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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

Nick just grinned at Kat once the truth came out and decided to be a little teasing of his own.

Moving his arms around Ryan he pulled him in and gave a kiss to his neck

"hoping to see a little more maybe?"

His hands held Ryan in place but his eyes were on Kat, looking deadly serious.


Cat went with Rachel and began to search some rooms inside the first tower. She found a few rooms up in the higher floors but nothing too fancy.

"Anything down by you?"

She called down to Rachel as she checked through the drawers for anything remotely helpful to their idea.

They were looking for lodgings that could be secured along with a big enough area for everyone to do their own thing if needed.

(Sorry guys, never got the notifications update)
Kat gave a sarcastic laugh at Ryan's joke and said in a monotone. "Yeah I'm a fuckin alien in disguise." But then listened to what he had to say after that, growing more and more irritable again, then nodding her head slowly and saying. "Yeah she's got a pretty big fuckin' mouth all the time." Now giving off a subconcious glare, she folded her arms, and shook her head at Nick's question. "Like hell I'd wanna see you two fuck." Now intentionally giving him a glare, but then lessening when she reminded herself why the hell she had bothered to ask them such a tedious question in the first place. "But I do have something that could help you with your nightmares." She said, pulling out the flip phone and directing her gaze to the iPod and earphones that laid on the bed.

Rachel shook her head, but then sighed as she realised Cat probably couldn't see her doing it anyway, then called up. "No, just offices." She said, she'd found nothing at all, just offices, old lunches left behind, computers, desks, paperwork the usual boring, business, work stuff that was pretty important back in the day, and Rachel felt old just saying that, it wasnt even that long ago, if she could remind to just a few months ago, she'd be chilling with Kat in their college dorm in Manhattan, watching Netflix and eating shitty store bought food together, it wasn't productive but it was fun and time consuming, she sighed, looking down now as she reminised about better times. Awaiting a response from Cat if she wanted to give any.
Ryan let himself get dragged into Nick's game, not that he'd say no to another kiss to the neck. Though he had to keep himself from laughing at the fact that Kat was unfazed and uninterested, which honestly didn't surprise him. The man chuckled when Kat had pretty much moved on from the subject and gave Nick's clingy hands a playful shove away and smiled. "Kat's not that easy to crack. You've got to learn the right buttons to push." Then she was mentioning something that could potentially help with the PTSD and pulled out the phone from earlier.

Ryan cocked his head to the side following her gaze to the ipod and curiously picked it up, "What's your idea?" He asked while looking at the device in his hand.
Hearing Kat's idea about his PTSD, Nick perked up, keeping an arm on Ryan he listened to what Kat had to say it would be great to hear about her idea.

"Hit me Kitty-Kat, whats the plan here?"

He asked looking at the devices in her hands, Kat had an unusual way of thinking but sometimes unusual was the way to go.


Cat found nothing too interesting, Making her way back to rachel she shrugged.

"Nothing too great up there. Some bed rooms but nothing great, I think there is a bathroom downstairs but thats about it"

She shrugged before heading back to the next tower hoping that they would find something better than a few beds
Kat smirked and said simply. "Hypnosis." Didn't have to be a fucking genius to do it, and she was given all the correct equipment to do it, it was the perfect thing to do, just hypnotize him into not wanting to do it, and maybe after she could have some fun with it, Kat felt a sudden surge of power go through her, and she got really fuckin' excited, just imagining to have that level of control over somebody was one of her dreams, she loved bossing people around and being a control freak, and hated it whenever people argued back, she had gotten into a trance of her own just daydreaming about all the possibilities when Nick called her kitty kat, right step one remove that nickname from his fucking mind. "Don't call me Kitty-Kat, and the plan is to hypnotize you into not having nightmares anymore."

Rachel sighed as Cat reported back with nothing too interesting, nodding and following her over to the next tower, in hopes of finding something better, like a rec room or working bathrooms or shower rooms, locker rooms or bedrooms with NICE beds to sleep on, something better than what the barracks provided, Rachel would be happy with, hopefully she wasn't missing out on too much with her babe and the two lovebirds back in the barracks speaking of. "So, what did you and Kat do outside last night?" She asked, she'd given into the fact that she was probably jealous now.
"Hypnosis?" The idea sounded...experimental, and he wondered if Kat even understood how to do such a thing. Ryan's hand going to rub the back of his neck, "That's...something I guess. You know how to do that? It's a little creepy...and just like you." He turned to look at Nick to gauge the other mans reaction considering he was the one who would be deciding to try it or not.
Nick looked thoughtful, PTSD usually had long term effects but he was still wary of trying to do something different

" Let me think on that for a while, lets get something to eat i'm starving"

Nick led Kat and Ryan outside, looking around for where the food was stored.


