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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

Ryan was thankful for the girls assistance as they moved through the wooded area, occasionally risking a look over the shoulder just to be sure they we're keeping a good distance from their pursuers. He did try not to put too much weight on her, the two didn't need to go tumbling ass over tea-kettle with walkers on their trail. Once they'd cleared the treeline he could happily see the base, it was obvious they we're both excited considering how their paces quickened. It may or may not have been a good idea considering about halfway between the treeline and the front gate the man stumbled a little in his step, he couldn't tell if it was from the blood he lost or the fact that his body was off balance now. His mouth was dry from the amount of breathing he'd done, so when they neared he simply motioned for her to get the gate open while he leaned his back against the fence. Ryan grimaced at the sight of the group of walkers from the woods we're still wandering their way through the open area.

The man had been thinking about calling out the others inside, or whistling just to get their attention. This choice was taken from him the moment a pair of dead came wandering along the fence-line towards him and the girl. At the rate they we're closing in it was clear they would arrive before the two could get inside, so he took aim with his pistol and fired. The first glanced off the side of one's head, the second took it down, a third shot went god knows where, and the fourth hit the other walker in the chest, followed by the fifth and final bullet to it's head. He blamed the accuracy on the wound, and the fact that he wasn't ambidextrous. Those shots would also alert the others. Ryan wasted no time, turning around and moving along the fence towards the girl and the gate.
Cat shook her head but stopped once she heard the shooting. Grabbing her gun she took off towards the gate and the direction of the gun fire. She always carried a fully loaded weapon with her for situations like this. It may have taken Nick and Rachel a second later to kick into action but Nick was not far behind her, shot gun in hand.

"Rach. get Kat we will need everyone for this"

She called out to Rachel as she reached the Gate and Ryan.

Both Nick and Cat began to open fire on the undead once they were in range. Flanking Ryan to make sure none of them were suddenly swarmed.
Rachel nodded as the gunfire began to emit from outside of the base, seeing Catrina and Nick run up to the gate where they had begun to fire onto the infected intruders outside, she ran over to the tank, banging on the side of it with a flat palm as she called out "Kat, we need you're help out here." To which she audibly heard groaning from inside as the top hatch opened ontop of the turret, Kat now wearing one ofthose tank crewmen helmets as she gripped onto the M2 Browning turret ontop of the tank and began firing towards the gate, instantly mowing down most of the infected, then holding fire as she noticed the two running towards the gate now, Rachel hadn't seen that girl before, who was she?

As soon as Kat stopped her firing, she instantly grew a glare at how Ryan had brought a new mouth to feed and another bitchy one at that probably, that was honestly the last thing she needed, yet another person to bother her just by being around, she was half tempted to open fire at them now, but obviously that wouldn't sit well with Rachel so she got back inside the tank and closed the hatch over her, locking it once again as she went back into her usual sulking state.
-suddenly the large group of zombies slam into samantha pushing her into the creek where she is taken off shore, never to be seen again, probably to be presumed as dead... or is she?-
Ryan hadn't seen what had happened to his accidental attacker as he ushered himself inside the gate, with the other's mowing down the walkers that we're getting too close to the base. Feeling light headed as he collapsed on his ass against the base of the nearby watchtower and let out a long winded sigh, reaching up to fiddle with the already blood soaked patch-job the girl had done to his shoulder.
As the girls focused on finishing the undead, Nick made his way over to Ryan and knelt to look at the wound

"What are you, a danger magnet"

He said in his usual joking manner but his eyes looked worried. He carefully opened the shirt and viewed the wound.

"Its going to need stitches and we have the bare essentials"

Nick looked concerned.


Cat finished up and shut the gates behind them before looking over at Ryan and frowning.

It did not look good, making her way over to the pair with Rachel she frowned.


she knew it would not be good and to save face she turned to Rachel and whispered

"It will be painful, get Kat, a needle and thread and something loaded with alcohol, it will take all of us to do this"
Rachel nodded as Cat whispered the instructions to her,running off in direction of the on-base medical tent, that stuck out from the rest of the base as it had a large red cross with a white background on the sides of it, heading inside of it as she began to quickly look around for the required items, it'd only taken her 5 minutes at most to find what she was required to get, heading back out quickly as her next item on the list was..a little more difficult to get, that being Kat of course, knocking on the side of the tank as an angered grunt came from inside. "Katalina, come on, we need your help, it's urgent." To which Kat swiftly responded with "I'm doing stuff, go away." Rachel obviously not having anytime for this crap ran off to the others again, putting the supplies next to Nick for him to use, saying to Cat. "Katalina didn't want to come, said she was doing stuff."
Ryan caught the glare from Kat, and honestly couldn't muster the ability to care at the moment, catching sight of her walking away. Hissing as Nick moved amongst the clothing and gauze to view the wound, "It'll be fine, just get me inside..." He stated, and held out his left hand for someone, likely Nick from the mans size, to take hold of his arm and pull him to stand. The fact was he'd rather do this inside a tent somewhere, the other option was doing it out here in the open while he sat plopped on the ground. No thankyou.

