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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

Rachel had been tightly hugged by the `army friend` she assumed, and accepted it happily, she hadn't recieved this kind of friendly greeting in a while, he didn't even know her and he still hugged her, she found comfort in this. But then of course it all had to go to shit, like usual, Caterina shot Rey, twice, which Rachel could understand as she was pulled behind the army friend for safety she guessed, her only concern was Barnaby. And whatever Rey might've been planning, she hoped Kat would show up and protect her, hopefully Ryan would be able to do something as well. Rey did look awefully supicous on his way past them, but they did outnumber Barnaby and Rey, so hopefully that might've discouraged the two.

Kat was in the midst of playing her guitar when she heard the two gunshots, growling in annoyance as she was taken out of her comfort zone, she grabbed her pistol from it's holster and slung her guitar over her shoulder, it hanging by it's strap on her back as she ran over to the barracks once again, slowing down as she began hearing Caterina's voice, Kat smirked as she pieced it together that Caterina obviously had shot Rey, twice though? Oh well, good for her, it's nice for her to be able to take out her frustration on that annoying little shit. Kat slowly poked her head around the corner, then she realised, Caterina had shot Rey, meaning Barnaby would more than likely attack Caterina, Kat raised her pistol to Barnaby. Standing a good distance behind him, flicking the safety off and saying to Barnaby. "Make a move, and I'll kill you Barnaby, don't think I won't." She was only interested in the protection of her team, Ryan and Rachel. Barnaby and Rey could no longer be trusted now.

Rey laughed. this was the bone chilling laugh that he was famed for at the mall. The one he used to strike fear into the hearts of the weak. The one that made him sound much older than a seventeen year old boy. He motioned to barnaby to help him up. Barnaby did so. Rey could still stand, but he sure as hell couldn't walk. "Oh, I think I am." He tossed the mechanism to his other hand, making sure in a milisecond he could blow everyone to molten shit. He kept it under his bulletproof vest, so if he fell, if he even moved in any way except the way he wanted to, the story would be over for all of them. There was no shooting him, or the mechanism, if Rey wanted to kill everyone, THEY WOULD DIE. His eyes burned brightly with insane light, his face not even showing a bit of pain. One of the shots had missed after all, and Rey was fortunate enough to be right legged. "I'm prepared to go out with a... Bang, lets say. Kat, you are going to put your gun down, other Cat, you are going to put your gun down. And everyone will be fine. You guys can survive off of what little we have left at the base, and the forest surrounding has plenty of opportunities." What he had done as well was on one of the radios still at the base, had wired some of the magnesium II fulminate to a detonator. The same detonator that was in his hand. Except there was two different pieces of metal, one leading to the transmitter, the other to the wire in his pack. "Now I tried to be nice..." He switched the mechanism to the detonator. The tower where his lab was exploded in a hellish inferno, but the blast did not reach the group. "...But you really are forcing my hand. Kat, Ryan, you know what I'm capable of. You've seen what I've done. You shoot me, you die. We all die. And Kat, you also know I don't lie."


Even barnaby jumped at the explosion that rocked the base. He didn't know Rey had even planned for this. "He's right you know..." Barnaby said quietly. "I'd give Rey what he wants." Barnaby was once again awestruck about how much Rey had planned for, and how much was going his way. Now in order for all of them, any of them to get out alive, the only way barnaby could see was them leaving.
Ryan had smiled at the newcomer and gave him a handshake, though he couldn't help but be cautious. A woman goes to where her sister dies and calls in a friend to bring supplies, a friend she'd not even mentioned until he was practically at the base? It was a bit unsettling, then Rey and Barnaby came out and Ryan found himself focused on the two of them. After they made it clear they wanted the truck Ryan was about to open his mouth to object, that's when the shots went off and Ryan drew his gun out of instinct. His head shooting a look at Catrina then back at Rey, "Are we fucking serious right now? Not even a warning shot?"

