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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

Christian, for the remainder of the journey, just walked on silently. They obviously walked for quite a stretch of time, but eventually they did reach a small town of sorts. Happily enough, there weren't any bandit dangers on the way here, only the occasional roamer which was wasily dispatched. But what was a stroke of good luck was that upon reaching the town, it hadn;t took to long to spot a tornado shelter within a simple back garden, surely it would be looted oroccupied? Christian certainly kept his wits about him.

"Alright, we'll check it out, I'll go in first, Max can cover me with th gun." He answered leaving no room for debate. Before lifting himself over the relatively large fence... Leaving Luna here didn't seem like the smartest idea, nor did bringing her. Hopefully she wasn't attacked by anything incapacitated...

Not dwelling on Luna's safety anymore, Christian moved to the tornado shelter, and harmlessly opened the door. So it wasn't locked? Another surprise it seemed... Readying his blade for whatever lay below, he beckoned for Max to stay quiet, keep down, and follow.
Rey chuckled and tuck-and-rolled out of the humvee and straight under the car. He didn't want to get shot if there were still military people at this place, in his experience they tended to shoot people alot. So he stayed under there, arms tensed, focusing on what he heard and not what he saw from his limited view of Kat's feet.
Ryan slid out of the Humvee and pulled his blade from it's sheathe at his side. Kat had her M4 so any long range threats could be dealt with by her, he was more worried about anyone or anything sneaking up on them for a grab or a chomp. So the machete it was, for now. As he kept close to the others he wondered if it was a good idea to bring Constance along, though the alternative of leaving her in the Humvee wasn't exactly great, even if someone stayed to make sure she was fine.

He could see a few of the dead milling about from his crouched position within the group. But his eyes occasionally wandering over the military vehicles and weapons, there was enough firepower here to wage a damn war against the dead, well a small war anyways. The fact that the military had just abandoned it all meant they we're likely in a hurry to leave. They couldn't be the first people to have thought of this and gotten inside, the damn gates had been opened afterall so there was a need to be cautious.
Max followed Christian go the cellar. She had done this with Luna many times before, so she was used to it. She quickly snuck past him and held up her gun when she opened the door. There was a hum sound probably from an under ground generator, following it she found a light switch snd flipped it on. The room was small, made of cement, there was one bunk bed, a table and chairs as well as a few shelves of books and... food. Not as much as you would expect in a tornado cellar, but a few cans, maybe twelve, "holy shit" Max mumbled looking around the room "dude this is perfect. We could even go scavange for food" she said to Christian.

Luna waited, leaning against the fence, holding her cross bow. A walker came wandering down the alley, and when it was close enough, Isa stabbed the thing in the head. "Good." She said to herself. She climbed on the fence to check if the two were okay, she could see the cellar door open, so she guess they were. Her ankle hurt a bit so she climbed back down.
Christian scared, his face portraying amazement at the shelter they had found. Books, beds, even proper food... All just laying here, how this hadn't been looted before he did not know... e guessed it was dumb luck more than anything...

"We could... But is there a second way out?" He asked, curiously. Being trapped down here by bandits or roamers was a death sentence... He couldn't see how staying here would work unless there was some sort of secret tunnel hidden away.

"Keep your eyes peeled, I'll go get Luna."

Christian re-entered the garden, now with mixed feelings about the shelter, the food was a great find, but he didn't know if they could stay there... He hoped Max managed to find a passage of sorts. "The shelter's clear, Max is checking it out now, it had food, beds and books! A good place to stay... Hopefully." He said, unenthusiastically, whilst climbing over the fence once more. "Now, how are we going to get you over the fence?"
Kat stood up, speed walking into the base fully now, her rifle raised, back hunched slightly, eye at the scope as her weapon and herself changed the way they were facing quickly, over and over again. Searching every single bit of ground in the base for anything that might pose a threat, her breathing was controlled as she entered her natural habitat, she heard bootsteps pound lightly against the metal surface of inside the base's command center. She threw herself lightly against the wall, picking up a small stone and throwing it into the room the bootsteps were originating from, quiet talking emitting from inside it now as Kat quickly turned the corner, firing her rifle 6 times, 5 headshots and a knee shot intentionally.. All perfectly lined up in an almost scarily neat fashion. They were obviously non-military, although Kat wouldn't have minded if they were military anyway.

