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Fandom Undertale The Sequel [OPEN-ACCEPTING]

" No" ( no) Gaster said flatly.

There was no way he was going to give asriel even one soul that wasn't his. Gaster didn't want to do anything like that again and he knew what happened when flowey got souls he had seen it and he would not have that happen again.

" That is the point information about what i want now and i'll come back when i am sure it will work everyone seems to think i am a madman" (That is the point information about what i want now and i'll come back when i am sure it will work everyone seems to think i am a madman) Gaster said with a sigh.
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A soft knock on Frisk's door could be heard, Coury could hear snippets of the conversation, "Doctor W. D. Gaster? Are you conversing with that devil?"
A cold fish hand genlty lays on Coury's shoulder as it was tapping on it, speaking in lower tone 'You out of your mind, punk? Kid is sleeping, and yet you are trying to disturb her sleeps? Gee, you are indeed reckless.' - she says that with some disappointment while looking at the fellow sekeleton, shaking her head.

"Hmm. I... suppose you are right." Coury makes a mental note to check up on Flowey later, "How long ago did the new year start?"
She takes a look at the clocks on the wall while saying 'Well, it'll happen in hour or so... its getting quite late now.' - she shrugs while fixing belt on her trousers, sharply turning to the hallfway.

*Floweys' eyes widened when he realized their conversation gave him away and spoke in a now hushed but still angered tone he also didn't approve of Frisk touching him and would normally give a good snap at her fingers but had Gaster to attend to* "They'll probably be up here soon with weedkiller or something and why gosh I don't see a reason to give you information now if you don't have what I want NOW so if you want the least bit of information from me you should plant me somewhere or well y'know Asgore isn't going to use those souls anytime soon..oh and why do you even want this information,you don't really exist I doubt anyone would be after you..." *He leaned against the rims of his pot grinning at Gaster awaiting an answer from the doctor*

" Patients is a virtue Asriel" (Patients is a virtue Asriel) Gaster said and he guessed that Flowey really couldn't understand who Gaster would be looking for, but Gaster was not goign to help him with anything more than what he had after all she had left long ago she had likely faded again in that time, she should have been long dead after all. " But here is a clue to how to free yourself Yrrtium, Uranium, Nobelium, Lithium, Potassium, Protactinium, Sulfur, Tantalum. "( But here is a clue to how to free yourself Yrrtium, Uranium, Nobelium, Lithium, Potassium, Protactinium, Sulfur, Tantalum.) Gaster said and with that he simply vanished he had other things to do than give real clues or real help to the flower right now.
*Once Gaster left Flowey began mumbling to himself and staring at the door* "I don't need a cure I need power...also if he hadn't noticed i'm in a pot and my vines aren't strong enough in here to grab things like that especially since I don't know where I would find them unless someone is an idiot and manages to trust me"*He sulked in his pot allowing more thoughts to seep into his twisted mind*
Asgore had stayed up late for new years, watching the beautiful stars shine and sparkle in the sky. He slowly looked down to the book in his hands, turning a page under lamp light. Stars, made of a state of matter equivalent to flame known as plasma, which is hotter then gas. A near energy-like state, but still materiel. Everything was once made from the brightest star in the sky, the Sun. Apparently if what the humans said was correct, in a few weeks he should be able to see a few planets in the sky. Perhaps he should purchase a telescope? Either way, he had to go to bed.

He slowly got up out of his cozy rocking chair, looking out towards the city. It was so far away, like a distant mountain. Take a bit to get there, but he was glad. This far out, he could be able to garden and see the stars every night. He patted a white furred wolf to his side that almost seemed to perk up a bit. He whispered, "Good night young one..." He unlocked the doggy door in case his pal wanted to jump in for the night, and slowly marched off to bed. He opened his lonely room with a King sized bed, deciding to finally have some sleep.

He lazily went under the covers, before closing his heavy eyes.
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"Marines started knocking on Asgore's door once again to ask him where was Frisk fearing what Gaster might do"Asgore! Are you in there?"

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VirtualNotoriety said:
"Nathan started knocking on Asgore's door once again to ask him where was Frisk fearing what Gaster might do"Asgore! Are you in there?"
Asgore's eyes snap open, welp! He needed to get a clock! He swore it was like, just a little around midnight. He yawned, well at least he didn't truly need sleep, it helped him, was pleasant and refreshing but he could go on for a decent while without. He slowly got out of bed and placed on his shoulder guards. He walked down a few hall ways before opening the door, starring at Nathan. A warm smile seemed to just ignite on his face the instant he saw him. He spoke with joy, "Howdy! Oh a guest, its rather..." He leaned his head out to look at the sky, "...early for guests, but I do not mind. Come on in friend..."

