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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

Kat shook her head with a sigh. Sliding her already partially undone boots off, kicking them away, very quickly getting undressed, after around 40 seconds or so she stood infront of Rey in her underwear only, holding her hips with her hands. Leaning on one foot, with an expecting look on her face. "Do you want me?" She asked, very straight to the point. Kat didn't like bouncing around the topic, if she had her suspciouns she simply went straight to them, no taking it slow or finding out more clues, none of that bullshit. Hopefully Rey wasn't socially disabled and didn't understand, although that would be funny, Kat thought to herself. She didn't know what she was gonna do after this point. Probably just fucking with him, but maybe not, a woman does have her needs. Needs Kat noticed she had been neglecting for a very long time.

In-fact there were a lot of things she was neglecting, she hadn't cleaned herself in a while, or brushed her teeth. Damn, she needed to sort out a time table of some sorts.
Rey cocked his head. "Yes. Now i have a question for you." Rey was focusing extremely hard to maintain eye contact. "Does every girl act like this when you feed them?" A mischievious but slightly embarrassed grin spread across his face. He was a teenage boy after all, and there was someone he liked half naked in front of him. If that didn't scream 'i want sex' Rey didn't know what did.
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Kat walks slowly towards him intentionally, grinning, giving an intentional sway of the hips as she walked towards him. Standing right up next to him now. "Maybe." She said rather quietly, holding onto his shoulders now, being slightly smaller than him, pushing herself up against him. This was fun, she thought to herself. She still couldn't decide whether or not she was being serious about this, but it was best to just decide on it later and just enjoy it as it was happening.
Ryan was surprised when Rey had leaned out the window an asked if he was alright. The man simply nodded giving Rey a wave before peeling off the fabric he'd wrapped around it to get a better look. The next few minutes we're spent cleaning and picking at it before he finally gave up, deciding that he did indeed need stitches. He'd entered the watchtower in an attempt to find some sort of medical supplies expecting to run in Rey and Kat. Where'd they run off to?

The man gave up on caring, they could handle themselves. For now he needed to take care of this damn hand, moving throughout the building in search of a medkit. Finally opening a door he'd taken two steps inside before realizing Rey and Kat we're in the room. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the dim room before he realized exactly what he'd just stumbled in on and immediately averting his gaze, "Oh. Well. Seriously guys? Are you even...? I'm not...just gonna..." He stumbled over his words as he sought to retreat out the door, instead he backed up into the wall, knocking something nearby over.
Rey wrapped his arms around her, brushing a strand of hair away from her face that had fallen out of place. He was kissing her when Ryan walked in. Rey cocked his head towards ryan, arms still around Kat, an irritated expression on his face. "You want to keep those legs you'll take them somewhere else." He said smoothly.
Kat's eyes had widened when Rey had kissed her, but she had sank into it gently, getting rather worked up about it until she heard movement from behind her, Rey pulling away much to her irritation and threatening Ryan, she had noticed him, she quickly pulled away from Rey. Grabbing her digital fatigue trousers and pulling them in-front of her. "It was nothing, we were discussing inventory." She let out quickly, rather embarrassed actually that she had been caught with Rey of all people, she began pulling her trousers back on, putting her boots on quickly afterwards and walking towards Ryan now, pushing him out of the tent quickly. Saying to him quietly. "Really, it was nothing. I don't know what happened. It's not like me, I promise." She didn't know why it meant so much to let people know that she wasn't normally like that. But now, after Rey had kissed her, and they had gotten so close, that her need was stronger.

She grabbed her fatigue army jacket and pulled it onto her, putting her arms into the places of the uniform they should be and not buttoning it up, she then looked back to Rey for a moment, just looking at him, not knowing what to say before pulling away behind the tent again, out of his view. Turning back to Ryan with folded arms, saying to him. "It wasn't...I mean, I'm not like that. That was a mistake." She said to him, not knowing whether or not that was the truth.
Ryan rolled his eyes at Rey's threat, keeping them averted still as he moved to the side so he could leave, but was ushered out by Kat. "Can't say I remember the last time I discussed inventory." He said with a chuckle. Once he was sure she was decent he turned to face her with a smirk on his face.