She looked down to the still alive survivor, a younger guy by the looks of it, she was about to simply go through her usual interrogation procedure, which was surprisingly unviolent, she, despite being a violent person with a quick temper always believed that being nice towards the prisoner got answers quicker, as they were more WILLING to cooperate that way, whilst beating them only stronged their will to fight against you. Until she noticed what the symbol sown onto his jacket was...she grew a glare quicker than ever before, storming towards the young man as his face became the sheer definetion of terrified, her knew her, she knew him..

She grabbed him by the collar, firing a round into his intact knee, him screaming out in pain, dragging him out to the back of the base, towards one of the pits that the military had dug to burn the infected bodies in, this one was empty fortunately for her...not so much for him, he was crying now, `like a little bitch` Kat thought, throwing him down infront of her as she threw her rifle to the side, taking her pistol out of it's holster. He was begging for forgiveness whilst bawling his eyes out infront of her. There wasn't going to be any mercy for him. But she decided to play a little with him, she walked towards him, stradling him and simply beginning to beat the shit out of him, her gloved fist repeatdly slamming against his face, within seconds his nose was broken and a few teeth were shattered. But she didn't stop.
Rey heard gunshots from his place under the humvee. "Hide your eyes small child," He called to the little girl, "Sound's like Kat's lost her shit again!" He laughed a bit, staying under the car. Somebody was going to get a tremendous ass whoopin', and with Barnaby and the other guy, Ryan, out there, he didn't foreshadow it being Kat. He thought he had taught Barnaby better though, hanging back unseen from the fighting was usually the best way to go.
Ryan had been hanging slightly back when he'd heard the sudden shots, peeking around the tent he'd been crouched behind he could see Kat ahead doing her thing before entering the command center. At first he'd thought she was dealing with dead until the blood curdling scream came from within. Ryan cursed under his breath as he jogged forwards after her and Barnaby. The shots attracted two of the dead that'd been wandering within the fence and Ryan stepped up behind them, sinking the blade of his machete into their skulls before they reached the center. Spotting the bodies of the dead survivors as he moved on through towards the back.

He could hear the beating before he arrived, though not really knowing what it was until he got there. Just that someone was crying out and whimpering a blubbery mess. The sight wasn't pretty. "Are you kidding me? Is that really even fucking necessary!?" He called out in a hushed tone. Normally he would have tried to intervene, never the sort to enjoy such things. But between the girls mood swings and the fact that they'd already drawn on each other once he thought it best not to push his luck at this point. Even if he wanted to. Ryan did however move up to the side of the pit so that he was in Kat's peripheral vision, eyeing her. "Hey!" This time his voice louder, more determined to get her attention.
Kat had just made contact with his face for the 26th time by her fist when she noticed that Ryan guy standing a small distance away, calling out to her. She glared up at him "What do you want." She growled out practically, the guy still basically shitting his pants beneath her, she had heard the footsteps from behind her a small bit ago, most likely Barnaby she thought to herself, at least he knew not to get in her way, but this new group would learn soon enough. Kat was getting extremely agitated at Ryan, who was he to interupt this, he didn't even know what group he belongged to and what they had done to Kat in the first place to deserve such brutality, if he knew, he would know that she needed to do this. She stood up again, grabbing him by his collar and throwing him into the dug pit. Turning to both Barnaby and Ryan.

"Stay here. Don't fucking let him go anywhere." She spat out from behind gritted teeth, storming away to the barracks of the base, in search of an infected survivor or soldier, she didn't really care. She found one simply standing still in one of the barracks, a survivor by the looks of it, she walked towards it, it used to be a man with rather long hair, she pulled it's hair down so it couldn't bite her and began dragging it by the hair. It only took the space of a few minutes to get the infected and bring it back to the pit, where she looked at the two men. "Trust me. He deserves this." She said simply, kicking the infected into the pit with the man. Grabbing her rifle from the ground and walking off.

