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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

Rey watched in confusion as Katalina led the group back to the humvee. Was walking through the pile of newly made corpses not a deterrent to these people? The little girl nonetheless. Rey motioned for Barnaby to follow him, swinging down out of the window and skittering down the side of the wall. "Hey, make sure you reload that before you shoot it Barbs." Rey chuckled, tossing him a few bullets. Kat was trying to leave without them? What the actual fuck. Rey was glad he had taken the sparkplug. Rey made sure his knives and uzi were covered completely by his jacket as he followed the path he had made through the woods, Barnaby in tow. He decided the best way to alert the trio and Kat of their prescence was to sing something as he got closer. "You say you're a libra, well I'm an unbeliever, your planets make a cynic out of you..." He chuckled, picking a bouncy upbeat tune as he approached the group as to not be threatening, "Quiet and tounge-tied, I stayed here after midnight, I waited for the moon to follow you..." Rey snapped his fingers as he hopped over the baricade in the middle of the road in front of the humvee. He tripped over one of the dead survivors there on purpose. "Whoops," He got up, dusting himself off.
Alstromeria said:
Rey watched in confusion as Katalina led the group back to the humvee. Was walking through the pile of newly made corpses not a deterrent to these people? The little girl nonetheless. Rey motioned for Barnaby to follow him, swinging down out of the window and skittering down the side of the wall. "Hey, make sure you reload that before you shoot it Barbs." Rey chuckled, tossing him a few bullets. Kat was trying to leave without them? What the actual fuck. Rey was glad he had taken the sparkplug. Rey made sure his knives and uzi were covered completely by his jacket as he followed the path he had made through the woods, Barnaby in tow. He decided the best way to alert the trio and Kat of their prescence was to sing something as he got closer. "You say you're a libra, well I'm an unbeliever, your planets make a cynic out of you..." He chuckled, picking a bouncy upbeat tune as he approached the group as to not be threatening, "Quiet and tounge-tied, I stayed here after midnight, I waited for the moon to follow you..." Rey snapped his fingers as he hopped over the baricade in the middle of the road in front of the humvee. He tripped over one of the dead survivors there on purpose. "Whoops," He got up, dusting himself off.
(( Read thr post before, Kat actually got in the Humvee. ))
[QUOTE="Fantasy Crazy](( Read thr post before, Kat actually got in the Humvee. ))

((I know, but rey has the spark plug to it. It can't start. He sees Kat in the humvee, the others are around it am i right?))
Alstromeria said:
((I know, but rey has the spark plug to it. It can't start. He sees Kat in the humvee, the others are around it am i right?))
(( Oh, my mistake, I thought Rey and Barnaby were already in it, sorry. ))
(Ok, so I kinda joined this late, and don't have time to read through 23 pages of posts so I'm just gonna do a starter and if anyone wants to approach either of my characters, go for it, they don't bite ^-^)

Lavana slung the katana over her shoulder and sheathed a gun at her side. She only brought 8 bullets, and hopefully she wouldn't need any of them. Then she grabbed a satchel with another bag inside of it.

Riva watched with a pout from the couch. "Do you have to go?" The little girl whimpered, watching her older sister as she prepared to leave. Lavana paused, turning around and kissing Riva on the head. "Don't worry. I"ll be back before you know it. Lock the doors, don't answer for anyone. Don't attract attention--" She was cut off my Riva smiling softly, "I know I know. You tell me almost every day."

