Finally, she used her magic to hurl the clay directly at the agate target, where it landed with a splat, very close to the center but not completely on mark due to an interruption.

Faith Westmore

Faith became visibly nervous as everybody showed off their powers. She could show off the electrical magic really easily, but she was unsure of how to proceed with her secondary magic, healing.

So as not to make too much noise, she tried to keep her hooves from tapping against the floor, but still felt the nervous urge to move, so instead she slid her foreleg back and forth, a more quiet modification of her usual stim.

Internally, she was poring over how to approach the subject, the pressure being too much for her to keep quiet about if any longer.

"What if your power is healing?" She finally blurted, unintentionally interrupting Keesha's display, "Like, someone would need to be hurt for me to demonstrate it."

Moon watched as people got up one by one to show their magic. Most people didn't really impress her, however the Dragon, Cress definitely caught her interest with her moon magic. When nobody else was going up, she jumped up and entered the room. Suddenly, the room changed, it was suddenly night time and high in the sky was a full brilliant blue moon, the Wolf Moon. It was the the Moon that represented werewolves.

"I am Moon, a Beastborn. As a Beastborn, I grow stronger from the moon. Right now, the moon is being created by the training room, but if I do this." Moon raised her hand and closed her eyes. Suddenly, the moon turned black. Then seconds later, Karma manifested from her. "Changing the types of Moon, allows me to do different things. This is Karma, my Beastborn. With my magic, I can bring Karma out without becoming her. So, in a way Karma is her own person. Now, Karma. Can you demonstrate please." Karma howled loudly and raised her claws to the moon. Her claws glowed brightly before slashing them down, sending out a wave of lunar magic towards the walls. She then turned to everyone else. "I am Karma, Moon's Beastborn. When Moon is asleep, I get restless. So you'll often see me out during the night. So I give you a warning. Don't piss me off, because Karma is a Bitch, literally." When she finished talking, Karma disappeared. Moon walked out of the room and sat down.

Green went up next. He flew into the room and sat down. His wings opened and plants grew all around him. A fireball manifested in the middle of the room, then he created a thunderstorm above him. After his wings closed it all ceased.

"I'm Green. I am a dragon and I can control the elements. I can also control the magic that is in the air. Nice to meet you all."

Once he was done, he left the room and sat back down to watch.


Pozuzy waited for his turn. After everyone Green had been, he went up next. He smiled, and laughed slightly as he looked to the two human brats that humiliated him. Pozuzy closed his eyes and the room transformed into a very familiar setting.


"My name is Pozuzy, a sin demon and I can summon anything, anytime, any where."

He giggled and then rose his left hand, suddenly a demon appeared, then rose his right and monster appeared. He stared at everyone with an evil look, and then suddenly he as well as the monsters and demons began to sing. Throughout the song he summoned more and more monsters and demons. Of course, any good illusionist would know that they were all fake.


But as the song was coming to an end, not Sekhemi, Moon, Saber or Cherry showed any fright. Pozuzy stared at them for a moment then his eyes turned red. He flew up quickly and shouted.

"Aren't you scared?!"

Of course, if anyone knew them well, they would know that Sekhemi found it pathetic. It was only demons. He believed he could take them down no problem. Saber, being a familiar could see through the illusions and wasn't impressed. Moon knew that with Karma, mere demons and monsters were no match for her and finally Cherry had much more things to worry about. She spoke up plainly.

"No, there is nothing you could do to scare me. I have my own demons, and I fear for my life constantly."

At that point Pozuzy's eyes glowed a blood red and fire began to appeared behind him, although, this fire was no mere illusion, it was the real thing. He spoke in a demonic voice. At this point, Saber was starting to get weary.


Pozuzy slowly flew away, breathing heavily. He dislike people not being scared by his tricks and pranks. Grace made a few quick notes before noding.


Sekhemi didn't give a rat's ass about the rules, but what he did care about was this training room. He smiled brightly, hearing as well as seeing everything it could do. He had to put this thing to the test. He walked up and stood in front of everyone.

"I am the almighty, all powerful Prince Sekhemi! As you are about to see my skills exceed any and all of yours that you may process. You mortals are nothing but dirt beneath my shoe. Watch as a God shows you his immense power!"

The white room changed to a setting that was obviously Sekhemi's home. Then over 2000 men at the very least appeared out of thin air. No Magi Tech armor, just standard soldiers.

