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Realistic or Modern Haven Falls

Alexandra Ho
cheerleader uniform
football game
It was almost ridiculous how more people were joining their conversation. What had started as just her and Olivia talking had turned into one guy selling drugs and acting full of himself, another guy from Olivia’s drama who had the look of a sad puppy who had just lost their owner, and then there was Byron asking for Dahlia. The more Alexandra thought about it, the less it made sense why all of them were gathered at that moment.

And it didn’t make sense because, meanwhile, Olivia and Atlas were still bickering about him showing off the drugs he had on him. So while those two finished their little exchange, Alexandra’s attention shifted to Byron—also known as Connor’s brother and Lia’s boyfriend. In other circumstances, Alexandra wouldn’t have minded him or paid him any attention.

Still, he was somehow part of her life because he was involved with the people she had a bond with, though she couldn’t say they were close. Did she dislike him? Not really; she just found him a bit annoying because of his try-hard persona. But whatever Lia saw in him, Alexandra wasn’t going to judge—well, maybe just a bit, but she wouldn’t say it out loud. Some things were better kept to oneself.

“We arrived together, but I haven’t seen her in a bit. She kind of went that way after saying she’d catch up with us in a moment. Not sure what she’s been up to since then,”
Alexandra replied honestly. She suspected Byron would start thinking she wasn’t telling the whole truth because if Lia wasn’t exactly with him or with her, it would probably make him go crazy—especially since Lia had already lied to him, saying she was at her house. But again, if she wasn’t involved, it wasn’t her problem. Though Alexandra was preparing herself to be dragged into whatever mess those two would end up having.

Not too long after replying to Byron, her attention returned to Olivia, who was now saying her goodbyes.
“Sure, let’s do that. I guess I’ll see you around then. I should get going too. I want to meet with Connor before the game starts,”
she said before walking away in hopes of finding her boyfriend. It didn’t take her long to find him, but once again, she was met with another group of people.

ribs - lorde
coded by stardust galaxy

Li Mei







Damian Rice


Tavon responded to her text quickly so she replied to him.

“Well, I’M glad you came. I’ll be over there soon.”

Suddenly Mei felt gentle pressure around her shoulders and in her ear was a familiar voice singing out her name, well, the name she had dubbed Mei anyway.


Mei felt her heart flutter in her chest, her face felt hotter than usual, and she found herself somewhat lost for words, as if she had been transported back in time. She’d only known this girl for a blip, 6 short months when they found themselves in the same group foster home, but Mei credits this girl to her very survival there. When the sting of her mother and sisters’ death was still all consuming, and her father has abandoned her to the system, Jordyn had been her support, her safety blanket, her protector, her only friend.

Jordyn hadn’t recognised her, but how could she? The girl she knew was non-speaking, communicated only with a pen and paper. The girl she knew was malnourished and weak. The girl she knew could not hide her disability from others. Li Mei had come such a long way since then.

You need to say something, for god sake

Her lips upturned into a warm smile as Jordyn released her and waved at Connor. “Jordyn, hello!” She replied in a voice that was far more animated than her usual flat affect. “Oh, my day has been alright-“ She said replied as casually as she could to the social nicety while her mind raced a million miles a minute. I don't even sound like myself. She noticed. She was standing with a relaxed posture, her arms resting by her sides, she was doing the social dance correctly, she was smiling to be polite and friendly and approachable.

Jordyn turned to Connor asking him about when the game starts. Mei tried to collect herself while they had their brief exchange. Should Mei reveal the truth to Jordyn? Yes of course she should. So what was stopping her? She suddenly realised what she was feeling. Shame. Was she ashamed of how she was back when Jordyn had really met her? Was she worried that Jordyn would see her differently. See her as someone small… weak… helpless. Did she want a fresh start, a clean slate?

“Oh, uh, Jordyn! Before you go…” She rummaged in her backpack, and eventually produced a fist full of little keychains with pom poms she’d made from wool. She’d figured out how to do it at the start of the week. Originally it was because she though that she’d make one for Alexa that resembled her cheer pompoms, but then it became kind of cathartic and then she’d ended up making like 50 of them in all sorts of colours. Alexa's was slightly different than the others, she kept that one in her pocket seperate. It had two pompoms, one amber and one black, attached to a little silver chain. “I’ve been making these, you can pick your favourite colour if you like them... You too Connor” Her heartrate quickened, nervous Jordyn might think it was either childish or cringeworthy, Connor was of course used to her constantly learning some new crafty or DIY type hobby. “Also, I’m going to sit with my friend Tavon, you are welcome to come and sit with us, uh, did I give you my number already? You can text me.” What the heck was happening to her, her hands were sweaty? Her cheeks, all the way to her ears felt hot. She was stumbling over her words.

