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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

It took Rey and Barnaby awhile to get to the oil rig, Rey even fixed an old dilapidated ferryboat to get the armored car there, but they managed. They always did. Rey dug the bullet out of his leg himself while Barnaby captained the ship. Rey and Barnaby had it functioning in no time, and they soon had everything from the drill itself to the toaster working. Rey speculated on how this place hadn't been touched since all the workers had to get home to their families "when we were born" and that the company had shut it down early. Barnaby smiled and nodded, always listening to Rey's connstant chatter. It was calming in a way. To Barnay, it meant somebody was always watching his back, in their own skewed perceptions. Barnaby's silence was equally comforting to Rey, it gave his point A to point 36 mind time to reflec and think, sometimes just wander on and on with no interruptions, just as somebody like him should be. The waters lapped peacefully at the oil rig, the smell of seasalt carried to the duo by way of the brisk incoming tide. It was exactly the place Rey and Barnaby had envisioned, and in no time Rey had set up a whole array of fish traps, water purifiers, and rain catchers, all with Barnaby to help him when he needed to, even though they still had plenty of supplies from the armored car. It was a perfect area, and the dead the duo could see were floating by on ghost sailboats, but only once in a blue moon. Come with me for a moment, let us take a look at the first night the two bloodbrothers spent on the rig.

Rey looked out upon the waters. The moon was only a sliver of silver hanging in the night sky, the stars adorning the blanket of night around it, glittering like diamonds. To Rey, they were worth more than that. They were worth the world to him, both the one he lived in, the one he had lived in before, and the one in his head. The air was clear, and he had turned off all of the outside lights of the rig as to not attract anything. Or anyone, more importantly. "Hey Barbs?" Rey asked. "What is it brother?" Barnaby was laying down, flat on his back, admiring the sky, while Rey was sitting, tilting his neck up, his eyes shining. Not with insanity, but with calmness. "Three hundred and fourty six of the dead, one hundred and eleven of the living, and fifteen of the living wounded. Your body count?" Barnaby chuckled. "Less than you brother, far less. Fifteen of the living, thirty four of the dead, and none wounded. I did have to clean up Jerome though." He added with a slight chuckle. "Hah! Jerome..." Rey said, shifting his gaze over to the waters, rolling and cresting. "But I bagged Seymore." They both laughed as they remembered the overweight jesus freak with heart problems. "Yeaa..." Their conversation once again died to silence, something that rarely happened.

"You think they're allright? Our people we used to hang with, I mean." Rey said. Barnaby nodded. "Yep. They all's gon be fine. Ryan's probably assumed leader, Kat's still volatile as ever, and Rachel's just taggin' along. Dunno about the two others tho." Barnaby said. He was proud he had pronounced 'volatile' correctly, a word he picked up from Rey. Rey agreed with Barnaby's observation. Rey stood up, head once again tilted up to the stars, a bit of that old spark returning to his eyes along with the moonlight and the gleam of wonder and curiosity. Barnaby did the same, and they both stood on the rig, looking out over towards the coast and the sea.

"We need a name for this place." Barnaby suggested. Rey chuckled, he instantly knew what to call it. "Madman's land." He said. Barnaby nodded in agreement, and Rey's bonechilling laughter rang out. Barnaby looked at him and bobbed his head, rolling his hand. Rey took that as a cue. "No one know's what it's like, to be the bad man. To be the sad man. Behind blue eyes!" Barnaby chimed in. "No one knows what it's like, to be hated, to be fated, to telling only lies." The duo continued. "But my dreams, They aren't as empty, As my conscience seems to be, I have hours, only lonely My love is vengeance, That's never free..." The duo continued to sing, all the things they had witnessed, both together, and apart, flashed through their minds. The moment Rey knocked on the hood of Barnaby's beat to shit car, the time they'd cleared a rest area full of the dead with a little planning, the shit that went down at the mall, their ride down south, the base, Kat, Ryan, the cult, Rachel, the ordeal they just went through... Barnaby also remembered his boring, tedious life as a security guard. He decided the dead walking was the best thing that had happened at the moment. Rey's short 17 maddening years passed his mind as well, all in vivid, however somewhat warped preception. He decided that the dead walking was the besst thing that could have happened to him as well. They decided together, that this was the way the world really was meant to be, brutal and gory and terrifying... But for Rey, the world was first and foremost, 'all mad.' They finished their song looking out across the waters, under the stars they'd come to cherish forever, above the waves that protected them. "No one knows what it's like, to be the bad man... to be the sad man... behind blue eyes..."
Cat sat with Nick, Ryan and Rachel

