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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

Christian was already envious of the relationship these two had, it must have been nice to live through a hell like this with a best friend, and companion. In fact, that was probably why the two seemed so cheery, they had each other... Christian didn't respond to either of the girls, but continued forwards anyway, leading the way through the forest. Having absolutely no idea of where any sort of shelter would be.

The trio walked for at least twenty... Maybe thirty minutes without much luck, though that may have potentially changed. After just exiting the forest onto a country road, Christian noticed the large truck that was deserted in the middle of the road, the door to the cargo box was wide open... And the door, looked completely secure, sure it was a little cramped. But it was a hell of a lot better than freezing to death.

He turned to the duo, a slight gleam in his eye. "There's our shelter ladies, it seems sometimes I can be lucky." He mumbled, wondering over to the truck and soon to be bed, his previous exhaustion finally catching up.
Luna winced a little as she climbed into the back seat of the vehicle and layed down. The two girls were small enough to both fit on the seat, so Luna layed a blanket over them both, the door secured and safe enough.

Max closed her eyes and fell asleep instantly, Luna just held her sister, her eyes open, unable to sleep though she was exhausted. The cold air kept her ankle from burning and throbbing any more than it was. Eventually around 3 am Luna fell asleep as well but awake again at 5.

"We should get going" Luna said, tapping the strangers shoulder "get a good walking before it gets too warm outside." Even though it was close to winter, the fall afternoons were still as hot as the summer ones. Being on the farm, Luna knew that way too well.
Ryan had his arms crossed as they neared the buildings, keeping the leather jacket snug against his skin. The chilly air was something he was used to but still not very comfortable. The man glanced forwards at his companions, the walk hadn't been kind to any of them and he could see it written on their postures. While Aeina led them with Constance right behind, Ryan had taken the rear in an attempt to keep the younger girl in the middle this way he could keep an eye on both of them.

Ryan's gaze rose up the tall building, assessing it as they closed in on it, "So, this is where you lived before huh?" He asked.
"Sure is," Aeina sighed, "Home sweet home." The building was tall with very few windows in tact, the rest broken to pieces. Glass lay in front of the building on the ground, awaiting a stray step.

Aeina turned to Constance, "Do you want me to pick you up? You wouldn't wanna step in the glass by accident." That was the last thing Aeina needed.

For the first time since the apocolypse started she actually had people to help her out and for her to help out, she didn't want either of them to get hurt.
Constance looked up a bit surprised at Aeina when she spoke to her again. "U-uhm... S-s-sure..." She stuttered out, a bet skeptic about letting her be carried. 'How bad can it be?' She thought, bitting her lip softly. She played around with her sleeves, waiting to be picked up or put on her back.
Rey heard some muttered voices, two high, one that sounded like a child, and another that was a bit like his. He pulled out one of his knives. "Heh, Barbs, keep your mouth shut." He whispered. Since Barnaby didn't talk that much anyways, this statement was ironic, so he gave Barnaby an 'i know right?' look. Rey slunk through the trees, then around the rubble of the city, swinging himself up into one of the busted out windows. It was best to stay hidden for now. There was a boy around his age, a young girl in an oversized sweater, and another female figure. What was this? A family? They seemed to be headed towards a specific building... Rey decided to wait and see what would happen.
In the midst of Kat's thinking, she was surprised that she had noticed what she did. Rey and Barnaby were opposite, and in hiding no doubt from a small family of survivors. Kat's eyes narrowed towards the group of 3, inspecting them, albeit from a distance for weaponry. She couldn't make out anything as she didn't have super-vision. She slowly stood up now, backing away from the edge, there was a child with them, one she didn't trust Rey to handle in the event that the two groups met each other. She began sprinting down the 4 flights of stairs, quickly exiting the building in record time, now crouching as she slowly crouch walked over to the humvee, attempting to open the door but noticing that one of the two fuckwit twins had locked it.