Cat stepped outside and saw the others, Giving them a wave she stood with Rachel as the other three approached.
Kat shrugged, waving dismissively at Ryan's talking. "Pfft, it's not THAT hard." It really wasn't, be calm and gentle, and nice and all that shit, make em fall asleep..wait, Kat wasn't any of those things, she was loud, rough, mean the exact opposite, acting skills would definitely come in handy on this one, although she did agree with Ryan's observation of hypnosis being practically something she'd choose for a solution, which it was of course, then Nick had to be a buzzkill and ruin it for her, saying that he needed to think on it for a WHILE? Kat's patience was already limited, and he didn't even give her a time estimate, she knew it was a figure of speech `For a while` But she hated it. She wanted a time frame of when to expect an answer, not this BS. Kat glared partially and folded her arms, now looking over to Rachel and Cat, an idea forming in her head, that involved those two, and hypnosis. A devilish smirk appeared on her face as she leaned back onto the bed, now daydreaming scenarios.

Rachel walked in with Cat to the barracks again, after checking both towers, and finding nothing of any real importance or anything just cool to toy with or anything, they had decided to go back to the others, hopefully they hadn't missed much, she stood next to Rachel and had noticed Kat's smirk, it was directed at them, she raised an eyebrow before Kat lowered herself onto the bed, before Rachel sighed and dismissed the thought, whatever it was she'd probably find out anyway, in one way or another "So, miss anything?" She asked.
Kat's attitude towards the whole idea didn't exactly fill him with confidence and he pondered how Nick actually felt about it. The man wanted time to think on it which was to be expected. The fact that Kat immediately crossed her arms and already looked away as if looking for something else to think about told him she wasn't happy with waiting. Shrugging he looked at the others as the group came together once again, "Not much." The man replied to Rachel, "Kat wants to hypnotize Nick and..." His stomach growled right on cue, "Mentions of grabbing some food to which I will happily agree with."
Nick decided to let it go for now, to be honest since he had Ryan he had no real point in doing something about the PTSD as Ryans presence alone seemed to be enough to help him. Meeting the rest of the group he nodded to the idea of food.

"Yeah lets find something I am starving"

He began to walk with the group towards where the trucks of rations were. The idea of hypnosis in the back of his mind.


Cat began to explain what her and Rachel had found

"By the looks of things we found some rooms that are bedrooms in that tower along with a bad bathroom, we have not had a chance to get to the second tower yet we dided it was best to get some food"

They reached the trucks and climbing up onto the frame she opened the first box looking for the rations
Ryan had told Rachel that the two hadn't missed much, but that Kat wanted to hypnotize Nick, then from that sentence alone she quickly pieced together why Kat had been smirking at them, Rachel sighed and rubbed her forehead, Kat now sitting up from the bed, the two didn't even need to talk to know what both of them were thinking, Rachel would just need to be more on alert when around Kat then, and Kat would have to try harder. Rachel nodded in agreement with everyone else in the group's suggestion to all go get some food, bar Kat who didn't seem to have an opinion on the topic. "Yeah, some food would be good." The group quickly reached the trucks and Kat climbed up onto the truck along with the other Cat, both now scavenging through the boxes for rations, Rachel, Nick and Ryan standing next to the truck as the two girls looked for food.
With Cat and Kat up on the truck digging Ryan decided to hang out where he was beside the truck, turning around and leaning against it. "Steak would be nice." He called out to the two them as a request, "Or some mac n cheese. That's something I miss." He was guessing with this being military rations there'd be no such things inside, so honestly he was joking. Anything would do, he'd eaten more than his fair share of food that hadn't tasted like anything he'd ever wanted to even smell.

