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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

Seeing that they we're safe for the time being Ryan went to digging in the truck in hopes of finding something of use. Part of him considered leaving, keep going it alone, but he couldn't bring himself to think about it for more than a few seconds. He wasn't the type of person to abandon anyone, especially a child and he wouldn't start now. He glanced up through the passenger window to check on them before digging into the glove department, in the end coming up with nothing.
Constance nodded, calming down as she spoke. The girl sniffled a bit before answering, "C-constance..." She said in a very quiet voice. She didn't remove her hands from her face but she could see though the sweatr enough to see the two adults.
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Aeina smiled, "What a pretty name! My name is Aeina," she said and pointed at Ryan, "That's Ryan."

Aeina then giggled, "But he prefers you call him Ry-Ry." Aeina stood up and held her hand out for Constance, "Let's go, you can introduce yourself to Ry-Ry."
Constance nodded, dropping her hands slightly and wrapping them around herself. "O-okay..." She agreed, following closely behind her. It was strange forher to trust so easily, but it wasn't like she had a choice in the first place.
Kat's glare lessened as he explained his logic to her, sighing in defeat that she knew he was right, but she didn't want him to be, and she didn't want to take advise from anybody, she could do it on her own, surely. She had done it before, she'd coped with the loss till now, regardless of the prescriptions, but she had to agree with the not making the same mistakes, as she would never be IN the same circumstances to allow that to happen to her ever again. She put this into words soon after. "Trust me, I won't be in the situation where I may even make those mistakes ever again." She knew fully what she had to do to survive in this world after Rachel had been taken from her, not let anyone get too close to her. That was vital.

"I'm not kicking myself!" She let out in sudden anger, her glare quickly returning as she took a more aggressive stance towards Rey now, her fists clenching. Eyes narrowing and teeth gritting. "I'm not kicking myself over ANYTHING, so shut the fuck up.." She spat out at him in disgust, she wasn't kicking herself over anything, she knew she wasn't. She was just in a bad place in her head, it happened, no biggie, sure she had the most important person in her life taken from her but that didn't matter, not anymore...she was strong. She could do this without anyone else's help.
Aeina brought Constance up to Ryan, "Hey Ry-Ry!" She called, "Come introduce yourself to Constance!"
Rey decided that this conversation wasn't going anywhere good, so he decided to drop it. "Sure gorgeous," he said, waving dismissively and looking out the window. Girls. What the hell even happened in their heads, he didn't know. Sullen and depressed one moment, spitting hellfire at you the next when you tried to help them. Rey leaned forwards a bit and grabbed a handful of trail mix out of the bag next to Barnaby, munching on the rasins first.
Ryan was sure to throw up a hand as a wave with a smile when Aeina pointed his way. And as they walked up he knealt down to try and meet the girl at her level. "Hey Constance. How are you? Feeling alright?" He tried to keep his smile so as not to frighten her. If there was ever a time where he wished he was shaved it was probably now.
Kat lunged towards him as he called her gorgeous, that homicidal urge from earlier reviving itself in her as she wrapped her hands around his neck, throwing him against the opposite side door of the humvee, squeezing onto his neck with all her strength, her eyes narrowed, teeth basically scraping against each other and a death stare pointed directly at him, her hands were turning white from the amount of force she was putting into them onto Rey's neck. She wasn't just agitated as she was before, whenever she got angry at anybody, which was a lot, that wasn't pure rage most of the time. But this was, she just got angry in the past, THIS was rage. She reminded herself why she didn't let anyone compliment her anymore.

"Don't you EVER think you can call me anything like that EVER!" She growled out darkly at him, loosening her grip and punching him forcefully in the gut once before climbing into the unseated back of the humvee. deciding to once again close out the outside world in a technique she hadn't used in forever, perhaps it'd do her some good. She took out a small iPod and earphones, placing them into her ears and playing a song now, she took out a small but full photo album from her back, still looking as if it hadn't been affected by anything, not even a spec of dirt on it.