"Fucking fuckers.." She growled out from under her breath, she quickly looked around for anything that could help her pull off her favorite thing to do, dress up. Before remembering that she had hid a copy of the vehicle's keys under the bonnet. She unlatched the front of it, opening it and quickly moving her hand under the engine, pulling out a pair of keys. Her hand now fully black. She sighed in annoyance, closing the bonnet and unlocking the back door. Climbing inside and getting changed.

2 minutes had passed, she had gotten her gray digital ACU uniform on again, hastily shoving on the kevlar and helmet. Grabbing her M4 and getting out of the humvee, closing the door over again, locking it. Now in her stolen US Army uniform, she sprinted towards the small family like group. Putting up her hand in a stopping motion, standing a small distance away from the 3. Hoping Rey wouldn't screw her over.
Christian awoke to a tap on te shoulder, though wasn't so out of it as to perceive it as a threat. Instead remembering the brief events of last night, despite how much he would have loved to remain asleep, he knew the girl was right. Time to go, it was never good to remain idle too long, or let your guard down.

"Yeah, right. Lets go." He said, blinking his vision back, barely recognizing Luna. Luckily he could recognize her voice. Upon exiting the truck, Christian sighed at the situation, thinking bout it more deeply. He'd lived in the wilderness for a long time... But never the winter. They'd never survive the winter outside.

"We need to find permanent shelter, we'll never survive the winter living like Nomads." He turned to face the two girls, wondering how long they'd been out in the open during the apocalypse. Yet strangely enough, he felt they were trustworthy, no matter how rare such a trait was anymore.

"Well let's just hope it's secure enough for the night." Ryan said, glancing up at the mess of shattered windows on the front of the building, his thoughts on just how many of the dead we're inside? And how many of the living? With Aeina planning to carry Constance now Ryan decided to take point, moving ahead of the two and waiting patiently for them to get ready.

Movement out of the corner of his eye had Ryan instinctively reaching for a weapon, the movement had been too quick for one of the slow dead, so his left hand had reached into the top opening of his blue leather jacket and under his right arm where his weapon was holstered in the leather strap. He'd just wanted his hand on it, in the event he needed it but the sight of the M4 had him ripping the gun from it's holster then raising it towards the clad figure. The person's hand telling them to stop, more defensive than anything but Ryan wasn't taking a chance, especially with Aeina and Constance here. "Look pal. We don't want any trouble. You want us to leave? We'll leave." Ryan was nervous, moreso for the girls, but his focus didn't falter.

For a moment the figure looked familiar as he gave it a look over. It had been dark at the supermarket and he hadn't been close but the conflict between the Humvee and the two guys with the truck, but the camo looked the same. We're the two together? Ryan still wasn't completely sure what all had gone down, he wasn't sure who had survived it, but no bodies had been present near the truck.

(Pfft. Ryan's 29, not Rey's age, just sayin'. Unless that mistake on Rey's part was on purpose.)
After some difficulty of getting out of the car, Luna leaned against her sister for support. Her ankle felt worse than the day before, even small movements hurt it and she had to keeo her foot up consistently. Of course she'd be the one to injure herself in the apocalypse. Every once in a while when the stanger was looking at them she could see the question in his eyes, question as to why they were still alive. So, after a few hours of walking, limping, Luna stated "I used to hunt with my dad a lot. He tried to get me on on guns, but my crossbow was always the best. Could hit the can right through the middle no matter the distance" Max frowned at the mention of their dad.