Back at the school there was this girl who mixed together something like slop, nobody complained in the cafeteria area. But everybody complained behind her back, it was foul, but they all knew it contained the nutrients they needed and that was enough.
(Sorry guys for some reason its not giving me notifications when this thread is updated)

Cat found some Oatmeal so that was a start. Surely there had to be something better than god damn oatmeal.

She opened the box underneath and found vaccum packed meat

"Score I found some beef"

She cut the pack open and the smell that came out was rotten

"Never mind its gone bad"

She shuddered as she opened another box and began to dig through the contents


Nick pulled out one of the boxes Cat moved passed and found bottles of water

"well we will be hydrated at least"

He put the box down and moved onto the next one

"maybe while Kat and Cat look through the boxes, the rest of us should start moving the food and supplies inside?"
Kat continued to casually look through the other boxes, blocking out most of what everyone else was saying in her own search for decent food, just finding bags upon bags of the same processed shit army food designed to last, but not designed to either taste nice or look nice, it really was just a food to keep you alive essentially, which they could use but having that food for any long period of time could drive anyone insane, it really wasn't good. Kat found a few boxes of bottled water, pushing them over to where Nick was so he could distribute more of them around if he wanted to. Meanwhile Rachel was just sitting down next to Ryan and Nick, laughing as he spoke about mac n cheese.

(Sorry for short post, had to go.)
(@The Dragon Rider maybe unwatch the thread and re-watch it? Or click mark all posts as read or something. I dunno.)

"Good idea Cuddles." Ryan said to Nick, lifting the box with the water inside and headed off to put them inside, once there he cleared some room on one of the sides so that they could store the supplies more easily before returning. "Just move anything good to the left side and anything spoiled to the right and we'll have this done in no time." He smiled, grabbing another box.

(I'm lacking inspiration today, poopy post.)
Nick chuckled and nudged Ryan

"Never going to let me live that down will you"

He began stacking the usable rations where Ryan had specified, opening them as he worked to see what they had.

Mostly non-perishable food and water and one or two spoiled boxes which he threw to the side.


Cat was busy opening boxes and sliding them out as she worked

She opened one and burst out laughing

"I don't believe it, Ryan you got your Kraft Mac n' cheese"

She looked at the horribly over processed food like it was gold, shifting it out

(did that just now fingers crossed I get a notification :P )
Kat groaned in annoyance and hopped off the back of the truck, now sitting down at the large wheel of it, looking down at the flip phone casually to distract herself whilst the others did whatever the fuck it was that they were doing, Kat had either forgotten or had pushed it out of her head as it was no longer important, she couldn't really be bothered thinking about which one it was however as she had gone off into a dazed state, no longer having the willpower to want to think to hardly about what useless shit those other whatstheirfaces could or couldn't be doing, she'd almost lost her grip of the phone and dropped it until a loud creak from the back of the truck woke her brain back up, must've been Cat walking, and Kat had noticed that the phone's display had been turned on. "Such a fuckin' idiot.." She spoke to herself quietly, turning the phone back off and shoving it into her pocket, now looking up at Cat as she continued to look through the crates of food.

Rachel chuckled and shook her head at the two, saying. "Cut it out you two, Ryan quit teasing the poor man." She said with a smirk, stretching her arms as she had been sat down against a concrete barrier that was sitting next to the truck firmly, about to begin waiting for a response from Ryan until she noticed Kat, supressing a laugh as she saw what her girlfriend had done, quickly stopping as she snapped herself out of it, knowing full on well that if Kat noticed, Rachel would never hear the end of it, if she even lived to hear the start of it that is. Kat was..embarrassed easily, to say the least. And moving around boxes of food surely must not have been helping her mood, Rachel knew it wasn't helping her mood, it was boring to watch, probably even worse to be doing.

(Longer post yay)
"Oh no no no. You will not be living it down, and I will not be cutting any slack." He told Nick and Rachel teasingly. This was the closest to normal it'd been for Ryan in a long time, and he was enjoying it. It was such a different dynamic with Cat, Nick, and Rachel around, not that Rey and Barnaby had been terrible company but it was just...different. The man couldn't help wonder how long it would last, until the inevitable came, something would happen and things would change. It always did.

