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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

As everyone else went about their business, doing their own part to contribute, Kat sat away from the others and their work, contemplating in her own mind about why she even bothered if all she did was get people to go against her, that's all she was apparently good at, getting people angry or scaring them, sometimes both, yet they never said it to her face, always talking behind her back rather than being a man and actually confronting her about it, but of course Rachel wasn't like that, or was she? Kat didn't know what she could believe in anymore, so she simply retreated from the sociableness of everyone else and sat in her own little world, angry at the one outside of her own for various reasons, most illogical, but emotions did tend to override logic.

Rachel stood up, patting herself down as she followed Cat into the bathroom, watching over her as she worked on the shower curiously, she enjoyed observing others as they worked, it was how she learnt a great deal of what she knew now, she liked to remain at the sidelines, simply observing rather than getting into it, it means that she could learn from mistakes she never did by looking at the mistakes of others and making sure not to make the same ones that they did, it was a good system, and it worked, so she spoke up to Cat. "So, what'ya doin'?" She asked, knowing the answer, but just trying to start a conversation.
Ryan looked over his shoulder at Nick with a smirk, "That your way of trying to tell me I smell? Cause I didn't hear you complaining last night." He started pacing around the area in a small circle. "There's one." Ryan pointed out, as a corpse stumbled it's way in their direction around a few trees likely drawn by the chops. "I've got it." The man moved towards it while trying to keep an eye in the vicinity.

When the two closed in on each other he raised a leg up to kick it off balance. It snarled as it stumbled backwards tripping over a root, and Ryan moved around so that he stood near it's head. It reached out for his leg and he simply crouched down and drove the blade through it's skull. Pulling back out of it's now flimsy grip and wiping the machete against the walkers shredded clothes to clean it before turning around and heading back towards Nick.
Cat grunted as she tried turning the wrench

"Trying to get us working showers so we dont have to go so far to wash"

She went back to work for another while before shouting to Rachel

"Try starting the shower Rach"

Cat could tell she was starting to see Rachel as a little sister and it bought a tear to her eye at the thought of it.


Nick panted as he could hear the fighting.

Finishing the chopping he turned around, a moments panic in his eyes before he saw Ryan was unharmed.

"Ready to head back, I think it is time I start my wooing by cooking something to eat"

He gave a playful wink and began to pick up the wood.
Rachel nodded and jogged over to the tap controlling the shower, stepping away from it as she twisted it, some water coming out as she jumped back in a fright. "Oh crap that was close, nearly got drenched. "She said with a laugh, looking gleeful at the sight of running water, a bright smile on her features as she looked over to Cat and noticed that she wasn't sharing the same happy demeanor, lookign concerned now as she turned the tap off, walking over to Cat now as she went over next to her, patting her on the shoulder. "Hey, Cat what's wrong?" She asked curiously.
"Oh boy, you've learned the way to my heart is through my stomach. Whatever will I do?" Ryan said with a sarcastic grin, before crouching down and scooping up what was left of the wood.

When the view of the base came into sight the man glanced at Nick as they we're walking, "You give any thought to Kat's offer? I don't mean to pry, just curious is all. You don't have to talk about if you don't want to."
Cat shook her head at Rachels question

"I'm fine..just remembering some things thats all"

She explained, leaving the details out of it. Cat was too private a person to open up so much to someone.

"At least we got a working shower, thank god, all we need now are towels"


Nick winked playfully and gave Ryan a nudge before looking thoughtful.

"I don't know I mean I don't believe in that whole thing"

He looked unsure but decided to push it to the back of his mind for now.

"Now come on, I got Mac n' cheese to make and a heart to win over"
Rachel looked around for a moment and shrugged at the mention of towels, not really knowing where to get said towels from. "Um..I don't know where we could find them." She admitted, then noticing the layout of the shower room, it made sense since it was an army base, but still.. "Hey..since, y'know these military showers are together..are we gonna go in-front of each other orrr?" She asked, being genuinely curious, it shouldn't have been the first thing that came to her head but it did so that was that she guessed, stretching her arms now as she focused back onto Cat now.