"Yknow. We could easilt go into town to look for a place to hide. Maybe a shelter, tornado shelter. There's always lots of food in those. We had one on the farm, until bandits came and run us out. I thought we were gonna have a few days off when we found the community, but I guess the survivors were drawn to that place like a magnet. Attracted the walkers with them" she limped a long, trying to make conversation.
(It was)

Rey poked his head out of the window a bit. Kat had put on her military uniform again. He stifled a giggle. They were well out of earshot, so as long as Rey didn't make any noise he was fine. Speaking of noise, there was moaning coming from further inside. Rey rolled behind the door as one of the dead wandered in. He waited until it was further in, then stabbed it in the back of the head. It gave a small grunt, then Rey pushed it outside into the buildings hallway and closed the door. Examining the room he was now in, it appeared to be an office. Paper was strewn about the room, broken monitors lay slumped in corners. Rey took this as a good sign. Rey ripped a few circuit-boards out of the dinosaur computers, then gazed around more. He chuckled as he lifted a table, finding some packets of sugar. "Who says the dead don't leave gifts for the living?" He muttered under his breath cheerfully.
At the first of the man's movements being aiming a pistol at her, she instantly raised her M4. Flicking the safety off. "Lower the weapon now, you are in a restricted area!" She called out towards him, it wasn't a lie. This WAS a restricted area, until the military decided to bug out and retreat back to Fort Bennings in Georgia. She believed it was the Rangers that had this area under lockdown before, which was correct as it was the insignia on the uniform she had taken. She didn't want to frighten the small girl under the man and woman's care, but she had no choice, he had pulled a gun on her. She was simply protecting herself, she hoped that Rey and Barnaby were keeping a watchful eye over her.

"Lower it. Now. This area is a no go for civilians." She continued, perhaps it'd be more believable later on if she got Rey and Barnaby uniforms and M4's too. Perhaps weld a M2 50. cal to the top of the humvee. Combine formality with firepower, that would be great if she could find right fitting uniforms. Perhaps if they went to Fort Bennings they could. She was about to warn him for a last time before the most unexpected thing happened, the radio attached to her kevlar went off. A bunch of static radio chatter emitting from it.

/> "Sabre 1-2, this is Foxstar go ahead."</ A male voice spoke out, the radio was on quite loud, but she didn't turn it down, she did have ear protection on after all. /> "Copy Foxstar, high priority civilian personnel are being casevac'd as we speak."</ Another male replied. She looked up to the family looking group before asking hesitantly, she had found the soldier's ID tag.

/> "Foxstar, this is Bulldog 5-1, got a group of civilian, non-personnel in grid...USDU-248, formerly known as Lincoln Street. Advise?" She asked slowly, hoping that it wouldn't draw unwanted attention. Before the callsign known as Foxstar replied calmly and firmly with. />"Foxstar copies all, all non-essential personnel are to be ignored at the present time, over."< She sighed in either relief or dread, relief knowing that she wouldn't have to drag their asses over to some evac point, dread knowing that now this little girl would be stuck here.

But it did make her act more believable at least. The radio hadn't picked a better time to put it's rear in gear.
Rey strode back to the broken window and gazed out. Kat seemed to be holding up the family. He barked out a quiet laugh, more of a wheeze than anything out. This was one of the things he found generally funny, and comedy was greeted by short bursts of hissing laughter. More of just air passing out of his lungs and through his mouth. "SSsss sss sss..." A grin spread itself across his face. The male pulled out a gun, that was something new. Kat would be in a fix now. Rey sighed and screwed his silencer onto his uzi. He didn't want to get into a firefight, but there might be one forthcoming. A thought struck him, how about he just let Kat know where he was? Rey stuck his uzi back under his jacket and flicked out one of his knives, resting his elbows on the windowsill, still vigilant, not doing anything yet.
After a while of walking, Luna eventually broke the silence. What she said made it clear she knew his thoughts, which was hardly surprising. He hadn't exactly hid them after all, though her answer gave him a little more confidence in their survival ability. Christian didn't know how to hunt with a bow, never tried. His meals came from other survivors, dead bandits, or animals caught in his traps, a crossbow was also nice and silent, could do a lot of good in a tough situation. Then again, there was no telling they'd have time to get in a tough situation. In her current state, Luna would be lucky to survive until healed.

