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Realistic or Modern Haven Falls

samantha realiey

am carefully studied Caleb as he looked at her. He was challenging her, and she knew it. Ah, the stupid simplicity of men. She could fool him into believing he was winning this interaction, when indeed she had him in the palm of her hand. Right where she wanted him. But soon, she saw a familiar face, a more kind one, Messiah.

The two had been messaging for a while, he was new, and Sam loved being kind to new people. She took them under her wing, in a sense. So, she gave one final look to Caleb, showing him he was losing her attention to someone more interesting, and gave her full attention to Messiah.

He seemed nervous, and she could tell. But Sam definitely wouldn't say anything about it, as she knew that would most likely just make his nerves worse. So she decided to go along with it. Make him comfortable. He told her a rather... interesting joke, to which she laughed, trying to break the tensions of the interaction. Everything had gone so smoothly while they were messaging... What was different now?

"So, how are you enjoying your first Haven Falls football game, New Kid? Besides the actual sport of course."
Sam asked him, making sure to add another comment, whispered, but loud enough he could hear.
"And don't worry, I don't understand what's happening either."

football stadium

fit^^ tags:

Messiah DuPont

@madsiscool i

Party soon

Messiah’s gaze held steady as Sam approached, his expression unreadable, lips curled ever so slightly at the corners. The noise of the stadium faded into the background as she shifted her attention from Caleb to him, her laughter still lingering in the air from his half-hearted joke. He didn’t mind the game itself—football, crowds, the whole scene—wasn’t really for him, but there was something strangely comforting about how easily Sam could navigate through it all, including the way she switched focus to him as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

He stood there, tall and composed, his hands casually resting in his pockets. He wasn’t nervous. Not really. Messiah wasn’t one to get flustered easily, even if Sam’s playful energy had a way of pulling people into her orbit. He had come to observe more than participate, a quiet presence in a loud space. When she spoke, her words were light, teasing, but Messiah could sense the hint of curiosity behind her question. His eyes shifted briefly to the field, then back to her, the soft glint of amusement flickering beneath his calm exterior. “The game?” He echoed, his voice low but smooth, almost contemplative. “It’s about as thrilling as I expected... which is to say, not very.”

There was a pause, his gaze flicking toward Caleb for the briefest moment, as if registering the shift in Sam’s attention but not giving it much weight. Then, he leaned in slightly, enough to make sure only Sam would hear him over the crowd. “But the lemonade’s decent,” he added, his tone dipping into dry humor, the kind of joke that wasn’t really meant to be funny, just a statement to keep the moment light.

He took another sip from the cup, his movements deliberate, before meeting her gaze again. “As for Haven Falls, I guess I’m still figuring out what’s interesting around here. But...” His eyes lingered on her a moment longer, his expression still unreadable, before adding with a subtle, knowing smile, “Maybe I’ve found something.”

It wasn’t a compliment in the obvious sense, but the weight behind his words left enough room for interpretation. He liked keeping things ambiguous, letting people wonder. That was the thing with Messiah—he never gave too much away, and he liked it that way.

“Why am I here”

♡design by yourlocal-eboyy, coded by uxie♡

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