She was now lightly smiling down at the album as she flicked through it. Listening calmly to the rather peaceful sounding string guitar music played through her earphones. Completely blocking out the two others now, and almost forgetting all about her worries of the ugly world around her.
Rey laughed, rubbing his neck where Kat had grabbed him. He was used to her physical abuse by now, it didn't affect him, nor stop him from dropping inuendos here or there. "Barnaby, I've told you ten times by now. I didn't do anything, just an only child with nothing to do." Rey chuckled, a wolfish grin spreading across his face.
Rey picked up Barnaby's sunglasses and put them into his pack for him. Rey gripped the handle again, then looked over at Kat, who had hear earphones on, oblivious of him and Barnaby. A devilish smirk slowly spread across his face as an idea formed in his mind. "Hey Barbs..." Rey snickered, "Slam on the breaks..." He chuckled, giggling maniacally, but softly.
Rey huffed. "Yea, I guess you're right." He had picked on Kat a lot. "But, I mean, bruh," Rey held up his hands in an 'I don't fucking know even' gesture, "I don't know why she gets mad when I call her out in her looks. I mean, I'm telling the truth. You tell me, you're older. Were you sweet on anyone before?" Reddening a bit, Rey tripped over his words. "Like, I... I'm not saying I'm sweet on Kat, I mean, she... She's crazy... But I am to... But she's a different type of crazy... But she's not crazy, she's just a girl. I mean... Dammit, I don't know what I mean."
Kat had began to felt tired after she had spent a while simply listening to her calming music and looking down at her not so calming photo, it didn't help her, but she just wanted to. For the first time in a long time she had felt quite peaceful, she let out a yawn and climbed back into the backseat of the humvee next to Rey, knowing that sleeping in the back of a vehicle such as this with lots of obstacles they could easily hit not being such a good idea, she rested her head against the door of the humvee, her body leaning against the side of the vehicle for support as she slowly fell asleep, she'd noticed that Rey had a reddened face for some odd reason but it didn't bother her.

She simply kept her earphones in as she let the gentle grasp of sleep pull her deeper into the darkness, she didn't get much sleep thanks to the medications but whenever she could she was grateful for it, so she wasn't going to waste this opportunity, she quickly put the folded photograph back into her left pocket quite sloppily, more focused on trying to go to sleep, little did she know that she just couldn't do anything properly while she was sleepy, the photo still sticking out of her pocket. She let out a sigh of relief as her eyes closed over fully, falling asleep very quickly.

She quietly and peacefully snored as a calm expression took her face, the music still playing but at a lower volume to keep her relaxed and docile. She was enjoying her sleep very much so to say the least.
Rey watched as Kat curled up into her little ball, then tuned his attention back to Barnaby. "Dammit, I shouldn't lie to you brother, there's just something about Katalina's explosive temper and sporadic mood swings that I find attractive." Rey said sarcasically, a grin to match Barnaby's spreading across his face, "When she goes to choke me it feels like electricity, haha. I think that's how we bond!" Rey laughed maniacally. Although, in a post apocalyptic world, Kat wasn't a bad find. She could take care of herself, she could survive, and she could kill anything with basically no drawbacks. If he actually brought himself to like her. Rey started looking out his window, but his eyes kept wandering to the sleeping Katalina, the photo stuck out of her pocket at an odd angle. She was going to be pissed if she accidentially rolled over and it ripped. Rey sighed, it was a bit chilly in the humvee. Rey and Barnaby didn't use the heat or the AC to conserve power. Rey sighed and took off his jacket, laying it over her again like he did earlier. He hopped into the front seat and motioned to the bag of trailmix. "C'mon brother, you need to eat some. You haven't had anything all day." Rey said, taking a handful himself. He hadn't either.
Kat couldn't help but snuggle into the jacket almost automatically as it was placed over her, it was a natural instinct most likely, she was pretty chilly, even though she was sleeping. Her dreams were sporadic and didn't make any sense, some happy, some memories, some sad, some frightening, others were showing her what would never be. Those ones upset her the most, she wanted to break out of her sleep but alas she could not. She remembered why she didn't sleep as much even when the medications weren't working their business. It wasn't till the humvee drove over a pothole that she thankfully woke up, not too bothered by the sudden awakening, but still tired none the less. She rubbed her eyes and noticed the jacket over her. She decided to keep it over her, it was rather comfortable. She turned to look over at Rey and Barnaby with their trail mix.

