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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

When Constance nodded, Ryan returned with a nod of his own. The girl was obviously afraid, as any child would be. Ryan's thoughts immediately went to where her parents we're, there was no way she'd survived these months alone. She had to have had someone to get her this far, but that was a question for later. Ryan pushed against his knees to stand as Aeina asked Constance about food. Aeina herself had come to the supermarket for food so it was likely they we're both hungry, hell he was hungry himself at this point. He shuffled his knapsack off of his shoulder before unbuckling the flap and reaching in, "I've got some granola bars, here." Pulling out two bars he handed them both to Aeina.

"It might still be a good idea to give it a more thorough look." He nodded towards the supermarket then looked at Aeina. "The trucks a bust so we aren't going anywhere unless it's on foot. And I don't really think she's up for any travelling right now." Ryan glanced down at Constance. The girl had been sleeping in the road and she looked exhausted, so right now it seemed best to let her rest.
Constance didn't realize it, but she did need food. After she realized that, she noticed how dry her mouth felt. All she did was nod in response, acknowledging that she didn't need to be afraid. Although, she did feel a bit bad for having to 'steal' from them. It didn't feel right to be given supplise from random strangers, considering some random strangers attacked her awhile ago. For some odd reason, she trusted them.

Constance only shrugged when her commented on her not up for traveling. Yes, it was true, but she could probably force herself to go on until she passes out from exhaustion.
Aeina took the granola bars, "Thanks." She gave a full one to Constance and broke the other one in half. She gave one half to Ryan and saved one for herself. "We could always just baracade ourselves in there." She said as she turned to Ryan, "I have some wire in my bag."
Rey was terrified. Was that a trick question? "Kat, you look perfectly fine with clothes on. You look twice as pretty when you smile. That's another reason why I told you to do it more." It was a truthful answer, hopefully one that wouldn't get his ass capped. He did relax a bit, straightening back up and running a hand through his hair. He tripped over his next words a bit. "When I poke fun at you, l-like when we were climbing at the mall, when we were in the cell with Sean watching us, I'm not joking. Well, I... I-I kinda am, but that's only because I was afraid of what you would do if you knew I was serious... At least this way I know how you're going to react." Rey turned his gaze to the backseat, trying to tell what the emotions were on Kat's face.
"B-bar-aracading's b-bad." Constance quickly said, biting her lip nervously and hesitantely taking the granola bar. She was speaking from experience and her experience stated that people die that way. 'Then again, you die if you don't.' She was aggrivated on how no matter what you do or where you go, no one's comepletely safe. It was just like before the apocaplypse. There weren't any flesh eating things around but terrorists could come any second and kill you or kidnap you. Same with murderers, or robbers, or even animals!
Aeina turned back to Constance, "Okay, where have you been staying? Maybe we could go there?" She figured that Constance had to have been staying somewhere. Otherwise, she had no idea how she has survived for so long.
Kat really didn't know what to say to what Rey had just laid out in-front of her. She looked directly into his eyes for a few long minutes, with a mutual expression, attempting to figure out if he was pulling on her leg or something similar. She didn't see any indication that he was, in-fact he looked..nervous? That's something she'd never seen him like before, he must've been telling the truth. Kat was always a person of action, she always went straight to the point and direct on her approach to everything. So she decided to take a leap of faith for this one and just straight up ask him. She took in another deep breath, exhaling it through her nose and looking directly at him.

"Rey..do you like me? As in..like like me.?" She asked with a calm and coolheaded manner, not giving off any indication of emotions apart from wondering on how to ask the question as she asked it. But that was it, she had to ask him though. "I won't hurt you. Just tell me the truth." She informed him, it was true, she wouldn't she just wanted to know. She focused entirely on him to wait for his reply.
Ryan's half of the bar didn't last long as he finished it off. Bunking up in the supermarket was tempting but it was a hotspot for survivor activity, he'd been here for an hour and he'd already seen more survivors here than he'd seen in the last two weeks. They didn't need any unfriendly visitors showing up while they rested.

