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Realistic or Modern Town of Strange

Donna walked in the shadows down a street in town, there didn't seem to be many people out right now, but that would make sense with how cold it was. She wanted someone to talk to, anyone really whether they be a monster or not. She let out a sigh her breath creating a little puff of mist in the air. She looked around scanning the shadows for any signs of movement.
Near the corner of two buildings there was a shivering shape, teeth chattering and a pathetic whimper came from him. He was cold blooded and could find nowhere warm to stay, pressed into the wall did he look up to see the human walking down the street and could almost feel the body heat the human gave off. He would have been dead by now if it werent for his shivering.
[QUOTE="Bonnie the Bunny]Near the corner of two buildings there was a shivering shape, teeth chattering and a pathetic whimper came from him. He was cold blooded and could find nowhere warm to stay, pressed into the wall did he look up to see the human walking down the street and could almost feel the body heat the human gave off. He would have been dead by now if it werent for his shivering.

Donna blinked seeing the shivering figure, she looked around and didn't see anyone or anything else so she figured it would be safe to approach. She walked over and called out when she was a little ways away "Hey you ok?" her blonde hair blew around her like a veil. When she got closer and knelt down "You look cold.."
His glowing yellow eyes and slitted pupils met her eyes, his sharp teeth clacking together loudly. "Indeed I am cold. But you, human, I feel warmth from. Warm blooded, I can smell it." He said in between his shivering and chattering. "My species are cold blooded, it is all too easy for us to die out here but I have no place to go."
Eli ruffled his hands through his dark hair, looking at the last of his belongings that he had unpacked. Clothes, some shampoo, a bit of food, blankets, his guitar, some books, and containers of salt, lots of them. He glanced absentmindedly at the snow outside, and at the river close to his new home. "It'll be an icy swim." He thought to himself. "Just like home." Home. Like he even knew what that really was anymore. Or what it could be. He fingered the medallion around his neck, and then tore his hand away. He had to focus his mind on something else. Grabbing his guitar, he perched on his bed and began to absentmindedly pluck a few chords. However, his hand eventually drifted away, scratching the scaly skin of his legs under his jeans, making them itch. He was fidgety. He had expected to be exhausted from the move, but now he was filled with a restless energy. He flung himself up from the bed, and grabbed his jacket, putting it on and stepping outside. His breath formed little clouds in the air as he set out on a walk, desperate to tire himself out.
Quinter (Bubba)

Bubba tapped the steering wheel to the beat of the radio as he drove his truck along the snowy outer roads. Cigar clenched firmly in his teeth, one free hand grasping a liquor bottle as he jammed, he was the picture perfect representation of what not to be doing while driving. He paused from his jamming once his eyes picked up the sight of a wounded person lying in the snow on the side of the road. (@Bonnie the Bunny )

Bubba pulled over and exited the truck with a small stumble, spitting the cigar to the side and taking his keys. Inwardly, he was ecstatic about this seemingly random occurrence, but on the outside he played the part of a drunk bystander quite well.

"Hey girlie," he said before sniffling "ya still breathin?"

Dr. Bubonic

Dr. Bubonic placed a hand to his mask as he stared at the building. He'd just gotten back from another venture and whatdya know, the house that had been built upon the area his shop had once been seems to be occupied. (@Melanie Teresa )

It wasn't a grand change, but it was a change nonetheless. He was currently standing across the street from the building, surveying it quietly from his position.
Tex looked up, and nodded. "Breathin' fine. You ain't here ta hurt me are ya? If so yer beat to it y'know." She said, shivering because of the snow. "And don't think of anythin' either, I ain't no helpless bitch on the side of the road." She added with an edge to her voice. She was still holding her bleeding shoulder, having to take weight off of it. She then looked to the wound and sighed in irritation, "Y'know, getting shot really sucks." She growled, lowering her head to her wound and latched her own jaws around her injured shoulder in which she basically unhinged her jaw. Long fangs were shown sinking into her wound and a long tongue snaked out of her mouth and into her wound. The tongue looked like a snake sliding under her skin and disappeared. The blood around the wound grew more as she pulled back her head and her tongue slowly retracted out of her arm with the bullet wrapped in the tight slimy coils. She spit it out and sighed in relief. She had scratches all over her but they were already scars. Blood started bubbling in her wound and the muscle that broke started mending. Bones snapped as they moved to allow such movement, though easily replaced themselves when needed.

