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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

Ryan threw up his hands, finally she'd calmed a bit and he was happy to have a moment of rest. "Consider a little sleep yourself. Wake me to take over watch if you need to." Moving to the nearest tent along with Aeina and Constance in tow. Plopping down on a cot in an attempt to sleep.
Rey walked past Kat to sleep by the fire with Barnaby. He stopped in front of her, not making eye contact, body still pointed in the direction he was going. "Kat, you can tell me what to do, boss me around, shit, you've even hit me before and I've tolerated it, but don't lie to me. Don't insult my intelligence sweetheart, I wasn't born yesterday. You're acting a bit off, even by my standards." He took a step, then turned to face Kat. "But then again..." He said, using his favorite phrase, "Aren't we all MAD?!?!?!" With a slight chuckle he sat down by the fire, giving Barnaby a look. He wrapped his jacket closer around him and fell asleep.
Kat sighed and closed her eyes, she wasn't acting a bit off...was she? And if she was it had something to do with those assholes they had killed in the base earlier, wait no it wasn't, she was perfectly fine. Those thoughts quickly dispersed from her mind, allowing her to think clearly again. Yeah, thats right she wasn't acting off, they were the ones acting wierd. She was completely normal. She shook her head at Rey. "I'm fine Rey. Nothing is wrong with me." She told him with a strong tone of voice, as she did believe it completely now, she turned away from him as he said that annoying and cheesy ass quote, simply guarding the gates again as the others went to sleep.
Luna sat down on one of the chairs, her ankle throbbing. "Max can help. I'll protect this place" she said to Christian with a small smile before taking her boot off to inspect her wound. It was purple, and swollen to the size of a golf ball. Probably from walking so much. She took a deep breath before limping over to a sink and check to see if the water still ran. To their luck, it did. So Luna wet the cloth she had her ankle wrapped in and rewrapped it, the waters coolness making the swelling go down a little bit.

Max went up the stairs that led to the other yard and looked, there were two dead people wandering around in the yard. So she went back down to the cellar and walked over to Christian, "there are two in the other yard." She told him.

@Archangel Galdrael
"Pshh" Rey waved at her dismissively from where he was by the fire and rolled over. Rey was always thinking, even when he was asleep. It was one of the only retreats his mind had from the world around him, a place where all his thoughts went uninterrupted, the only time he could be truly mad. Despite what Kat said, something was definitely bugging her. He didn't know what, and he didn't dare ask her about it himself. One thing for certain, something was fucky. After that, his mind was occupied by all the chemicals he hadn't found in the world, but the ones that were at his disposal, what he could do with them. He remembered the first time he had stepped into the chemistry lab at his school, but was expelled for 'mental instability.' 'Mental instability my ass,' he thought, 'I've got my paper. Where was theirs?' Paper referring to the legal certificate that declared him officially sane that he carried around in his wallet all the time. Rey knew he was alot weaker and not as agressive as Kat, but seeing her so cunfused tore him up. He determined that he was smarter than Kat however, and was determined to help her with what was going on in her mind in any way he could. 'Insanity isn't a handicap.' he remembered himself saying, 'The only difference between us inmates of the mind are those who use their shortcomings to their advantage, and those who wallow in despair that they have them.'
Christian casually leaned on the wall, not entirely sure about the shelter, Sure, it appeared safe but the only 'safe' place he had stayed in before was overrun, what made this one any different? With less - much less - people no doubt. He didn't respons - aside from a simple nod - to her reassurance of help, because it wasn't reassuring. His first meeting was Max nearly being bitten, and Luna was crippled with such a bad ankle...

Christian watched Luna inspect her wound, and then use water from the sink to reduce the swelling, they had water, that was a plus at least. Then Max appeared, who he hadn't notice wonder off upstairs, when she told him about the roamers in the yard, he assumed it was a subliminal message for 'go kill them'. With a small sigh, barely noticeable, Christian drew his blade, and went up the stairs. The custom weapon was most effective against zombies, a sort of smaller katana, not quite as shaper, but lighter, more reach, and sharper than a machete.