Using Nicks strength and leverage he pulled himself to stand, taking a moment to adjust as he got light headed. I can't have lost that much blood already..? Closing his eyes tightly before opening them with a grunt. For the moment he was glad Nick was here with his little medical knowledge atleast. Not exactly surprised when Rachel returned, saying Kat was busy.
Nick Helped Ryan into the tent and onto a bed, laying him down and holding him in place.

He knew what Cat was going to do and he knew it would take him and Rachel to hold him down.

Nodding at Cat, he gave the nod to go ahead and start cleaning the wound.


Cat looked to Rachel and whispered.

Sit on his legs and do not let him kick you off"

Once everyone was in position she gave the nod to Nick.

It was going to start.


Nick held Ryan from behind, after sitting him up so Ryans back was against Nicks chest. Holding his arms securely in place he whispered to Ryan.

"I'm sorry"


Cat used the alcohol on the wound to clean out any possible infection.

The alcohol smell burned her nose so she knew it probably stung like a bitch.

It was only going to get worse.
Rachel nodded quickly as Cat whispered that she had to sit on Ryan's legs, doing so quickly. Grabbing hold of them then placing herself onto them just for added bonus. She was slightly concerned as to just how painful what was going to be was that would require both her AND Nick to hold him down, Kat meanwhile was nowhere to be seen, even though she'd be a FAR better candidate for manual labor or strength needed. But it was how it was and how it was wasn't very good at all. Although it was going to help Ryan so she was going to comply, as this usually wouldn't be her thing in any other situation.
Ryan knew this wasn't going to be fun, and he felt that normally he could keep his calm in tense situations. Maybe it was the intensity on everyone's faces, in their voices, or maybe it was the disorientation...but he found himself squirming. It was an uncontrollable instinct to struggle against them, especially because of the searing pain in his shoulder as the wound was cleaned, the smell of alcohol filling into his nostrils as he took in rapid breaths. He swore he could practically hear the sizzling.

The man was trying his best to keep his mouth closed, to keep the noises muffled, his teeth clenched harder than they probably should be. "B-bite." Was all he could croak out, he wanted something to bit down on before his gums started bleeding and he just hoped they understood. Meanwhile his body fidgeted, he'd heard Nick whisper sorry and felt weight on his legs but he couldn't concentrate long enough with his eyes closed to register it.
Nick ripped fabric from his shirt and balled it up before pushing it into Ryan's mouth. He heard the word bite and knew what he was looking for.

His grip tightened as he could smell the alcohol and it burned his nose from the intense smell.

He knew despite being a calm and collected person, that Ryan would squirm, probably curse them all out and there would be bruises on himself and Rachel.

He was lucky that muscle wise Nick had Ryan beaten or else this would be a lot harder.


Cat finished cleaning the wound. The hardest part was next, holding the lighter she heated the needle until it was hot.

Squeezing the wound closed she began quick and precise stitching. Slowing down once the needle pierced skin.

She tried to go as fast as possible while being careful as Ryan thrashed. The smell of the wound being cauterized by her needle work was disgusting but necessary.

She just wanted this over as fast as possible. She knew that despite being rational Ryan would probably not really like her for a while.
"Hey..Ryan, it's gonna be fine. Trust me." Rachel said, not exactly sure on if she was trying to reassure herself or Ryan, more than likely it was both. And she was more than tense when she saw Cat finish the preperations and as she pierced Ryan's skin with the needle. Rachel prepared herself for what was going to happen next, this is probably gonna hurt..a lot. Rachel thought, she wasn't exactly Katalina, she couldn't take a kick or a punch, and she wasn't strong enough to hold someone his size down, especially when they were in excrutiating pain, that would just make their reaction worse. But she was going to try.