"I don't think staying here for the night would be a good idea. Too much human traffic." Ryan glanced up and down the street, he'd come from one direction and the bunch in the Humvee had gone the other. It would seem they'd have to make a choice on what to do.
Rey took a deep breath. "Yea..." He rubbed the back of his neck, flicking his eyes around a bit, a habit he had when he was nervous. "You kinda... I dunno... Put out that vibe... You like guns, you can take care of yourself, your looks don't hurt..." A bit of a smile returned to his face as he remembered the time she fell and concussed herself after choking him. "You don't take any shit from anybody... You don't give shits either..." He remembered her levelheadedness as she suggested stealing supplies and shot open a door at the mall. "You also have certain... Talents, although you don't allways think before you plunge headfirst into a situation."
Kat simply nodded at his confession, not really too sure on how she felt about that. Simply replying with "Okay." And turning away from him, staring out of the window now, focusing her mind on other things now. More important things, she didn't say another word after that, simply breathing in and out quietly. Not even moving often, keeping herself distracted by whatever the humvee drove past, she then decided to just flip out the photo again and remind herself who her loyalties were put to. She was very satisfied with what she had done in life up to this point, she had done good for herself, sure she got off to a rocky start but she done good for herself, she just hadn't noticed until `she` showed up. Then Kat noticed. She was still wondering on why Rey liked her, she was nothing but a bitch towards him, people confused her sometimes.
Constance gripped the granola bar and frowned a bit at her question. The rememberance of it made her want to cringe. "N-nowhere..." She mumbled. Her voice spoke one story but her body language spoke another. "I-I jump ar-around...." She whispered, glancing at the dark areas around them. It was the bent truth but still kind of a truth. "Y-yeah." She whispered, agreeing with 'Ry-Ry' and loosening her grip on the food before quickly eating it.
Aeina stood up straight and swung her arms, "Ry-Ry," She said, her mouth curled upwards a bit, "You're the man here, where should we go?" Aeina zipped her jacket up and adjusted the straps of her backpack. The wind had picked up a bit so she pulled her hair back into a ponytail so it didn't get in her way.
Kat instantly dropped to the seat of the humvee like a rock. Grabbing her M4 and yelling at Barnaby "Stop the fucking humvee!" She wouldn't be able to do much with her rifle in a moving vehicle, while it was facing forwards, unless she wanted to fire the weapon inside the vehicle, shattering the windshield and probably deafening everyone in it.

She instead kicked the side door open, jumping out of the still moving vehicle and rolling once impacting onto the ground. Crouching and firing at the barricade on semi-automatic with deadly accuracy. Gaining a few headshots quickly.

She got angered at their pitiful attempt to dispatch her, and sprinted straight for the barricade, vaulting over it and using her now empty rifle as a melee weapon. Cracking heads left right and centre with graceful and rather majestic movements. At the same time not even breaking a sweat.
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Ryan huffed lightly as he threw his knapsack back on, "What's that supposed to mean?" Why was he left with the decision making? He didn't know the area he'd just gotten here yesterday. You don't have a safe place or anything, just wandering around?"
"Well, my old apartment is a few blocks from here but I'm not sure it's safe." Aeina blew her bangs out of her face and adjusted her backpack once more.
Rey was shot twice in the chest, buletholes apperaing in the glass in front of him. His kevlar protected him, but there were now two bruises were the bullets hit. He began laughing. It started as a low chuckle, then built up in volume and hysteria as he spun out his uzi florescently and leaned out the window, standing up in the passangers seat and hanging onto the handle. "Driveby Barnaby! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Rey laughed maniacally, firing twice, hitting a survivor in the shoulder and neck, "Kick it in reverse! Man the topsail, tack to the south wind!" Rey flipped up over the top of the humvee, planting his legs firmly apart, flicking out three of his knives. Two of them he held in his fist between his knuckles, the other he clenched between his teeth. "Your gun's in the back brother!" He called, rolling off the hood of the car and charging straight at the enemy, throwing one of his knives, and muttering curses around the one in his mouth. The kinfe stuck a survivor square in the eye. "BMMM!!! 'EADSHOT!" He laughed, cutting his tounge on the kinfe's meticulously honed edge.
Kat continued fighting in hand to hand with many of the survivors, various and large groups of infected now appearing from most streets surrounding them that wasn't good. She quickly turned to see Rey get shot twice, her eyes widened and she instantly tackled the survivor that had shot at him.

