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Fandom Undertale The Sequel [OPEN-ACCEPTING]

" nothing I performed a minor check up to see if something was there but Frisk is fine I have changed a lot after I fell " Gaster said letting anyone think he had an accident instead of what really happened " I have made a change I don't want to hurt , I never wanted to but it isn't needed anymore " ( on phone so no fonts)
"Marines Relieved Sighed as his eye starts to return back to normal"Heh it kinda seems People forgot about me too since the king doesn't remember exiling me"

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"Consider it a clean slate then and have them meet a new you, that should be possible for you but it seems everyone is remembering me I doubt they will be forgiving now." Gaster said with a sigh he wanted to be with his sons, his friends, he wanted things to go back to how they were before chara before determination. That could never happen though time moved and now they were remembering.
VirtualNotoriety said:
"Nathan Relieved Sighed as his eye starts to return back to normal"Heh it kinda seems People forgot about me too since the king doesn't remember exiling me"
Karcen said:
Gaster had in truth been looking for Asgore, mostly because he found the kind king to be in a similar situation and well he might make good company because of that. It seemed however that another had gotten to the king first. Really these people needed to understand that there were things that had to be done that only he could do. That... that was the way it always had been he had tried to save them because only he could, he had tried to save her because only he could. No one else could have done it, no one else understood what he did and how he did they just didn't see and that was what had always made him blind.
Gaster appeared in the path of the two that were going to look for him because he was looking for them. " You were looking for me your Majesty?(You were looking for me your Majesty?) He said almost ironically.

Asgore looked towards Marine before stating, "...I am afraid I never did, so may we drop the accusation that I did?" Then.... Gaster just popped up. Asgore just starred at him for 3 seconds before screaming to the sky, "Years, gone for years and just as soon as we go above ground... poof! It is amazing to see you old friend!" He offered a hand to shake Gaster's.

Asgore said, "If what the skeleton says is correct then I would like to request your aide. Is Toriel or the others in any form of danger?"
" That would take to long to explain, i will sum it up as a son of mine from another universe came into this one and i feared he had brought something with him or woke it up, but my fears were incorrect and it is not here" (That would take to long to explain, i will sum it up as a son of mine from another universe came into this one and i feared he had brought something with him or woke it up, but my fears were incorrect and it is not here) Gaster said as he shook the kings hand, it was good to see him again.

" Though there maybe a minor threat, but he has been dealt with before Flowey has not given up his attitude, but i will help Frisk in helping him... and no it won't involve determination i have had enough of that though you will need to keep a close eye on the souls if you still have them your Majesty (Though there maybe a minor threat, but he has been dealt with before Flowey has not given up his attitude, but i will help Frisk in helping him... and no it won't involve determination i have had enough of that though you will need to keep a close eye on the souls if you still have them your Majesty ) He explained being ever formal with the ever informal king, they had been good friends but well Gaster had been distant even back then especially after what had happened and his first experiment with determination.
Karcen said:
" That would take to long to explain, i will sum it up as a son of mine from another universe came into this one and i feared he had brought something with him or woke it up, but my fears were incorrect and it is not here" (That would take to long to explain, i will sum it up as a son of mine from another universe came into this one and i feared he had brought something with him or woke it up, but my fears were incorrect and it is not here) Gaster said as he shook the kings hand, it was good to see him again.
" Though there maybe a minor threat, but he has been dealt with before Flowey has not given up his attitude, but i will help Frisk in helping him... and no it won't involve determination i have had enough of that though you will need to keep a close eye on the souls if you still have them your Majesty (Though there maybe a minor threat, but he has been dealt with before Flowey has not given up his attitude, but i will help Frisk in helping him... and no it won't involve determination i have had enough of that though you will need to keep a close eye on the souls if you still have them your Majesty ) He explained being ever formal with the ever informal king, they had been good friends but well Gaster had been distant even back then especially after what had happened and his first experiment with determination.
Asgore snickered before stating, "Don't worry, I would be surprised if even you could find them within a week. I hid them at a place only I can find, and only I have the way in. But... I hope I can get Alphys on a new project regarding the SOULs. Sorry to repeat myself and bothering you though... everyone is fine and alright? And please, call me Asgore... I may be a king but I would rather just be a friend."
*Flowey could tell he was going somewhere and opened one of his eyes,he saw that Frisk was facing the window and the sun was rising,after a small debate with himself he looked around and stopped playing dead enjoying the sunlight as a plant should*"I'm not going to thank you for this just so you know.." *he faced the sunlight trying to soak up some rays*

*Azule woke up when Frisk touched her nose,she realized she was covered in glass and began picking shards out of her hide,she was surprised since this was her first time seeing a human in real life,she had always heard they were violent and cruel but this one seemed different so she followed her*"Are you the human...Frisk?"

