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Realistic or Modern Town of Strange

Jack nodded at Klara's scenario, "Walked in, you fall. Odd, thought you had sickness. Must be me, maybe I cause faint" Well of course he caused the faint. "Either way, you not hurt"
Elyana curiously listened as Jack spoke. he had an odd way of talking, almost cave-mannish.

"How could you have caused my fainting, Jack? " She asked
Jack blinked, thinking. Well, his apperance did scare her probably, so he went with that excuse. "Err, appearance maybe. Not used to it maybe? I daunt you with appearance, much like regular reaction from female to male?" He hoped he didnt sound too weird, he didnt know humans!
Elana giggled, sure this guy was very attractive, but she had doubts that was what scared her.

"I saw a giant bug... " Elyana said quickly. Remembering what caused the faint.
Klara scoffed. "Whaaat? No. I didn't see any bug. you just kind of looked sick." She said trying to cover up Bugger's tracks.
"Bug? As Klara says, no bug. Only fainted female, almost fell to floor. Had to catch and make sure you not hit head. Head inujuries are not fun, trust me" Jack said. "Klara got towel to wake you up, but no big bug"
"You guys are right. I've had such a long two days with moving and everything. And the climate change haha. " Elyana laughed.

"You guys must think I'm crazy or something. " She added
"Not crazy, just stressed" Jack shrugged, trying to act as normal as possible. Though even in his human form he had the injuries from the CHupacabra, including a long claw mark across his neck and dipping down into his shirt where the rest of it was hidden. He had a tattoo on his back that the top could only be seen, bug wings. Another peeked out from his sleeve, tribal tattoo of his species.
Elyana nodded. She saw her phone sticking out of her coat pocket and she panicked.

"Thanks so much for everything but I have to get home. "
Home? He looked outside, wow, it was dark. He blinked, then looked at Klara. "It safe for a travel? Thing like that monster may be lurking, perhaps we tag along? We watch over her?" He asked quietly. It was instinct to keep the females of the species safe that werent matriarchs. And he was going to do just that.
"Yeah sure that would be great. I don't want to get super lost or something." Elyana replied. She was actually glad that they had offered to walk her home because she was too shy to ask.
Jack nodded, starting to walk away. He didnt think about how cold it really was, and his species hated the cold. Looks like he would be finding this out himself.
Klara put on her jacket and went outside as it started to snow. "Wow.." She said smiling. "Anyways follow me. I know a shortcut."
The snow was a pretty sight, but that didn't make it less cold. Elyana tightened her sweater around her as she followed Klara and Jack through the short cut
Jack wanted to jump back at the feel of the snow under his feet, well boot, and almost hissed as he felt the cold wind. He didnt have enough body heat as it was, what made him think this was a good idea?! He shivered, "Short cut hopefully really short"
Klara smiled and soon they reached Elyana's home. "Here you are." She said smiling, hoping no monster were around other than Jack.
"Thanks you guys. " Elyana said as she went to both Klara then Jack and hugged them.

"I'll see you guys around. I better get in before I get in trouble!" Elyana said as she tapped the code into her security system.
[QUOTE="Bonnie the Bunny]The Chupacabra who had been injured by Bugger was prowling around, smelling for any food when she came across the woman's scent. She hissed, picking up the pace with a limp. She screamed like a mountain lion crossed with a bear's snarl, moving like nothing over the snow. She needed food before she became fatigued from food deprivation. She smelled and heard the car, starting to run to keep up with it and ran beside it.

Ramirez noticed the Lamb-Eater in her rear view mirror. She reached to her right, to where the butt of a Remington shotgun jutted upward, wedged between the passenger's and driver's seat, and grabbed the weapon. The head of an ice pick was jury-rigged onto the bottom of the barrel, hanging downwards like a Sabre-tooth's wicked fang.

This wasn't the beast she'd come here to kill. In fact, she was slightly curious as to what the creature was doing this far North of the Border. It was even more out of place than she. But all that aside, she'd still put it down. Momentarily, she opened her door, and, anchored to one of the overhead handles, leaned outside, and aimed down behind her with the shottie, putting the Chupacabra in the sights before pulling the trigger, and using the kick of the shot to quickly swing herself back inside and slam the door.

The ease with which she did all this seemed to imply she shot at things chasing behind her RV fairly frequently.

@Bonnie the Bunny
Jack nodded, shivering and was now really pale. He was surprised at the sequence of the hug though, Klara had taken him by the hand before but he couldnt remember if she had hugged him. He was probably too on the offensive to remember. "Its c-cold" he said through chattering teeth and morphed back to his bug form.

The Chupacabra yelped, the shot hitting her square on the shoulder and she stumbled and fell. She switched back to her human form, now laying in the snow and curled up. "Dammit, that hurt" She growled, long black hair sticking out from the snow. She looked at her shoulder, "Damn people always shootin' at me" She sighed.
Klara hurried to the barn and wrapped a blanket around him. Well the biggest one she could find anyway. "Better?"
Bugger nodded, squeezing himself into the blanket as much as he could. "Yes, thank you" He purred, his appendages and eyes glowing even brighter with his mood. He was cold, and that sent a rush of energy to him.

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