(@GrieveWriter )
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Bubba nodded with a coy smirk, but didn't reply. As the creature began fixing itself he stepped back and sat down quickly in the snowy ground. He took another swig as the creature mended, giving a sloppy whistle as his eyes roamed over the tree tops.

"Ya, bullets are a good way to kill any vibe." He commented passively "Even fixin' up after would count as a tedious experience."

Bubba took another swig, putting his free hand behind him "The name's Bubba lass, mind if I ask how ya acquired that particular piece of metal there?" At the last part he gestured towards the discarded bullet with his bottle. (@Bonnie the Bunny )
Tex exercised her arm and stood up. She then crossed her arms, looking at Bubba with narrowed eyes. "Fer one, I wouldn't sit down. Don't need someone thinkin' they c'n talk to me. Second, I don't care who ya are just as long as ya keep any weapons away from me. Third, why would you care?" She hissed, remembering her hunger. "And make it snappy, I'm starvin'!" She finished the sentence and her nails grew into claws, fangs growing to show themselves from her upper lip and spikes along her back grew out. She growled, morphing into the Chupacabra and shook herself. "Dammit..." She growled in irritation. She couldnt control when she turned.
Bubba's coy smirk never seemed to leave his face as he watched the creature stand, only stopping occasionally to take a swig of liquor "Just makin conversation lady, no need to bare ya fangs at ol Bubba."

As he said that she began the seemingly spontaneous transformation, confirming his theory of her being 'strange' in ways similar to him. As the transformation preceded Bubba's smirk grew into a massive grin, stretching ear to ears and tearing the edges of his mouth to accommodate it. He wasn't one for ruining his skins, but he'd be damned if he wasn't humored at the sight of another... awkward individual. He'd been dealing with that Bubonic guy since he'd gotten there but the girl's more monstrous form was actually quite charming.

He had to open his massive grin to dump alcohol in, but he kept himself from chuckling, have to keep himself in a respectful nature at least.

"Well aren't you a sight darling," Bubba said as he opened his gob to dump another mouthful of liquor in "if ya really feeling hungry I got some meat in the truck if you want some."

(@Bonnie the Bunny)
"Blood, I dont eat meat, just blood, and watch yer words. I'm not a 'darlin' so cut that out. " She growled, sitting down and scratching behind her small ear with her back claws. "If you'd have a chicken or somethin' I'd be happy to take ya up on yer offer." She added, her stomach giving out a massive snarl for food and she stood back on all fours. "If ya don't then we don't got nuthin' to discuss"

(@GrieveWriter )
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TheOneAndOnly said:
Eli ruffled his hands through his dark hair, looking at the last of his belongings that he had unpacked. Clothes, some shampoo, a bit of food, blankets, his guitar, some books, and containers of salt, lots of them. He glanced absentmindedly at the snow outside, and at the river close to his new home. "It'll be an icy swim." He thought to himself. "Just like home." Home. Like he even knew what that really was anymore. Or what it could be. He fingered the medallion around his neck, and then tore his hand away. He had to focus his mind on something else. Grabbing his guitar, he perched on his bed and began to absentmindedly pluck a few chords. However, his hand eventually drifted away, scratching the scaly skin of his legs under his jeans, making them itch. He was fidgety. He had expected to be exhausted from the move, but now he was filled with a restless energy. He flung himself up from the bed, and grabbed his jacket, putting it on and stepping outside. His breath formed little clouds in the air as he set out on a walk, desperate to tire himself out.
Donna was walking by the river looking up at the stary sky, it was chilly out but she didn't feel like spending the night sitting at home. She didn't expect to see anyone out in this weather.

(Hope u don't mind me jumping in :3)
Bubba scratched his beard a bit, "Ain't got no chicken." He said before sitting up and stumbling to the back of his truck. He popped open the bed of the truck and rooted around in it with one hand while sating his thirst with the other. After a while he tugged out a bloody bag and stumbled back.

"I did rustle up several raccoons though," as he said that he dropped the bag and rubbed his eyes "ya'll good for some coon?"

(@Bonnie the Bunny)
The Chupacabra's mouth watered at the sighed, tearing open then bag did she sink her fangs into the raccoon and started draining the blood from the body, one by one until there was nothing left. She sighed, sitting down and washed her face. "Thought you'd just be another human to kill and feed off of. Proved me wrong" She said.

