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Realistic or Modern Town of Strange

'never seen dad. Young ones kept in female camp, taken away by males to learn hunt and fight when age right.' he tapped on the floor. Then kept tapping on the letters. 'my species rarely have females in male camp, but matriarchs considered strongest females and taken to male camps and learn same as males. share female is peace offering between broods, to appease war' He explained.
Klara nodded in understanding, but soon grew curious. "Sorry if I change the subject but, how come you know English? I mean how can you understand m and how can you write in it? I would think your species would have a whole dialogue to yourself."
'Language of our own, yes. Elders have human form that used to explore different places. I am explorer, so I learn human speak from explorer elders. I have human form, to hide' He explained, clicking a bit as he did/
She nodded. "Thats interesting." She said as she glanced over to the window, seeing the sun licking the fields. "It's morning already. . ." She said looking back at him. "I have to get ready for the day now." She said sighing.
He blinked, clicking and nodded. 'Females do same. Usually clean each others plating. Human females need help cleaning from each other?' He was used to helping his brood's females clean themselves, though he used waterlogged moss to clean them instead of cleaning by spit. A lot of the males of his brood made fun of him for spending time with the females, but he didnt like fighting other of his species.
Bugger nodded, standing up and almost knocking something over with his appendages. He looked back to the barn and blinked, 'human animals feed species very well. Taste well too'
She stood. "Well you can come by here and eat all the human animals you want. Their kind of pests." She said watching a rat scurry across the room.
Bugger stabbed his appendage through the rat, though didnt eat it. 'where human female go today? I wish to join you' He still used the paper, having it in his free appendage.
She smiled. "School. It's where we learn about the world, and how to deal with it... Of course many of them will probably freak out at your appearance. Do you think you could change into your human form to go?" She asked tilting her head a bit.
He nodded, and he twitched. His appendages tucked in and wings shrunk and he shrank to normal human size. He looked up, the buggy plates gone and replaced with human flesh. He shuddered, opening his mouth to click but words came out and he jumped and covered his mouth. Eyes wide, he tried clicking again but no clicking, just voice. "H-human speak, understand me?" He asked.
She smiled and nodded. "You can call me Klara. Now Bugger might get you a one trip to a swirly, aka a toilet bath. Do you have any name you'd like people to call you?"
"Human name... Jack. Jack the human. Where can Jack get human attire?" He asked, his voice deep and scratchy. He didnt like his hair getting in his face, and he felt almost defenseless but as an explorer he had to do this.
"Well I might be able to get some of my fathers clothes." She said smiling. "It might be a little big, I hope your alright with that. I'll be right back." She says walking down the stairs from the hay loft.
Jack nodded, grinding his teeth together in wonder. He had blunt teeth! How was he going to eat? Perhaps just human food would fair him well. He looked around, just standing there. He didnt know human customs so he didnt know what was disrespectful or not.
Klara soon returned to the loft with a flannel shirt and jeans. "Here put these on." She said handing them to him. "I do hope you know how to put these on." She said raising her eyebrows.
"Err, human attire like human speak, can do it" Jack nodded, staring at the clothes for a minute before getting the clothes on fairly well. "Hmm, feels enclosed. Can deal" He nodded, shifting around in the clothes.
She sighed. "Well you can check out the school, and maybe even if you like it, come everyday with me. You can try it out today." She says smiling, and packing her backpack.
"School? Haven't heard of school, it be like practice like males camps?" He asked, tilting his head like he did when he was a bug. "Or no? Are other humans attending school? Will humans assert dominance over territories of school?"
"Well. . . It is kind of like your camps except all genders come, and they don't fight. They learn. Many other humans do attend the school, and the only dominance over the school is the teachers and principal." She said putting her back pack on. "Here follow me, the bus we get on to go to school will be here soon."
Bus..? He followed, feeling weird while walking without his claws scraping into the ground. Seeing the big yellow bus he blinked, "That hurt Jack? Kill Jack? Eat humans and put inside it?" He asked, just staring at the bus.
Klara chuckled. "No, it's like a home, but with seats inside and many windows. Also it takes you places. Come on, it's not so scary." She said taking his hand, assuring him it was alright. She stepped onto the bus with Jack and smiled. "See it's not so bad."
Jack blinked, looking around at everyone. Human comfort was weird, though his species didnt have hands but they usually clicked and purred, usually nuzzling and such. He wanted to click though remembered he couldnt, he just stood there. "Humans down sit in metal predator?"
"Yeah, kind of." She says sitting in the black leather seat. "Here." She says sitting close to the window, so he could sit by her. "And it's not alive. Us humans made it so it's easier to get places that are far away."
Jack cautiously sat down, looking around. Of course, once the bus moved, he tensed up and jumped. Some dude started immidietly making fun of him, the Jack narrowed his eyes. He knew an insult when he heard one, and one that questioned his own honor did not sit well with him. He huffed, twitching as he tried to block it out. Human, some were nice but most were pathetic! How could Klara stand it?! He heard something he did not like, 'you scared to fight?' it rang in his head and he had it. "Filthy humans! Tainting mind and female human with nasty words and challenges!" He growled, his voice changing. He started morphing, his size growing and plates grew back and flesh fell away. His appendages ripped from his human arms, and soon he was full Bugger. He hissed, slashing at whoever was teasing him. Looking up he stabbed both appendages into the roof of the bus, slashing a good chunk off of it and looked at Klara. His wings twitched and he snatched her up, tucking her to him and held her with his free appendage and jumped, jumping out of the hole he had slashed and jumped off the bus. He moved fast, plates covering his lower face as they did in battle.

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