Leaving the shelter, he paced towards the closest one, which started growling viciously as he approached, though soon the growls were silenced by a familiar blade removing its head from its body, the second roamer, now fully aware, and agitated, rushed forward to intercept Christian, though that soon faced a similar end, as the same weapon split into it's skull, with a nasty squelch.

Max followed Christian out and watched him kill it, with a cringe "That's so nasty" she laughed a bit and killed the other one. "I'm gonna look in the house" she nodded and walked into the house carefully. She tapped the walls with her knife to see if any of the dead would come after. Turns out the house was empty so she walked up to the door and locked it, wondering if they should board it up while they were there.

Luna layed down on the bunk bed and tried to relax. She hadn't realized how tired she was from all the walking, until her eyes started closing. So, she let herself sleep. She hadn't slept since the apocalypse started. Now would be a good time as any.
Aidan limped down the street, his side bleeding heavily, only held back by a bit of torn up shirt hastily stuck on with a piece of duct tape. He clutched a bloody tire iron in his right hand, which he had a visibly shaky grip on"Fucking bandits..." He muttered to himself "That was my goddamn food..." He stared at his side "Wonder if I have any tweezers, or if I can remove a bullet without seeing it? Ah whatever, I'll figure that out later."

Aidan continued on his walk eventually making it to the house in front of the tornado shelter, he quickly walked up to the front door and began to open it. It was locked "What the fuck?" He was sure that he had left it open. He kept trying to open the door making a lot of noise. "God damn it is it jammed!? I could break the window, but than it'd be easier for walkers to get in." He continued talking to himself until something crossed his mind "Somebody stole my shelter. Fuck."

(Hope this is better than my original post)
Christian glanced at Max who was going into the house, it wasn't a particularly large building, she handled one of the roamers without him needed to, and was checking for them, so he figured she'd be fine. Instead, he wondered back down the stairs of the Shelter, of course he'd wanted to lock it but he couldn't when Max was in the house, but it was dangerous to leave it senselessly open.

"How's the ankle?" He asked Luna, wondering if the swelling had reduced anymore. However, before she could respond, he heard the unmistakable sound of shuffling above ground, and a faint audible sound of somebody's voice, he spared a concerned glance at Luna, before drawing his gun, "I'll check it out..."

@dieutain @Dannygirl900
Easton paced himself through the house, the lingering smell of rotten flesh eating at his senses. Easton forced it away as he continued on, clutching his fingers tight into the homemade spike knuckles he forged. This was Eileen's home. He remembered how alive it had use to be, filled with tasteful cooking and scented candles. Now... it was reduced to shambles, dark and cold as the hearts that attacked it. Easton's heart fluttered every time he met a corpse on the floor, Eileen and his daughter Elise must've escaped. He was no detective but he could deduce that they made a good fight before leaving. Eileen had a lot of family consisting of large men with a taste of danger, he made it on a good hunch they were en route to safety by all means. Easton searched the last room before setting his mind at ease.

The tall, thin black man neared the edge of the house, watching a decomposed dead man eating the limbs off of some child. Easton turned away with a grimace. He carefully approached, and snapped the lame brain's neck with a swift motion. Easton's jacket and gloves allowed for a safe defense against the biter's teeth, wouldn't stop a mob of dead from ripping him apart but it would save him here and there. The knuckle spikes stuck through his gloves, stained with a light tint of old blood.

Something stirred, Easton snapped a look to the bushes. Eyes.

The large man poised himself for battle.

A whimper. It was a dog.

He approached it carefully, reaching his hand out. The dog stepped out, sniffing the air. Steps threw the dog off. A sleuth of walkers approached, sending the duo on edge in a second. Reflexes had become the survivors, reactions were everything in this day and age
A rather long time would pass, Kat being tired of waiting for the others to wake up, she wanted to get a move on and she wanted to get it done now. She walked away from the gate, raising her rifle and firing it once into the air. She didn't have the patience to wait for them to get up on their own accord, she had shit to do and people to fuck up. The usual, to her it was a mission, and her team would never get rests during a mission, regardless if they were comfortable with it or not. She never did care in the first place most times anyway. In the midst of waiting all those hours for the others to have their little naps, Kat had come up with another plan, sure dressing up as rangers was a good cover and all, but she had one that was even better. She had taken her uniform and gear off, instead just putting on her casual clothing again. Some pieces of military gear strapped to her clothing. She had gotten a shower from one of the base's water supplies, using a hose she took from one of the supply trucks, she was nice and clean now, smelling rather nice as well. She tried to, whenever possible of course, keep her appearance up.