This was what he was afraid of, he didn't want to be here for this, he wanted to walk out of that gate here and now and not look back. He'd survived on his own before, he could do it again. Then Rey went on his I'll kill you all rant. He knew Rey was fucked up but would he really? Would they really kill him? Ryan didn't live in a perfect little world where he wanted everyone to live, but he didn't exactly want anyone to die either. "Half." He stated, his gun was in hand pointing at Catrina. He had no plans to use it, but she'd made it clear that she would, and if she did they would all die. Aiming at her was simple self preservation at this point. "You kill him, we die. I'm don't really like those odds." He kept his eyes on her though he started speaking towards Rey and Barnaby. "You take half of the supplies in the truck. It's just the two of you, that's more than enough."
Nick kept his gun trained on Barnaby, the first sign of an interruption and he would shoot with no hesitation. He was sure Rachel was behind him which was good, Kat and Ryan seemed able enough and he knew Catrina could handle herself. He kept his aim steady, right at Barnaby. you could cut the tension with a knife.


Cat kept her gun focused on Rey, this wasn't about her sister anymore this was about keeping them all alive. She remained silent as Ryan made the counter offer. She would let him be the negotiator here.
Kat almost instantly turned her weapon on Ryan after hearing Rey's suicidal bargain which in Kat's mind either way would end horribly for someone here, the only question was who. She had turned her pistol to Ryan after he made the offer of HALF of their supplies. "You backstabbing little shit, we're not giving them half!" She spat out at him, turns out he couldn't be trusted either, Kat hated feeling like a sucker, turns out he had betrayed her as well, Rey was no longer a concern at this point, they all were. Caterina, Barnaby, Ryan all of them. Apart from Rachel of course, but even then..would she still trust Kat after this? What if she didn't, what if she decided to go off with the agent and the other guy who had just appeared out of fucking no where. She didn't know who to trust now, they were all against her in one way or another. She was half tempted to simply shoot Ryan then and there. And then Rey, doesn't matter if she died.

"As for you Rey, you little shit. I was tempted to go all cliche and start saying `Aw don't feel bad for your past` And all that shit. But I'm pretty sure whatever happened for you to start acting like this NOW, it was supposed to happen. You deserved whatever you got you fuck, I don't care who died in your past, they deserved it, just like you do now. You deserve to die, so either kill yourself, or I will. Doesn't matter if we all die too, that's just a few less people in this world." She announced towards Rey specifically now, redirecting her pistol towards him again, Ryan's betrayal pushed to the back of her mind and replaced by taunting Rey about his past now.

Shit was going down. But Rey seemed to still be going strong. He might not have acted like it, but by the way Rey's eyes were shining, Barnaby knew Rey was in his element. He could practically see the wheel turning in his head. Barnaby kept his mouth shut, but he knew that he was the only thing supporting Rey, physically at least. And if Rey moved, he was sure that everyone would be blown to bits. Barnaby knew he should feel afraid. But he didn't. And not just since Rey was apparently in charge. Something had sparked in his brain, it had pieced itself together long before. At the moment he wiped the blood off his face at the diner, he realized. He was part of this world now. And he was a bit startled to admit to himself, that he was fine with dying. Nothing else mattered. Nobody else cared. Just him and Rey. Barnaby realized Rey was the only true friend he'd ever had. Brother. That's what he'd called Rey. That's what they were. Brothers. The term echoed in his mind over and over again, seemingly forever, until Rey spoke.


Rey barked out another rich, hearty, insane bit of laughter. "Well. Looks like I actually AM in the midst of a resonable human." Rey then turned to Kat, his head tilted back over Barnaby's shoulder, the clinical light seemingly intensifying if that was possible. "You're right sweetheart, I'm not getting half. It would be a reasonable offer, but i seem to have a bullet in my leg. In order to win, you need to hold all the cards. It's all or nothing, and I already hold everything. You're still forgetting who has their finger on the trigger, hahaha." Rey listened to what Kat had to say about his past. "No, nobody died. Nothing happened. I'm just mad. Aren't we all though?" That was technically not a lie. He was insane. And he was also a genius. That was the problem. Rey cracked his neck. How was that even possible in his position? "As for the thought of you actually having a shred of empathy, don't lie to yourself. You're almost as mad as me." The calculated, unnafected, humorus tone Rey spoke in was unsettling. "Look at Rachel. She hasn't said a word since I came out here. She knows. She's dealt with people like me before most likely. One of them being you." Rey cast a glance at her. He adressed her like they were two friends chatting over lunch. "Heh, look. The fear is so rank I can bite into it. How are you Rachel? Nice to see you up on your feet again after the meds I gave you." He turned back to Kat. "You might have been a good person. HAVE BEEN." He spat those words like they were hot coals. he knew they found their marks. "Even after I helped Rachel, you still have a problem. Theres a medical term for it. Manic depression. Bipolar disorder. Schizophrenia possibly. But the difference between me and you is I know I'm mad. You're just a lost little girl looking for something to hang onto. It's right in front of you. But now, it might end up pushing you away." Rey cast another grinning glance at Rachel, then moved his body back the way it should be, neck and back straight, eyes forwards.
He'd been surprised when neither Catrina or Nick turned their guns on him, but even with Catrina's silence he didn't change targets. Ryan rolled his eyes at Kat's name calling, he was doing this for them as well. It wasn't even their supplies yet, the truck had just arrived. Then she went off on Rey and Rey shot off back. "You two are acting like damn children." He said through grit teeth. It would also seem Rey had declined the offer, one that in his opinion was more than fair.