"You don't need to apologize to me. Just use a locked door next time, what if I had been one of the dead or another of those guys?" At this point even he was becoming more uncomfortable, they we're teens but had they had the talk? God knows he wasn't the one that should give it to them but... "I hope you two are umm..." Ryan scratched his cheek, not able to look at Kat, instead his eyes drifted off to some unknown object.. "..using protection?" There was almost a crack in his voice that he would have found amusing if not for the discomfort.
Rey watched them leave the tent, but they didn't go far. He could still hear them, a wall of fabric didn't do much to block sound. He felt a little hurt that Kat had changed her tune so quickly, but he understood. They needed to be left alone, and Ryan didn't let them have that. Rey opened the tent and strode out, flicking out one of his knives and spinning it in his hand. A wolfish grin spread across his face as he passed Kat and Ryan, clapping Ryan on the shoulder. "Aww, somebody's shy, don't worry bruh, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time." Rey nodded to him, his grin widening. "You're good man, you're good, don't worry." He threw his knife in the air, catching it by the blade and pointing it at Ryan, the insane light returning to his eyes. "The next articles of food you eat might have cyanide in them. Have a nice day man, enjoy the sun, good stuff, good stuff." With that, Rey spun his knife florescently putting it back in its place, turning on his heel and striding off to where Barnaby was with the girls by the humvee.
Kat folded her arms and gave Ryan a glare now as he brought up the protection part. Starting rather aggressively with "I fucking know how to have sex idiot. Besides I can't even have children asshole." She finished off with, noticing Rey walk out of the tent and begin talking to Ryan, threatening him once again with cyanide this time, hopefully he wasn't the kind to hold a grudge, not like herself she hoped, or else there might be a problem. She assumed he was just mad that he had been denied the right to lose his virginity, something that didn't bother Kat in the slightest, as she had already lost hers before the outbreak began. She sighed, rubbing her forehead in frustration as Rey walked off to the humvee.

She turned back to Ryan now, just after watching Rey leave, this time with a much more sincere expression on her face, she spoke to him once more, although a little quieter and more soft. "Can I trust you to keep a secret, or two?" She asked him gently, perhaps it was about time she vented her feelings.
The man ran his right hand through his hair as Kat spoke, "Uh yeah. I guessed you might." Almost flinching at his own words. He hadn't meant anything by it other than the fact that she seemed mature enough to an extent, unlike Rey. Simply shrugging, "Sorry." Ryan apologized for the separate possible insults. He seriously was never good with kids, especially the teenagers.

Ryan was mostly sure Rey was just shitting him. I mean he was just a kid, and he did just get caught and interrupted before doing the big kahuna, so honestly Ryan was more amused than anything at the threat taking it mainly as a joke. He watched Rey stalk off and turned back to Kat, jacking up a thumb in the boys direction. "He is joking right?" A half-smile spread across his face.

When she spoke he nodded, it was clear by the sudden change in tone and body language that there was something she wanted to say and it was likely bothering her. Ryan didn't mind being an ear for someone, especially if they asked for it. "Sure." It was a bit odd since the two had only just met, maybe that was a sign that she trusted him more than he trusted her at this point or maybe she was just desperate for someone to talk to, he couldn't say.
Rey had a devilish grin on his face. He was joking about the cyanide, if he was going to kill someone he wasn't going to tell them before he actually did it. He would however, do his best to treat Ryan 'special' for a little bit. Rey came up to Barnaby, banging on the hood of the humvee, drumming a beat to nothing aside from what went on in his head. "Heyyyyyyyyy Barbs, I need your help." Rey spun around away from the humvee and began drumming on Barnabys arm. "I need some flowers. But you can't touch them. You have to let me know when you find them ok?" Not waiting for Barnay to respond, the most Rey would get would be a nod, he described the plant he was looking for. "They are purple, they hang upside down, and they smell weird. But not alot, like, you have to stick your nose up close to them, but don't do that. Anyways, I reallllllly need these flowers, so let me know when you find them." Rey snapped his fingers as he turned towards the woods, chuckling. The next few hours would be hilariously entertaining.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.ade717ad38450078653a418e86793772.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55565" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.ade717ad38450078653a418e86793772.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kat nodded at Ryan's apology, thinking it was enough for the moment, it didn't bother her to much, but she didn't like anything like that being brought up when it involved her. When he asked about Rey and whether or not he was joking about the cyanide, she shrugged and said "Probably, but I wouldn't let him near your food for the next few days." She informed him, not even joking about that part, it probably was the best idea to keep Rey away from anything while not being supervised by a more..responsible person. She felt strange about opening up to someone she barely even knew like this, but he seemed like the type to listen to what she had to say and actually take it in. Like a father figure in a way, which was strange of Kat to think about considering she had never had a father or even a fatherly figure in her life before, neither a mother too.

