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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

Nick nodded along

" A photographer, you must of seen some interesting things well. before this"

Nick listened to Ryans question.

" Well I had been stationed further north going over supplies stored up by the army when the whole mess went down. I loaded up a trucks worth of supplies and drove, the plan was to hit south and along the way hand out supplies and get a boat and just take off. But along the way the long range phone here picked up Cats so I diverted and got here thinking she was alone but then I met you all"

He shrugged as he kept walking. He ran a hand through his hair. He was attracted to Ryan and not just in the physical sense but flirting really was not his strong suit.


Cat shrugged

"Physically I can see that both of them are attractive and I know Nick and what he likes, but Ryan I do not know well enough yet so all we can do is watch, wait and tease them relentlessly when we think they need a push"

She hoped Nick would find some happiness since things were not too great for him right now.

"Nick has mild PTSD, not enough to affect him during the day but by night he has nightmares. I read somewhere that having someone there with you while sleeping is enough to help but Nick never got that kind of relief and that's part of why I think Ryan and Nick will work out, they are both caring well from what I can see"

She looked thoughtful for a moment.

"Nick is family orientated so do not be surprised if he sees us as a sort of family now.Especially with what happened"
Ryan had to admit, talking to someone that wasn't a teenager was a nice change. Barnaby wasn't much of a talker, and Laura hadn't been around long enough to have a conversation. So to talk about something other than killing, missions, or teenage hormonal love was definitely nice. "I guess, seeing everything through a lens is different." Ryan cocked his head to the side, "Just hand out supplies huh? Very boyscout-like of you." Ryan furrowed his brow, he didn't mean anything by it. "No offense or anything" That just doesn't really happen anymore. "It's admirable."

"Sorry about that by the way. Losing your truck and supplies, I had no idea Rey would do something like that. Guess I'm a bad judge of character." He shrugged.
Rachel and Kat both agreed towards Catrina's guidance on how to make sure the two were to get together, it was pretty basic stuff that most if not all people learned from their high school years or from social media and or movies and TV. Kat adding on with "Or just relentlessly tease them constantly." With a smirk as she tried to find where they had gone from her position in the tent, to no avail, the two had gotten out of sight already, `Probably making out.` Kat thought to herself as she zoned out and stopped paying attention to whatever else Catrina said, focusing more on other things now, Kat's mind had gotten into a habit of zoning out easily whenever she felt like it and daydreaming when it suited her, usually leading to entire conversations missed on her part.

Rachel paid close attention to Catrina as she spoke, Rachel having her arms folded casually and glancing over to a bored Kat who was obviously daydreaming from the dazed look on her. She sighed internally and turned round to see Catrina again, nodding slowly in sympathy and understanding. "I know what it's like to have someone close to you with those particular problems.." She said rather quietly, not wishing to induct Kat into this particular part of the conversation, as she had a tendancy to take things the wrong way and get rather hostile whenever they were brought up, in-fact Rachel was taking a risk just mentioning it. But Rachel liked the thought of them being one family, especially with the internal hell Rey just put them through. It was good to stick together in hard times.
Nick nodded and gave a grin, giving a mock salute

"That's me the boy-scout"

He smiled and kept walking with Ryan, looking around the general area. The fence held up well despite what had obviously happened.

He looked back to Ryan as he spoke about Rey

"Don't sweat it from what I could tell about Rey he was the type to manipulate when it suited him"

He said as he continued to walk before abruptly stopping and catching Ryan gently by the arm to stop him too

"Look I know this is strange, the girls pushing us together. I'm not going to lie either I do feel a sense of attraction to you as well but it does not mean I expect us to jump into each others arms. I want a chance to woo you"

He gave a cheeky smile as he carried on walking, taking a mental list of what was around the facility.


Cat saw the discreet looks rachel gave to Kat and understood.

She changed the subject while Kat was not invested in the conversation

"do you think we should move and find a more secure location?, I mean its a chain link fence holding them back"

She nodded towards the fence were a few of the dead were walking into it.
Ryan could see Nick taking interest in the place, "The military had abandoned the place by the time we got here. There we're uh..a few people here when we arrived." He remembered hearing the shots and arriving to see the bodies. "They weren't interested in making friends to say the least." Eventually Nick stopped, and grabbed him by the arm gently and Ryan turned eyeing him curiously and listening.