She got to the entrance of the base again, calling out to Rey. "Rey, get your worthless ass back in here. It's clear." She informed him, before heading over to the tall watchtower at the corner of the base's walls. Climbing up its ladders and standing up at the top, holding her rifle closely as she began to inspect the surrounding area for anything of either value or a threat.
Rey laughed and rolled out from under the car. "Haha, that wasn't the smartest thing to do Katalina. You aren't immortal. Plan things out before we do them next time." There was a bit of rubble and trash onone side of the bases walls, looked like that was where they had been putting their waste. Rey freeran, his feet finding purchase on small slabs of metal, some broken ciderblocks. He grabbe the top of the wall and poked his head over. Nobody was there, it seemed like Kat had kicked some serious ass though. Rey quickly made his way across to the watchtower, launching himself up the ladder like a monkey. The roof of the watchtower hung down in one place, so Rey grabbed that and swung himself onto the slanted surface. Kat was standing below him so he locked his legs around a smokestack sticking out of the top of the tower and hung upside down, grinning at Katalina. "You made alot of noise. If others heard it, we could be in serious trouble right now." He said, spinning out his uzi and screwing on the silencer he had got from the police station in New Jersy a long time ago, no small feat to accomblish upside down. "I think we should proceed stealthily from this point, heh heh." His grin only widened at the word 'stealthily'. Rey didn't look it, or seem the type, but he moved like a shadow when he wanted.
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After Kat said her peace and stomped off followed by Barnaby, Ryan glanced into the pit as the man scrambled away from the dead. His finger twitched as he had half the mind to put a bullet in the guys head just to put him out of his misery. But he didn't, and he cursed himself under his breath as he stepped away from the pit. No way in hell was going to watch or listen, a quickened pace carrying out to the front once again. The man spotted Kat in the tower with Rey on his way up, Aeina and Constance staying close together as they stayed near the fence surrounding the place.

Letting out a breath he turned his attention to one of the military tents across the small compound, pulling back the flap and entering. His attention immediately going to the left where a few backpack's lay. He was flustered, had Kat brought them here just to kill those people? Had she known they'd be here? He was annoyed with his thoughts but they we're there nonetheless.

Distracted, he hadn't heard the small crunch of a footstep against stone from behind him. Didn't notice until it was too late, a knife pressed to his throat and a body pressed against his back, keeping him from moving. He froze as he tried to turn his gaze to get a look at the attacker. "You walk with the devil, and so you must repent." The words whispered quietly into his ear, felt the mans body tense even more if that was possible.

Lucky for him the man seemed to be sloppy, the knife wasn't actually touching his skin and that left a small space. Ryan reacted quickly before the man got any further thoughts of ending his life, his left empty hand shot up aiming to place itself between the knife and his throat. While he elbowed into the mans side with his right elbow, the man gasped momentarily and tried to finish it by slitting his throat but Ryan's hand was on it, the knife slid across his hand, cutting it open like butter as he cried out and pushed himself away towards one of the cots with the bags.

Ryan turned quickly to face his attacker who was already two steps away with the knife raised. He kicked and scrambled over the cot trying to gain distance, dropping his machete he reached into his jacket pulling out his gun and pointed it in the direction of the man while still off balance. There was no faltering in the mans eyes, he didn't care, he wasn't stopping. So Ryan pulled the trigger without hesitating.