"Rey, I highly doubt anyone here is going to let you walk with all of the supplies. So unless you actually want everyone dead I'd suggest you re-think that offer. You want a few more medical for that boo-boo of yours then fine." The man snorted.

Barnaby caught a look from Rey. He obeyed, and released his grip on him. Rey swayed a bit, but his one good leg was still movable. Rey took a step towards the armored car, one leg moving, the other scraping behind him a bit.


"Ryan, I don't like that tone of voice. As for the children remark, I've said it many times, I'll say it again, we were all born the same day." He took another step towards the armored car. "And now is not the time to test me." Rey knocked on the hood of the armored car, "You are absolutely powerless. As for do I want people dead?" Rey chuckled. "That's your descision to make. I want to get the hell outta here. You do too. You knew this would happen Ryan, don't lie to yourself. You're a strong looking fella, you can make it on your own." Rey had one leg up on the top of the hood now, attempting to climb, wich was difficult for only one leg and one arm usable. "The question is, why did you even stick around this long?" He managed to hoist his butt up onto the hood of the car. "And it doesn't matter if you let me take whatever's in this vehicle. I'm taking it anyways. I'm off my rocker Ryan, mentally insane. But I still think rationally, and my rationelle says you'll live if you leave now. You'll also live if I leave now. And I never said you weren't welcome to come with me and Barbs, I'm cool with that. I have nothing against you really. You didn't try to put a bullet in me. Unlike someone." Rey flashed his gleaming white teeth at both the people whose names ended in AT. Rey was enjoying himself. "Barnaby, I'd like you to drive please."
Nick had heard enough

"Fuck this"

With a few well aimed shots he blew out the trucks tyres. the vehicle wasn't going anywhere anytime soon now.

"Think your little plan will work. Look around you each of us had lost a lot since everything went to hell. Think your little death threats will work?, fuck it might be a relief for some of us to die and if it stops you from leaving well thats just a bonus"


Cat kept her gun aimed at Rey, ready to shoot.

"Face it, by thinking we wanted to survive you gambled on that and lost"

She turned her gun from to Barnaby

"Say goodnight"
Kat's eye visiably twitched as Rey began making comments about her own sanity, and mental conditions. Her finger squeezing on the trigger, teeth gritting and fists clenching as her face grew flustered out of pure hate for Rey, about a milisecond away from killing him and in turn herself and the others before she was taken out of that trance like state of aggression by the gunshots from the unknown man, taking out the tires of the vehicle. Kat shaking her head and looking over to the man, Rachel immedinately running towards Kat, but at a distance away from Rey as to not provoke the already paranoid boy. And got behind Kat, wrapping her arms around Kat's hips as Kat slowly began to back away from the main group, knowing too well that this wasn't going anywhere productive or good.

She was so tempted to run to a safe distance with Rachel and just shoot him in the back, but even that had it's risks, Kat decided to back out of the situation while she still could, now that she had Rachel it didn't really matter any more.

"My turn!" Rey laughed, spinning out his uzi and shooting Cat in the back of the leg in the exact spot she got him. He then took out one of his knives and threw it at Nick's shoulder, giddy with pleasure that it had found its mark. "Hellfire and dragon spit and all that." He chuckled, turning his head almost upside down and looking at nick lopsidedly. "If you like me so much that you don't want me to leave, then I'm sorry, but if you love me let me go. Barnaby, fix the car please. And if any more guns are fired, my finger just might slip. Tell em Barbs! Heh heh."