It did make operating a lot more comfortable and easier to do when you were clean and nicely put into your clothing. She then yelled out to the sleeping inhabitants of the base. "Get up! We're going now! You've had your damn naps!" Before hopping into the humvee, starting the engine and pressing against the horn once. She was very impatiant for things to get a move on. Although it was a lot colder now, but she wasn't complaining, she was just wearing a purple tank top, black skinny jeans and her boots. She liked the way sleeveless clothing showed the..well done job of her various tattoos going up both arms, meeting together on her back and chest. She tied her boots tightly as she waited.


@Jaeger BLU

Rey jerked awake, his thought process interrupted. "Allrighty!" He rolled forwards on the ground over to the humvee, a queer sight if anyone ever saw one, and opened the front seat door. "Sweet sweet sweet, let's get moving, whatstheplan, whatstheplan ooo..." His voice trailed off as he looked over to Kat, those jeans looked nice on her. The tank top complimented her shapley figure as well. Rey decided to keep his mouth shut. "Whatstheplan?" He repeated again, bouncing a bit in his seat anddrawing one of his knives, spinning it in his fingers.
Ryan woke to the loud yell from outside for them to wake up, the man grumbled something before rolling on his side on the cot. There wasn't alot of time for sleep, but he'd only spent half of that time sleeping. He'd been woken on numerous occasions by itches from his chest, he'd nearly rubbed it raw in his sleep. Throwing his legs over the side of the cot he sought to stand and stretch, turning he saw the girls stirring from their slumber as well before leaving the tent.

He spotted Kat, lacking much of the military clothing. "Is it possible to be allergic to Kevlar?" Ryan asked as he made his way over to the Humvee, eyeing Kat's attire. "And does that mean I can take all of this off now?" The clothes had admittedly been comfortable to sleep in, surprisingly, except for the itching. But now he shifted in them not finding them as enjoyable as before, maybe sleeping in them had been a bad idea.
Kat looked over as Rey was the first to awaken, he climbed in and was asking her about the plan until he seemingly became distracted by her. She glared at him, clicking her fingers. "My eyes are up here douche." She told him firmly, gripping onto the steering wheel again. Now noticing Ryan and the others leaving the barracks, getting into the humvee too as well now. Ryan asking about being allergic to kevlar. "Yeah. It is." She informed him, he quickly looked at her attire up and down before asking if he could take off his uniform and gear. She nodded once at him. Now beginning with. "So the plan is, we stop the humvee out of sight of any potential assholes, Rey and Barnaby stay by the humvee, me and Ryan will head into town. IF we do find anybody who isn't with the bloodthirsty douchebags we're looking for, I'll put my acting skills to use, the plot will pretty much be I'm Ryan's injured daughter. They'll feel bad for us, probably give us some help. You know the drill. Sound good?" She both told and asked in the same sentance, hopefully they all understood.