The stranger fell to his knees in front of Ryan, the knife slipping from his hand before they went to the wound at his gut. "Just remember, you came at me first pal." Ryan said through rapid breaths, flinching as he accidentally used his wounded hand to try and stand.
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"Knowing what I am, I might as well be immortal." She said plainly to him, she was about to finish a thought about why that group of all would be here, she shook it off though, before a gunshot echoed throughout the entire base and surrounding area, Kat turning round the second the gunshot was heard and looking to where it had come from, it was from a group of green military tents on the opposite side of the base, she was about to go investigate, then she said to herself that Ryan and Barnaby could probably handle it, or were already handling it. She turned back to Rey. "I could handle it." She said, in reply to Rey's talk about her attracting trouble. She laid her rifle down on the ground next to her, stretching her arms as she looked over the town ahead of her. The sun was beginning to lower now. Creating a nice orange like colour across the sky, and some sun rays projecting themselves across the base, it was majestic, something this world hadn't been in a long time.
Rey nodded. "Yea, I know, you can take care of yourself." Rey flipped down from the roof landing in front of Kat. "You're a big girl, do what you want. Anyways, who's gonna stop you?" Rey examined the door to the watchtower, then pulled out a paperclip, a bobby pin, and a knife. Within seconds the door opened. Rey's eyes widened. "HOLY SHIT!!!" It was empty, but four small lockers were lined up on one wall, and a fridge was opposite them. "HOLY FUCKING SHIT am I this lucky?" Rey rushed over to the fridge and opened it. There was a ton of ice in it, looked like it was nonfunctional, but used for the storage of frozen food. "God fucking dammit, I am!!!" Rey laughed gleefully, not insanely like he usually did. Rey noticed this was like a kitchen of some sort, there was a gas stove, and cupboards that held pans and other cooking and eating utensils. Rey grabbed a pan, slammed it down on the stove and turned the heat on. He took the packets of sugar from his pack from the office building and poured them into the pan. "Katkatkatkatkatkatkat," He smiled, "I need you." He grabbed her by the hand and toddled back over to the stove with the pan. "Holdthis, holdthis." He placed her hand on the handle of the pan. "Stay right there." Rey bumbled around the kitchen, throwing things, but then he found what he was looking for. "Allright, you can let go now." Rey grabbed some butter out of the fridge and placed it in the pan, the sugar had melted by now. Rey stirred it with the tip of one of his knives, continually wearing his childish smile.
Ryan slowly stood after the mans body slumped over, holstering his gun and getting his machete back before he tore off a part of the mans sleeve with the help of the blade. Opening his hand he inspected the bloody palm for a moment, Might need stitches. For now though he wrapped the torn sleeve around his hand tight using his right hand and his teeth. "Asshole." He mumbled as he glanced at the dead man once more before he stepped out of the tent, injured hand raised and placed against his chest so that the blood wouldn't be pooling down to it.

Once out he started wandering back to the area where the others we're located. He was done searching through things alone for the time being, the event had been more than enough of a deterrent. Besides, the sun was starting to go down.
Kat let herself get pulled by Rey, she had no idea where Rey was taking her to. He was in an excited frenzy about something, must've been something in that fridge. She looked at him, her face coated with confusion at what he was doing, he handed her a pan, which she held, watching him as he gathered ingredients it looked like, but she didn't know what to. He came back and said she was allowed to let go of the pan, which she did, she put it down onto the stove, where he put some more ingredients. She had no idea what he was trying to make but he looked really happy while doing so, she let her rifle drop to the floor next to her and leaned herself against the wall next to Rey,taking her helmet off and laying it down on the kitchen counter next to him, folding her arms and looking over his progress eagerly.

"What are you making?" She asked curiously, Kat could do many things, cooking wasn't one of them, Rey could be doing that chemistry shit he does for all she knew, as his cooking or baking or whatever it was progressed, Kat could sense that it smelt really good, she loved the scent in fact. Yet she couldn't pinpoint what exactly it was, even with all the ingredients down, she couldn't tell what it was he was making. She took her very uncomfortable kevlar off next, letting it drop to the ground next to her, just in the standard digital uniform now. She fixed her hair as it fell back down to one side of her face again. Still watching Rey closely.
Rey chuckled. "You'll see, you'll see. It's not ready yet. You can't see it until it's ready. It ruins it." Rey had finished with the pan, he found a glass jar around the kitchen and poured the contents into it. "It as in the feeling. Like, drawing a picture, or emptying your clip. You don't want to see what you've done until you can be fully proud of it." Rey screwed the cap onto the glass jar and stuck it in the fridge with all the ice. "Give it five, ten minutes. Then it'll be ready." Rey smirked, then his expresion looked puzzled. Ryan was outside holding his hand to his chest. Rey opened a window and leaned out. "You allright mate?" he called.
Having good upper body strength, because farming, Luna pulled herself up onto the fence, "how am I going to get down" she looked st Christian and giggled a bit but eventually carefully lowered herself into the grass, only wincing twice. She made her way over to the little shelter and sat on the stairs, scootching down the stairs and looking around. She was surprised "did you find another way out?" She asked Max.