She heard someone else approach and looked up to see Connor's girlfriend approaching "Oh, Alexa" Her grin was kind of sheepish "I hoped I'd see you, um, good luck out there, I made you this" There was no going back now, she had all her little trinkets out already. She fished for the specific one she's made to look like Alexa's amber and black cheer pompoms, and presented it to her. Nope, this is getting too much She thought, feeling familiar signs of stress. Too many people looking at her who she very much cared what they thought about her. "Anyway um, I'd better go and find him" She squeaked, her social mask was beginning to drop already. She didn't have to worry about it with Connor, who'd seen her at her worst plenty of times, but she wasn't good with group conversations. She got lost in them, missed all her opportunity's to speak.

Once she had said her goodbyes, and put away her things, she hastily began to disappear into the crowd. She opened up her phone again to text Tavon. Even though she hadn't known him for long, her mask didn't seem necessary around him. He'd met her in the middle of probably her least socially acceptable special interest, and then she'd monologed at him about it. She smiled to herself, already she was calming down. They still didn't know all to much about one another, but they were each others peace and quiet... each others safe space to just be.

"On my way" she pressed send and made her way towards the bleachers. Inside the roar of the crowd hit her like a tonne of bricks, she caught her breath, took herself to the wall, and focused on breathing. In and out, slowly. Grab your headphones. You're fine. You're ok. Li found them in her bag, placed them over her head and switched them to active noise canceling. The sound dulled, and Li Mei could continue.

♡coded by uxie♡
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Fine Again

Atlas, clearly, could not muster up a response, but Byron knew his comment had hit. He put his arm around Olivia and smirked. He's not a threat to Leo. Byron thought to himself pretty confidently. He did not bother to address Atlas again. Byron didn't really care about him enough to dislike him, but since Leo disliked him, he wasn't about to be his friend either. He turned his attention to Olivia next, nodding at her answer "All good." He said simply, shifting his attention to Alexa as she answered him. He never let his easy smile faulter. He knew that, weather on not Alexa knew more than she let on, her loyalties would not exactly lie with him, so he took what she said with a grain of salt. "Thanks." He said "Tell my brother to "Break a leg", won't you?" He joked. "Alright, I'm off, Catcha'" Byron gave a casual salute to the group.

He quickly brushed up closer to Leo while Alexa and Olivia said their goodbye's to one another "Atlas is no threat to you, Leo. Confidence, man. She was looking at you." He said in a low voice so that no one could hear it but Leo, and then he was gone in a flash. He looked over his shoulder as he left and was satisfied to see his best friend heading off with Olivia. He'll be fine. Byron's head quickly switched gears, his smile dropped. Alexa had pointed towards the bleachers, so he headed that way. Byron was feeling increasingly annoyed as he climbed the bleachers’ steps. She knew I was coming so why the fuck am I finding out where she is from her friends!? A flash or amber and black got his attention. A group of cheerleaders chatting. He checked their faces and none of them were Lia. "Hey, Have any of you seen Dahlia?" He asked them. They gave him more vague directions. One of them mentioned 'She went off to talk to some guy, like, ages ago'. Some guy, so it wasn't any of her girlfriends she was with then.

He continued on in the direction they pointed out. He had a feeling clawing at him that something was very wrong. There was a low level of anxiety still twisting at his insides, more so than his baseline anxiety, that was. When he did finally she her he stopped dead in his tracks. She was just getting up out of her seat, now her back was turned but he knew it was Lia. Sitting on one of the benches was a large youth he only vaguely recognised from seeing him around the school grounds. Rage gripped at him as he immediately began thinking the worst, scenarios unfolding in his head, anger rising in his chest.

As she stood up, he caught the words.”…we hung out not even that long ago…” It took everything he had to stop himself from entering the conversation at that point but he'd managed. He dropped his head and pretend to study his phone so he could continue listen properly to what they were saying. The other boy was making some sort of speech about how she’s changed, how the ‘popularity’ has gone to her head. Byron thought he sounded like a self-important asshole. But the worst part of this was not what they had said but the way they said it. They spoke to each-other familiarly. There was history in those words. Byron felt like he’d stumbled upon a whole part of his girlfriend’s life she’d just never bothered to mention. All those times she canceled on him, or made him wait on her… was she seeing this guy!?

Byron made his approach before Lia could respond to what the other boy had said. He made sure his footsteps were loud and obvious. “Sorry to interrupt your lovers tiff” he said, his voice sharp and humourless. Initially ignoring the large youth entirely and glaring piercingly at Lia, Byron continued “So this is the ‘emergency’ you like to run off to all the time is it?” he turned to the other boy finally, “I think you’re in my fucking seat, dude, if you could kindly fuck off” He did not care to talk to this guy, he wanted to hear it from Lia. But there was warning in his eyes when he looked at him. Even though he was seated, Byron could see that this guy had him in height. He knew there was a pretty good likelihood that this guy could drop him. But that had never stopped him before, and it certainly wasn't going to now.

♡coded by uxie♡

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