Kat stood up from her position sitting by the truck, looking around now as the reminder of the tank came into her head, quickly jogging out to the mainish area of the base she noticed the tank, running towards it and climbing onto the front of it, opening the hatch without much difficulty and hopping inside it, closing the hatch over she sat inside of the large tank now, looking around the controls, she turned a wheel and she heard the mechanical whizzing of something as the turret moved slightly to the left. Kat now smirking.
It was clear to Ryan that Nick didn't want to talk on it too much so Ryan didn't pursue the thought, instead walking on back to the base. "I'm telling you now, you screw up the Mac n Cheese and you might as well not even try to woo anymore." He said jokingly as he closed the gate behind them. A few of the dead had followed after them and we're nearing the fence, deciding to deal with them after he put the wood down and kept moving. "So you can cook, here's to hoping you can cook good."
Samantha Walker

Samantha sprinted through the woods as fast as her feet could carry her; Her little heart beat like a base drum in her chest, pounding against her ribcage with each step she took. jumping over dead trees and ducking under branches in order to push forward. She was panicked; A few minutes before she was raiding a house for supplies and suddenly a horde of them came out of no where, forcing her to sprint for the forest line or become a personal chew toy for the walker's rotten teeth to enjoy.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Creek_and_old-growth_forest-Larch_Mountain.jpg.43ebe07c745fbf3f0cceef9dcb0b4d14.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64526" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Creek_and_old-growth_forest-Larch_Mountain.jpg.43ebe07c745fbf3f0cceef9dcb0b4d14.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

With her pistol in hand, Samantha was making her way to a new, hopefully, safe place to rest her head and maybe catch up on some sleep... Yeah... That'd be real nice...'



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Cat shrugged at Rachel's question.

"I suppose we can have the two couples shower together and I shower alone, keep some sort of dignity for ourselves"

She winked playfully and sat next to Rachel and sighed

"I got a bit emotional because you remind me a lot of Laura, She loved to help people, always did. and very optimistic"

Cat smiled sadly

"What I am trying to say is, I'm here for you, if you ever feel overwhelmed or anything come to me"


Nick smiled, feeling relaxed around Ryan as he turned after dropping the Wood in the storage box.

"Me?, cook well?, clearly you doubt my talents sir"

He winked and lifted Ryan like a Princess and began to carry him inside, laughing as he did.

It felt weird laughing at a time like this but he felt optimistic for once.
Rachel smiled cheekily at Cat's first answer, but then once again turned more concerned and after Cat had spoken Rachel engulfed her into a tight hug, giving her a few pats on the back softly, and happily announcing "Don't you worry about me, it's more like I'M here for YOU." She said with a bit of laughter, now pulling away and giving Cat a kiss on the forehead, obviously having to pull her down a little bit due to the height difference, then smiling once again and saying. "After all, we're friends." She finished off with, allowing Cat to know that it wasn't just one sided.

Meanwhile Kat was too busy driving the tank up and down the base again and again, in a childish joy as she opened the hatch and climbed out, looking around for a bed sheet now, obviously finding one in one of the barracks that was still unoccupied she grabbed the white bed sheet and ran into the offices, grabbing a permanent marker and running over to the tank again, now writing onto the bed sheet, finishing and hanging her master piece on the side of the tank. Now climbing back inside it as she closed the hatch and took a cat nap. The bed sheet stating "Kat's tank!" With in brackets below it (So fuck off.) In smaller writing, a well done drawing of Kat giving whomever may look at the bed sheet the middle finger.
Dropping the wood in the box he turned and found Nick moving around all of the man's defenses and lifting him up, "Alright, down boy." With a teasing growl he pulled himself out of Nick's grip so that he was standing. "You've got cooking to do and I've got cleanup duty." Smiling as he left Nick to his thing before heading back out to the fence, reaching for his machete to deal with the dead lined up he let out a groan as he realized it was missing. Son of a...