Max nodded and pointed to a small room "there's another set of stairs, probably tonshare between the two neighbors" she told Luna, climbing up onto the top bunk and looking at the books on the shelf
Christian's eyebrow shot up,as she managed to lift herself over the fence, Luna was deceptively strong,that was for sure. When she began making her way towards the shelter, he debated whether to offer her help or not, since walking must have been difficult with her ankle in such a shape, but before he could make a decision, they'd already reached the bunker.

He was glad to hear that Max had found another exit, stairs which would likely lead to the neighbor such as she hypothesized. "We should fortify the entrance, and the house that the stairs lead to..." Chrstian said,wanting safety to be a first concern.
Kat grew a pout that she hadn't noticed properly yet, folding her arms and walking over to Rey. "Tell me. I want to know." She said with a temper, looking over his shoulder to the fridge now, at somepoint he had leant out the window to talk to Ryan, Kat had assumed he was the one that fired the shot, Barnaby hadn't been given a firearm yet, atleast to Kat's knowledge. She sat down on the kitchen counter swingin her legs in boredom as she waited for whatever Rey was doing to be finished, she really was curious as to what was in that jar. She began playing with her Smart Watch at some point, just changing custom settings on it, not really knowing what else to do. She could handle anyone who tried to break in, so there really was no need for a guard.
Rey clicked his tounge and shook his finger. "Be patient Kat, all the best things need time." As the minutes ticked by, Rey sat across the room, spinning one of his knives. After ten minutes passed, Rey reached into the fridge and pulled out the jar. He set it on the counter upside down, bringing the hilt of his knife down hard. The glass shattered at the top, and Rey peeled the rest away from the now hardened brownish substance with the tip of his knife. He rolled it across the counter towards Kat with a charming smile.
For the next ten minutes, Kat had just been playing with her watch, sitting with her legs crossed on the kitchen counter. That was until Rey went into the fridge and pulled out the jar, said jar now having a brown substance inside of it, Kat smiled at it, how could she not have known, it was caramel. As he rolled it over to her from his position on the other side of the counter, she picked it up quickly, smiling warmly towards Rey now, eating at the caramel quite gently. Taking her time. She wanted to savor the taste, she adored it, food was one of the few leisures she had given herself even before the outbreak started, and now she was able to enjoy it for the first time since the world ended. That did make her happy, not sadistically happy, or happy with a job well done, truly happy and content with herself.

"Thanks Rey..this means a lot you know." She told him softly, rolling what was left of the caramel back over to him, nodding towards it. "You have the rest." She continued with, it wasn't as if she didn't want anymore, she definetely wanted more, but she felt like he deserved it. She got off the counter now, standing up, walking over to Rey and standing right infront of him, almost touching she was that close. Looking at him up and down, inspecting him almost. She smiled and patted his shoulder. Grabbing her rifle from the floor, followed by putting her helmet back on. Looking towards him again. "It was nice...this, spending a little time together." She spoke the truth, she had enjoyed it. And she did want more of it. But she shook those thoughts from her mind, simply nodding at him, and leaving the kitchen. Heading over to the armory, where she began taking inventory on the base's weaponry and ammunition.
Rey smiled and cut off one of the corners, it wasn't cold anymore, but he still stuck it in his mouth, chewing it a bit. "Hey," he called after Kat, "I'm not going to eat it either, and it's going to melt if I carry it around." Rey cocked his head and raised his eyebrows in a 'cmon' gesture, an almost puppydog-like look on his face. Kat liked sweets. This was something to file about her.
Kat sighed, but with a smile and took the caramel from him. Tearing a piece of the caramel off and throwing it in her mouth, beginning to chew on it, a thought then popped into her head, one that she had never really thought about before, but it sounded rather fun. She smirked at Rey now, Finishing the last of the caramel rather quickly as she held his hand, pulling him with her towards one of the barracks. Once inside she looked around in both directions before closing the barrack door over. Turning to Rey now. Folding her arms as she spoke "Rey, I have a little question for you. Answer truthfully." She informed him simply, taking her helmet off and throwing it onto the bed, yanking off that uncomfortable kevlar once again, letting that drop to the floor, and waiting for Rey's reply to the beginning of her sentence.
Rey pointed to the kevlar. "I'd keep that on sweetheart. The people that were here might have friends." Rey wasn't sure where this was going, and he tugged at his own kevlar vest. Was it hot in here or was it just him?

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