Sekhemi then began to sing a song, as he did, Ra, Mut, Nut, Khnum, Ptah, Nephtys, Nekhbet, Sobek, Sekhment, Sokar, Selket, Reshpu, Wadjet, Anubis, Anukis, Seshmu, Meshkent, Hemsut, Tefnut, Heket, and finally Mafdet all appeared in front of him, each of them joining in with the song.

Sekhemi laughed and prepared himself. First, the 2000 or so men ran at them like the worthless rats they were. Sekhemi grabbed his golden knuckles and ran ahead. He jumped and punched the ground as hard as possible which made fire shoot out the earth and hit somebody in the face. He then boosted himself up and shot a large fire bomb at the ground blowing a load of men up. Sekhemi then looked to the Gods and bowed before them.

"However, even I cannot defeat the Gods of Egypt. They are the only ones I follow. I serve no mere mortal."

To demonstrate his power even more he made dark tentacles come out from the ground. After all that he left the room and chuckled.


Manta was the next student to go. He flew into the room and around inside of it before landing swiftly. He spoke through everybody's mind that allowed him to. 'My name is Manta and this is Neptune my guardian familiar. I am a Flying Mantaray. My species can control and manipulate the water using magic as our duty is to protect the water as guardians. To clean it from pollution and keep safe all living creatures within the ocean. My species are endangered with only a few of us remaining. Humans destroyed our home and killed us for our magic. That is the biggest cause to our near extinction. That is why I have a guardian familiar to protect me and to try and keep my species alive.' After Manta finished his introduction Neptune spoke up. "So I ask you all now. Please do what you can to help Manta whenever you can. Please help to protect him and keep him safe. Please help save his species from those who wish to harm him. As his guardian I shall do my best to complete my duty but any help is appreciated." After he was done Manta walked out with Neptune coiled around him.


Saber watched as everyone went up one by one, paying close attention. When Sekhemi went up, all he could do was roll his eyes. It was time for his turn. He looked around before walking up to Sage, the dragon. "Hey, Sage, you use Stone magic, right? Do you mind if I have a couple drops of your blood for my demonstration? I'd really appreciate it." Once Sage gave the all clear and agreed, he made a small cut and took a few drops of blood in a small phial. Once he had the blood, he went into the room.

He took a deep breath before speaking again. "Greetings everybody. I am Saber, I am a familiar. I can use energy magic, which is pretty powerful, but my main ability comes from blood. You see, not only can I do Blood Magic, but when I ingest somebody elses blood, it empowers me and gives me access to their magic temporarily however there is a major downside that I haven't been able to figure out. When I ingest blood, I become wild. The more blood I ingest, the wilder and more dangerous I become. Watch." He closed his eyes, suddenly a large cage formed around him trapping him inside.

Then he opened the phial and drank the few drops of blood he had taken. After a few seconds, hia yellow and blue eyes turned completely red. He opened his wings out wide and slammed his hand to the ground. Suddenly a stone shot out, breaking the hinges of the cage. As it did, the cage quickly healed and reformed. He sneered before drawomg out his claws. With each swipe he made to the metal door, stones would shoot out of the ground, breaking the cage down every time it self repaired.

Saber then stepped back. He slashed his wrist with his claws, then the blood flowed out, creating blood spikes that quickly shot at all of the cage's hinges and exploded sending blood splatter everywhere. After a few more seconds, Saber's eyes returned to normal, he let our a sharp breath before sighing. "As you see, when I drink blood not my own, I lose my mind and become reckless. That is why I only took a few drops, so I wouldn't be in that state for too long. Thank you for letting me use your blood, Sage." He focused on his wound, and watched as his blood formed a seal, stopping the bleeding. He retracted his claws and then returned to his seat.


Wisp and Mimi were running late. It hadn't realised the time, by the time it did realise the time and arrived at the meeting spot there was nobody there. So instead it went straight to the Academy, solidfying itself so Mimi was able to ride it up. Once they arrived, Wisp looked around the grand hall but still couldn't see anyone. "What should we do Mimi?" Mimi looked around before turning back to Wisp. "Let's keep looking until we find somebody." It nodded before starting to float around, Mimi followed close behind. After a long while, the two of them finally came to the training room just as Saber finished. Lady Red smiled when she saw them. "Oh, Wisp, you made it after all. Why don't you go introduce yourself, I'll catch you up with everything later." Wisp nodded and entered the training room with Mimi.