"A good hunter? Now that is a useful skill." He paused before continuing, knowing it was their best chance. "A shelter? If we could find one that's safe, and stored then I may just start believing in God... But it's our best shot." Christian was not hopeful of finding a tornado shelter, they'd have been looted to the bare bone, and those that weren't were likely already occupied by bandits. Or uninhabitable.
"Put the weapon down," Aeina whispered to Ryan, then louder, "I used to live here! We don't want a fight, we just need shelter." It was true, she definitely didn't want a fight. Especially when she had just found a grop to survive with.
Ryan had just been just about to call her out on her bullshit when the radio had gone off. He'd thought any and all military groups would have been out of business by now, except for those holed up in the military bases maybe. But he didn't believe many of those even lasted this long, so to hear the voices over the loud radio had been a surprise. Hearing the voice on the other side of the radio say that the three of them we're to be ignored.

Ryan wasn't looking for a gunfight, he knew what that would lead to. She had the bigger gun, and the protection of body armor, and he didn't even have cover nearby. Not to mention Aeina and Constance would be caught in the middle of it. But he didn't trust anyone who would so boldly run up to a group of survivors, military or not. He had a choice, and both options held risks.

This wasn't him, not what he was used to. By now the choice would have been made one way or another, but his choice now effected others and he had to give it more thought. He may have only just met them but he didn't want them to come to harm, especially over his decisions. Aeina's whisper brought his attention back to reality, his eyes shifting to look at her briefly before returning to the potential threat, maybe she was right. Ryan really didn't want to, but he pulled the finger that had been sitting on the trigger of the gun away, showing that he was about to lower it before hesitantly lowering his gun and letting out a breath he'd been holding in. Ryan decided to keep his mouth shut rather than argue for the time being, maybe Aeina would have better luck, Ryan had just pulled a gun afterall so he was probably on thin ice as it was.
The male had now put down the gun, so Rey leaned out the window, flicking the last of the suns rays over at Katalina. He wanted to let her know he was there in case she needed backup. He made sure she saw it, then ducked back into the building to avoid drawing the attentions of the other party.
Kat nodded at what the cute woman had said to her, what? She'd be lying to herself if she didn't admit that. Lowering her own M4 as the man of the group lowered his pistol, at the corner of the eye she could clearly see Rey's attempts to notify her of his position, walking slowly towards the group now, slinging her rifle over her shoulder. "Well then, you seem to be good." She said, now directly in front of them, she extended her hand out towards the man of the group. Nodding at him once. "Katalina Serkevski, pleasure to not get shot." Which was strange of her to say, as she hadn't usually be one to joke about such serious things. The fact that she had been like that, and said those words so openly, and almost kindly confused her greatly. She was starting to wonder if those two idiots were rubbing off on her. That thought sent shivers down her spine.

She looked down at the small girl of the group, smiling at her, Kat's features softening and her smile growing warmer at the sight of the adorable child, how had she managed to survive this long? She must've been a survivor, a lot like Kat in many ways, that made her feel for the girl even more. She had a terrible weakness for children, and for cute girls but that was a conversation for another day, or no day. That was always better in Kat's book, not talking about herself. She preferred talking about others. The group seemed like a bunch of nice people who just wanted to survive, no indication of ulterior motives or any suggestion that they'd turn on her. That was fine by her.
Ryan was sure to holster the weapon back under his jacket. He was sure to shake her hand, thankful this hadn't gone the opposite direction, "Ryan Thompson.." Smiling sheepishly at her introduction while his other hand went to rub the back of his head. "Yeah well, I'm glad I didn't need to." He wasn't sure if that sounded rude or not, "You can never be too careful anymore." The man added quickly.