"That's my girl," Lavana smiled, and after tousling her sister's elbow-length hair playfully, she opened the camper's door and left, quietly shutting it behind her. She drew the katana in case any walkers decided to randomly pop up out of seemingly no where, and began walking through the forest to the closet town. The blonde was constantly looking over her shoulder, and all around her so she wouldn't be caught off guard. After both of her parents died and she was responsible for Riva's survival, she couldn't take the chance of getting bit.
Ryan followed after Katalina, sticking close to Aeina and Constance. Her question caught him off guard, to be honest he wasn't sure. They hadn't asked her, or rather he hadn't. He supposed Aeina might know, the two of them had made a little conversation on the trek to the apartment building and occasionally Ryan had chimed in. But for the most part he'd kept an eye and ear on their surroundings, focusing moreso on that. He looked to Aeina for help on the subject, not wanting to sound like an ass or a stranger. Technically they we're still strangers having only met hours before but if this soldier knew that she might be more suspicious of them and that was the last thing they needed.

When Katalina started picking up the pace Ryan eyed her from behind curiously. He could see her demeanor changing slightly. Having been a photographer, he'd enjoyed doing photos of things other than people, that had been his calling. But he still did people when the job paid well, be it modeling, or just family photos. And in that time he'd learned the basics of reading someone, trying to tell them a specific manner to get the right look he'd wanted. At first he thought this was some sort of giveaway, that she was nervous about what was about to happen. He found himself tensing up, until she dug something out of the Humvee and asked if they we're ready. Still a bit uneasy he gave her a nod, she'd changed so drastically in a matter of seconds. He was just about to ask her about it..

...and then came the singing. Coincidences be damned, Ryan started putting everything together as he peeked around the Humvee in partial disbelief, spotting the same damn teenager from the supermarket trip straight over a corpse. "You. Your that idi-" Ryan caught himself, the situation was still a question mark and it'd be best not to be an ass, "-kid from the supermarket."
Rey mock saluted with two fingers. "Yep! That shows that someone actually managed to spot me before I spotted them! Anyways, congrats, we're all here now." Rey laughed. "And woaaaaa... You look alot younger than you do from a long way away..." Rey cocked his head, inspecting the man a bit closer. "Late twenties, early thirty's? Ah, no matter. We're all the same age now." Rey moved on down the line to the young woman. "Hey, hello, I'm Rey, nice to meet you, yada yada yada." Rey dropped to one knee to look at the child. "Why hello there little miss! What might your name be?"
Kat nodded at Ryan's reply, about to hop into the front seat until she heard the sound of Rey's fucking annoying ass singing, it was terrible too. She cringed as he showed up, although something about him seemed more menancing, she didn't like it, grabbing the M4 rifle off of her back, she hopped out of the humvee, tightening her grip on the weapon, he had his greetings with the two adults of the group, Kat visibly growing more hostile, her stance becoming more aggressive and her rifle raising a tad bit as he began talking to the small girl. Stepping up to just behind her now, making a fake coughing noise. "Step off Rey." She said simply, with a hint of passive-aggressiveness. His show at the mall around that security guard's kid had shown all about what he was like around children. She had easily noticed Barnaby, a bit behind Rey. Trying to hide or not? She didn't know, if he was, he was immensely bad at it.

She gently moved the small girl behind her as she stepped closer towards Rey now, aiming her rifle down towards where his had was, the barrel touching his scalp. "I noticed the spark plug was missing...where is it?" She asked threateningly, she should've known he'd pull a move like this. And to think she was actually beginning to warm up to these two idiots, failures, traitors even. Her signiture glare took it's place back onto her face, her eyes narrowing and eyebrows pointing downwards now, towards each other. She should've never given those two the chance, should have never given him the chance. THIS was the reason she could never let anyone close, once again she had proved herself right.
Rey laughed, standing up and nudging the barrel of the gun away from his face. "You shouldn't point those at people sweetheart, you could hurt somebody." A wild grin spread across his face, the insane glint returning to his eyes, as it allways did when he was in danger. This wasn't the look of someone who was afraid, it was the look of someone who knew he held too many of the cards. "What's with all the animosity, we're all friends here!" Rey spread his arms, his grin only widening. "Look's like I pulled the right move, you were planing to leave without us. Tut tut." Rey waggled his finger in a no-no gesture. "Murphy's law. Everything can go wrong, and will go wrong at the worst possible moment. That's why I plan for the worse. You found people. I don't know these people, or what you plan to do with them, but I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt instead of avoiding them entirely like we usually do." Rey nodded to the group, patting Barnaby on the shoulder. "This is Barbs. He may look dark and scary, but his bark is worse than his bite. And he hardly barks. Talks even. So." He pointed to Kat. "You'll be driving. Assuming these people are coming with us?"
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"B-but... Wh-where are w-we going t-to go?" She whispered. She had been staying quiet for the most part, studying their actions a bit and what they may be like. She didn't trust any of them so far and she didn't want to leave the area or city. There may be a chance her mommy would come back to the apartment or she may see her, and Constance would take that chance without a second thought. She quickly pulled her sleeve back onto her shoulder and adjusted her hat.