(@GrieveWriter )
Eli was wandering around by the river near his house, his head lost in thought. So lost in thought, in fact, that he didn't noticed a girl walking near the river. He nearly bumped into her and startled himself, looking at this random person he almost ran into. "Wow, um, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you like that. I should really look where I'm going more."

TheOneAndOnly said:
Eli was wandering around by the river near his house, his head lost in thought. So lost in thought, in fact, that he didn't noticed a girl walking near the river. He nearly bumped into her and startled himself, looking at this random person he almost ran into. "Wow, um, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you like that. I should really look where I'm going more."
Dona put her hands onto his shoulders steadying him and grinned "Don't worry about it it happens. You shouldn't be out this late..." she looked around kinda nervously "You never know what'll be lurking out here..." her eyes dulled. She realized she should introduce herself and put her hand out in front of her for him to shake "I'm donna"
"You shouldn't be out so late, either." He remarked to her. Eli glanced at her hand, then to her bright eyes, then back to her hand, before awkwardly shaking it. "Hi, I'm uh, I'm Eli." He gestured back to his house, now a decent distance from them. "I just moved here, that's my house."
Donna grinned "Nice to meet you Eli" She looked around, there didn't appear to be any monsters lurking in the shadows for the time being. She grinned "Trust me...i can defend myself..." in her human form she looked strong but it didn't compare to her valkyrie form. She looked at his house "Looks like a nice place:"
Eli looked at the girl when she said that. There must be more to her than what she looked like, it seemed. He wasn't one to judge, anyway. He had scales for christ's sake. "I'm sure you can, I didn't mean to offend." He said quietly. "Yeah, it's alright. It's weird living next to a river and not the ocean. I'm uh, from Nova Scotia, so there's a lot of um... ocean." He felt a bit idiotic for saying that. His first social interaction in weeks, and with a girl nonetheless, was going quite horribly.
Donna chuckled putting her hands in her pockets shivering slightly. She wondered if he was a supernatural being like she was, she thought about just straight up asking but figured she shouldn't since she met him. She took a good look at him, he was kinda cute. She grinned "I could imagine that being weird... I actually lived on the ocean as well" her accent was faded but still there. She just moved here as well and hadn't really talked to anyone.

Bubba's smirk returned as he drained the last of his bottle "well thank ya kindly miss," he said before turning and walking back to his truck "well ya seem all fixed up and all so i doubt ya need me hangin around."

He tossed the bottle to the side and got back behind the wheel, he waved before starting it up.

"Its always nice meeting other supernaturals out here."

Dr. Bubonic

Dr. Bubonic stared down the alley at what he could only describe as a reptilian humanoid freezing in the cold air. He tapped the nose of his make several times, many strange things showed up around town but usually they were less noticeable. And while the weather partially obscured vision anybody looking close enough could tell this was extra ordinary.

So he called out to the creature as he began tapping his cane against the nearby wall, "Excuse me sir, but I do believe you'll catch your death if you stay out here for too long.

(@Bonnie the Bunny)
"Really? That's cool. Did you live there long?" Eli suddenly noticed that Donna was shivering. He'd forgotten how much he had adjusted to the cold. "Uh, would you like to come in for a bit? I've got some hot cocoa that I could make, you seem cold."
The Chupacabra pricked her ears. Another supernatural? Hmph, probably something lame. But she did want to know, the nutrition value in the blood could be tremendous. "What are ya?" She asked.

Snake looked over at Dr. Bubonic and nodded. "Yes, I know. Anywhere I try to find warm place always gets cold sometime after the humans are gone to fix the heaters" He hissed, flinching at the cane tapping.

(@GrieveWriter )
TheOneAndOnly said:
"Really? That's cool. Did you live there long?" Eli suddenly noticed that Donna was shivering. He'd forgotten how much he had adjusted to the cold. "Uh, would you like to come in for a bit? I've got some hot cocoa that I could make, you seem cold."
Donna blinked curiously but smiled "Sure why not! Would be nice to make a friend here" she shrugged non chalantly. As they began walking she shook her head "I've only been here like 2 days actually..." She hadn't made any friends yet, aside from now.
"It certainly would." Eli said quietly, as they began the walk back to his house. "Really? I only just got here today. Looks like we're both pretty new here." He paused for a moment. "Why did you move here?"

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