Kat had since woken up from her 10 minute nap inside the tank after a session of self-pity and the usual hating the world stuff, opening the hatch as she just barely caught a glimpse of Rachel's blue hair from inside one of the tents, hopping out of said tank as she jogged into the tent, a smirk spreading across her features as she saw what was about to happen. "Boy, this sure looks fun." She said sarcastically, although she was taking genuine pleasuring in seeing this, it distracted her from her own internal pain she guessed, and sometimes physical, as she was prone to headaches, strolling over to Cat as she began to shove her needle into Ryan, she waved at the man who was laid down, and kept there. Saying "It'll only hurt a lot, don't bitch."

(Sorry for the posting time :/ )
(It's fine. :])

Ryan was trying to keep still, he really was. Being rational, he knew what they we're doing was to help him and that it needed to be done but his body didn't seem to be on the same wavelength as he struggled or jerked on occasion. Thankful for something to bite on as cloth was shoved into his mouth, he kept his eyes closed and tried to drown everything out and focus. Easier said than done with a needle piercing the skin next to a stab wound. God he hated needles. Even while trying to drown everything out he could still hear the voices, Rachel's attempt to be reassuring as well as Kat's blatant could care less attitude. She could get an earful from him later, if he survived....If he survived!? Don't be so freaking morbid.

Maybe they should have just knocked him out, one clean shot to the face or maybe some Chloroform if there was any lying around. It would have saved them alot of trouble and saved him alot of pain, not that it mattered now with how far they'd gone. Best to get it over with.
Nick grunted as he could see Cat go to work. He could also feel Ryan squirming slightly to avoid it.

His grip tightened as he tried to hold him in place.

Hearing Kat a small part of him mentally thought "
C'mon Kat help us out here"

He grunted as he saw the stitching was finished and the stink of alcohol filled the air again.


Cat finished the stitch and soaked it with alcohol again to make sure it was clean.

Once that was done she examined the raw wound and looked thoughtful.

Ryan it is not infected but let the air at it and no guard work for you just in case"

Cat washed her hands from a canteen of water and with a nod confirmed the job was done.

"Rest up because that was not easy to go through, Nick your on nurse duty"
Rachel would be lying if she said that Ryan's somewhat frantic moving, although it just being a natural reaction to the sudden pain, hadn't nearly sent her flying a few times, only when she actually hissed at the pain she'd recieved from an unfortunately well placed kicked from the larger man that had both scraped off her wrist and hit her in the waistline, that Kat had actually decided to help, holding down the man's legs forcefully, keeping them very well in place and no longer requiring Rachel's assistant, Kat used her surprisingly muscular arms to keep Ryan's legs in place until it was over. Rachel sighing as it ended and Kat groaning in annoyance as she rolled her eyes. "Glad that's over." Rachel said, Kat shaking her head as she folded her arms and saying. "Pfft, that wasn't nearly as fun as I thought it was going to be. He didn't even flip out that much." She complained insensitively in regards to her fellow group member's state. Earning her a light punch on the arm from Rachel.
Ryan let out a long relieved breath after it was over, though the wound was still stinging like a son of a bitch. The man was mentally and physically exhausted from the encounter, he opened his eyes briefly at Kat's words and raised his left arm to flip her off with as much of a smile as he could muster before letting it drop back down. "Thanks...." He muttered towards all of them in general before closing his eyes again. I'm just going to rest a minute and then I'll be up again, no biggy. Was what he'd wanted to say, instead turning into internal monologue, he didn't even have the heart or energy to tell Nick to get his ass up.
Nick breathed a sigh of relief as Cat finished her work, the girl was like G.I Jane the way she worked.

Thankfully it had been a regular knife and not something that was infected or else Ryan might be dead right now.

Nick was not going to lie about his feelings for Ryan, true they had been playfully flirting a few times but this had been too close.

Letting his hold relax, he simply held Ryan with his chest to Ryan's back. The others had left the room so that Ryan could rest.

Thinking Ryan was asleep he began to talk

I know we play around and joke but I really do like you, a lot and I guess today kind of gave me a scare so for god sake be careful, I don't think I could survive constant heart attacks"

He gave a small smile and planted a kiss to Ryan's head.


Cat could see Nick had been rattled by the events that had gone down but thankfully they had been lucky, both in the type of attack and the wound.

She had left the room when the others did to give the two men some semblance of privacy.

Time would be of the essence regarding Ryan's recovery.

The girls would have to take up more look outs until Nick had Ryan back to full health.

Plus with Kat and her tank they were ok on the defensive front at least.

Nodding to herself Cat would begin to fix any holes in the fence.

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