"It's down to Rey. Everyone has that someone who just sets them off and for Kat that was Rey. She is pissed off because he got to her so easily while she fought tooth and nail to rattle him and i am guessing that it never worked based on her reaction"

She looked to the group before speaking again

"maybe if she found an alternative outlet for her rage, focus it and then control it , she might be able to relax a bit"


Nick looked thoughtful at what was said by Cat

"Maybe you can train her with hand to hand fighting?, it involves focus instead of blind rage and who knows it might help her"


Cat looked thoughtful before turning to Rachel

"Think it will help?"
Ryan nodded with a smile before turning and marching towards the barracks, he heard the other two offering suggestions to Rachel as he left. Once inside he could see the wrecked room, spotting Kat staring at a guitar in her hands, one he hadn't seen before. He let his presence be known by shuffling his feet a little as he pushed deeper into the room. "You done?" He asked, his tone was not aggressive or hostile, more of patient and understanding if not neutral.

This had been the place she'd opened up to him briefly after they'd met, where he'd walked in on Ahem... "Do you want to do the talking or should I?" Kat was a wildcard, and if he started talking, and she didn't want to hear it, she'd be gone in a second or trying to throw him out. But if she just wanted someone to listen then he was here to do so.
Kat looked up to face Ryan, the glare now gone from her face, her breathing quickened from the fast excertion of energy from her fit previously, She looked at him for a few long moments before nodding slowly. "Yeah.." She said, not in the mood any more to get into another fight, it wasn't Ryan's fault so why was she getting mad at him, this is what she always done. And Kat hated doing it, but she couldn't help it. He asked who wanted to do the talking. "You talk." She said plainly, standing up and walking over to the bed, sitting on it now. Lowering the guitar to her side, not paying much attention to it now.

Rachel smiled lightly as Ryan went in to go and talk to Kat, turning to see Catrina and the new army guy. "She knows how to fight, all it does is give her some kind of sadistic pleasure. Doesn't make her relax." Rachel said with a sigh, their options were good, giving Kat something to focus her mind on, but Rachel had no idea what it could be, Kat wasn't one to actually talk about her preferences in anything really, and even in the time that they had been seeing each other, she hadn't learnt much about Kat's background at all, apart from the fact that she was an orphan.
Cat sat down to rest her injured leg and gave Rachel a consoling pat on the shoulder

"Rey had 1 thing right, we all have issues but its how we deal with them that makes us different from the likes of him. Any of us could go off the deep end but we fight it, we fight it because we know that its that will to fight that does not turn us into Monsters like Rey."

She explained as Nick carefully removed the grenades out of the base, the last thing they needed was more drama

@RIPSaidCone @Crono
"You play?" Ryan asked, nodding his head at the guitar. Deciding to ease into it as he scratched his chin, "I used to play the drums a bit, that was years ago." He cocked his head to the side a bit. "I'm not sure what your more upset about, but it's over. They're gone, we're alive, and you've still got Rachel out there. You've got more to be happy about than most, and I get it, your not in full control of it. Sooo, gather yourself, you've got a mess to clean up now afterall." He gave her a cheeky smile, maybe joking around wasn't the best way to go about it, but he wasn't sure what the best way to go about it was.

"Your okay, and so is Rachel. And I'm here for whatever that's worth." He stood there, waiting for her turn to speak if she wanted to take it.
Kat nodded somewhat sheepishly as Ryan directed his attention to her guitar. "Yeah..it calms my nerves.." She admitted, embarrassing to say the least, Kat didn't really want the guitar to become the center of topic but it had so she decided to speak to him about it very briefly, then he began talking about what she should be happy about, it was true, but Rey being gone meant she couldn't kill him or make him pay for undermining her like that, it made her angry just thinking about it, but quickly directed her mind to think about other things as thinking about Rey specifically got on her nerves and made her extremely hostile, now even more so. He flashed her a smile and made a joke about her having to clean up the mess she had created, she looked around, now only just taking in the damage she had caused in such a little amount of time. Letting out a exhale of breath and smiling, the exhale being in the form of a dry laugh. "Yeah, guess I do, don't I?" She carried on.