She began using the infected to her advantage, throwing some of the survivors into groups of them and such. She let out a sigh of relief and smiled when she noticed Rey wasn't hurt and was in fact still firing at the other survivors. Before returning to her work for their demise.

As the infected began to heavily outnumber the survivors, Kat began using her superior strength and agility against her undead foes. Using a variety of kicks, jabs and her environment against them, she cut through the infected ranks with extreme ease, taking immense pleasure in it.
Rey scooped down to pick his knife out of the dead survivor. Not to his surprise, the survivor was still alive, and grabed him by the arm. Rey laughed and pulled out his revolver. "''Uck yeh ate," He giggled around the knife, shooting him in the head. Blood spattered on Rey's face, adding to his gleeful rampage as he stuck the revolver in the back f his pants. Somebody came up behind him and attempted to take off his head with a crowbar, but Rey stepped back, the blunt weapon whizzing harmlessly past his chest. Rey charged and lept over the man, placing his hands on the mans shoulders and vaulting over him. Before the man could turn around, Rey had grabbed him by the hair and stabbed him three times in the neck with the knife he had between his teeth, he'd dropped the other one when he drew his revolver. He picked them back up and located Katalina. A man in a window of a nearby building had thrown what looked like a homemade explosive at her. Rey chuckled and shot it in midair, showering sparks down around the dead in front of Katalina, setting a few on fire. Rey then shot the survivor in the head. "Rey Gale NEVER misses you dirty ass fuckwad!" He laughed, winking at Kat.
Kat took the time to smirk over to Rey as he spoke. Shaking her head and casually saying "Was that supposed to impress me?" As she flipped an infected person over her shoulder and stomped on its head. Just as quickly disarming an attacking survivor and using his own knife to stab him. Then focusing toward Rey now as the remaining survivors focus on fighting off the infected hordes. "I'll give you another chance to impress me, later. And on my terms."

She grabbed a MP5 from a fallen survivor, Crouching down and firing into the hordes with great levels of precision especially for a submachine gun. She was thinking of ways to give him another chance to impress her before one popped into her head. She grinned to herself as she continues firing.
Rey strode through the chaos like someone would walk down the street. He checked a few bodies, finding alot of bullets the same caliber as his uzi. "Well isn't this LOVELY?!?!?!?" he laughed, then began his favorite thing to do while killing people, he sang. "I feel it burns my sense of truth, to see me shouting at my youth, I need a way to sort it out, after I die, I'll reawake, redifine what was at sake, from the hindsight of a god..." He noticed the survivors seemed to be retreating. What a bunch of pussies. "I'll see the people that I used, see the substance I abused, the ugly places that I lived..." This song actually meant something. If one listened to the lyrics closely, they told of what he'd done, before, and after the apocalypse. Well, except the drug reference. "Did I make money, was I proud, did i play my songs too loud, did I leave my life to chance..." Rey delivered the last line with force, directed at the remaining survivors, "... or did I MAKE YOU FUCKIN' DANCE!!!" Rey laughed maniacally, humming the rest of the song, doing a type of robot, jerking his arms at odd angles, keeping moving in case any more shots were fired at him. One was, but it hit the ground at his feet, but he retaliated, shooting the woman in the chest. "Your aim sucks!" he laughed.
Luna stopped by the door when she heard a crack sound on the stairwell door. "F*ck." She mumbled before running over to the room Max locked herself in "Max open the door!" She screamed hitting the door a few times. When her sister opened the door with an eyerool, Luna slammed it shut after she entered. "Come on" she commanded her sister, opening the window. When she made sure Max was on the roof, she hopped off onto the front porch railing, helping Max down then taking off toward the entrance to the community they got in.