Barnaby looked at the group and wiped his face. "Rey's saying you're expendable. Is that right?" Rey nodded. Barnaby took this as a gesture to continue. "He says that he can shoot you, but you can't shoot him without killing yourselves." Rey laughed maniacally again. "One more time!" He warned. Barnaby turned to get the tires off of the humvee.
"I come with you then what Rey? The moment we get far enough out you dump me like your dumping us now? I'm not up for being a means to an end." Then came more shots and Ryan growled, these two we're so trigger happy it hurt. Nick had a point about some of them taking relief in death, but Ryan wasn't about to go out like this. Kat probably wouldn't either, with Rachel back. The two strangers, who knew? He could see Kat and Rachel slowly retreating out of the corner of his eye, right about then is when Rey shot at Catrina and Ryan nearly pulled the trigger himself at the sudden gunfire. He was out of ideas and he was sorely tempted to do just what Rey said, and leave. He didn't think any of them would put a bullet in his back if he walked here and now. Except maybe Kat who was butthurt over his trying to save them all,

Ryan raised his gun in the air before holstering it. He was done pointing it at people. "You guys want to kill each other go ahead. I tried." He started moving off to the side, out of the immediate area, if things got any worse he was leaving.
Nick watched as Rachel and Kat backed away and Ryan did the same before he holstered his gun.

"He's got a point Cat just let them go, we make our own way. see who wants to travel together"

Nick looked to Cat and after a few tense moments she narrowed her eyes and holstered her gun as well

"Get the hell out of here"
Kat whispered to Rachel "This is why I hate people." And at this Rachel sighed a sad sigh, replying quietly with. "This isn't why you hate people Kat, and you didn't hate people before." To this Kat felt a little twang of hurt inside of her, but instead trying to focus on the situation at hand, Ryan had seemed to have had enough of this bullshit, Kat was as well, thus explaining her attempt to leave the situation quietly. Rey had shot and knived the two newbies to the...group? If it could even be called that any more, to this Kat had no response, except to lower her pistol. "Get the rifle.." She whispered to Rachel, who almost immedinately jogged into the barracks, everyone else being too wrapped up in their own business to mind her just yet. Rachel decided, wisely to take the back entrance of the barracks to leave, out of sight from the others. And run around the barracks, on the left hand side, so she would run out on Kat's side, in order to get behind her. Which she did.

Rachel ran out with the M4 in her hands, and ran to Kat's side, flicking the safety off as both her and Kat had made a very good distance away from Rey and the others, more specifically Rey, with a concrete barrier just infront of them which both could easily duck behind in the event of Rey's suicide bombing. They both stood on either side of the barrier, allowing for two guns at two very different angles to be centered on Rey now. Kat raising her pistol again. Jerking her head at Ryan now as a signal to come stand by them. "Rey, care to test your insanity? Do it, kill yourself. Now. Right here. AND..not with the explosives, if your oh so great plan is so great, then if you kill yourself even with your Uzi, then those should still go off." Kat said, gesturing to the bombs Rey had on his person. "So do it."
Cat looked over at Kat her eyes widened. Since being shot she was on the floor, more or less unable to move.

Taking an assessment of the others she saw Nick had a nasty wound which was starting to get to him.

With a brief nod to Nick she stayed where she was as she watched Nick back away with Ryan.

This was not looking good for any of them

Barnaby had finished replacing the tires and Rey was rocking back and forth on the hood of the car. Barnaby had to admit, Rey was one tough sonofabitch. Without a word to the others, not even a glance, he got into the drivers seat. He noticed Kat and Rachel were hiding, smart girls. He shook his head. He was sure they'd be allright, Rey allways had a plan.