She pulled him back inside of the tent, sitting down onto one of the empty bunk beds, the sheets all nice and tucked up. Before sighing and rubbing her temples from stress, she didn't even know how to begin on something so sensitive to her, she decided the best way to start was with the photo, she pulled it out of her pocket, holding it out for Ryan to take. Her face revealing much more depressed features now, her eyes focused on the floor, unable to look at him as she handed him the photo. "That was the last time I was ever truly happy." She told him sadly. And even more so sadly, it was true.
Ryan couldn't prevent the second look over his shoulder to try and spot Rey in the distance after Kat's warning. Now he was worried.

He followed after her without complaint as she pulled him into the tent. She really was pushy wasn't she? He stayed standing as she sat, there was a small attempt to cross his arms over his chest, the stinging of his hand reminded him that certain things weren't so comfortable so he kept it raised up against his chest still with the other limply at his side. It was clear to him that whatever she wanted to say was causing some turmoil, maybe just saying it was just hard.

Watching her, he waited patiently, if this was that big of a deal for the girl then she needed to say it on her own time. It's not like he had anywhere to be afterall. Once she'd pulled out the photo he reached for it, though at first not looking at it and instead at her. Slowly he changed his gaze to look at the photo. There wasn't much to it but it said alot at the same time. His face softened and he let out a sigh as he crouched down on his haunches, feeling it better to be lower with her than towering from above. "She's cute. I take it you two we're close?" It was clear the two in the photo we're close, but he didn't want to assume that they we're related or any of the other options, deciding it best to let Kat talk, say what she wanted and give only the information she wanted out there.
Rey and Barnaby were walking through the woods. A few of the dead shambled behind them, but they phased neither Rey, nor Barnaby. When it would be time to stop, they would use Rey's well rehersed and planned strategy for fending them off all at once by concentrating on splitting them apart in a straight line. Rey clicked his tounge and tapped his head which was the signal to get them to line up. Rey skirted quickly around the trees while barnaby made more noise than usual, standing still, then stepping back, repeating those two steps. Rey came up behind them and stabbed all four in the back of the head methodically. A grin came across his face. "Ah found et, ah found et, founditfounditfoundit!" Rey giggled maniacally, pointing to a nearby bush. He wrapped his hands in cloth and took as many of the flowers he could hold, putting them in his almost always present supply of plastic baggies. Let's get back to the others Barbs," Rey grinned.

Once back at the humvee, Rey used two of his plastic bags as gloves as he seperated the seed pods from the flowers. He sang as he worked. "Wanted it to, feel the same way as the first time, as the first time, but the feeling, slipped away, to red green blue and, then I saw you..." Rey had chopped up all the little flowers and pounded at them with a mortar and pestle he had in his pack from before the outbreak until they were basically mush, then blew over them while holding them in place to dry them out. He cracked his knuckles and put the seed pods away in a different bag, then rubbed the remaints of the flower bits around until they were a powder. Rey laughed maniacally and put the powder in another bag. "Barbs, I need you to keep your mouth shut about this. Kay bruh?" Rey laughed. Barnaby almost never talked, so that statement was more of an inside joke with the two more than anything else.
Rey threw a glance over his shoulder. "Rudely interupted. That's what this is for." Rey stuck the bag in his pocket for use, his plastic glove still on his hand. "Nobody crosses Rey Gale and gets away with it, you know that Barnaby. Remember Seymore?"
Kat nodded at Ryan's question slowly, now sitting cross legged on the bed, her back hunched and her hand supporting her head up, letting out a sigh. "To say the very least, yeah.." Her next few breaths were rather forced, she was suddenly finding it rather hard to breath efficently, she lowered her head, wiping her eyes as they had started to water up, without her approval either. Looking back up at Ryan again and apologising. "Sorry. I'm wasting your time." She said, her voice shaking a tad bit, she was getting frustrated with herself, first she drags him in here, when he most likely has better things to be doing, then just breaks down infront of him. Nice going. She kicked herself for her actions, but decided to go on through with it. She might as well not leave it there. "Ryan, I don't know what to feel about Rey, I loved her but she was taken. Now there's Rey, I'll lose my fucking sanity if he's taken too."