(I can't really say much, so sorry for the shorter reply.)
Ryan recognized the older man behind the teen from earlier as well. He watched as Kat became somewhat agressive, intervening between Rey and Constance, he hadn't seen the issue, it looked like a harmless greeting from an awkward teenager but Kat saw it as something else or she wouldn't have intervened. When the gun was brought into the situation Ryan stepped forwards slowly, reaching out to tap Constance on the shoulder.

"Constance, come back here to the back of the Humvee with me and Aeina, alright? We'll talk about where we are going soon." He said quietly, wanting the girl out of harms way. When Rey continued talking, seemingly fearless of the gun pressed to his head, Ryan guessed that he and the girls had stepped into the middle of something. And that made him a little nervous.
Kat looked almost in awe at how somebody could be so relaxed as a weapon was pointed at them, by someone who would be more than willing to pull the trigger. She did lower the weapon, knowing that if he were to try anything, he and Barnaby would be dead in a matter of at least under a minute, perhaps a bit more if they managed to run far. She slinged her rifle over her shoulder again, shaking her head with a smirk now. Grabbing Rey by the collar and saying slowly. "You know Rey, I really don't understand you.." It was the truth, he was just so complicated and...wierd, she thought that she was wierd, this guy was on a different planet all together. Then a thought came into her head, she grinned almost deviously, and whispered in his ear. "I kind of like it." Her voice giving clear tell tale hints of lust. She backed away from him, walking back towards the humvee now, getting into the drivers seat.

"Come on, all of you. Get in." She said, now coming off as calm and formal. Somewhat demanding but not a lot. She wanted to get a start to their journey quickly, perhaps she could take them to the Rangers checkpoint near Lincoln, that'd be a good start. She had an idea for them all, something she had already adopted as her own technique to surviving.
She glanced up at Ryan and went with him slightly, but not straying to far. All she wanted was to know from either Kat or Rey, they owned the Humvee anyways. Constance didn't like getting ignored so she said it again, a bit louder, "Wh-where are w-we going?" It didn't sound like she was angry or annoyed, just curious and a bit worried. She was looking at the lady now. She seemed to like children so she may get answers from her.
Rey chuckled and decided to let the matter drop. Katalina was a work of art. Highly hypocritical, explosive, but existant all the same. Rey realized he liked his girls the way he liked his chemicals. "Allrigty. Barbs, you sit in the back with me. The girls can all ride up front." Rey popped the hood, rummaged around a bit, screwing the sparkplug back in place. He slammed the hood down again, winking at the group that had retreated behind the humvee. "Kat's alot like Barbs. But she throws her weight around alot more. Don't worry, I'm a little crazy, she's a little crazy, you're a little crazy, the world's a little crazy..." Rey swung himself up into the humvee. "But then again..." He reverted back to one of his favorite quotes, "Aren't we all MAD?!?!?!" Rey turned to the child. "Here, there, everywhere, where doesn't matter, where from does, haha."
And just like that they we're back to being somewhat civil again. Ryan looked to Aeina to try and get a read on what the woman thought of this, and Constance just seemed worried not that he could blame her, a bunch of strangers talking about leaving without telling much would probably have that effect on anyone. "So where is it we're going exactly?" Ryan asked, mainly just to know but the girl wanted to know as well and maybe it would put her at ease to put a name to the place, maybe.