After a moment of hesitation it spoke. "I am Wisp, a Will O' Wisp. I can shapeshift and change the properties of my form or change my form completely. For example." It looked around at everyone before stopping on Kodoku. "You look pretty cool." It closed its eyes, and after a few moments, its form shifted, becoming an exact copy of Kodoku. "When I take on somebody elses form, I still can't use their magic. I just look like them. I can use natural abilities though. Like, for example, a Cheetah's speed, a Lion's strength and more." It shifted back to his natural form. Then Mimi bounced forward. "I'm Mimi. I follow Wisp, give it company and try and boost its confidence. As a slime, I can asborb almost anything. The things I absorb I can take on the properties of or sometimes magic. I can also use adaption magic which allows me to adapt to the environment around me." She smiled when she was finished speaking, then the two left the room.

Quibbles Quibbles

Cherry Rose

Cherry watched as everyone went up one by one. She looked to Wisp who turned out to be late. After everyone else had gone up, she looked around nervously. It was then that Cherry took a deep breath and slapped herself in the face. "It's now or never." She looked up trying to encourage herself and began to talk out loud. "I'll be the best they've ever seen! I'll make them so dang proud of me. It'll take some work to get to where I need to go but I'll be there before I know and it's hard and I'm tired but I'll work..... to get higher!" She started to walk towards the training area then suddenly her legs completely turned to jelly and she found herself falling rapidly onto the floor. She pulled out her scythe and pushed herself back to her feet. "But it seems I've lost all function in my legs. Is this...normal? It's fine! I'm fine! Am I fine? I'm sure it's fine! Am....I going to die?" She shook her head quickly to try and clear her head then flew in the middle of the training room with her psionic magic. She felt her legs come alive again when she entered and gently landed on the floor and looked around at everyone.

She gave a sigh and thought it was best if she was just honest and try explaining herself. "I'm a wreck! I'm in a downward spin and I don't know what it feels like to win but they tell me "Just gotta put in the work, you'll be fine." And they tell me "Everyone falls down time to time." but no matter how hard I try there's this little voice in my mind and it tells me every time that I will NOT be fine but I'll be the best you've ever seen!" It'll take some work to get to where I need to go." Just then Astaroth spoke up so everybody could hear him. "They're better of without you, you know!" "Ooooh.....It's hard!" "Too hard!" "I'll work!" "Won't work." "I just gotta keep telling myself that I'll be fine! It's fine!" "Not fine!" "I'm fine." "Not fine!" "We're fine!" "Not fine!" "I'm sure it's fine!" "NOT FINE! You'll suffer and die!" At this point Cherry collapsed to the floor and slammd her fist into the ground. Crimson flew off her shoulder and landed next to her.

He thought that maybe it was best that he let her shout it all out. It would let everyone know exactly what was going on, maybe someone would know how to break this curse. Cherry continued to talk in a sad, defeated voice. "I'm a wreck! I'm in a downward spin and I....I don't know what it feels like to win but they tell me "Just gotta put in the work, you'll be fine." And they tell me "Everyone falls down once or twice." And though I try....and though I reach for the sky! There's this voice that's getting louder in the back of my mind saying "I'M NOT FINE!" It's screaming at me saying, "I'M NOT FINE!" I'm a mess, my life is an uphill climb, I get halfway up but I slip down every time..." Cherry took a deep breath then started to scream at the top of her voice.

"AND I HONESTLY DON'T THINK I WILL EVER BE FINE CAUSE MY HEAD KEEPS SCREAMING "YOU'LL ALWAYS BE BEHIND!" AND THEY TELL ME IT'S ALRIGHT, EVERYONE TAKES THEIR OWN TIME BUT MY TIME IS MOVING BACKWARDS, I DON'T THINK I'LL GET IT RIGHT CAUSE I'M LOSING MY OWN BATTLE, CANNOT FIND THE WILL OR MIGHT CAUSE THE LITTLE VOICE THAT'S SUPPOSED TO CHEER ME ON IS THE ONE I HAVE TO FIGHT!!!" She breathed heavily then began to slowly stand up. After taking a deep breath in she began to talk again. "It's fine....I'm fine.....we're fine......I'm.....I'm sure it's fine.....I.....I don't think it will ever be fine." She took a deep breath for giving a long exhausted sigh. Slowly she walked back and sat down. Crimson flew over to her and landed on her shoulder.
"Hey. It will be fine. I promise. We'll get through this together. We just have to put in the work to break this curse." He looked at her worriedly before looking around seeing how everyone reacted to that, hoping somebody would know of a solution before looking back to her. Cherry just needed some time.
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