She went through a mix of emotions saying that one sentance alone, starting off with a quieter, more saddened tone, then progressing into a clear frustration, her fists clenching as she thought about it. But letting out a deep breath and her fists unraveling themselves, resting her head in her hands again, she finished off with. "I just don't know what to do.." And that was the truth, she could fight a dozen men, figure out complex puzzles, but she couldn't figure this out, or how to go about this. This to her was still uncharted territory.
Rey bobbed his head a bit. "Sean might be okay. The little girl's probably dead." Rey bobbed his head a bit more. Being brutally honest was one of his downfalls. "Yeeeea. Anyways Barbs, if somebody decides to fuck with me, I'm gonna say hell yes. Kat and I were going to fuck. Then Ryan walked in and stopped us from fucking. He fucked our fuck." Rey was having fun lolling those words about in his mouth, a mischievious grin on his face. "By fucking our fuck, he fucked me when I would've fucked Kat and fucked me fucking fucking." Rey slapped his knee and laughed maniacally. "What matter of fuckery is this?!?!?!" He had to lean on the humvee to prevent collapsing. "HAHAHAHAHAHA Anyways." Rey stopped laughing almost as suddenly as it had started, "If I was going to fuck the fuck fucker, heh heh, I would have done it by now and not threatened to poision him. You know I don't kill people that I tell them I'm going to kill." Rey thought back to when he, Kat, and Barnaby were locked in a cell at the mall and he threatened to stab a man with a chewed up tuna can. "I'm just going to treat him... Special. Heheheheh." Rey patted the slight bulge in his pocket where the powder he had made was. "It's going to be soon too."
Rey fistbumped Barnaby. "Bruh, you can't spend this much time with someone, going from New Jersy, to kentucky, to mississippi and NOT be brothers." Rey smiled warmly, a childish glint in his eye. "We'll always be the ones to make it out alive. Cuz we trust eachother. And we know how we functiion. Now give me a hug you big fuck." Rey embraced Barnaby and pounded him on the back. Barnaby might not talk much, but when he did, he made the most logical sense. Rey hoped they'd always stay this close. Not even Kat would be able to come between the two.
Ryan gave a light snort, "Your not wasting my time. I'm making time for you, it's either that or go get threatened by Rey some more." She might be in love, what could be better? With the world the way it was now you take a chance when you choose to care or love someone, because they could be gone in a flash. It was a lesson most survivors would have learned by now, except maybe the few lucky ones. There we're too many sad tales these days, not enough happy ones. He couldn't remember the last time he'd heard of a happy story coming about and frowned at the thought. He reached out placing the photo on the bed in front of her.

A smile spread across his face as he thought about a few memories, "I was holed up in a school with some survivors a while back. There was a guy, Gary. Now Gary.." Ryan shook his head with a slight chuckle, "..Gary was a flirt. I'm pretty sure he was straight, but he knew I liked guys and did whatever he could to get under my skin. Get me hot and bothered then leave me out to dry." Ryan cleared his throat, smile still going, as he attempted to keep himself from getting emotional. "He got a kick out of it and so did some of the others, hell I probably enjoyed it the most. Anyhow..." Ryan raised his hand waving it a little, trying to get back on track. "I got to know him, we we're friends. I doubt there was love involved but there was a bond there. And yeah I lost him in the end. But I'm glad I got to know him, glad I got close. The closer you get to someone, the more it hurts if you lose them. But if you ask me, it's worth it."