Closing his eyes out of sheer annoyance he thought about where it should be, and it was most likely back at where they'd chopped the tree down. Bending over to get the wood he probably set the machete down for a second then forgot about it completely. The man picked up a piece of rebar from the ground and drove it into the skulls of the dead that waited by the fence. "Making a run back out!" He called out, towards the inside of the base, though honestly he had no clue if anyone had heard him. Especially Kat who had seemingly decided to make the inside of the tank her base of operations, and either sulk or conspire, he wasn't sure. Either way, It was a quick run and grab, no big deal. So he slid out of the gate and started jogging back towards the treeline.
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Samantha Walker

After sprinting for quite a time, Samantha ducked behind a decently big tree and sat against the trunk panting. Quickly she reached around and grabbed her the hilt of her knife and unsheathed it, gripping it firmly. She knew she was being followed; while she was running she could hear other footsteps not far behind. Still breathing heavily as she sat against the tree completely unaware of the Machete lodged into the tree just on the other side.

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Cat chuckled and hugged Rachel back,

"Awwh thanks, want to head for something to eat?"

She asked the other girl as they left the showers and passed the bathroom, heading for the kitchen unit which was more or less a stand alone cooker.

Reaching there, she saw Nick already cooking Mac n' cheese

"Ooh cooking for the husband"

She grinned.


Nick rolled his eyes and blushed

"shut up and you"

He turned to rachel

"Do not start and join her"

He gave an embarrassed smile before returning to cooking.
Rachel smiled brightly as she followed Cat from the showers where they once were into the kitchen, the two encountering Nick, who was cooking some Mac n' Cheese by the looks of it, she sniffed in once, nodding as she said "Smells good." She hadn't smelt food like that in a while, it'd be good to have some, perhaps she could ask Ryan to share a tiny bit, or actually check the truck for more, hopefully there was, she couldn't stand anymore of those horrible military rations, the same rations that Kat said weren't bad to eat at all, something in which confused Rachel to no small extent, then looking over to Nick as he spoke towards her, stepping closer to Cat and nudging her palyfully in the arm. Saying "Weeeeellll I don't know, her side DOES seem pretty good to be on."

Kat had been sleeping in the tank until she had moved in her sleep and had banged her arm off of the metallic side of it, grunting as she opened her eyes up now, she'd hit her elbow off the side of a metal made box, the box now opening as it didn't have a lock on it, Kat looking into it as she rubbed her arm, now growing into a mix of both excitement and surprise, she hadn't expected to see this here, she took out a small plastic bag with a grass like substance inside, looking around on her person to see if she had what she needed, groaning in annoyance as she found out that she didn't, opening the hatch and popping her head out of it. Banging her fist off the side of the tank as she called out "Hello?! Anyone listening, I need a lighter!" Rather loudly, in an attempt to get some attention, to lazy at the moment to leave the comfy security of her tank.
Ryan grumbled as he stepped between the trees in the wooded area. The place where he and Nick had gotten the firewood had to be around here somewhere. Usually having a much better sense of direction and geography left him getting more and more frustrated as he moved on. Eventually he saw movement, it looked like the dead kind of movement but honestly he wasn't sure. Whatever it'd been his curiosity was drawn to it, he'd been stepping as lightly as possible when he noticed the machete sticking out of the tree. "There you are." He said smiling in surprise he reached out and jerked it from it's perch.

There was some shuffling of leaves not too far off, he could hear the movement that told him there was something close by. It was coming from the east, so he poked his head gingerly around the tree to see if he could spot whatever it was in the distance.
Samantha Walker

Samantha sat against the tree with her knee's pressed up to her chest. She was in a mild anxiety attack and it only seemed to get worse as she breathed unsteadily. However, Anxiety is something she has always been able to overcome, even in the worse conditions. In her condition she didn't pay attention to the footsteps, all she knew was she was hidden thanks to some conveniently placed bushes that wrapped around the tree she was against.

Sitting there in silence beside her unsteady breathing; With her knife held tightly in her hand she waited. Knowing a walker or two was hot on her tracks she would wait and catch them by surprise if she managed to calm herself first. 'You're used to this! Why are they setting you off!" was all she kept telling herself as she attempted to pull herself from the mental attack against herself. Just as she had calmed herself she saw a figure step from around the tree's. This was it.

