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Fandom Undertale The Sequel [OPEN-ACCEPTING]

Papyrus blinked and smiled at his friends and the newcomers. "Hello there! I'm afraid I do not know everyone here!"

Papyrus liked meeting new friends and showing them his great chef and battle skills and how cool he was. Because I mean, he was a pretty cool guy you gotta admit.
*Frisk places arms down by sides.

*There would be no resistance.

*Only forgivness in the end.

*Forgive Gaster for doing this...if...Gaster even went through with it.

*Frisk would take the hits and get up every single time. If there was to be any hits.

*Frisk looked at the text.

This battle shouldn't be possible.

*But here they were. Only Frisk...and only Gaster.

*Frisk looked up at Gaster, not angry...not even sad. Understanding...even care.

*Frisk would wait until Gaster made his move.

" I am sorry about this, i was never much good for anything so i might as well try to save others for my mistakes" (I am sorry about this, i was never much good for anything so i might as well try to save others for my mistakes) Gaster said his normal appearance dispersing as he now looked like a monster, that had tricked a human into being alone, a monster that might steal a soul. Hie eyes glowed blue.

At the sides of the box two double headed gaster blasters appeared their eyes blue and orange they fired in a cross shape their beams matching their eye color.
*Frisk couldn't help but dodge. It was a natural instinct. The red heart Soul moving up to the top of the box to dodge the cross beams that the Gaster Blasters blasted.

*Frisk didn't want to dodge, in fact Frisk wanted to take the hit, but dieing willingly was hard.

*After the attack disappeared the red heart returned back to the middle of the box.

*Gaster was scarier now...but so was Flowey when Frisk had first met him.

*In the Underground, The Ruins.

*Another painful memory of Chara at the end facing Sans...the Gaster Blasters that Sans used were the same ones that Gaster used moments ago...Kids like you...should be burning in hell.

*Frisk shakes head hard. Chara was not within this Soul. Chara was dead. Frisk's pacifist Determination made it impossible for Chara to even exist within Frisk's soul.

*Frisk was better, kinder, and sweeter than Chara ever was or ever could be.

*Frisk takes a step towards Gaster.

*There is no Mercy Button but Frisk still Spares Gaster.

*Frisk does not wish to fight.

" That is good take it seriously show me why the others think a human could ever be good ( That is good take it seriously show me why the others think a human could ever be good )He said showing his own bias against humans. They had int he end cost him everything he had every right to be mad and if this human could dodge why shouldn't he go all out and try to kill them seriously.

Gaster then unleashes a bone labyrinth constantly moving as large lines of orange and blue alternate though out the moving maze.
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*Frisk's eyes widened, she couldn't dodge all of the bones.

*Health drops down to 4.

*Frisk struggles to stand, shaking. Frisk wipes the blood from the corner of her lip.

*Frisk Spares Gaster again.

*Frisk does not wish to fight.

*Standing there shaking, bruised and her lip and nose bleeding slightly. Frisk was not angry.

*A friend. Frisk was a friend to all monsters. They were her family.

*Frisk looks up at Gaster, accepting death to be right around the corner.

*This was it. One more hit...and it would be over. Frisk would die then come back...and prove to Gaster that...they would be friends.

Even family.
" You should dodge, heal anything do something, this won't be enough i will have to keep going again and again all for nothing all because you came " (You should dodge, heal anything do something, this won't be enough i will have to keep going again and again all for nothing all because you came )he said starting to sound angry as Frisks soul turned green and hands started flying as Frisk from multiple direction though she was given a shield to block them.
*Frisk blocked the majority of the hands, but got hit by two hands.

*Health drops down to 2

*Frisk sighs bending over slightly holding her stomach. 'Ow....that hurt' she thought.

*Frisk opens her mouth to speak but instead goes to Gaster and holds out her hand. She wanted to hold his hand even though he was angry. Even though he was beating her to death.