"It's not that strange, it's sweet in a way...and obnoxious in another." The man smirked, "Woo me huh? What if I want to do the wooing?" Had he just admitted his attraction too? Oh well. "I'm a fairly open minded man Nick." The two started moving once again and Ryan let out a deep breath. "I'll be honest and upfront. I'm not sure I want the things you might want, I'm not...um." He scratched at his cheek, being honest wasn't the easiest thing to do right now. "I just don't want you to get your hopes up."

He'd almost left earlier in the midst of the craziness. He had commitment issues in general and he knew it, he'd already almost left this group twice now. As the adrenaline started to wear off Ryan was reminded of the lack of sleep, and digging in the dirt earlier by the fact that he wanted to sit.
Nick nodded, listening to Ryan speak before stopping him. He could pick up on the nervousness a mile away.

"We could always woo each other"

He nodded when Ryan spoke again explaining why he thought it may not work

"I am a simple guy Ryan, at the end of the day I am not looking for some happily ever after out of a movie style love, in a world like this I know its not possible"

He pulled Ryan close gently and looked at him.

"I am just asking for a chance"

He kissed Ryan gently before pulling back again.
Kat had quickly moved out of the barracks, in search of the two lovebirds, as Rachel and Catrina talked about fuck knows what. She had heard them talking to each other from just around the corner and quickly hid behind a large barrel, due to Kat's slender form and small build she was very easily hidden fully by it, she poked her head up to see what they were doing, she couldn't hear the words properly but she knew they were being rather soft on each other, and then it happened, they kissed, Kat saw it, she smirked and continued watching to see what else would happen, her head popped up from behind the barrel curiously like a real cat would do.

Rachel looked over to the fence and sighed, she knew that it wouldn't protect them forever, even though she really wanted it to, she just knew it wouldn't. But then again, they could always find one of those gated communities, live a nice, quiet and safe suburbian life, kind of like the cliche ones in the movies, it'd be a huge distraction from what the rest of the world was really like and that was definitely what Rachel and more specifically Kat needed. She nodded and said. "We'll need to find somewhere new, but where? A gated community?" She asked, putting in her own little thoughts into the question.
Ryan smiled at Nick as the two split apart from the rather sudden lip locking. "You always kiss on the first date soldier?" Giving Nick an amused smirk, "Alright, you make a good case. We'll give the wooing a shot." Ryan ran a hand through his hair. "I will say I'm glad to know I'm not the last gay guy on earth though. That would have been depressing." He chuckled as they started moving along the course they'd set around the base, though there wasn't much left, they we're about to reach the tent the girls we're in once again.

"A chance sounds nice. We just see what happens, you know?" He nodded towards the barracks with a grin. "Maybe we should go back in before they think we're actually doing the deed."
Nick grinned and decided to get cheeky

"Oh I do more than kiss on a first date but lets be classy"

He grinned and put an arm around Ryans wait as they walked and decided to double back to the girls.

"I think we need to pack up and move on, the 5 of us need to find a more secure location"

He said as he walked, his arm around Ryan as they walked back, not spotting Kat hiding out, spying on them
Kat noticed that the two were heading back to the barracks now, but still hadn't noticed her. `Idiots.` Kat thought to herself before quickly crouch jogging back into the barracks, standing up once she was in there, patting herself down as her jacket had gotten crumpled from the crouching. "The two kissed, it's confirmed." She said with a smirk, folding her arms now and turning back to the entrance of the barracks, awaiting the return of the two lovebirds now. Rachel chuckling a little bit at Kat's news, wondering on what Catrina's reaction to the two already becoming closer than friends in such a short amount of time, in all honestly Rachel would've never believed that two people could enter a relationship so quickly, seemed a bit rushed if you asked her, but they were still happy.
Ryan rolled his eyes playfully at the arm around his waist, "Please tell me your not the clingy type." Ryan snickered, "This is a big change from that blushing guy you we're twenty minutes ago. Your confidence is admirable, let's just take it down a notch." Ryan pulled himself slyly from Nick's grasp. "But packing up and moving on? I mean I get it, this is a military base. This is a place any and every survivor or group, good or bad, will check out. But right now it's secure enough. If we pack up and leave, and we can't find a place then we risk losing everything." He shrugged his shoulders before turning and entering the tent.