"And Ryan.." She began, the smile now fading for a more sincere expression. "Thanks..for putting up with me..not many people do." She told him quietly, shifting uncomfortably in her position, her legs now crossed as she sat on the bed, strumming individual strings with her fingers to give her something to distract herself from looking at Ryan as she spoke to him, the only other person who really did put up with her was Rachel, and Rey very briefly.

Rachel smiled as Catrina patted her on the shoulder but the smile quickly faded. "That's what I'm worried about, we all do. But Kat, she doesn't, at least not to my knowledge. I'm scared that she'll..go off the deep end." She said, drawing an a quote from Catrina near the end to support her reason for concern.
Cat nodded, listening to Rachels concern

"Thats why we need to stick together. United we stand and divided we fall and all that"

She gave Rachel a small smile.

"Besides Nick would be heartbroken if we all went our separate ways. I think he has a crush on Ryan"

She whispered playfully as Nick flushed red and sputtered nonsense as Cat chuckled
Ryan sighed with a smile, "No problem, I'm a patient guy I guess. I mean you did pull a gun on me...though I drew on you the first time we met. Then there was the time you took me on a suicide mission." He smirked her direction. "I'm just tired of the death, and I know it's not going to end. Your alive, and while far from normal.." He gave her a teasing wink, "...your still worth it." I thought Rey and Barnaby we're too...and maybe they are, but still.

"Just no more taking me on those kind of missions, without my knowledge. And preferably no more pointing guns at me, unless I deserve it." He shifted on his feet, watching her mess with the strings. "Play something." He coaxed her, "It helps you, gives me something to listen to while I clean a little, and let's them know everything's all good." He nodded towards the exit of the tent, before bending over and picking up the busted up lamp.
Rachel smiled over to Catrina once again, nodding. "Nice quote. Very inspirational." She said with a slight laugh. In all honesty it was true though, they did need to stick together even more so now that tensions had just risen and fallen in such a drastic way, they had to trust each other now, and put their faith into each other, to stop something like that from happening again, Rey wasn't all there so it was better that he literally wasn't there with them.

Kat had looked back up at Ryan but almost immedinately looked back down when he mentioned all of the shit she had done to him, he really didn't deserve the treatment she gave him, but what could she do about it, her temper was uncontrollable, even by her, especially by her. She was embarrassed and ashamed that she had acted so unprofessional. Kat let out a weak laugh as he mentioned her being far from normal, but underneath it was hurt from the realisation that he was right, she wasn't normal, and not in the good, unique way, in the really bad, you're on the brink of insanity type not normal. But then he said that she was still worth it, and she looked back up at him. The smile returning to her face as a tears threatened to spill, but they didn't fortunately, he asked her to play him something with the guitar obviously.

She looked down at it for a few moments before nodding. "Alright then.." She said, before beginning to strum a few beats at first, then progressing into a full blown song. Syd Matters To all of you more specifically, her favourite band. Strumming quite confidently now, focused intently on her activity, a slight smile staying on her face now, the guitar had a strange way of putting her into a relaxing trance, as she just played and blocked out all of her concerns about..everything really, nothing bothered her while she played, she felt like the song wasn't complete without the words, but wasn't just ready to start singing in-front of anybody, that was something she did in private. Alone. But she enjoyed playing the guitar.
As Kat played , everyone else slowly made their way inside and soon enough they were all sitting and quietly listening to Kat play.

Cat weaved her head slightly and had her eyes closed.

Nick watched Rachels reaction before looking to Ryan and blushing slightly which was unusual for him. Nick was usually so in control of himself.