She closed over her own door as she finished, looking to the others in the humvee now for confirmation that they had understood what she had just laid out infront of them, hopefully they did, she didn't really have the patience to tell them again.
Rey shook his head. "Plan's full of holes gorgeous," he said, making a clicking noise in his mouth. "You're relying on other people. I don't like people. Plus why are we driving? It'd be better if we walked." Rey sniffed. Was that... perfume? He realized it was Kat. "And you don't smell like you're injured." Rey said, "You're alot cleaner than anybody that i've met since the mall. You never told us there was usable water here." Rey cocked his head, looking up a bit, rubbing his chin. "I poked around a bit, I knew it was there, it's just too much work. Anyways." Rey got out of the humvee, "Use your noggin a bit more Kat." He rapped his knuckles on his head and turned to walk away.
Ryan was never more thankful to be able to shed clothes in his life, slipping back into his leather jacket as he slid into the Humvee. And then Rey was out and Ryan was confused once more. "He's got a point. I hope you can play the part, sweetheart." The man put emphasis on the nickname, testing his part in the acting and shrugged his shoulders, "Yeah, I can work with that." He wasn't entirely looking forwards to possibly fooling people, but it was better than the alternative of potentially getting a bullet in the head.
Kat put her middle finger up towards Rey, giving him her usual glary eyes. She wasn't the best at making plans, she knew that, but the asshole didn't have to point it out. But then another thought came to mind. "Let's use a civilian vehicle then." She plainly stated, turning to Ryan now, shaking her head with a sigh, starting to regret making this plan in the first place, but it WAS better than being shot at or having no help incase shit goes down, which it will without a doubt. But her acting skills weren't to be underestimated, she could've actually gotten somewhere in life if she wasn't constantly being transfered foster home, her only issues with acting were the roles, in this case the helpess teenage daughter. She cringed at the very thought of that. But it was a plan, and it had a good chance of working depending on who they met.

"Oh you won't have to worry about me dad." She said, without putting any intentional emphasis on the title, sounding happy and rather sassy, making it sound as casual and natural as possible, putting on more of a Floridan styled accent to match Ryan's, being surprisingly good at it even for Kat, deviating from her more New Yorker sounding accent quite a bit. She gave herself a mental pat on the back for her rather superb acting skills. As she hopped out of the humvee, in search of a civilian car on the outside of the base, her walk being more cautious and nervous. She kept that act up until some distance from the humvee, turning round and saying in her normal accent and tone again. "Don't understimate me. In anything."
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Rey cocked his head a bit, but waved at the three people anyways. "Have fun on your little road trip children, bring me back a souvenir!" Rey bared his teeth in a wolfish grin, wiggling his fingers a bit.
Easton bolted for the opposite edge of the lawn, chains rattled behind him and caught tight. He looked back. He didn't realize the dog was chained up. The dead neared the two inch by inch, Easton told his legs to run, get out fast. His legs didn't run away but towards the dog. What the hell are you doing? he asked his self. As the desperate survivor wrestled with the collar he noticed another chain hooked up to a bloodstained collar. It looked as though the other dog wasn't as lucky.

The chain was impossible and the carcass army was closing in, Easton began to sweat. With an eager yank the collar finally came loose to set the dog free, it then grabbed a flesh addict by it's ankle and dragged it away before it grabbed a hold of Easton. Easton hadn't even seen that one sneaking up but didn't have time to reflect.

Boom. Boom. Boom. His power and his hooks took down each deceased walking monster in the face with rapid repetition. It was almost seamless. After several dead landed on the ground Easton caught his breath and looked for the dog, it was gone. He quickly took the time to rummage through the dead entourage for any weapons or supplies before heading on, finding nothing of use but a semi-full lighter. The loner continued on to the road.
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Ryan had been fine with the overall plan until Kat called him Dad, and then he frowned. The title was a reminder to his age, which he didn't have a problem with, unless used for purposes such as this. The accent was well done, though to him Floridian's didn't really have an accent but the change from her northern accent had been more drastic than expected.

The man exited of the Humvee trailing after Kat, he had misgivings about this plan overall but he'd made them clear and they we're set on continuing so he really didn't have a choice. Well technically he did, but running off and ditching them wasn't something he was interested in doing. "Just not a mini-van, that just screams desperate. An SUV, maybe even a Sedan would do." He spoke as if they had a huge choice, the vehicle had to be in working condition to be chosen.

Rey seemed just against it, maybe he only liked full proof plans but even Ryan had agreed to go along with it at this point. Ryan looked over his shoulder, "Rey, if you want to impress a girl. Pointing out each and every flaw in said girls plan and then deciding to actively not take part in it isn't the way to do it."
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Easton jogged through the road until he was for sure in the clearing, he wiped his bloody spike knuckles against his pants, coagulated blood clumping to his jeans. Easton Marx had often thought that after repairing his life from the drug and smuggling schemes, and reinventing himself for his daughter, the worse would be over. But life has a way of tipping the scales.