Seeing as the females we're riding up front he guessed he'd be in the back with Crazy Pants Mcgee and Mr. Shades, looked like it was going to be a cramped sausage fest in the back. The kid seemed to have been dropped on his head too many times as a child but it would seem he wasn't a threat to them and he's still alive, which says alot about a person these days. Ryan opened the door to the backseat and standing behind it, letting them go first if they wanted, there was no way in hell he was sitting inbetween them.
Aeina put her hand on Constance's back and led her to the front of the car, she let Constance get in first, in case something grabbed them from the window she wanted Constance to be in the middle. During the conversation between Kat and Rey she stayed silent, not wanting to get in the middle of anything.
"An Army Rangers outpost, hopefully it's still active." She said casually, turning the engine on and closing the door to the drivers seat. She stretched her arms and relaxed her fingers, if she was going to drive, at least she'd have comfort doing it, the probability of the Rangers Outpost still being active was very low, as they had finished pulling out of the area almost 2 days ago. Retreating further west. But of course they didn't know that, and of course they didn't know her Watch could unlock any government controlled installation. Which in hindsight is quite a security risk, but they entrusted their agents to the fullest to safekeep their equipment. She looked in the back as the others got into the humvee.

And began driving the vehicle, she had kept her pistol on her lap for the duration of her driving, not trusting the fact that Rey and Barnaby were behind her, if needed she'd crash the vehicle in-order to make sure those idiots didn't get the one up on her. Regardless of the civilians in it. After a few minutes the humvee had began crossing a bridge, the bridge was a very large suspension one and had abandoned vehicles everywhere. The outpost wasn't to far from here. A few more minutes at most, they were lucky enough to be close to one in the first place.

"The outpost is more than likely going to be abandoned." She said, better to tell them now than later. "But that doesn't mean it won't be useful, their evacuation was sloppy, they left most of their supplies behind. Once we get there, I'll gather up some stuff for us, I've got a plan that could come in handy in the event we meet other survivors." She informed them, not willing to elaborate any further, she preferred her plans to be a surprise, even if they weren't devious or a practical joke.
"I-is it o-outside of th-the city?" She asks, biting her lip lightly and clenching her sweater. She still wasn't sure about heading places with a group of completely random strangers. She only met Aeina and Ryan a while ago and she just met these people. It was unnatural and she didn't like it. She didn't like new things that much if she didn't have something she kenw with her. 'You still have your swaeter,' She told herself, 'and your hat.' Constance relaxed a bit, but she still had a nagging feeling. 'I wish she was still here...' She thought, folding her arms over herself and looking down.
Ryan sat staring out the window of the Humvee as they drove along. He honestly didn't believe the military would be of any help to them. Back when the world went to hell he'd been in a quarantine zone for a few days, and at the first signs of things going downhill the soldiers we're quick to close ranks and retreat leaving the zone and its civilians to fend for themselves. So why was he even going then? Did he not want to be alone again? Was it because he didn't want to leave Aeina and Constance with some strangers? Was he actually hoping for some safe place to become available? He wasn't even sure. The woman said it was likely abandoned, supplies would be nice.

"So what exactly happened between you guys anyway?" Ryan asked sitting forwards slightly so he could see Rey, glancing to Barnaby, then to the rear view mirror at Kat. "I mean one moment your playing destruction derby in front of a supermarket, popping off shots and now your buddy buddy with each other?" There was a chance this was the wrong kind of conversation to bring up but at this point the man was genuinely curious.
Kat was quick to respond to Ryan's question. Answering it rather aggressively. "Nothing happened." She told him firmly, her hands tightening their grip around the steering wheel, now to anyone else his question would've just been out of curiosity. But to Kat, it was meant to imply something. Something she didn't want to think about. Her glare returned once more before letting out a sigh.