"How was girl time?" Ryan asked as he moved to sit on one of the beds, happily getting off his feet and letting out a sigh of relief. "Soldier boy here wants us to hit the road." Nodding towards Nick entering behind him.
Nick grinned and let you go again

"What can I say I'm good with my hands"

He smiled and listened to Ryan's points

"Thats true security wise but Rey did not leave us a whole lot of resources to work with. I supposed while we can stay a while but we best fix up one of the trucks just in case"

Nick shrugged as they re-joined the girls


Cat shrugged, Kat had come back just before them and she had been braiding her hair to a high plait.

"pretty good, we all loove Taylor swift apparently so thats a plus"

Cat let her hair go and looked to the group

"So what do we do now?"
Catrina talked about them loving Taylor Swift, Kat hadn't mentioned anything that would lead to her assuming that she liked Taylor Swift, although she did enjoy some of her songs, not all but some were good to listen to Kat had to admit to herself, Rachel must've said something about it when she was off sneaking around, peaking in on Ryan and the new guy, who's name she still hadn't learnt's little private time. She was still somewhat excited about talking behind people's backs with information she shouldn't have gotten, if there was such a thing as girl instincts, that'd definitely be one of them. It'd been a long fuckin while since Kat had gotten to practically gossip about something, and that was a good way to relieve tension from her. Annoying other people was fun.

Rachel wondered why Catrina had thought that they all liked Taylor Swift, I mean Rachel loved her, and Kat somewhat appriciated her music but it was rather random, correct, but random none the less. But then again it didn't nor should it have bothered Rachel, and it didn't obviously. But Rachel didn't actually know what to do next, maybe a leisure like activity, something fun perhaps, relieve all the stress from the group, have some fun. "Why don't we do something fun for once?" Rachel suggested, as happy as always, much to Kat's confusion, she didn't have any idea why Rachel was always so happy, even though the situation definitely wasn't happy. But it was a nice change in pace.
Ryan shrugged not a particular fan of Taylor Swift himself, but to each their own. Ryan almost cracked a sarcastic joke about how it wasn't fun dealing with Rey and his bomb scare but felt it was too soon, especially for some like Kat. At the mention of doing something fun Ryan inwardly groaned a bit, firstly it meant he might not get to sit and rest like he wanted, and secondly what fun could be had these days honestly? When was the last time he'd used the term or even had any, it was odd to think about. Maybe it was back at the school...hard to imagine. He shrugged and let out a breath, "What exactly do you have in mind?" He wasn't against hearing Rachel out, though he wondered how the others would react. Nick and Catrina seemed in awkwardly good spirits after the events of the day, especially considering Catrina had buried her sister just hours ago.
Cat shrugged looking around the room. They really should be working on gathering resources but she understood that with the stressful time they had gone through that they would need something to unwind and relax.

"I don't mind, you have something in mind?"

She asked turning to Rachel. She could tell Rachel was a home bird type. Willing to do these activities in order to keep the group morale and spirit up when things seemed doubtful. It was rather admirable.


Nick just stood and listened to Cats lame excuse of how they liked Taylor Swift. He knew she didn't so one of the girls must have played spy and caught him and Ryan. Rolling his eyes he turned to face Rachel with the rest of the group, listening for her suggestion as to what they could do.
Rachel didn't exactly know how to answer or well more specifically what to answer WITH, she wasn't the best at organising stuff or being the kind of leader in anything really, that was more Kat's job. But she wanted to do something fun, she just needed to think, which she couldn't really, considering she hadn't had to think about fun activities since the outbreak occured, y'know due to the zombies, and supplies, and Kat's sanity, and getting kidnapped, the usual nowadays, unfortunately so that was true. She pondered for a bit on what to do before saying. "Well..you two." She started off, gesturing towards Nick and Ryan. "Could always get to know each other better, same with me, Kat and..Cat" She said, it felt weird saying Kat/Cat twice, so she needed to pause for a moment before saying it.