Quickly she sprung from the bushes in complete silence except for the rustling of the leaves. She was originally aiming her blade for the males skull until she realized he wasn't a walker. Which then in the attempt to stop, but with her knife already plummeting towards him. All she managed to do was re-adjust the knives direction and end up stabbing him in the left shoulder. As soon as she felt the blade rip through his flesh she stepped back with her hands covering her mouth, "Oh... Oh god... Mister I... I thought you were a w-walker... I..." she could feel it reforming, her breath slowly becoming more and more unsteady as she stepped back until her back met a tree as she looked at the male that still had her blade lodged in his shoulder.
Cat grinned and nudged Rachel playfully

"Come on now, he is cooking for his husband. but seriously did you make enough to share?"

She asked as the smell was getting to her, after basic rations, this stuff tasted like cheesy gold.

wiping her hands she went and sneaked a peek at the pots contents before hearing Kat outside.

Raising her eyebrow and looking to Rachel she followed the other girl outside.


Nick looked curious once he heard the shouting but paid it no mind as he resumed cooking.

He figured Rachel and Cat got it covered. He had found some metal containers used for food and after cleaning them he dished up food for everyone and even had some left over. He stuck some plastic forks in them and went outside to call the others.
Rachel gave a light laugh as Cat continued to poke fun at Nick, before moving onto how much he was making, Rachel definitely wanting to know more about how much food they were gonna be getting, she needed some good food inside her for once, and not more of those crappy rations, Rachel had heard Kat's yelling from outside, and clearly Cat had heard it as well, as she raised and eyebrow and had left the kitchen to go outside and see, Rachel quickly followed her, giving Nick a wave as she left, now seeing Kat's head poking out of the hatch of her self claimed tank, she stood next to Cat.

Kat had noticed the two coming out to respond to her yelling, Kat then turning to face the two and non-chalantly asking. "Sup, one of you got a lighter?" She asked, arms folded on the front of the tank now, supporting herself up as she waited for the response, Rachel had shook her head with a shrug, obviously she wasn't going to have one, Rachel wasn't that type, at least that's what Kat thought, Catrina however, maybe, she still didn't know much about the girl.
Ryan heard the nearby rustling of leaves and had planned to step back away from the tree, then someone was in front of him lunging at him and for a brief second his mind said Walker, his arm going up in a close ranged panic before he realized it was another human, a young girl. The machete might have accidentally gutted her had she not sunk her blade into his shoulder, leaving the arm immobilized as the weapon fell to the ground and his arm went limp. The searing pain of the blade cutting through flesh, tissue, and muscle causing him to cry out and half stumble back with his other hand shooting up to grab at the shoulder.

His hand wrapped around the hilt of the knife, watching as the girl slunk away until her back hit the tree. By the look of horror on her face it was clearly an accident, likely thinking he was a walker himself. Ryan was panting as he gripped the knife and pulled, he knew he wasn't supposed to, that leaving it in was the smarter decision but he wasn't being completely rational. Throwing her blade to the ground before clutching at the bloody wound and pressing against it he winced, That's a really long blade... he said looking down at the knife on the ground, knowing almost the entire length had been inside his shoulder. "I-It's fine I just..." He started, trying to keep himself calm and her at the same time. It's clearly not fine. There was movement on his right, he turned to see dead wandering their way, likely drawn by his earlier shout and he cursed under his breath.
Samantha glared at the male in pure horror, however, when he assure her he understood it was an accident her heart began to calm it's racing rhythm "I... I have gauze..." she turned her back off her shoulder and began to rummage through it until she was able to find what it was she was looking for. Pulling out the Gauze she looked at him before walking over, grabbing her knife off the ground and re-sheathing it "W...We have to hurry t-there were walkers following me.." she grabbed his shirt and quickly ripped the sleeve of his shirt off and re-tied it really tight across the wound in order to stall the bleeding; After that she wrapped it tightly in the rest of what little gauze wrap she had left. She owed him that much, "A-Are you going to be okay Mis-"

She was unable to finish her sentence due to a walker interrupting her by throwing itself on top of her, forcing her to the ground. With her forearm pressed against the walking corpse's throat in an attempt to keep it's teeth away from her flesh as she wrapped her legs around it's waist before forcing it onto it's back. With a quick instinct now having the advantage, she grabbed the hilt of her blade and unsheathed it once more. Spinning it in her palm so the blade was underhand, Samantha didn't think twice before sending the blade directly between the walker's eyes causing it to 'die' and stop struggling under her.
Cat looked confused by the request, but shook her head, she had no lighter on her

"Um Kat where did you find that?"