"Thanks for the jacket." She said casually, yawning again and relaxing her muscles, allowing herself to go limp as she kept herself under the covers, only now noticing just how uncomfortable this army uniform was sitting down. She looked towards her backpack, where she had kept all her original clothing. Pushing the jacket off of her for a moment while she went into her backpack. Looking up to the two again and asking. "Mind driving a bit slower, I need to get changed in the back." She'd gotten changed in a moving vehicle before, it wasn't THAT difficult...okay maybe that was a lie but there was no way in hell she was getting changed outside, with the infected and such.
Rey looked at Barnaby with a blank expression on his face. He really didn't know wat to say, believe it or not, Rey was embarrassed when anybody had to change clothes. He and Barnaby respected eachothers privacy, and neither of them had even seen eachother shirtless. When Barnaby had to change, he went off into the woods somewhere, so did Rey, and aside from that, his kevlar vest was practically his second skin. He fixed his eyes forwards and cracked his knuckles, unresponsive.
Kat took that as an `I don't mind` response and climbed into the back of the humvee, beginning to quickly and with a great deal of difficult strip down, the boots were the most difficult due to the regulations of how they were supposed to be done up, also the bumping from the vehicle she was in didn't help in the slightest, she took off her shirt just as the humvee went over yet another bump in the road, angering her to no small amount. The trousers were quite difficult as well, due to the belt and such. When she was in her underwear she leaned over into the front of the humvee and grabbed her backpack, pulling it back to her, she took out her casual clothing she had always worn before, starting with her trousers, then pulling her tank top on, followed by her jacket. Boots then fixing her kneepads on at the very end.

Climbing back into the back seat of the humvee now, she stretched her arms and let out a sigh of relief at how free she felt now, no longer in that constricting army uniform. She stretched her legs and let her joints relax as she slumped back in the seat now, rubbing her right arm's tense muscles due to the strength she had to put into those damn boots. "That's much better."
Kat looked at him skeptically. Handing him his jacket but saying at the same time. "Mm, for someone who throws around sexual inunendos so much, you sure didn't seem like you were actually interested when I was getting changed. You gay?" She asked with a smirk, folding her arms. Awaiting his reaction. It was a true thought though, she genuinely thought now that he was in denial about his own sexuality, usually that's what the guys who are trapped in the closet do don't they? Or was that just another stereotype, meh either way it was a genuine thought that she had about him.
Rey took his jacket back, throwing it on. "No, the thought of you getting changed is terrifying. What i'm going to say next is probably going to get my head bashed in, but I might go blind from such beauty." Rey ducked, covering his head expecting retaliation. "Why, are you dissapointed I didn't, Katalina?" All that was true, that and the fact that he was sure she'd put a bullet in his head if he actually looked.
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Kat looked at Rey for a while, she seemed to lost track of time, she was confused as to why he had said that, and not in his usual saying those things just to solely annoy her, but this sounded different from the usual. Not to mention the fact that the last time anyone had used the `blind from such beauty` act on her was Rachel, she let out a sigh. Not wanting to get caught on that again, it seemingly worked, perhaps the meds didn't take too long to kick into effect. She was thankful for that much at least. She instead just nodded at him and said "Thanks I guess." With his next sentence to her irritating her, only a bit though. She replied calmly with. "No..just surprised is all.."
Rey was still tucked out of Kat's reach, genuinely lost now. Kat was acting extremely peculiar. This was not like her at all, was the firey girl win an explosive temper becoming more tolerant of his antics? He shot a 'help me out' look at Barnaby.
Constance nodded at the man. They appeared to be nice which definitly calmed her a lot. "S-scared.." She spoke honestly, continuing to hug herself. She continued to have to adjust her hat and sweater. Most of it was because it's a nervous tick she does, and the other is because the sweater was way to big for her. For his next question, she nodded. That was a lie. She felt like she was about to throw up and/or faint. To much happened in one night and she was still trying the put it into reality. It felt like a dream.

Crono said:
Ryan was sure to throw up a hand as a wave with a smile when Aeina pointed his way. And as they walked up he knealt down to try and meet the girl at her level. "Hey Constance. How are you? Feeling alright?" He tried to keep his smile so as not to frighten her. If there was ever a time where he wished he was shaved it was probably now.
Aeina sighed, "Constance, you don't have to be scared. We can help you. Do you need food?" Aeina gestured towards the supermarket and leaned on the truck behind her. Aeina figured that Constance would be safer with them, after all, she was only a little girl and little girl's need some sort of protection.
Kat was keeping herself occupied in deep thought for a little while, taking a quick breath and letting it out. Contemplating on whether or not she should ask this next question, she didn't want to sound like she was actually interested in him but she was strangely interested in what his answer would be. She looked back up at him now, her eyes darting around before they focused on him and she asked after a long thought on whether or not she should. "Did you want too...you know..look?" She had never really cared previously on what others thought of her, she couldn't give a shit in reality, but now she had become quite fascinated on what others thought of her. She had never before asked that kind of question. So it'd be interesting to see what he'd reply with.

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