He walked to the kitchen and began making some tea. He called over, "Don't be shy! What is it you came for?"
"Marines went into Asgore's home looking anxious"Where is Frisk? Have you seen Gaster? Do you actually... Remember W.D. Gaster?"Nathan said as he sat down looking worried for the Human"

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VirtualNotoriety said:
"Nathan went into Asgore's home looking anxious"Where is Frisk? Have you seen Gaster? Do you actually... Remember W.D. Gaster?"Nathan said as he sat down looking worried for the Human"
Asgore sighed, of course, this topic. He sorrowfully said, "...Royal scientist Wing Dings Gaster. He did wipe everyone's memory of him, but with the anomalies I must say I do remember a bit. However, I haven't seen a single other monster. Golly, your the first visitor in a few months I'm afraid!" He walked over and poured Nathan a cup of golden flower tea, then one for himself before sitting down.
"I'm worried we went our separate ways a day ago he said Toriel was in trouble but he told me I shouldn't follow but I tried, he teleported and I'm afraid what he might do to the humans, but Do you remember me"As Marines took a sip of the tea"


(It's supposedly Marines sorry)
VirtualNotoriety said:
"I'm worried we went our separate ways a day ago he said Toriel was in trouble but he told me I shouldn't follow but I tried, he teleported and I'm afraid what he might do to the humans, but Do you remember me"As Marines took a sip of the tea"


(It's supposedly Marines sorry)
His face immediately went dark. He whispered out almost, "She's in trouble..." He raised himself and walked over to his bed room to grab his trident and place it behind his cloak. He placed on his armor and then finally his crown. He marched to Marines, slammed the hilt of his trident to the floor. He stated, "...So friend, shall we go see what happened?"
"Marines stood up placing the cup in the sink and saying"Well then what are we waiting for"As Marines and Asgore went out of his home they went to Toriel and Frisk's home"

VirtualNotoriety said:
"Marines stood up placing the cup in the sink and saying"Well then what are we waiting for"As Marines and Asgore went out of his home they went to Toriel and Frisk's home"

Asgore looked out a large herd of sheep he held out in the country side, then to all of the crops he was growing. He would be gone a day at most he hoped. He yelled out, "Be good!" He marched alongside Marines...
"As Marines and Asgore make their way towards Toriel's house Marines asked"So... Do you remember Exiling me? Cause it seems I was more forgotten than Gaster himself"

Coury chuckled at the string of elements Gaster had given to Flowey as a 'hint', "Hahah, Undyne, did you not hear that? Gaster is in there, and is pranking Flowey currently," Coury then succumbed to Undyne's wrath and went back downstairs, "Anyone want to play a game of poker? Um, actually, Toriel, can you get me a glass of malk?"
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Undyne just frowned while saying 'Flowey? You mean that flower with a face? I thought he was done for...Poker? Hmpf... No idea what are you up to, but I have other plans.' - and thus, she streches a bit, having her ponytail gently laying on her back. She goes downstairs while saying something to Toriel, she seem to nod after some momments, clearly having her face a little bit darkened. Undyne shrugged while walking to Alphys, giving her light kiss on cheek while saying something about Asgore. After sometime - Undyne walks to stand with cloth, taking her black leather jacket, putting it on while not zipping it, walking out of the house.

She admired the sceenary of dark Ruins, altough purple was losing some color due to Shadows. And after some more momments - she was about to leave Ruins, walking into Snowdin, having her hands hidden behind pockets, thinking over something while keeping thoughtful look on her face, blinking, hoping to see Asgore and personaly congratulate him with New Year, after all - he was her first mentor and he does indeed require respect, despite of everything. Perhaps she might them meet the pair (Marines and Asgore) on her way.

@hudhouse @VirtualNotoriety
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VirtualNotoriety said:
"As Marines and Asgore make their way towards Toriel's house Marines asked"So... Do you remember Exiling me? Cause it seems I was more forgotten than Gaster himself"
Asgore starred at him before stating, "...I have never exiled a single Human, let alone a monster. I do apologize for you being treated that way... but I have never even met you before."
*Azule crashed through the first floor window of Frisks house and rolled inside,she was covered in glass but didn't seem bothered* "I found the famous..." she dozed off for a bit but woke back up "house of Frisk the hooman"*Azule fell asleep again her limbs sprawled out in the glass,it was quite obvious the human she spoke of was Frisk though*

*Flowey heard Coury laughing at what Gaster said and tried rethinking and realized he really had been pranked* "FfFfFfFfFfFf" *he angrily flailed in his pot if he were out of his pot he would probably flip a desk or table,and then he heard how Courey said 'milk' and flailed a little more until he tired of the flailing*"GaStEr!"*he made sure to silently scream on note that he could probably play dead and they'd think he'd died or escaped and leave him be or dump him outside*
Gaster had in truth been looking for Asgore, mostly because he found the kind king to be in a similar situation and well he might make good company because of that. It seemed however that another had gotten to the king first. Really these people needed to understand that there were things that had to be done that only he could do. That... that was the way it always had been he had tried to save them because only he could, he had tried to save her because only he could. No one else could have done it, no one else understood what he did and how he did they just didn't see and that was what had always made him blind.

Gaster appeared in the path of the two that were going to look for him because he was looking for them. " You were looking for me your Majesty?(You were looking for me your Majesty?) He said almost ironically.

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*Frisk woke up after hearing a crash downstairs.

*Frisk looked over at Flowey and sighed shaking her head.

*Tsk tsk tsk. Flowey. He had pretended to die.

*Picking up the pot she carried Flowey downstairs and down to the kitchen to get breakfast before Mom woke up then she saw the monster that laid amongst the glass and lightly tapped the monster's nose.

*Smiling a little she walked out to the backyard and sat down on the grass the sun just barely starting to rise. Putting the flower pot on her head Frisk made sure that Flowey had the best view to see the sun rise.

*Frisk ate her muffin while also staring at the sun with Flowey being on top of her head.

*This was an every morning and evening routine. They both would watch the sun rise and set. It was quiet and peaceful. Even though Frisk loved to laugh and make puns and jokes and be with everyone times like these with Flowey...were special and nice.

*Quiet. Frisk breathed in then out waiting for Flowey to stop pretending to be dead and watch the sunrise with her.


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