She asked as she gestured towards the tank that Kat was poking her head out of at the moment.

Kat seemed to be a random magnet, drawing them into unusual situations like getting a tank.


Nick just took one look at Kat in the tank and burst out laughing, only she would manage would manage to find a tank.

Looking around he went from laughing to concerned

"hey wheres ryan?"
Kat shook her head and said "It's my tank, you're not getting it." Before lowering herself back inside the tank and closing the hatch over above her, locking it as she went back to daydreaming random scenarios inside the tank, whilst also wondering where she could possibly find a lighter, or paper, well there were office buildings here, so both of those two might be easy, perhaps Ryan had a lighter? Well, it sucked that she couldn't find one, so she simply sat down in her self-claimed tank and went back to doing what she did best, moping around in a kind of huff.

Rachel shook her head at Kat's question, then looking over to Cat as she shook her head also, then asking Kat where she had gotten the tank in the first place, to which Kat responded rather indignantly before retreating back to her mobile residence that she'd probably be spending a whole lot more time in now if Rachel knew Kat well enough, which she did, a completely enclosed and cut off space is pretty much Kat's wet dream, she was always the type to prefer peace and being alone, or with only another person, which was usually Rachel. But she shrugged as Nick asked where his so called `husband` was, replying with "No idea."
"Do you know...how many?" He asked, she seemed genuinely afraid and apologetic about the whole thing and so maybe had a soft spot for kids. Hell he'd helped Constance, then ended up with Kat and Rey who both at separate times threatened his life, and finally Rachel, who'd been wondrous compared to the others. It was like the universe threw them at him Ryan had nodded as the girl had done her thing and patching up his shoulder. Grinding his teeth as she did so, in her necessary hurry constantly bumping and hitting the wound, he'd tried to keep an eye out but the one walker that had thrown itself on-top of her had come from his blind spot. Before he could attempt to aid her, she'd already gained the upper hand by flipping it over and ending it's life.

The man glanced over his shoulder, more we're coming, too many to handle. He would have pushed her up and along with a hand under her shoulder had he not been afraid of getting stabbed by her again. Crouching down he quickly retrieved his machete and sheathed it on his belt, "Let's go!" He called out in a hushed whisper. Awkwardly he reached his left hand under his left arm to retrieve his gun, it would be loud but with the injury he couldn't risk getting pinned. With the dead closing in on them he waved the girl on once more before starting to jog away, every bounce sending a jolt of pain throughout his entire arm and shoulder. This is the way back right? He found himself asking as he darted through the trees, now wasn't the time to be second guessing but he was having a hard time focusing with all that was going on. A part of his mind nagged at the question of should he bring her back to the base? But what was the alternative, leave her out here? Sure she'd stabbed him but still. "There's a camp, a place where we'll be safe." Screw it, if he ended up getting the chomp out here atleast she knew something was nearby, and just maybe Kat wouldn't shoot her on sight.

Growling as he passed by a tree, nearly bumping his shoulder into it, he wondered how he always ended up in these fucked up situations. What had he ever done?
Samantha Walker

Upon standing up and hearing him telling her it was time to leave, she obliged by wrapped his arm around the back of her neck, she wasn't big compared to him, but she was capable of holding him up as they limped quickly together throughout the woods. in whichever direction she was told to go towards the supposed camp which he told her about. With each step closer towards the base the more warm her gut grew out of excitement, she was soon to be safe for at least a whole day which was better than anything... Thinking in her head of all the things she could possibly do to relax for once. A hot shower, a warm cot or bed... a roof sturdy roof over her head, toilet paper instead of leaves.. She gave a delightful exhale as the base began to appear through the tree's as they grew closer and closer to their destination.

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