Cat opened her eyes and looked at Nick before nudging Rachel and jerking her head at Nick.
The guitar was nice, something other than silence, ambient sounds, or the dead moaning. It reminded him of what life had been like a little, in the past. Kat's smile was worth it, the only other time he'd seen that look on her face was when she found Rachel and it was addicting as it made him smile as well. He'd been crouched down grabbing at some broken glass when he saw the others come in to listen. They sat down nearby Kat and listened, Ryan stood behind the three of them still cleaning a little trying not to draw attention to himself so they'd enjoy it. Then he spotted Nick looking his way, and the man was blushing. Briefly Ryan wondered What the hell? before he took the hint, and just smirked while amused, continuing his cleanup duty acting as though he hadn't seen a thing.

We'll be alright. He thought momentarily as he came to sit near the others and enjoy it.
Rachel followed the others into the barracks, where Kat was..playing a guitar, Kat had never told her that she could actually play the guitar, sure she said that she had an interest in it. But she never said that she could play it..maybe she should've taken the guitar in her old dorm at college as a hint, now she felt stupid and slightly ignorant about Kat's personal life, even though she was probably the largest part of her personal life now. She sat down next to the others, intently listening to Kat's peaceful playing, she hadn't seen Kat so relaxed and happy with herself in such a long time, it made her heart skip a few beats to see the smile on her face. Smirking to Nick and Ryan as Catrina pointed out the fact that the two had noticed each other in a cute way.

Kat continued to play, extending the song a little bit, it was a really good song, at least in Kat's opinion, but then again she thought very highly of her own opinion, and quite lowly of others, but this wasn't the time for those kinds of thoughts. Kat really wanted to sing along to the song, it was hard to resist the temptation, but then she saw how happy Rachel looked at seeing her happy presumably, and started the beat all over from the beginning. "To all of you..American girls, it's sad to, imagine a world, without you." She began with, for the first time in literally a few months at the very least, her voice sounded peaceful, content, happy. "American girls I'd like to, be part of the world around you. Driving a car by the seaside, watching the world from the bright side..yeah.." She continued singing along, taking a break for another long instrumental part of the song. She just wanted to do this forever, it was so much better to be like this, than to be angry and controlling and to be constantly concerned about the things that the outside world had to offer, she had completely forgotten about Rey at this point and was simply content with playing for the others, and for herself.
Catrina returned to listening to Kat play in silence. She knew they would eventually have to go do repairs but for now she was content to sit and listen. Besides Watching Nick and Ryan around each other was downright hilarious. She purposely avoided looking at them to let Nick have a break from her mental joking.

Nick got up and went to Ryan and spoke quietly

"Need a hand?"

He asked as he began to help with the cleaning up anyway. His shoulder stinging slightly from the heat and strain of moving around.
Ryan had stopped momentarily to listen before Nick showed up and offered help, which Ryan seemed to not have a choice in the matter even though the other man had asked. "Help yourself." He said in a low tone, there really wasn't much left to clean. "How's that feeling?" He asked with a raised brow, nodding towards Nick's shoulder. "Kid had good aim, gotta give him that." Ryan shrugged with a smile, standing up a tall knocked over lamp.
Rachel at this point just had to, she couldn't help it, but Kat's charm had magically returned to her and she just had to. Rachel got up and sat in Kat's lap, interupting Kat's playing but the latter not bothering at all, instead laying her guitar by the side, Rachel wrapping her arms around the back of Kat's neck and kissing her for a few moments, before pulling back and looking into Kat's dark brown eyes, those same eyes that just an hour ago would've been hard and secure and angry, but were now revealing so much more, a smile was once again brought to Rachel's face, Kat quickly following suite, the two had very clearly made up after their temporary moment of instability, Rachel speaking up. "You know, you two should really be more open about your feelings, take us for example." She said, directed towards Ryan and Nick with a smirk, it was obvious for anyone to see they weren't doing a very good job at hiding it.

Kat chuckled as Rachel called out the two for their blatant interest in one another, made it awkward, for them, not for her obviously, she found it funny as fuck, but still, a mean thing for Rachel of all people to do, well mean by her standards, some good time wasting in Kat's book, she turned to Catrina who didn't seem to have anybody to connect with, apart from Nick, but he was chatting up Ryan by the looks of it. "You wanna join us, room for one more?" She said with a slight laugh, patting her free lap. It was a joke, but then again Kat wouldn't mind if the other Cat decided to take her up on that offer. Although her legs might complain if they had two people on them. But she could worry about sore legs later. When they were actually..you know, sore.
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Nick shrugged

"I've had worse in the field, no worries. Since Cat knows first aid she will patch me up"

He ran his hand through his blonde hair and hearing Kat and Rachel he went scarlet.