Rey looked at each person in turn. "Glad we could all see reason. But then again, AREN'T WE ALL MAD?!?!?!" Rey's laughter was intoxicating as he stepped up into the passangers side of the armored car. Rey held onto the wire and dropped his pack, the wire sitll connected to his arm, still holding the battery. He slammed the wire in the door to hold it in place. He ducked under the seat when Barnaby tapped him with his toe. "Nice try gorgeous, but this madman has had his fun. STEPONITBARBS!!!" Barnaby did, and being one hellofa driver, swung the car in a 180 without hitting anyone and drove off. The wire was still in Rey's pack, but it fed out for those first hundred feet, still attatched. Rey was going to touch the battery to the wire, but instead he opened his door a crack and let it slide out, then shut it fast. barnaby turned a corner, and they were behind the treeline before anything could happen.
Ryan saw Kat's nod, he could see where they we're hiding and that she considered it safe. He'd started backing towards it, Cat and Nick we're both injured but he assumed if they worked together they could follow. But then he saw the unspoken agreement as Nick started leaving Catrina and Ryan gave him a raised brow. If Nick couldn't help her then the two of them together should be more than enough to get her to the barricade, if Rey permitted it.

But before anything could be said or done Rey and Barnaby we're in the vehicle and leaving. The wire was still going, and they we're still in danger, it was just a matter of if Rey would do it or not. Ryan froze, holding his breath, waiting for the explosion that never came. And eventually the engine of the vehicle died off in the distance. He glanced back over at Kat and Rachel, was it over? The man turned back to Nick and Catrina, "You two good?"
They both Nodded as Nick stepped forward and lifted Cat with ease before rejoining Ryan and approaching Kat and Rachel

"So what do we do now?"

Cat asked looking around the group of 5, they had next to nothing left and more than likely the explosion would attract any dead in the area.

They would have to think fast.
Kat and Rachel ducked behind the barrier as Rey and Barnaby drove off rather frantically, the wire still posing a threat, it was only after 3 minutes of hiding that Kat declared that the threat was low to none, and stood up from behind the barrier, Rachel standing back up with her. The two looking over to Ryan now who was asking about the condition of the two new additions, Kat was extremely angry that Rey had just taken off with a shit ton of supplies and an armored vehicle, and that he had gotten the best of her, no one got the best of her, and she wasn't about to let him be the first. She swore that the next time she ever saw him, that she'd put a bullet through his head, on sight. "Good riddance.." She spat out, spitting on the area where Rey had once been.

"If it were down to physical strength, Rey would be dead LONG before now." Kat announced angrily, Rachel shaking her head. "It doesn't matter, he's gone." She said, to which Kat glared back at her slightly, Rachel taking a step back in surprise, Kat had never done that to her before, she was slightly shocked at it, Rey must've been a rather sensitive subject, either that or the fact that anybody getting the best of her made Kat highly volatile.

Barnaby was sweating while he was driving. Rey sat up in the seat and handed him a napkin. "Thanks brother," Barnaby exclaimed, wiping the sweat out of his eyes. They'd done it. They had done it. Well, Rey had done it. "Rey, you are one smart motherfucker, you know that?" Rey nodded, his giant smile had diminished to his trademark wolfish grin. "You and that insane, bent logic sytem of yours. I love ya." Barnaby gave Rey a noogie. Then a thought struck him. "They wont be hurt by what we left behind right?" Barnaby inquired. He didn't like anybody there aside from Rachel and Ryan, everyone else was an asshole, but he still wanted to know. "Nope." Rey laughed. "As long as they don't shoot it, catch it on fire, or smash it with something, they'll be allright." Barnaby gave Rey a sideways glance. "Well, you had everyone by the balls there, why didn't you kill everyone?"


Rey wondered why he hadn't decided to blow everyone up. He shrugged. "Because it would have been a dick move. Plus, I had to leave them with something. Why not give them the going away present of a whole shitton of the purest, badass, fucking die-hard-with-a-vengence incindiary explosive impact grenades?" Rey chuckled. He was mentally insane, but of all things, he was not a dick. Or a coward. Or a doctor.