Kat listened to what Rachel suggested, to be perfectly honest, all she really wanted to do now was one of two things, A: Kill some infected with the M1 Abrams that was hanging around, or B: Fuck Rachel and Catrina..what? Kat was an honest person..most of the time..some of the time..little amounts of time..rarely, well she was being honest with herself now, but how would she go about these goals, she didn't know how to drive a tank or operate it, and she didn't know if Catrina would be willing to have a little intimacy with her and Rachel, then Kat realised, she'd just do both, driving a tank couldn't be that hard, and seducing someone couldn't be that hard to..right?
Ryan raised a brow towards Rachel, "Wasn't that what the security check was for?" The man shrugged as he scooted back onto the bed before lying back with his hands behind his head. "How's about I just take a nap and you all have your fun." He smiled upwards as he closed his eyes. "But if any of that fun involves screwing with me while I'm asleep I'll start breaking fingers." While he was teasing he seriously didn't want to be messed with while he was asleep. He guessed it was probably the first idea that popped into Kat's head and he also guessed that Nick could easily be roped into it by her, so he hoped threats would hold them at bay.
Cat nodded at Ryan's suggestion, they probably all needed sleep since it had been an eventful day.

"Good thinking, maybe we could go to sleep?, I can take first watch"

Cat looked around the room. Each of them was showing some signs of fatigue. They needed rest before gathering up resources.

Getting her guns, she moved outside the tents and set herself up on a perch.


Nick nodded in agreement, he could do with a nap right now, well more of a sleep than a nap.

Yawning, he threw himself onto a spare bed and within seconds his eyes were closed and he was snoring softly.

Despite his large frame he seemed to curl in on himself.


Before leaving the tent Cat threw a worried glance back inside at Nick.
As Ryan mentioned taking a nap, the first thing that popped into Kat's head was messing with him in some way, shape or form. But then threats started being dished out, he didn't take them seriously anyway, but she couldn't be bothered having him in a hissy fit over a fucking joke, so she put her mind to other things, she could tell that Rachel just wanted some relaxing time by herself, or sleep or both, which were kinda the same thing when it came to Rachel, so Kat volunteered to do what she did best, guard. She tagged along quickly with Catrina, giving a glance back to Rachel, as Rachel smiled lightly and sat back down onto her & Kat's bed. The two similarly named girls heading out towards the gate, Kat turned to face Cat now. "Something bugging you?" She asked, curious to what might be on the other girl's mind.

Rachel knew that sooner or later Kat was bound to make some form of move towards Catrina, but like in practically EVERYTHING Kat done, she always had her way, and when she didn't well..Rachel prefered to not think about that so she accepted the reality of the matter and moved on, since she knew that Kat's loyalty laid with her and not anybody else, she sat down onto the bed and smiled towards Kat as she strolled off to go on watch with the other girl, now turning towards Ryan now. "So, you don't think you might be going a bit to fast with Nick?" She asked, slightly concerned at just how quickly Ryan could fall into love with a man he had barely known for a day.
Ryan heard the others discussing whether or not to sleep, deciding to ignore them unless he heard his name. He'd just about drifted off when he heard Rachel's voice coming from nearby and peeked a lazy eye open. The man just grinned lazily and propped his head up on his elbow so he wouldn't fall asleep mid-sentence if this conversation was going to last longer than a minute. He started speaking softly so as not to disturb Nick but by the sound of his snoring Ryan guessed it'd take more than a conversation to wake him from his slumber. "Moving fast? You make it sound as if I'm in bed with him already. We went to check the fence, at you girls' teasing might I add." Ryan smirked halfheartedly.
Cat was outside with Kat and keeping watch, the area was strategically placed so they could defend it if needed.

She kept glancing back towards the tents every so often with a worried frown on her face. She knew about Nick's PTSD.