"Dammit I swear Cat and the girls have more in common than anyone I know"

Cat smirked at Nick going scarlet. She could taste the attraction between them.

In this world who knew what tomorrow would bring so she was happy for them, if not annoyed at the moves they were pulling.

Looking to the other Kat she smiled and shook her head

"I'm good my leg is too tender to move around too much anyway"

She shrugged

"C'mon boys get it on"

She said playfully giggling with the girls

Nick groaned and put his head on Ryans shoulder

"Seriously someone wake me up this is a nightmare"

He shook his head and gave a chuckle.
"Alright tough guy." He chuckled as Nick played the injury off. The music ended abruptly and Ryan turned to see why, Well they made up quick. Then Rachel was looking in his and Nick's direction, then she spoke about them being more open and he just grinned, watching Nick going bright red. Admittedly he probably found it as amusing as the girls but only because of Nick's reaction.

He'd said maybe twenty words to the guy and hadn't even had the chance to find out more than I'm Nick, I'm a friend of Catrina's, oh and not a bad shot. I mean not that the guy wasn't attractive or anything, not that Ryan had noticed, but you get to know someone before you get feelings for them, romantic or not. Hell until two minutes ago he hadn't even realized the other man even swung that way, his friends always told him he had a terrible gaydar.

Then Catrina was joining in and Nick looked like he could just die and Ryan had to hold back his own laughs, then the mans head was on his shoulder and Ryan reached up smacking at the side of Nick's head playfully with a chuckle. "Waking you up from this would imply that we we're already in bed together." He teased the man, with an eye roll towards the girls. Followed by a playful glare at Rachel to warn her she wasn't getting away with starting this scott-free. Though he himself was enjoying it to as well, reasons to laugh.
Rachel was very happy with the in general just happy vibe that was emitting throughout the room, with the playful teasing going on between the two that had an interest in each other and with her and Kat clearly making up for the instability they had suffered from just minutes ago, Ryan worked wonders on Kat, she was now being the most open with others Rachel had ever seen since the outbreak started, she would have to give him a proper thank you later on, she laughed as Nick got very nervous and embarrassed around the teasing that her and the other girls were giving him. Kat even enjoying herself about it, this made all the other problems that they had suffered earlier on all go away, Rey and Barnaby leaving was definitely a good thing, it was strange to see how much the group's relations had changed in such a small amount of time.

Kat laughed loudly as she saw how embarrassed the newer guy got when they began teasing him, she loved seeing people like that, embarrassed, nervous, it was all funny as fuck to her, Rachel and Catrina were clearly enjoying themselves as well but Kat shook her head and tutted when Cat refused the offer, lifting Rachel up in both arms and walking over to Catrina, sitting down next to her now. Rachel climbing out of Kat's lap and sitting on the other side of Cat now. "Come on, we're cool enough to hang around." Rachel whined, but Kat shook her head, rolling up her jacket sleeve, revealing her full arm tattoos. "No, no, no, I'M the one that's cool to hang around, did I show you my tats?" She asked, knowing the answer already but showing off her arm to Cat nontheless, Rachel sighing but chuckling and returning her attention to the two over on the other side of the room.
Cat just smiled and relaxed against Kat and Rachel. He leg not bothering her too much right now.

"I think it would be best of you two went for a walk around the complex to um.....check the security"

She raised her eyebrow waiting for a reaction.


Nick went scarlet at Ryan's comment.

"I hate you all"

He said with a joking tone in his voice, upon hearing Cats suggestion he turned to Ryan

"Well am I allowed to escort a gentleman on a stroll?"

He grinned playfully before holding out his arm to link with Ryan's if he wanted too.
Ryan raised a brow as he chuckled at Nick's question, "Well you've got balls, I'll give you that." He gave his head a shake, amused. "Alright, why the hell not." Looping his arm with Nick's the two men started for the exit and Ryan gave a half wave at the girls. "If I'm not back in twenty minutes I'm either smitten or dead, take your pick." Chuckling as they exited.