" Good i would hate for flowey or... someone else to find them "(Good i would hate for flowey or... someone else to find them) Gaster said worried Hermon might try for the hearts if she was like that now, she was better than that in life though " As for danger there is none unless you really want and excuse for visiting the queen" (As for danger there is none unless you really want and excuse for visiting the queen) He said with a smile never actually being one to call any of the royalty by name always by titles even Chara had gotten that treatment.
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Karcen said:
" Good i would hate for flowey or... someone else to find them "(Good i would hate for flowey or... someone else to find them) Gaster said worried Hermon might try for the hearts if she was like that now, she was better than that in life though " As for danger there is none unless you really want and excuse for visiting the queen" (As for danger there is none unless you really want and excuse for visiting the queen) He said with a smile never actually being one to call any of the royalty by name always by titles even Chara had gotten that treatment.
Asgore silently sighed before stating, "...Then I have no business following this skeleton. Pardon me back to my home..." Asgore began his lonely walk back to his home...
"Of course I don't expect a Thank you Flowey.

I'm just glad you're enjoying the sun with me. ...

Even if you hate me and everyone else."

*Frisk chuckled quietly but still sat out on the grass with Flowey on top of her head as they both enjoyed the sun.

*Frisk smiled at the new monster and nodded.

"Yes, I'm Frisk. It's nice to meet you. What's your name?"

*Frisk asked the new monster, looking up at her with her eyes, so Flowey would not fall off her head.

She was sure that she has seen the figures in the depth, especially the large one - the King Himself. She then went into the dash while running towards them, once again - passing through the gap that they formed as she then would sound out in the distance, when King himself was almost at the doorstep 'Your Majesty! Asgore, sir!!' - the distant yell of hers flew towards Asgore like light blast from the past - her little trainee of his has finally showed herself after all the time.

*Azule smiled when Frisk asked her name*"I am Azule and I want to be a journalist when I get older!"*She let out a yawn and looked at Flowey confused*"Why does the great Frisk have a talking flower on her head?"*she pulled out a notepad like she was going to write something down once Frisk said anything*

*Flowey grumbled about Azule remarking him as just a talking plant and grumbled even more when he realized how close he was to freedom,he had already known though that it was too risky to attempt escape in his condition he would need to plan and thought of a question to ask Frisk something he had been trying to comprehend for a while now and just thought now to ask her*"Frisk...why did you help me...why did you spare me you know I can't understand this but why?"

ShadNova said:
She was sure that she has seen the figures in the depth, especially the large one - the King Himself. She then went into the dash while running towards them, once again - passing through the gap that they formed as she then would sound out in the distance, when King himself was almost at the doorstep 'Your Majesty! Asgore, sir!!' - the distant yell of hers flew towards Asgore like light blast from the past - her little trainee of his has finally showed herself after all the time.
Asgore smiled wide as he stated, "Undyne! Howdy! How have you been my friend?" Asgore had not aged a single day since Undyne had last saw him. His warm smile was inviting, and he even offered a hug if she truly wanted it but, it was up to her to her desires.
*Frisk took Flowey down from her head and held him looking down at him with a gentle smile.

"Because you are my friend. Asri-Flowey...you remember...that you cried out for help but nobody came. I'm here Flowey. I came to save you. I'm just....late...but I'm still here and I saved you because it's what you deserved back then when nobody came.

I'm here. I know you can't understand my feeling of compassion and friendship, but that is why. I cared deeply that is why I saved you. To this day I am still trying to save you. I want to help you get your body back...even if...you are mean and nasty sometimes, I'm always going to be your friend."

*Frisk nods and keeps Flowey in her lap as she continues to watch the sun rise.

"It is almost time to go back inside but... you and I need just a few more rays of sunshine and quiet together then I'll give you some water before I get a lesson from Mom today for math. Then Sans is going to teach me how to bake muffins, cause Mom has to go into town and run errands."

*Frisk chuckles relaxed and happy.