After a few hours of walking, Max grumbled "Luna, its dark, cold and I'm tired. We need to rest. Somewhere that isn't so obvious, a dark, breaking shed. Or in a tree" Max frowned at Luna.

"I know, I know. We'll find somewhere. . ." Luna assured, looking back at Max. They found a tree, Luna boosting Max up first, then handing the girl a blanket she took from the house before going to pull herself up "Luna look out!" Max yelled just as a Walker grabbed Lunas ankle. Luna let out a scream and fell from the tree, hurting her ankle, probably a severe sprain, on the way down. The girl was about to get up when the Walker fell on top of her two more on the firsts trail. Luna began to panic. Max hopped down to help her sister, stabbing one in the head.
"Alright." Ryan said, "Your apartment is something, it could be safe." An unknown was never the best option but for now they'd go with it. It was somewhere Aeina knew, somewhere familiar, and it was better than just standing around at this point. Ryan maneuvered himself to the back end of the truck before turning around to face them. He held out a hand gesturing for Aeina to walk ahead. "Lead the way."

Glancing down at the young girl he sighed, "I don't know what you've been through but it might be best if you stuck with us for now." He knew it would probably be more than or now, the girl likely had nowhere to go, but he didn't want her to feel like agreeing to come with them meant anything more what she wanted it to and what she was comfortable with.

Ryan's bearded face curved into a smile, "We'll be walking, so uhh...if you start getting too tired just let one of us know, alright? Aeina or I can carry you piggyback." He gave a light shrug, not really knowing if she'd even be comfortable with that, but he didn't think they should stop rest every time Constance got tired.
Kat looked around as the last of the survivors had fallen, she rubbed her sore joints after the extensive hand to hand combat and jogged over to Rey. "Not bad. For a civilian obviously." She said rather courteously giving him a pat on the shoulder, a little out of breath she stretched her arms to relief some of the tension that had built up and done a 5 second jog on the spot for her leg muscles. She stretched her neck and slung her M4 onto her back. Checking to see if her photo was there, it wasn't..Kat instantly built up and released a large amount of panic, frantically looking around and sprinting back to the humvee, looking inside it with a great deal of speed and sloppiness, not even checking slowly, instead too busy on just trying to find it quickly, before anyone else did.

She turned to look at Rey now, pointing at him with a glare. "You, you fucking took my photo didn't you?!" She asked with a high level of both aggression and clear accusation. She started kicking the side of the humvee door now in frustration before quickly beginning to look around on the ground for it, not going onto her knees just yet. But she was looking around the areas where she had been fighting, among all the bodies of the fallen survivors she had taken down.
Rey froze mid-dance. "No..." He cocked his head. He'd be angry if he'd lost one of the only things he had from before the dead started walking too. but those were his knives, and his jacket. No chance he was loosing those. He was approaching dangerous ground here, so he chose the next words that came out of his mouth carefully. "Do you... Want me to help you look for it?" Rey wasn't sure what was on that picture, but he was sure it mattered to Katalina alot.
Kat stopped her frantic search of the ground, now on her hands and knee to look up at Rey. Looking away after a split second and lowering her head. A bit ashamed and embarrassed that she had to ask for help. Before quietly saying "Yes..please.." She really needed to find that picture. She NEEDED to. She stood up, slowly walking over to the humvee again, sitting on the front of it in defeat. She crossed her legs and held her head up with her hand. Letting out a sigh and saying to Rey. "It's the only thing I have left." Her voice coated in resignation, she didn't have the energy anymore to be so worked up over it, it was most likely lost anyway now. She was too tired, didn't see much of a point in holding onto things anymore.

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