Once in the open it was like waking from a dream or stepping back into reality at the sight of a few wandering dead near the fence, making Ryan slightly uncomfortable and ending the looped arm with Nick. He hadn't meant anything by it and had given the other man a nod in the process, he just didn't want to be chained to someone with things like that so close. "I'm not entirely sure why I'm out here." Honestly it was to humor Nick, I mean they could technically do just what Catrina said and do a sweep of the fence, and talk. "So Military huh?" He asked as they started moving again.
Kat and Rachel both nodded at Catrina's suggestion for the two. "Yeah leave us girls to talk." Rachel said, resting her head on Cat's shoulder, Kat stretching her arms casually, "And fuck while you're at it." She added on, hopefully making the situation between the two even more awkward than it already clearly was. Although Kat never knew that the new guy was military, grunt work probably, well they really were all grunts anyway. She chuckled slightly and shook her head, Kat turning to the other Cat now. "So, your leg feeling better?" She asked kindly, gesturing to where the bullet had hit, stupid fucking Rey.
Cat looked to the girls and grinned as Nick and Ryan left the tent

"They are totally going to bang"

She sat up and tried to look outside the tent but could not see where they had gone.

"we had better think about trying to find some supplies and see whats here"

She suggested to the girls.


Nick had his gun in his jeans but still kept an eye on the dead outside the fencing.

"Yup enlisted when I was 18 and now I'm a ranger, but yeah I'm Military"

He explained what he did when he was in active service which was mostly recon work.

"How about you?"

He asked as they continued to walk
Ryan listened to Nicks explanation of what he'd done as they walked around the edge of the base, nodding along the way. Once the man had asked Ryan what he did he just shook his head with a smile, "Nothing as exciting as that I'm afraid." He teased lightly, "I was a Photographer, freelance mostly, whatever I was paid to do. Modeling, nature, events, even war occasionally. Conflict deserves photogenic justice as well." The man shrugged his shoulders, it'd been a while since anyone had asked him what he'd done before.

As they rounded a corner Ryan could see a few tents ahead of them. There was a realization that the closest tent had been the one he'd been checking out when he was attacked the other day. As they neared he peeked inside and scowled at himself, there was a large bloodstain on the ground where the other man had likely bled out, but also a trail of it leading out of the tent. He hadn't finished the man with a shot to the head, maybe this was the reason the girls had left, thinking the place wasn't secure? He'd been careless, he looked at Nick momentarily with a sigh before continuing on. Didn't matter now, the two we're gone, and the guy was probably in the pit of dead or one of those they'd killed on returning.

"So you and Catrina normally bring a truckload of supplies to strangers in the middle of nowhere?"
Kat and Rachel nodded in sync. "Yup." Rachel agreed with. "Definitely." Kat responded to Catrina with also, the two growing fond of her already as they had all enjoyed embarrassingly Nick and Ryan about their crush on each other, it was clear as day, and funny as fuck if you asked Kat. As Catrina stood up, Kat and Rachel both followed suite. Kat replying to Catrina's suggestion to look for supplies with. "There's an M35 supply truck round the side of the barracks, so we're good for weapons, ammunition, medical items, food and water, at least for the next 3 months, and that's when we're NOT rationing it." She informed Catrina with, Rachel looking around at the now much cleaner barracks, Ryan had done a really good job with cleaning up after Kat's little tantrum over Rey.

"So, don't mind me asking Catrina but, d'you find Nick and Ryan attractive? I mean, so that me and Kat know what the likelyhood of them banging are." Rachel spoke up with, since her and Kat weren't exactly the best people to ask about the attractiveness of men, hopefully Catrina was, cause statistically speaking, she should be straight, right? Or was Rachel reading wrong statistics, meh didn't matter, she probably was anyway, or if she wasn't it was good to find out. But Rachel hadn't known just how much supplies they still had, a whole truck full, damn, they could just sit back on their asses all day and enjoy themselves. It was gonna be fun here, she could tell.

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