He watched as Katalina's gaze lingered on Constance, it was slightly relaxing. Anyone who at the very least would pause for a child, couldn't be too bad. "I don't suppose I could convince you to defy those orders you we're given and take them to whatever safe place you've all got going could I?" There was honestly no way of telling if the military had a safe place nearby but from the sounds of it there had to be something stable. "I'm fine with being out here, on my own. But they should atleast be considered." He was calm, not begging in the least, if nothing else it was just a way of confirming. Ryan glanced at Aeina, guessing she'd probably get peeved with him for it. It was just fact that if there was one less adult to consider it might give them a better shot.
Aeina looked at Ryan, "You're coming. Even if you don't want to. It'll be safer wherever Katalina brings us. If she chooses to of course." Aeina turned to Katalina, "By the way, my name's Aeina." She smiled slightly and blew her bangs out of her face, not to keep it out of her eyes, it was more or less a nervous tick.
Kat nodded at Ryan as she now knew him spoke to her, then given a dilemma, she didn't actually know of any active military checkpoints, she knew of a few, but not if they were still operational. What if she led them into a trap unintentionally, and put the girl in danger. That thought alone nearly caused her to sweat buckets, then there was the fact that Rey and Barnaby might have somewhere to go, and not want to come along with her. But she nodded either way. Saying "I can try, but the Brass aren't to kind to those that disobey orders now-a-days." Which she knew as the truth for a fact, she'd seen `deserters` get shot. Which she couldn't help but agree with, this world had no need for cowards, let alone a military as strong as the United States one.

She turned to the older girl as she introduced herself, Kat looked at her for a few seconds, a bit dazed, then shaking her head and smiling. Extending her hand. "Nice to meet you Aeina. It's a pleasure." She spoke out truthfully. Her brain must've been getting a bit slow, she mentally slapped herself for embarrassing herself like that, she'd taken a pause for a few moments, like a complete idiot. She had no idea as to why she paused and stumbled over her words partially. She blushed a little, she hated being what she called `slow`, especially in front others, she rubbed the back of her neck and pointed back to the humvee, in the distance.

"So...uh, you guys cool on coming now?"
Aeina turned to Ryan and Constance, "I'm down, what about you guys?" Aeina glanced at the humvee that Kat had pointed to and then back at the group.
Ryan shrugged, "Yeah, it's better than nothing afterall." While he still didn't exactly trust this woman she'd earned atleast a little for the fact that she hadn't shot them dead when she had the chance. While not the best outlook on it, Ryan didn't care. The man eyed the Humvee for a moment. Surely it wasn't the same one? The coincidences we're adding up and it was starting to nag at Ryan. He probably shouldn't be letting it slide but he was, for now.
Luna nodded as they began walking to town. After a while they reached it and Luna looked around. It was a small, country town that would most definitely have a tornado shelter. "Come on, we should cut through alley ways to try and find it." Luna limped to the closest alley and leaned against Max, looking over some fences. Eventually she spotted one on the other side of a large fence "you should climb over and see if it's clear, Max will go with you. She's small but good with a gun.

Max smiled a bit with a nonchalant shrug before getting boosted over by Luna. Luna just leaned against the fence, waiting for Christiannto go over
Kat was happy somewhat that they had agreed to let her take them to a safe zone, hopefully they were still accepting refugees. She could only hope, at the same time she couldn't help but sneak peeks at the young girl and Aiena, although for two different reasons, she was quite mutual about this Ryan guy. He seemed nice enough to not backstab her. Then again she did have the automatic rifle here.

She began leading the group towards the humvee. Taking out her pair of keys as they got closer and closer to it. Asking "So, how young is the girl?" curiously as they all walked, she started feeling twitchy at this point. She suddenly wasn't feeling right. Her fists clenched as she scratched harshly at the back of her neck. Where it had became irritated. These things always happened at the worst times. Scratching her right arm rapidly now as most of the skin on her body became agitated. She quickly jogged to the humvee, unlocking the back door and climbing into it

She made sure to quickly and somewhat frantically go through her backpack, taking out what she could only hope to be the right pills, she quickly threw 2 in her mouth simply swallowing them. Turning back to the 3 now. "Sorry about that. Hop in."
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