*Frisk smiles a little. Breathing slightly labored.

for a second gaster didn't look angry but that returned as he not only saw a human but he remembered other time lines, ones where Chara had been in charge and they had attacked when mercy was taken. " No i have seen what you do you killed them you killed them all " (No i have seen what you do you killed them you killed them all ) Gaster said seemingly forgetting where he was at the moment.

Reality starts to rip at the seams a message appeared.

Gaster unleashed more blasters four at a time first in box formation then in X formation.
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"G-Gast-" *Frisk's voice got cut off as a beam shot through her. She frowns just a little. It hurt...dying was so painful.*


*A painful gasp of air left Frisk's lips as she collapsed onto her knees then fell onto her side.

*Frisk looks at the ceiling then up at Gaster's face. She smiles and reaches her hand out towards Gaster before it fell against the floor.

*Inside the box the Red heart Split apart and in text it said GAME OVER.

*Frisk opens her eyes in the black void. LOAD button was visible.

*Frisk floats over and presses LOAD. She returns to the same place.

*Health 20/20

Gaster felt time reset to just before the fight but like frisk he remembered what had happened, he knew but he was tempted to fight her again she was someone who could take his rage. Then he hated himself for even thinking such a thing. He really had to much LOVE in him he was a horrid person, but he already knew that.

" Your... your fine... Chara isn't in you not even from a previous reset... Chara is gone " (Your... your fine... Chara isn't in you not even from a previous reset... Chara is gone ) Gaster said sounding hesitant to admit the truth, but he had what he wanted. " i'll take you back now if you want then... i'll vanish, it is what i am good at" " (i'll take you back now if you want then... i'll vanish, it is what i am good at) he said.
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*Frisk wraps her arms around Gaster.

"Stay...for the party...I...just stay."

*Determined to have Gaster stay, determined to heal him to save him was her goal now.

*Frisk didn't want to admit but fighting Gaster had brought up memories that she didn't know she had buried deep. A fresh new wound that she would deal with.

"It's New Years. Be with Family."

*Takes his hand and holds it reassuringly and tightly. Frisk was comforting Gaster in a small gesture. A simple hand hold.

*It didn't matter if his LOVE was high...Frisk had Determination, and she had alot. She would help him.

" My family ... i .. i have done horrible things... they don't remember but they will" Gaster said (My family ... i .. i have done horrible things... they don't remember but they will) Gaster said sounding unsure of himself, he was more like Chara than like the others he could be blind to the suffering of others because he had to be, because that was what everyone had needed. he had been poised to be the hero before he vanished.

Still he looked down to frisk and he could feel the dark taint of Chara in her mind, but just as a memory " You never did those things, you never killed anyone not ever that was another you from another timeline, you never killed them (You never did those things, you never killed anyone not ever that was another you from another timeline, you never killed them)he said firmly being honest another person hurt by him " did they ever, did you ever hear how i got erased?" (Did they ever, did you ever hear how i got erased?) He asked.
*Frisk shakes her head no.

*Her family was just barely starting to remember Gaster just barely.

*She looked up at Gaster while he looked down and she smiled a little.

*Frisk knows she didn't kill them....that was Chara,but still it all felt real.

*Frisk wanted to know. So paitently she waited for him to feel comfortable enough to talk.

" Anyone that remembers will tell you it was an accident... it wasn't (Anyone that remembers will tell you it was an accident... it wasn't) He said looking like he was remembering something painful as his body shifted once more to his broken form what came out whenever her was exerting himself emotionally of physically.

