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Fandom Undertale The Sequel [OPEN-ACCEPTING]

It was too late, the ball stuck the back of the King as it exploded, setting his back on fire. Undyne gasped in fear as she was caught by the suddence and danger of the attack, almost getting hit as well from the radius. She immediately rushed towards the King while holding on his shoulders while saying 'Asgore!! No!!! No, no, no, no!!!' - she was feeling overwhelmth as she looked at his back, he was weaken, yet not really that 'left for dead', only making him weak and incapable to do anything. She then spilled the tea over the fire, trying to extinguish it. Undyne lift her head as she looked around, noticing Coury, but she couldn't think that it could be him, after all - it is not like him. She kept looking around the bushies while mumbling quietly to the King 'No... not today... not today, don't die on me DARN IT!' - she was feeling dread looming over her body as she looked around the bushies once more in panic, holding tightly on Asgore's hands. Tears slowly rolled down her left eye - how come? How could somebody try to murder Asgore?

Sucsess, the strike was top notch, right at the spot. After some more momments - the attacker would take out the envelope out of one's pocket and let the wind catch the letter, allowing it to fly and wrill in the air, slowly reaching to the pair there. Finding that he did his job - he for some reason just kept there, watching the sceene while remaining in the shadows, breathing quietly in the respirator.

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Coury awoke from his daze, and saw Asgore's shape. Oh dear! Coury rushed off to find a bucket and a sink. Filling said bucket with water, he warps back, water sloshing around, "Asgore, what happened? I know I was there, but I wasn't quite paying attention."
ShadNova said:
It was too late, the ball stuck the back of the King as it exploded, setting his back on fire. Undyne gasped in fear as she was caught by the suddence and danger of the attack, almost getting hit as well from the radius. She immediately rushed towards the King while holding on his shoulders while saying 'Asgore!! No!!! No, no, no, no!!!' - she was feeling overwhelmth as she looked at his back, he was weaken, yet not really that 'left for dead', only making him weak and incapable to do anything. She then spilled the tea over the fire, trying to extinguish it. Undyne lift her head as she looked around, noticing Coury, but she couldn't think that it could be him, after all - it is not like him. She kept looking around the bushies while mumbling quietly to the King 'No... not today... not today, don't die on me DARN IT!' - she was feeling dread looming over her body as she looked around the bushies once more in panic, holding tightly on Asgore's hands. Tears slowly rolled down her left eye - how come? How could somebody try to murder Asgore?
Sucsess, the strike was top notch, right at the spot. After some more momments - the attacker would take out the envelope out of one's pocket and let the wind catch the letter, allowing it to fly and wrill in the air, slowly reaching to the pair there. Finding that he did his job - he for some reason just kept there, watching the sceene while remaining in the shadows, breathing quietly in the respirator.

Asgore was rather surprised... but he smiled. He stated, "I am so sorry to trouble you Undyne. This battle is over... but another begins." Asgore stands up completely fine, a 4th of his HP depleted due to it being off guard but still, he was magic! He used flame all the time. He smiled before he rushed, "I simply wanted to test my acting skills... They were rather convincing hmm?" Asgore spun his trident, sending out a circle of flame towards where the fire ball came from... that encircled around the attacker. Asgore set himself ablaze and charged in that direction. He would solve this peacefully, but he had to make sure that the attacker was disarmed and wanted to talk.
Oh yes, Asgore liked to act defeated, on the verge of death, to grab the attention of rookie sentries, and anyone else nearby. Of course Coury had fallen for it. Coury watched in stunned silence as Salamandra(?) in the distance was surrounded by flaming orbs, and Asgore began charging them.
She looks at Asgore and seem to shape her expression to irritated one, saying 'D-Don't scare me like that, Asgore!' - she was short on words as she then wipes her tears from the cheek, blinking while then summoning her spear in her hands, taking meassures in her hands. She would look at Asgore charging forward while then shifting attention to Coury, saying 'Split! Surround the punk in semi-trinangle, then he would not be able to run away, comeone!' - her voice slightly trembles as she then controls her own self, acting bossy as she used to. Then she proceeds to dash to the left, leaning forward with spear, rushing through the woods while keeping the look at the center, where the fire was slowly spreading from Asgore's attack.

The figure would immediately notice the king's turn as then it prepares something nasty, going for the pouch. Once immediately taking the orb in one's hands/claws and noticing fire ring looming to his sight - he presses the button on the orb while tossing it down, turning sharp on 180 degrees. On impact, the orb would shatter, letting out really thick smoke cloud of grey color. As soon as ring passes through the smoke, the 'window' could've been formed, yet then the smoke seem to patch the 'window' as soon as possible. Asgore would loom forward into the smoke, yet missing. It seems that he had enough time to go into random direction, due to the smokescreen. King would think that the attacker is not some petty monster, but quite talanted master of escape.

@hudhouse @ferociousfeind
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