She watched the other Kat sit down next to her.

"Yeah its Nick, he has....he has PTSD, nothing major but when he sleeps, sometimes he will have vivid nightmares of being in combat. I just think that whats going on now may only make it harder for him"
Rachel shrugged as Ryan began speaking of her suggesting that the two had already been in bed, but then she shook her head. "No, no, no. I mean you did kiss him." But then she realised, he didn't know about that did he, fuck, now she'd have to either throw Kat under the bus or take the fall herself, both of which weren't to enviable, knowing how quickly Kat jumped to conclussions about people's intentions, and she'd most likely say something along the lines of `Aw you backstabbing bitch!` Or something hyper-aggressive towards Rachel, so she just had to hope that Ryan wouldn't put her in that position.

Kat sat down next to Catrina, looking at her and nodding her head as she spoke about the new guy, now known as Nick, finally she got a name for the guy. "Yeah..I bet it isn't easy." She said honestly, inching over a little closer to Cat before she spoke again. "But, maybe having Ryan will do him some good? Don't you think." She finished off with, looking to Cat to see her response to Kat's theory, she assumed that having someone close to him in that way would help.
Ryan narrowed his eyes at Rachel briefly, drawing lines on how she could have known about the kiss and opened his mouth, "I ju--" The man shut his mouth in a chomp, was he explaining himself to a teenager? Wait, what was there to explain? The man raised up a hand to rub at his forehead, "I should have guessed one of you would end up following us. I don't know Catrina well enough but she might have wanted to watch out for Nick, but my guess is that it was you or Kat." Ryan shook his head gently against the hand he was rested against, "First off I didn't kiss him, he kissed me. You want to lecture someone lecture him." Ryan smiled at her, "Besides he's not all bad, I mean he did something right since he didn't end up on his ass afterwards right? He just asked for a chance, to woo me, and I may have said I'd woo him back." He gave an eyeroll at how corny it sounded, and the fact that he was discussing this with someone who was probably almost half his age, not that he had many choices in someone to talk to these days.

Ryan gave it a thought for a moment and gave a little groan as his head fell off his hand and back onto the bed, "Am I being shallow?"
Cat nodded, She knew it was kind of a bad move pushing Nick and Ryan together but she honestly thought Ryan could do what nobody else could, help Nick with his PTSD. Sighing she looked back out at the surrounding area.

"While I think Ryan will help with that, I also think they will get on well. My instincts are never wrong on that front"

She gave a small smile before relaxing and watching the area.


Nick groaned and moved in his sleep. He was slipping back into a flashback.

His breathing was becoming rapid and his hands gripped the bed as his knuckles turned white.

He broke out in a cold sweat and let out a groan as he continued to toss and turn.
Kat in response to Catrina's talking gave her own slight smile, and moved towards her, punching her playfully in the arm as she began to look a little more serious with what she was talking about, which was clearly a serious topic. Kat saying "Well, what's the chances of us getting on well?" She said jokingly, then Kat herself yawning and rubbing her eyes, she hadn't had a good nights sleep in well over a week, and even then that was for a very limited time, well below the amount of hours of sleep she was supposed to be getting. Kat had two options, the ground, yeah-no, or Catrina, yeeahh, probably more comfortable than the ground for sleeping. Kat rested her head on the other girl's lap, now giving off another yawn and saying. "You keep watch, I'm too tired.."

Rachel smirked slightly as he made his guess on who would've followed him and Nick out. "You'd be right with one of those names." She said, but then paid close attention to the rest of what came out of Ryan's mouth, nodding intently as she listened closely, then saying. "Well, him kissing you is always a good sign." She said in acknowledgement to what he said, folding her arms as she leaned against the wall, sitting on her bed still. "Yeah, I know the feeling of having someone woo you." She said with a sigh, but a smile, shaking her head slowly. Kat wasn't exactly the most discreet when she flirted, sometimes Rachel thought she did it on purpose, which she probably did. But then she shook her head. "No, no, no. You're not, trust me. I was just..cautious, that's all." She said, then turning to Nick, a concerned look growing over her face now. "I think you should stay with him." She said.

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