Rey took the noogie gracefully, Barnaby was like an older brother to him after all. Rey shook his head. He was. That was the closest they could get, and that was the closest Rey had got to anyone. Rey laughed some more. "We did it bruh, we fukin' did it. Oil rig's just fifty miles south, then we don't have to worry about surviving, the dead, THE living." Barnaby nodded. "Sure sounds right man. Just gotta be there." Rey looked out the armored window. Even now, the trees were thinning out, and little particles of sand could be seen amoung the soil. They were nearing the coast. The oil rig. Safety. He looked at Barnaby again. Barnaby smiled. "You mispoke, Rey." Rey cocked his head. "YOU did it brother." Rey smiled, and both their laughter could be heard for miles.
Ryan breathed out a sigh of relief, facing Nick and Catrina. "That depends I guess..." He wasn't sure what happened now himself, it could have gone alot worse, could have gone better. Did he want to stick around anymore? He asked himself this question, turning to look at where Rachel and Kat had been hiding. Kat was pissed, fuming even, and Rachel even took a step back from her. This caught Ryan's attention, "You two should probably get those wounds cleaned up." He told them, before moving towards the two girls. The man looked at Rachel with questioning eyes before clearing his throat to get Kat's attention, "So is this backstabbing little shit sticking around?" Crossing his arms over his chest he leaned to one side.
Nick and Cat nodded. Nick put Cat down and began the process of patching up her leg. Nicks wound could wait until later.

Taking out a flask of whiskey, he used it to clean the wound. Hearing her hiss, he used the small roll of bandages to patch up her leg.

Lifting her, he carried her over to the group of others and she winced slightly at the sudden movement.

Ryan seemed to be the default leader here so they would fall into line
Kat glared daggers at Ryan as he spoke, "Don't push me.." She spat out viciously, and stormed off into her barracks, barging past Ryan and the new guy carrying Catrina. Throwing herself onto her bed as she tried her hardest to not let out a glass shattering scream of pure hate and frustration,biting down onto her hand as she began jumping up and down, kicking the side of one of the bunk beds in harshly, causing a large dent to appear in the side of it, throwing one of the lamps across the room, taking her pistol out of it's holster, she was half tempted to start firing it up into the air but instead threw it out of the barracks, it skidding past the group. As she began quickly trashing the rest of the barracks in a fit of rage, by the very defintion of the word. She began rubbing at the sides of her head harshly as she sat with her legs crossed in the center of the room, distracting herself with her gory imagination, picturing every realistic and possible way Rey could be killed, or tortured. As she silently muttered every curse under the sun about him.

Rachel sighed quietly now, folding her arms, but not in a stern way, more like a withdrawing into herself type of way. Looking down now as she heard Kat's rage completely trash what they wanted to call their own little home for the time being, she'd have to clean that up no doubt, Rachel being a neat freak in many cases, it eat away at her to hear and see Kat do the things she done, it killed her inside to compare Kat from before to after. But it was a torture she had to live with, as living without Kat would be far worse than living with her, even in her current condition. "I'm sorry." She said to the others.
Ryan shook his head as Kat stormed off, and looked at Rachel sympathetically, it was obvious that this was bothering her. He scratched his head a little as the noises of things being beaten and broken came from the barracks and he looked at Catrina and Nick, it seemed like they we're sticking around, atleast for now. The gun flew out of the barracks and Rachel apologized, "Don't be sorry. You haven't done anything." He stared at the barracks a few moments before turning back to Rachel. "You want me to talk to her?" The man would have just done it anyways but he felt like he had to ask Rachel for permission to an extent, though he wasn't sure how she'd feel about it. "And don't lie to me. I don't mind, really." He gave her a reassuring smile.
Kat had been sat down for a few minutes, silently attempting to calm herself down, to no avail. She took the guitar from her back, unslinging it so it laid in-front of her. Now looking over it intently, wondering on what to do with it, she had so much anger still trapped inside of her that she wanted to smash it, yet she was telling herself that smashing it would do more harm thatn good, as the entire reason she got it was to use it for some off time. She began to slowly feel guilt, instead of anger, guilt for making Rachel's life so unbearable, Rachel tried her best to constantly remain happy and uplifting to other people, and all Kat did was bring her down, unintentionally, but she did it. And that made Kat feel like Rachel wouldn't forgive her for it.

Rachel was about to shake her head at Ryan's attempt to offer help, after he told her that there was no need to apologise, many people had told her that before, Kat's behavior often led to Rachel having to apologise for it, even pre-outbreak but this wasn't the same, before all this Kat was too much of a party animal, constantly getting drunk and kicking things off with either the police or other students, or behaving immaturely in places where formality was required, but Rachel put up with it. This was different however, very different. She nodded sheepishly to Ryan, this was the first time anyone had ever asked to talk to Kat about her behavior. And it was greatly appriciated. "Thank you..really, it means a lot." She told him. And it was all the truth. It meant more than a lot.

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