@ManyFaces @Darkiplier
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*Flowey sighed and let out a weak chuckle*"You know...you really are an idiot but I will admit you're determined"*That was probably the nicest thing he'd ever said to anyone and that may or may not have meant progress to his personality changing somehow but as soon as the words slipped out his mouth he'd thought of something quite mean to say*"I hate the fact you refuse to fight is it that you don't know how...or are you a chicken?"*Flowey began flapping his leaves like chicken wings and clucking and making other chicken noises,he'd even managed to give himself a chicken face*


(I don't know why but I had to do the chicken thing i HAD TO)
She just hoped forward and went for the pinning hug, holding him tightly, like he was uncle or grandfather for her. To be honest, she really like the King Fluffybuns, he was chill even durring the fights and yet so carrying. She just tossed her tomboyish side of her for a momment and let her feelings flow. She really respected the King yet allowed herself to feel the warmth of his, the warmth of his own kindness and thus - she didn't really care about these skeletons, who were planning to do things - she was happy with her family, with her GF and with human, that showed the important lesson of friendship and determination. She was keeping him in inbrace for several minutes while letting him go, blushing a bit while letting her classy 'Fuhuhuhu...' - looking away as she realises that she let herself doing something like that. Shaking her head once more while returning back to her old self, to her 'Captain' self, trying to act more tough now while exposing her sharksmile to him, closing her eyes. She was looking cute with that menacing smile of hers and the expression that she carried.


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" There are a few at least Firsk dose, but without the souls he is mostly harmless and Firsk still can load SAVES so if he acts up She can correct it or I can" (There are a few at least Firsk dose, but without the souls he is mostly harmless and Firsk still can load SAVES so if he acts up She can correct it or I can)" Gaster whispered back as the scene between undyne and asgore, it oddly reminded him of a parent a child even if there was no such connection there, it did remind him he needed to go back to his sons.
"Hey Gaster mind if I ask you a question and don't worry it isn't about the human"Marines Whispered to Gaster as he whispers"Is there anyway for you know... Flowey to turn back into Asriel?"As Marines Sees Gaster kinda curious on why he asked"

" It is a project i plan to work on, but right now no i cannot, Once i can better understand the void and why i was able to exist as i did and do i maybe able to help" (It is a project i plan to work on, but right now no i cannot, Once i can better understand the void and why i was able to exist as i did and do i maybe able to help) Gaster explained half expecting the other skeleton to them accuse him of some new evil he planned.
"Hmm... I wonder if... No never mind but thanks for answering my question anyways"As Marines right eye starts to drip blood again"Ugh... Gaster have antidepressants why my eye bleeds sometimes?"

" Well if you are like Sans it could mean any number of things from simply being a reaction to my presence as i hurt reality in a minor way by existing as i currently exist as the only gaster in all timelines, or it could be a surprising of powers to an unhealthy degree, or it could be something completely unrelated i would need to conduct some tests to be sure." (Well if you are like Sans it could mean any number of things from simply being a reaction to my presence as i hurt reality in a minor way by existing as i currently exist as the only gaster in all timelines, or it could be a surprising of powers to an unhealthy degree, or it could be something completely unrelated i would need to conduct some tests to be sure.) Gaster explained not worrying over what Marines had thought of there might be many ways to help flowey.
ShadNova said:
She just hoped forward and went for the pinning hug, holding him tightly, like he was uncle or grandfather for her. To be honest, she really like the King Fluffybuns, he was chill even durring the fights and yet so carrying. She just tossed her tomboyish side of her for a momment and let her feelings flow. She really respected the King yet allowed herself to feel the warmth of his, the warmth of his own kindness and thus - she didn't really care about these skeletons, who were planning to do things - she was happy with her family, with her GF and with human, that showed the important lesson of friendship and determination. She was keeping him in inbrace for several minutes while letting him go, blushing a bit while letting her classy 'Fuhuhuhu...' - looking away as she realises that she let herself doing something like that. Shaking her head once more while returning back to her old self, to her 'Captain' self, trying to act more tough now while exposing her sharksmile to him, closing her eyes. She was looking cute with that menacing smile of hers and the expression that she carried.

Asgore huffed in effort a little bit! If he dared take her lightly, he would have been crushed! So he went over the top, he attempted to yank her straight into the air with his hug, laughing all the while before putting her down. Asgore commented, "Oh how I have missed you and the others. Tell me Undyne, would you like to talk over some tea? I learned a little trick that makes it lets me brew tea on the go! Other then that, I would love to know how you've been."
'Tea would do nicely!' - and thus, keeping the warm smile, she followed the King, adding to the walk 'Well, just had New Year and some wonderful evening day before that... well, except for these skelepunks that appeared out of nowhere, and no - I am not talking about Paps and Sans. Just imagine! That Gaster skele just appeared in my house out of nowhere, playing on Piano while all others seem to join me. Pffuu... It was exhausting. But yeah - everyone else were alright! Kid is full of beans and others seem to be really happy. Oh, by the way, Tori send you 'Hi'!' - she was shooting words like machine gun, trying to warm his heart by some decent news.


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