The good news was both him and the dog had escaped, the lone man scoured the area for any traces of the dog. It must've been one of the family's dogs. How it managed to be quiet and alive since the outbreak on a chain is beyond him, his dog friend wasn't as lucky.

The large man ruffled a hand over his light goatee and searched the road carefully, being an electrician he could easily hotwire a car and get it mobile.

Anything was better than maneuvering on foot alone. The engineer trumped along down the road with his heavy boots, easily finding cars but not finding anything useful. It was at least a mile before he came across the dead. He zipped onto another road for a couple of hundred of feet before coming across a half-beaten Buick. It was in decent shape and still in the driveway.

The engineer veteran scanned his environment carefully before ducking into the car and popping out the wires below and getting to work.
Kat frowned over to Rey again. But shrugging and saying. "Fine, we'll go without you. I don't have a problem with it." Which of course she didn't, well she thought she didn't anyway, she pulled open the gate to the base after a rather short struggle getting it open, leaving the base and beginning to scan the surrounding street for an all-right to fine quality vehicle. She had found this in the form of a black Cadillac sitting abandoned at the side of said empty street jogging towards it and poking her head through the open window of the front passengers seat. She quietly celebrated at the pair of keys that were sitting on the drivers seat. Waving over to Ryan now.

She ran back to the base just as Ryan was giving advise to Rey on how to not fuck up on impressing her. She shook her head. "Don't bother, he's socially retarded, he won't understand." She informed Ryan, and knowing Rey up until this point, Kat was beginning to heavily think that this was true, he seemed too high on sugar all the time to be someone who could know when was the right time to be serious about something, this easily grated on Kat's more responsible personality. "By the way I found a car, the SUV over there." She added, pointing to said SUV.
Rey shook his head at Ryan. "I'd rather keep my head on straight than get a bullet stuck in it." Rey waved with two fingers as he turned heel. "Now if you don't mind, Imma head over to get a shower, it's been awhile, and I'm a teenage boy." That was true enough, the last time he had cleaned himself was on the road when he and barnaby had found a lake. Rey went over to his pack by the fire and got his towel and the little hygene supplise he had left over from the mall and headed over to the showers.
There was no grey area for Rey and Kat it would seem. They we're hot and cold, they we're either half-naked in a tent together or they we're against each other. Teenagers. Ryan sighed internally before turning his attention to the SUV Kat was pointing to. "Gassed and ready?" Ryan asked hopeful, but not getting his hopes up.

The man glanced over at the direction Rey had gone, "So if Rey's not going then I'm guessing Barnaby isn't, those two are like glue from what I've seen. So how does that fit into this plan of yours? We get into a snag out there and we've got no one to bail us out." Ryan still wasn't a huge fan of the plan to go out hunting for people, but he had an understanding of why Kat wanted to. And it was obvious from previous events that he wasn't going to be able to talk her out of it, next best thing? Go with her and hope not to get killed in the process of trying to make sure she didn't get herself killed. Good plan.
Kat picked up a small stone from the dirty ground beneath her, throwing it at Rey and it hitting him on the back of the head now, smiling lightly at the smug satisfaction of hitting him and turning back to Ryan now. "It's half empty, but it'll do for our trip." She told him, walking towards the SUV again, but stopping mid-walk. Smirking, turning round to Ryan and adding on "I'll be right back, get the car ready." She said quickly, jogging towards the barracks where she had kept her backpack, opening it and scavenging through her vital inventory, a part of that was one of those older models of camera that didn't need charging, for intelligence gathering purposes usually, but she had another idea. She ran out of the barracks, ducking behind a supply crate, following Rey as he walked towards wherever he intended to get showered. This was the first time in a long time that Kat was actually going to have fun. At the cost of Rey's dignity obviously. She was that kind of person after all.

As he walked to where he was going, she quickly trailed behind, all those stealth lessions she never paid attention to paying off somehow, must be subconscious learning or some shit, she thought to herself. Making little to no noise whilst following Rey.

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