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Realistic or Modern Town of Strange

Klara shuffled in her bed, she groaned then started snoring because of the position she was in. She did not wake up though, and had no idea what was in her room.
After few seconds the man was gone and nothing to show that he had been running there except the weak marks in the snow.
Slowing, she stomped in irritation, though looking at the snow she sniffed the marks. Following them, she had hoped to find him somewhere. She was hungry, and even though she didnt like blood from any human-related things she was willing to kill someone to keep herself full.

He snarled, cleaning off the blood from his knife-like arms. He could smell something else too, human. He looked around for this human, barely scraping his 'knives' on the ground as he searched. Getting closer and the scent stronger, he flicked his wings and looked at the closed door. Well, this was a problem.
Shaun later on got to his house as he turned into shadows and moved as a shadow along the dark night leaving no traces of himself, when he got inside his home he turned back to Human look and then went to relax on his couch [[ THE TIME IS 06:00 ]]
(Okay, I'm trying to figure out how knife-hands here will open a door)

He started at the knob, blinking before gripping the knob handle in between his two appendages. He growled, having trouble turning the knob because it kept slipping. He got frustrated, his appendages glowing a brighter purple with his mood and stabbed one into the door, then the other. Sawing down and in a square around the knob and pulled it clean out of the door. He pushed the door open, the glow surrounding the room and he spied the human and crept forward, stopping beside the bed and he twitched.


She hissed, the marks starting to fade. He ran fast! Dropping the cat she basically roared in irritation though it sounded like a scream of a mountain lion crossed with a growl from a bear. She will find this guy!
Klara could feel someone watching her. She always had this weird sense. She opened her eyes, finding a strange creature in her room. "Ahh!" She screamed, rolling off her bed on the other side, with the blanket getting all tangled.
He hissed in surprise, jumping back at the scream. Sure he had heard screams of prey but she wasn't prey! Was she? He couldn't talk in this form, jumping onto a dresser he stood up so he could see what she was doing over on that side. Surely he wasn't that scary looking right? Hit him right in the feels, his buggy feels. Though eh, dont matter. He twitched again, watching to see her reaction.
Klara finally got untangled and peeked out from under her blanket to see the buggy creature on her dresser. It didn't seem to do anything, so she stood slowly. She only stared in silence, not sure what to do.
Jack stared right back, his big purple eyes blinking and head tilted. He hissed, trying to at least say 'sorry for almost watching you sleep!' he was a creature that ate things raw but watching people sleep? No way! He looked at the ground and back up, jumping down he scraped his appendages together, sounding like nails on a chalk board, to show his tameness. Of course thats what his species saw it as.
Klara backed up a bit but seeing he wasn't trying to hurt anyone. She sat on the floor and watched the interesting creature.

"Hello. . ." She softly said.
Jack looked at her, sitting on the floor. In his form he usually forgot human customs, well he rarely turned human. He tilted his head and slowly sat the floor, mimicking her though had to put his appendages to the side. He clicked this time, a series and in a pattern, trying to talk to her like normal.
Klara smiled a bit, finding the mimicking a bit cute. She studied the strange anatomy of the creature, and for a moment she didn't seem so afraid. "I'm Klara." She said smiling larger now, knowing it wouldn't hurt her.
His wings twitched, seeing the smile. Honestly he had never seen a human smile, it was quite odd to him. He clicked again, slamming his appendages into the ground and carved his own name that his species called him, knowing how to write human because of the elders. Bugger. He would usually bugger out in hunting so thats how he got his name. He looked up and tilted his head at the smile again, blinking and reached forward to see if he could feel the muscles in her face and try to mimic the smile.
Klara walked over to the carving of his name in her floor. "Bugger." She said looking at him. She sat next to him and smiled at the mimic. She found it amazing how a creature could understand and write english. Too bad he couldn't speak it.
Bugger hissed as she sat beside him, though it wasnt a threatening hiss. He smelled her, knowing she was female by the smell. He usually didnt get the time to smell humans to tell their gender so he couldnt tell between male and female just by sight. Weird, females in his species usually glowing green from the eyes but she had no glow. Humans were weird, even though he had a form of one he never used it so he found the whole human population weird. Especially the hair, he was invading her space basically studying her but going nowhere near what his own females had.
Klara scooted over a bit. She didn't like that he was invading her little "bubble" but maybe it was just because he didn't understand.
He backed off, knowing the backing up means she was uncomfortable. He blinked again, tucking in his appendages and started clicking again. He was asking a series of questions, though hissed in irritation as he couldnt talk. He growled, stabbing his appendage into the ground.
Klara could see his frustration. She thought for a moment. She got up and wrote down the alphabet. "point to a letter and I'll write it down. Tap the floor when the word is done."
Bugger looked at the letters then started tapping them. He tapped a few words at a time, where is this, are human eat animals, do human have male, do male hunt for female.
Klara chuckled at the questions. "Well, for the first one humans are carnivores, also herbivores. The second question, There and plenty of male humans, and the third, yes I guess men do hunt for females." She said laughing a bit at the last part.
Bugger started asking more questions. 'where is male of den, do male of den dominate other male around den, do I assert new dominance over den' he was thinking of his own species.
Klara smiled. "Well, the men have their houses, or rooms in a teenager's case. I guess that is like a den. But they aren't defensive really, they love having friends over to just hang out, and technically this household belongs to my dad." She says getting a new sheet of paper.
Dad? 'what is dad, where is dad, humans not assert dominance, why humans not territorial, share dens (question mark), share females too (question mark)'
"W-well. . ." She started. "We're quite different. "dad" is the term you use for the father or the male that married your mother or the person who gave birth to you and me. Humans can be territorial, but it all depends on the person. Most of the time, men do not share woman." She says gesturing her arms as she talks.

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