He kept his gaze locked onto her so that she'd know he was here, and listening. "I can't tell you what to do, Kat. Only you can decide that for yourself." Letting out a huff he scratched at his hairy chin. "We've all lost people. Family, friends, lovers, and that's not going to stop. I wish I could tell you that your not going to lose him, but you might and that's just a fact." The truth sucked, he just hoped he wasn't being too blunt. She was still young, but you can't afford to tone it back these days. "You have to decide if he's worth the chance. And you have to prepare yourself that you might lose him, he might lose you. But nether of you can't give up after that...it's not fair to the other." He let out a sigh, maybe he was being a bit morbid. "Just don't overthink it, go with what feels right."
Kat took in every word that came out of Ryan's mouth intently. Nodding slowly as he spoke, not replying at anything he said until he was finished. Then beginning with. "But I don't know what feels right, he annoys me, but comforts me, I don't even think I'm physically attracted to him. Or even emotionally. But I'm just...desperate I guess. I can't take much more of this." She admitted, she really really couldn't, she was at her breaking point officially, first those memories start coming back to haunt her, then Rey admits his interest in her, then that fucking group of dicksuckers show up and decide to try ruin her life again, then a thought came into her head. Perhaps ending those god fearing idiots would calm her down, bring her back to her senses, give her some peace at last, put Rachel to peace. That very thought calmed her down. A plan of action quickly formed in her head, along with dates and locations recalling themselves back to her memory, and how they would put this plan into action also joining them all.

Her demeanor quickly changed into a more professional one, happier even. She stood up, wiping her eyes and looking down at the photo, smiling warmly at it and putting it back into her pocket. Grabbing her kevlar and putting it on, strapping it to her person securely, her helmet following quickly onto her head. Strapping it on, she grabbed her rifle from it's place sitting against the wall, turning to Ryan now. "Thank you. Really, I mean it. But come on, we don't have much time to waste. I've got a plan." She quickly pulled him by the arm out of the tent, towards the inventory stash the Rangers had kept in a large command tent near the back of the base. Entering it she quickly looked at the back of Ryan's clothing for labels, seeming happy with the results she went over to a pile of very organised gray ACU digital uniforms, grabbing a set and throwing them to Ryan.

"Put it on, having the uniform can mean two things depending on who you meet: They'll be friendly towards you and give you supplies, or they'll shoot at you." She said, grabbing a set of the standard army helmet and kevlar from a rack against the wall and throwing them to Ryan's feet. It took her a little bit longer to find where the spare boots were at. Pointing to them she said. "I don't know what size you are, so you take them. Get into the uniform and gear. I'll be right back." She told him, running off to the armory, grabbing 3 M4 rifles, the Rangers, being the annoying fucks they were managed to leave everything BUT their ammunition, there was only one mag in each rifle. Much to her dismain. She groaned in anger, 4 left over gas masks lying next to a pile of body bags. She grabbed them also, carrying them back into the tent where Ryan was. Dumping them in-front of him.

"I'll get you, Barnaby, Rey and Aeina to pose as Rangers with me. We'll take a humvee and drive into a small town I know of just a few miles away from here. We're hunting down those damn nutjobs. If that's not comfortable with you, I've got a Plan B"
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Even though he felt like he was the last person to give this kind of advice he was still probably the best candidate for now. Kat's words we're quick and cut to the chase, "Well I mean you haven't made a move on Barnaby or me as of yet so there's gotta be a reason for it to be Rey right?" He nibbled at his lower lip feeling a bit out of his depth at this point. Then Kat started moving, thanking him, "A plan?" and then she was dragging him along, to which he complied yet again.

Ryan stared at the pile of clothing at his feet before looking up at Kat. "That's pretty much the same thing as civilian clothes except people are less inclined to hand over supplies." She ran off once again leaving Ryan to his thoughts on what exactly was happening. What had he said to cause such a surge of actions? He was looking the uniform over and considering it when she returned once again announcing her plans. They we're going to hunt these guys down? "Hunt who down and for what?" Ryan's head cocked to the side. "I mean you seem to have your reasons, like with that guy from before. I get that..." He wasn't sure if he did but there was some sort of understanding there. "But your asking us all to play dressup, and risk our lives to hunt down people?" Ryan gave a sigh before shaking his head.

