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Realistic or Modern Town of Strange

Klara screamed. "Oh my gosh!" When the two students were getting hurt. Surprised by the quick grab from Bugger she didn't even try to get free. But she looked back at the bus which had stopped and everyone was screaming. Her breaths were short, and she looked up at Bugger's face. "Why would you do that?!" She yelled at him. "The normal thing would to ignore them, or ask me for help!" She said struggling to get free.
Bugger looked down at her before looking back up and tightened his grip on her. He smelled the air and started running, soon coming to the forest. The snow wasnt helping him, he was actually really cold. He did have body heat but he was losing it quickly. He stopped, looking around again then ran again. As he ran he now basically hugged Klara to him with both appendages, in his mind he was protecting her and her honor from those back there and doing the right thing. He skidded to a halt, stopping and looked back down at his passenger. "Here good, there bad" He said, not letting her go.
Klara didn't even bother. From his body language and how he's speaking, she could tell he was trying to protect her. "I deal with them everyday. I know how to ward them off." She said. "They really don't bother me, and I won't let them bother you. In fact from the stunt you pulled, I'd imagine they wouldn't remember you if you came back. The other kids on the other hand." She sighed.
He let her go, twitching again and looked down at her. 'Males not talk like that around female, not challenge like that around female. Disgrace to their brood-brothers. You not matriarch, you female camp material.' he tapped after slicing the alphabet into the ground. He learned fast. Hopefully sometime he could talk too.
She stood up and brushed off the snow. "Trust me, Bugger. The human world is quite different then yours. Males treat females differently here..." She says standing straight and looking up at him.
'Disrespect females? Disrespect ones that help give life to species?' he was now furious. Females were greatly respected with being taxed the pain of giving life to a species and cared for the young ones. He about tapped more but he looked up and his wings twitched. A mountain lion sized creature jumped at him, knocking him away from Klara and stood in front of her as to protect her. It was the Chupacabra, back spikes quivering and she hissed at Bugger. She had seen him run off with Klara and believed he was planning to hurt her. No, this person had the only farm animals she had seen. Bugger hissed, his purple blood dripping from the claw slashes across his face. He clicked and hissed threateningly, in which the Chupacabra screamed at him and the two went at each other. The Chupacabra was fast, getting good hits in on Bugger who's blood splattered the ground. He hissed, crossing his appendages and was knocked back by the force of the Chupacabra's pounce and was pinned to a tree, holding off her jaws. She dug her claws into his arms, snapping at his throat and head.
Klara screamed again seeing the strange creature attacking Bugger. She ran over and started kicking the creature, though it didn't make any difference. "Let him go!" She yelled at large lion like creature.
The Chupacabra hissed, swiping at Klara. Bugger, seeing the distraction, kicked out and slashed good claw marks into her chest. The Chupacabra's blood splat him, painting his red on the chest. He jumped forward instantly, ducking down low and slammed his shoulder into her and knocked her up and onto her back legs. He slashed his sharp appendages at her underbelly, making more blood spat the ground. She screamed, almost being sliced open and when Bugger stepped back she fell over on her side. Bugger, now painted with purple and red, let out a scratchy and hissy laugh. She whimpered, not moving but still alive. Bugger looked like a thing of war, covered in blood and having enjoyment at his opponent's pain. Where did the tame explorer go?
Klara holding her shoulder, from the swipe the chupacabra. Red ran down her arm, and she slowly approached the two, not knowing whether the creature would attack or not. The hissing and clicking of Bugger made her feel uncomfortable, like he was happy he almost killed something. She winced at the pain in her arm as she moved.
The Chupacabra growled, blood running from her mouth as she lay there. Bugger didnt take notice of Klara, walking forward he looked down at her. Her broken self, he remembered exactly where he had seen this before. His enemy that had crossed him too many times, and he had killed him but not quickly. The Chupacabra slowly morphed into Devin, the girl coughed and held her cuts. Bugger hissed, raising his appendage. He wanted to finish this off, now
"Wait!" Klara said standing in front of Bugger. She walked over to the girl and knelt beside her. "Why did you attack us?"

(By the way, sorry for such the short replies. I like ot rpely quickly, and long winded ones don't agree with me!)
(Alright its okay)

"Get away from... From me. You protec-" She broke off, coughing violently. Bugger scoffed, lowering his appendage and watched. "You protect that ... That thing" Devin finally got out.
Klara stood back up and folded her arms. "He's my friend. Friends protect each other." She says walking back beside Bugger.
"Friend?! It- its a killer! Look at... At its joy in- in my pain. Its not a... Pet" She snarled, her incisors longer than any normal human. "It'll do the s-same to you"
Klara looked up at Bugger with a bit of sadness in her eyes, but quickly looked back at the creature. "He's not a pet, and how do you know it'll kill me too?" She asks. "So far, he's been only trying to learn the human way, and the only time he's killed someone, is trying to protect me from people trying to harm me. He's nothing but a protector, like a guardian."
Bugger hissed, growling. Her words, instead of clicking he actually talked but it was barely understandable. "Nothing but protector? It? What I to you?" He snarled at Klara. Devin spit out blood, not saying anything but rather to see what would happen.
Klara looked up at him, a bit scared. "W-well, your more than that. Your a friend, and your someone I like to be around." She said taking a step back, a bit contradicting to what she just said.
"If I friend, why fear can I smell from you? I species different from human species, only see friend when I try to learn rules of humans, be disrespectful! Thought human be glad for protection, now see protection scares you" He said, rather ruefully. Devin smirked, she knew it.
"N-no! It's not that!" She said taking another step backward. "Please..." She said quietly. "Protection scares me, because I've never seen anything like this before. I've never seen such violence before me, it's surprise and I'm be honest, I'm scared. Not because of you, but because of what i just saw..."
"I species things of war, strive keep peace by war. Thought you knew that, thought understanded when I explain ways to you. Live to over 1,000 years old, seen war since birth. Human species too soft, scared of protection and blood. Cannot make comfort when I fight enemies" Bugger said, the plates still hiding lower half of his face. "Seemed okay when ate animals"
"I have a cat that does that too, I used to that..." She says looking down. "I'm sorry if I offended you, bugger." Klara said shaking her head at herself.
"See now? It has... Has a short fuse. I-its going to kill you" Devin said, still laying in the snow. Bugger twitched his wings, not saying anything more. He was called and it and nothing but a protector. He didnt think she was telling the truth, just what he wanted to hear so he wouldnt kill her. He was an explorer, supposed to go back to his brood with tales of other species, and proof of the species... A body. He didnt tell her that though.
Klara shook her head. "You know what? I think I've had enough crazy today. I'm going back home, and I just need to lie down." She said shaking her head and walking away.
Bugger watched her go, who he had considered a friend acting weird. She had said some things that had hurt his feels but he was supposed to be trained to be immune from words. He jumped forward, snatching Klara up again. "To human den?" He asked. Devin was left to bleed in the snow, most to all the snow around her bloody.
Klara looked back at the creature but nodded at bugger. "Stop at the road. My parents would be freaked out, just to be honest. They wouldn't take it as easy as I did."

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