"I didn't just fall into the core ... i jumped " (I didn't just fall into the core ... i jumped)He said remembering standing on the edge of the core and looking down into it . He remembered what he thought that the world would be better if he vanished, but it hadn't changed he had just been forgotten. He remembered the thoughts that went though his mind everything he had done and what she had said to him afterwards.
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And thus, it all happend. Undyne just felt how headache seem to return briefly, holding tightly as she seem to be too late to respond and save Frisk. They were gone. She realised that nothing could stop the mad doctor, who has so much power, only partly remembering the bits... the horbid bits. She cletched her hands while realising that they were gone. Pitty and guilty felt through her body as she was standing on the doorframe, shaking her hand while letting out loud growl. 'GRRRR.... THAT ECTOPLASMIC BASTARD!! GHAAAAA!!!' - it was sudden scream of her soul, scream of the defeat. Somewhere in her heart, she felt how bit of her just died out there. She couldn't help but hold her tears in, gritting her teeth, allowing fury to fill her as scent seem to slightly change, some dark bits of aura, dark red fill around her. For some momment, she knew what might happen.
*Frisk frowned. He had jumped, how sad...Frisk yawned she didn't mean to sound like she wasn't interested but after dying it was tiring.

*Frisk was tired, so she leaned against Gaster and tugged his sleeve of his lab coat.

*Frisk was ready to go home and sleep for a bit since she was tired and sore from dying.

" Right best not to keep the others waiting (Right best not to keep the others waiting) Gaster said taking the girls' hand.

Gaster teleported the two actually focusing so they appeared on the couch, Frisk did look tired so he could at least give them a soft landing.
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*Toriel had went to Frisk with worry but Frisk smiled and hugged her tight. Then she smiled and waved at Undyne. She was home.

*Frisk yawned and continued to lean up against Gaster.

*Frisk patted his hand lightly before closing her eyes and falling asleep against his arm.

*Peace and happiness for being around all of her family.

*She had already accepted Gaster as apart of the family as well. Like an grumpy grandpa or uncle.

*Frisk hoped she could stay awake long enough for Sans to show up, but she was sleeping peacefully. Toriel laughed and smiled softly. Then Toriel brought out food for Papyrus, Coury, Gaster, and Undyne.

*Frisk had wrapped her arms around Gaster's arm mouth opened slightly as she breathed in and out.

@ShadNova @ferociousfeind @Karcen
As she was standing in overwhelmed stance, as her determination to find Frisk was growing up, changing her - they have finally appeared, like nothing really happend, nor mattered. She was looking at them both in disbelief, shooked that they are both alright. After allowing Frisk running back - she was still standing there, emmiting the scent and aura, looking at Gaster with more fury that she had ever had. She didn't feel the headache anymore, nor any uncertainty - she came closer to the creature while holding tightly at his shoulder, pressing on it while mumbling quietly 'I swear... if you even had touched her hair... I swear - I will personally suplex you into the place where you came back after breaking every single bone of your body without any pitty nor guilt of doing that, I swear...' - she was whispering that threathing, with contempt as she then lets him go, listening to his responce and then going back to the crowd, seeming to chill, allowing her scent and aura disappear.
" I did what needed to be done, if i had been right I would have died (I did what needed to be done, if i had been right I would have died) Gaster returned in a whisper not adding in that while She might not remember it Undyne had killed Firsk herself, that was something that no one needed to know , they just needed to remember her helping them not her being killed over and over by some of them.

Gaster watched Undyne go and he did wonder if he would ever get along with anyone in the room once they remembered him, Firsk could forgive because she was ignorant of just what he had done. He would do better this time he would make it up, or at least try to .
Partly, she still could understand what he sid, but most of it seem to be indecipherable, even with her knowledge of sign languge herself. She lets him go while letting out light growl, walking in while hiding her hands in pockets of her jeans. Only now remembers about Alphys, at last, she reaches for her phone and seem to start speaking somewhere away from the living room, in private.

You just keep sleeping outside as some bystander monster wakes you up, saying something about the holiday, that creatures seem to celibrate it indoors of others and after some time - he walks off. You realise that waiting for Undyne here would be stupid as you don't know when she will be back.
"Well I guess I should get back to what I was doing before I saw Gaster"Marines wanders the town asking monsters he passed by if they knew where Asgore was living until he found it it was Big Marines wasn't really surprised he knocked on the door waiting for an answer"

(Um Shad is anyone in Asgore's house?
@ShadNova )

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