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Realistic or Modern Town of Strange

Bugger nodded, running again at surprising speed. He soon came across the road, halting and let her down with a click. He tucked his appendages in, blinking.
"Will you come tomorrow? You can try coming to school again. I'll be your protector tomorrow if you come." She said smiling. Surprising the bus wasn't where it was and it seemed police cars weren't there either. "Will you? Nod for yes, and shake your head for no."
"Not like human school, no go" He shook his head. "I just hurt humans, not worth knowing human customs. I be around, not worry." He said, clicking as he talked

"Not like human school, no go" He shook his head. "I just hurt humans, not worth knowing human customs. I be around, not worry." He said, clicking as he talked
Klara nodded. "I understand. I know, humans can be really mean. I'll see you tomorrow, Bugger!" She says grinning. She crosses the road, and looks back at him. She waves and continues to run to her home.
Klara ran back to her barn, and to her worried parents. After both lectures she went up to her room, and started organizing pictures again.
(Im so sorry! The alert that showed you posted didn't pop up! I have had a lot of that lately)

Bugger flicked his wings, standing there at the side of the road like something just.. Standing there! He hissed, his glowing eyes scanning the world around him and dashed forward and jumped on the outside wall and climbed up it before reaching a window and blinked. He started taking the frame of the window from the house before carefully moving the glass out of the way and slipped in. He looked around, smelling for Klara and clicked loudly.

@Queen of Fantasy
A big, old, beaten-up RV prowled past the outskirts of town . Its sunbleached, dust-stained hull betold of harsh desert road- the rig was quite a ways away from any of those, however, in this snowy tundra. Its owner was similarly misplaced- a Navajo woman, bundled up in layers upon layers of scarfs and flannels and mittens. A fish out of water, for all intents and purposes. So why had she come to this place, so foreign to her?

She was hunting something.
The Chupacabra who had been injured by Bugger was prowling around, smelling for any food when she came across the woman's scent. She hissed, picking up the pace with a limp. She screamed like a mountain lion crossed with a bear's snarl, moving like nothing over the snow. She needed food before she became fatigued from food deprivation. She smelled and heard the car, starting to run to keep up with it and ran beside it.
Bugger moved through the barn, his steps quieter then anyone would think. Of course he was a giant bug, so he would be very visible to anyone who noticed him. He heard some movement and headed for it, hoping to find his new found friend. He managed to find her, walking in behind her and casting a big shadow.
Klara jumped a moment seeing the shadow and turned to look behind her, seeing Buggar. She sighed. "Hello Bugger." She said pausing her music, not sure if it bothered him or not.
Bugger nodded to her, looking around. "Looks different from first here, maybe not on human thing" He said, looking at the computer with a tilted head. He clicked in curiosity, "What that?"
Klara looked at him then the computer. "Oh, it's a device you can store your photos on. I guess kind of like a photo album, but easier to find, and there's a lot more storage."
Bugger blinked, "Most unnatural. Photo seem no useful for survival. Perhaps eat photos to store? Like food?" He didnt understand any of this human things. Photo, computer? Weird
"Taking pictures? Of what? Thing or unnatural thing? Ancestor? Find what thing to take picture of. What pictures take like?" He asked, now really curious about this.
"Take picture of Bugger?" He asked, wanting a picture of him as well. He wanted to see himself infront of him, it would seem neat!
She smiled. "Sure thing." She unplugged her camera from the computer and stood in front of bugger. she made sure ot take the picture without flash, since it would probably hurt his eyes. "Okay give me a moment to upload this..." She said sitting back down and plugging it in. Once it done downloaded she opened the picture of bugger and moved out of the way to see it.
Bugger looked at the picture, tilting his head. Did he look like that? He looked funny against all the other human things, and he had dried blood on his appendages and mouth that wasnt covered with plating anymore. "That Bugger? Hmm, think I see why females not choose him as mate. He smaller than other warriors" He said.
Klara turned to look at him and smiled. "I can't imagine how big the other males get then. Because compared to me, you huge."
"Should see alpha male! Warriors 2x bigger than Bugger, alpha male 5x bigger than Bugger. He win rank with fighting, fought alpha male before. Worst feeling Bugger ever felt, lost appendage and head almost bit off. Mercy from alpha male keep Bigger alive, said he too small to kill. Grateful to alpha male all life"
Finishing up her unpacking, Elyana wondered what there was to do in this sleepy town. Looking out the window and seeing all of the snow, Elyana decided to go out for a walk. Their new house was close to some woods and even a barn. She decided to go visit the neighboring barn to see if there was someone remotely close to her age living there. Taking a deep breath she slipped on her pea coat and started her journey to the barn. After a quick 10 minute walk she knocked on the barn door, hoping that someone would be home.

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