"Nothing at all.." She said again, this time a little more neutral, her guard being down for a moment and allowing some of those closely guarded emotions leak into her words. Something she couldn't tolerate. But apparently had no say in. Instead using her calm way with words and formal speaking to make sure they were covered.

She had been a mess the past few weeks, yawning as she slightly became dazed and lost focus temporarily. Regaining it quite quickly. She hadn't been getting enough sleep, everytime she did, she would have the strange dreams. And they were just getting good worse.
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Aeina could feel the tension in the car, she kept silent still not wanting to make it worse. Her nervous tick kicked in again and she blew her bangs out of her face. Her ponytail was falling out so she quickly redid it and shifted in the seat. She had grabbed a few granola bars at the supermarket, she didn't know if the other group had eaten yet. She held up the bars, "Anyone hungry?"
Rey shook his head. "If Kat says noting happened, nothin' happened. Barbs and I couldn't really tell it was her in her military garb, and we knew eachother from up in new jersy, so yea. Nothing special." Rey nodded at Aeina. "Thanks," He said, taking one of the granola bars, "Never caught your name, that's around the time Kat stuck her gun in mah face." Rey chuckled. "Anyways. Before the dead started moving around, I was a mostly self taught kid. I'm about six months old so far. What are we, hundred and ten days? Hundred eleven?" Rey bobbed his head a bit. "Yeaaaa no mater. I'm trying to tell you a bit about myself, no use saying what you already know. I had a bachelors degree in chenical engineering that I got offline, most everything else's self taught." Rey took a bite from the granola bar.
Ryan simply shrugged before sinking back into the seat, made sense if they knew each other before. Listening to Rey rant on as he reached forwards taking the granola bar Aeina had offered, mumbling a "thanks" before opening it.

He'd been mid-way through a bite when Rey spoke a surprise and he almost choked, coughing in an attempt to keep the food from going into his wind pipe. Tiny bits of the food flying over his legs and into the floorboard below. The man cleared his throat as he looked over at Rey, "A bachelor's degree in Chemichal Engineering?" He asked through a slightly hoarse voice. He eyed Rey up and down as if confirming something. "Wait, how old are you exactly?"
Rey cocked his head. "I just told you. We're one hundred and ten days old." Reys eyes widened a bit in realization as to what the man was asking him. "Oh, you mean age, not time. I'm around seventeen now I guess. Haven't been keeping track of age, only time. Time's more efficient." Rey finished his granola bar.
"I swear to christ Rey if you bring up that `Oh we're a hundred and whatever the fuck` shit again, I'll climb back there and beat the shit out of you." Kat declared angrily from the front seat, glaring back at Rey for a moment as the entrance to what was supposedly the Ranger Outpost drew closer, a few empty humvees parked outside with concrete barriers infront of them, 50. cal machine guns mounted atop. No rangers to be seen however, Kat thought as much. The FOB had large fences around it and dark green tents inside it, hell it even had an M1A2 Abrams tank just parked inside it like nobodies business. A helipad with a black hawk helicopter sitting on it and US Military ration boxes surrounding it. The base still had all it's equipment and supplies from the looks of it. And there weren't even that many dead. A few civilian ones that must've wandered into the base, but no infected Rangers thankfully.

"I guess we're here." She informed the rest of the group, stopping the humvee just outside of the opened gates, grabbing her rifle and hopping out, her eyes inspecting every detail of the abandoned surroundings over and over again, until she was satisfied that the area was secure. "We're good for now. Get out, we're going inside." She flicked the safety off of her M4 as she slowly began to stalk her way into the empty base, crouching down and peeking around a corner as she looked behind her to see the others. Putting a finger to her mouth in a silence motion.

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