"There is a god afterall!" Ryan called out over his shoulder at Cat mentioning the Mac n Cheese, as he was on his way with another two boxes towards the barracks. Once he returned he lifted another box, "Remind me again why some of us are doing the heavy lifting and some of us are sitting on our butts?" He raised an eyebrow at Rachel and nudged her arm with his leg as he walked by teasingly. Not honestly bothered by it.
Nick just rolled his eyes and chuckled

"And so we know the way to Ryans heart is mac n' cheese"

He lifted the last box and carried it inside

"So what now?"

He asked as he sat down next to rachel


Cat wiped the sweat from her brow and sat on the back of the truck

"Shes managing the effort"

She teased as she swung her legs slightly looking at the group. They had moved the stock to safety so what to do next she was not sure
"Because.." Kat started, at Ryan's questioning to Rachel as to why she wasn't doing any work. "She's a fine lady, and you're a grunt, so shut up and do the work." She continued with sternly, giving Ryan a rather harsh stare as she said it, not liking the fact that Ryan was essentially calling Rachel lazy, which she wasn't, she was hard working and if anything needed a break, as she was the one who always worked between the two pre-outbreak, and hadn't taken a break back then, so she deserved one now.

Rachel sighed at Kat's hostility to what was obviously a bit of teasing, facing Kat and saying "Well Kat, if you didn't notice he was just being a bit of fun, something I don't think you'd understand." Which was harsh by Rachell's standards but Kat was always like this when it came to anyone who wasn't her trying to bring a bit of happiness into Rachel's life, she treated Rachel like an objective that she was supposed to take and hold without anybody else getting it, and it got on her nerves sometimes. Then turning to face Ryan and saying "Sorry. And I'm not the person to ask Nick, perhaps one of the other two `fine ladies` wil be of assistance." She said to both Ryan and Nick as they both were needed to speak to, Kat then going in a huff and sitting on the other side of the truck now, out of sight.
"Don't be." He told Rachel as she apologized for Kat, waving his hand like it didn't matter. "She was defending your honor..so to speak, not that she needed to." He smiled with a shrug, "I doubt there's much she could say to phase me at this point." She did take me on a suicide mission afterall.

Brought out of his thoughts by the fact that he was called a fine lady he crossed his arms over his chest, smile still going. "Well maybe some of us should go out and collect some firewood. Never know when we might want or need a fire."
Cat nodded at the idea

"I'm going to leave the wood chopping to the big bad men, I will see if I can get that old shower system working. if so we might actually had a stable place to live"

She chuckled and headed back inside to look at the terrible looking bathroom. She definitely saw the potential to get it running.


Nick just nodded

"We are going to need an axe or something to get chopping and a few weapons"

Nick went and checked their weapons stock and pulled out a shot gun, checking it over before nodding to himself

"I'm ready when you are"
Rachel folded her arms and simply gave Ryan a confused look, she was confused as to why he would tell her to drop it after Kat had just got on his case like that, but it only lasted until he stated that there wasn't much she could say to him at this point, which she had to agree with, she must've said some other horrible stuff to him before Rachel arrived, but she was still struggling to agree with him on how she was defending her honor, Kat was always one to jump the gun and get ahead of herself whenever it came to being aggressive towards people, and it annoyed Rachel most of the time, but for now she'd let it slide, perhaps she'd need to have a talk with Kat later however, speaking of she was still hidden away behind the truck angrily mumbling to herself, more than likely complaining about everything.
"Oh well Nick can do the chopping then." Ryan smirked and opened his jacket to show the weapon holster undernearth, "Never leave home without it." He started walking towards the gate, "Well then we'll be going out." He said loud enough for the other three to hear, in the event somebody else was interested in going or just had something to say. Opening the gate the man stepped out after scanning the area nearby a moment, "Let's just hope it's a quiet uneventful morning in the woods." He muttered and almost regretted it, in case he jinxed them. Walking out and crossing the road he unsheathed his machete heading for the wooded area.
Nick nodded and went along with Ryan until they were in a clearing in the nearby woods

"You got lookout?"

He asked Ryan as he began to chop the nearest tree which was not that big until it fell over, once it was down he began to chop away at it, breaking it up to blocks and sticks of wood, a fine sheen of sweat building up as he set about his job.

"I hope to god Cat has that shower working"


Cat picked up a toolbox left in a maintenance room and began to work on the bathroom.

She wanted to make it somewhat livable and running water would help in a big way.

She set about the shower first as no doubt many of their group would love a shower.

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