"The rest of us aren't exactly trained soldiers. You say your afraid to lose Rey but you'd put him in harms way now?"
Rey let g of Barnaby. "I'll seeya around broter." Rey toddled off to find Ryan. It was time. He couldn't have asked for a better opportunity to exact revenge, Kat was lecturing him about how she played dress up army girl. Rey smiled, and picked up Ryan's kevlar vest. "I like Kevlar. I have some kevlar." Unbeknownst to Ryan and Kat, Rey was getting them to focus on him instead of what his hands did as he spun the vest. "Kevlar is a fun word. Kev. Lar. Kevevevevlar. Kevevevevevlar. LAR LAR LAR! Haha!"Rey handed the vest back to Ryan. "Kevlar's saved me a couple times. It's good stuff. I like it. Make sure to have it on all the time." Rey grinned devilishly and winked at Ryan. He had put some of the powder from the plant in the vest. Not enough to be noticed, but just enough to take effect. Velvet bean plants were used in itching powder as usually the main ingredients because of its biological properties. But that was before the dead started walking, a little shot of the powder was enough to have Ryan scratching for the rest of the week, along with maybe a nasty (but not serious) rash.
"If you don't like plan A, we'll do plan B, which is a lot more innocent." She said casually, fiddling with her own rifle. But became visibly and audiably more aggressive when he asked who they were hunting down and for what. "Don't fucking question me." She spat out, but he continued on with his own questions, she threw her rifle to the ground, walking right up to him. Glaring at him, her eyes narrowed and eyebrows furrowed, why did everyone have to question her or annoy her or both, she was becoming angry again, she clenched her fists as he spoke about Rey now. She pushed him harshly pointing at him accusingly now. "Rey means fucking nothing to me in comparison to what I'm trying to do!" She yelled at him, there was no way she would let Ryan question such a vital decision for her, no way, she needed to do this. It was what she had to do, there was no one that could stop her from completing her self-set mission. Just the Rey had entered the room.

As he began talking about kevlar in that annoying quote on quote insane way he does, she became even more irritated, she mentally kicked herself for letting him think that they'd fuck. She recalled why she hated him in the first place, he had definetely done something to that kevlar that Ryan was supposed to wear, she could tell just from that fucking annoying ass look on his face that he had pulled some childish stunt on Ryan, but she couldn't really be bothered to tell him, if he was smart enough he'd notice. She grabbed her rifle again and walked up to Ryan, whispering into his ear before she left. "I'll put anyone in harm's way to get what I need." Before leaving the tent without another word, barging Rey out of the way aggressively. Heading out to the humvee where she sat in the drivers seat, looking down at her beloved photo again, contemplating a lot of things.
Kat was getting angry, aggressive, and then she was up in his face. Those eyes that just minutes before we're filled with such raw emotion, now held a fierce and angry gaze. Ryan couldn't tell if he just had a big mouth or if Kat just popped mood swings like pimples. He was about to open his mouth to argue when Rey walked in, that was probably best. Ryan only paid half attention to Rey and his antics as he watched Kat pace about angrily before leaving with a whisper in his ear.

Ryan stared down at the kevlar vest Rey handed him, an annoyed look on his face as the cogs in his mind turned. Finding himself frustrated at this point, he caught the sight of the red drenched cloth wrapped around his head out of the corner of his eye. Almost having forgotten about it, he took a breath before cocking a look at Rey as he started changing into the uniform. "Rey, I need a favor. You have any damn medical supplies, I need this hand stitched up." This was such a dumb idea.
Rey nodded. "That doesn't need stitches! It needs glue! I have some. Less painful, fun, and tasty." Rey pulled a jar of boiled animal fat out of his pack. "Just need to heat it up and pour it over that nasty thing. You wanna do it or should I? Oh, put on the kevlar." Rey tugged his undershirt back so Ryan could see his. "I'm not dead yet, haha. KevLAR. KEVlar. Haha." Rey giggled maniacally and waved at him to follow somewhere where they could make a fire to heat up the glue.

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