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Realistic or Modern Town of Strange

Eliza made sure every inch of skin was covered and walked out the door. She hungered, and it seemed tonight was to be special. The full moon was to be bright.
The paramedics soon arrived and then put the man inside the ambulance and then walked up to Klara and said "Good thing you called us, he will probably be fine." the paramedic got back inside the ambulance as it rode away, the police man walked up to Klara and said "Could you explain what happened?"
Klara nodded. "Well, I was in my room uploading pictures off my camera." She said pointing to the hayloft in the barn. "I live in the barn up there, and I heard rustling outside my window. I looked to my left to it and saw snow being flung up, that high! I walked over and i looked down and saw the man. I came down to help and thats when I called you." She said shakily.
Abigail heard a commotion, and against her intuition, decided to check it out. That's when the scent of blood hit her. It was an old smell, but she hungered for it non the less. Her fangs slid out involuntarily.
The officer said "The man looked very injured, only a monster could leave those kind of injuries, have you heard anything strange happening around here?"

Shaun felt that another vampire was near and then walked in from the darkness to look at the commotion and the vampire he had sensed as he looked around he said "What happened here?"
She nodded. "In this small town of ours, many say its where all the supernatural dwell, but thats just crazy talk!" She said chuckling nervously, hopign the officer would agree with her.
But, she kept the monster within, at least for a while. Abigail couldn't risk her unlife ending. She came to a group of people, one of them being a police officer.
The officer smiled nervously as he said "I hope, we will have someone set up here to look around, thank you for the information."

Shaun looked around and then at Abigail as he felt that she was a vampire also, Shaun looked back at the officer walking away and then said "Looks like we will have someone to patrol here."
Klara let go of a shaky breath. She looked over at the two people and smiled, before turning to go inside without a word.
Shaun looked over at Abigail and then said "Looks like /something/ attacked the man..." Shaun tried to not be suspicious afterwards he took a look around and then at the blood pool on the ground.
Shaun said "She probably was alone, I heard she said that the man had two small holes on his neck..." he then looked back at the blood and then back at Abigail
What a filthy animal. "What do you think caused it?" Abigail asked. It was against her very being to leave a meal out where humans could see it.
Klara went back into her room and sat on her bed. She shut every light off except the one by her bed. She opened a book and started reading. She could not ever go to bed after what happened.
Shaun looked at Abigail and then said "A wolf...probably, if you understand what I mean..." he then looked around once more as he sniffed the air discretely.
Shaun looked at Abigail and then said "I am not joking, and I know that it wasn't you..." afterwards Shaun continued to look around and then back at Abigail as if waiting a response.
Listening closely, a hidden being eavesdropped on them. In its mouth was a cat, no blood on the fur and just two fang marks. Something attacked someone, hmm. Perhaps she could find out, her back spikes quivering in excitement and curiosity.
Where Klara was, something walked on her roof. It sounded like scraping and regular walking. There was a thump as it jumped, moving slowly but could go faster. It seemed to be looking for something, the sounds stopping then going.
Shaun felt as if someone was listening or watching him so he said to Abigail "Well I gotta go..." as he walked off and when not seen he ran faster than sound with his vampire powers.
Klara couldn't hear the strange noises, but every other creature in the barn could. Mice, chickens, rats, ext. They shuffled across the floor into their homes, in fright. But Klara was sound sleep in her bed.
The Chupacabra watched in surprise as the dude ran. She snarled, slinking around the people and dashed after him. She could smell him, though couldnt smell animal blood. The cat still in her mouth, she ran as fast as she could. Probably as fast or faster than a horse.

He heard the animals and almost purred, jumping to the barn roof he dropped to the ground and slipped in. Slashing, he killing some chickens and started eating it. The animals, like any, would have been making a huge fuss.

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