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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

Ryan glanced at the jar of animal fat with a raised eyebrow. "Uh, you sure about this?"

Rey went on about the Kevlar and Ryan rolled his eyes out of Rey's view as he turned around. "Yeah yeah. Kevlar kid, I get it." Ryan waved a hand for him to go on without him. Rey went off while Ryan finished changing before following after him. He just shook his head, "You know what your doing more than I do at this point so have at it." Any second thoughts Ryan was having about letting Rey pour hot glue on his hand he put to rest, just wanting it done at this point. Unraveling the scrap of cloth wrapped around his hand and looking it over as he waited for Rey to do his thing. He had to admit the kid was smart and ingenuitive.
Kat was pissed to say the least, she needed something to take her anger out on. And she found it in the form of a 50. cal turret mounted onto the top of a humvee that she noticed was parked next to the entrance, she hopped out of the humvee that they had used to drive to the base in the first place and climbed ontop of the humvee, and sat herself into the turret seat. Sitting down her photo next to her so she could look at it while maintaining control of the gun, and began firing it at a small group of infected that hadn't noticed them yet. Killing them off easily, many more hearing and appearing round the corner the next minute, she turned the turret to them, squeezing the trigger once more, eliminating another group, and another, and another, and another, until the street was full of either corpses or not shot up yet infected. She continued firing the 50. cal until it ran out, the street now a complete bloodbath but more infected still showing up.

She climbed out of the turret, grabbing her rifle from her back and firing it into the oncoming hordes of infected, eliminating many in a very small period of time, all with great accuracy. She threw her rifle down to the ground as she couldn't be bothered wasting the time to load another mag in, instead switching to her pistol, firing shots into the still oncoming hordes of infected. Killing of a great deal more, they had began piling up onto the fences of the base, Kat picking up a piece of rubar and stabbing them in the eye sockets angrily, taking a sadistic pleasure from ending their lives. By the time the hordes were ALL dead, a good bit of time had passed and she was completely soaked in blood. One of the infected had apparently lost a hand, as it was laying next to her as she sat down cross legged, she picked it up and began playing with the fingers, staring blankly at it as she found some enjoyment out of moving it's finger into the middle finger position and such.
Rey built a small fire using dry wood, green stuff would give off too much smoke and taint the glue. Once the glue was bubbling, Rey took it off the fire. He took out a bottle of water and inspected Ryans hand. "Did you even clean it first? You uncultured shit." Rey chuckled, getting a tuperware container labled 'Emulsifier' on it. "It's soap." Rey said to Ryans questionable look. Rey cleaned the wound, then coated his kife in water. He dipped his knife into the glue, it was still warm but no longer boiling, and spread it a bit like butter over Ryans wound. "Sit." Rey pointed at a nearby log. "Do not move it, do not use it, do not blow on it, nothing. Not until the glue dries." Rey was surprisingly serious now, but the crazy smile and insane light returned to his eyes as soon as his job was done. "Know any good songs? Classic rock, AC/DC to pass the time? I'd sing to Kat, but she's not a real happy person..."
Ryan watched as Rey went to work on his hand. Admittedly surprised, he knew his stuff. Wincing occasionally when the wound was prodded, "Self taught huh?" Ryan asked taking a seat on the log. The gunfire drew his gaze curiously, he guessed it was Kat, he'd planned on talking to her once he was done here. For now he turned his attention back to Rey, "You and your singing. It'll cost you a finger one day." Ryan smirked, deciding to keep his frustration and conversation with Kat on hold for the time being. "AC/DC's alright. More of a Red Hot Chili Peppers guy myself."
Rey laughed. "Yea, only child. Idle minds take dangerous paths. I might not be the strongest, but I can definitely fuck up your shit if you let me." Rey shook his head. "Nobody's gonna cut off any of my fingers, they'll have to deal with my knives. And I like to share. Bullets." He giggled maniacally for a bit. "I like singing. Don't diss the notes man."
Ryan shook his head, "I'm not. You may not have the best voice but, it's mainly about what it attracts. The dead and living, I mean your singing the reason I went to that supermarket. I would have kept walking if I hadn't heard it. Dunno if I should be thankful for that or not." Shrugging his shoulders he narrowed his eyes at his hand. "I was an only child but I just went out and did stupid stuff...how long is this gonna take exactly?" He was half tempted to bring Kat into the conversation between the two but he wasn't about to play matchmaker.
Rey chuckled. "Impatient child. About six, seven minutes." Rey cracked his knuckles. "There's a time to sing and a time to not. Outside buildings is one of them. The dead come after you and get stuck on the doors, easier to kill that way. Use your head mate." Rey rapped his knuckles on his head then pointed to Ryans kevlar. "Comfortable?"
"Things to do, people to see. And you we're singing from the inside when I head you." Looking down his other hand going to scratch an itch unconsciously on his chest. "Yeah, little tight but it's fine, overall. Can't say I've ever worn any before."

Ryan's eyes briefly drifted back in the direction where the gunfire had come from, now silent. "So what's this thing with you and Kat, if you don't mind my asking?" Didn't you just tell yourself not to do this, why don't I ever listen to myself?
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Rey cocked his head and grinned wolfishly, Ryan was beginning to itch. "Why, you seem pretty interested, you want some too?" Rey giggled maniacally, then settled down. "jk bruh, jk. We met in New Jersy at a safezone there, she wanted to like, sabotauge the place so she could be in charge, I dunno." Rey grinned and rubbed his neck, remembering when she choked him out when they were stuck in a cell along with Barnaby. "She's always been a firey one. But she changes so quickly, flirty one minute, fucking sporadic, ya know? She knows I like her, I can't tell if she wants love, romance, just someone to talk to, or a fuckbuddy." Rey shrugged his shoulders. "I'm fine with either of those, but I think love would be the most efficient path."
While not amused by Rey's joke he wasn't bothered by it either. Still occasionally lifting his hand to rub at the vest or seek to get behind it for a scratch, most of the time not even noticing. Maybe he shouldn't have been surprised to hear about the sabotage, but admittedly he was. "Oh yeah. I've definitely noticed that sporadic behavior." And shes not the only one who does it either. Partially smiling at Ray. "There's the upside to only being interested in men. Women. Are. Crazy. Men are typically much more simple."

It would seem Rey was the opposite as far as the feelings went. He knew how he felt about Kat, or atleast he thought he did, the teen could be fooling himself afterall. Ryan really didn't want to get caught up in this. That relationship was more complicated than most of the relationships he'd been in or around. There was a reason he was single when the apocalypse hit afterall.
Rey's eyes widened. "Wait, you're gay?" He wiped his face. "Oh, man, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have made that one joke, I'm sorry." He clicked his tounge. "Actually I'm not. You did kinda walk in on us. Yee. Kevlar." Rey changed the subject. "Good stuff. I got shot a couple a times the day we met you, just like, bang bang. Psshh." Rey minicked shooting a rifle and made the mouth noises that referenced it being shot, then the bullets smacking into the kevlar. "I've still got a few good bruises though, it doesn't exactly make you indestructable. Hey should we find Kat? We should find Kat. I dunno tho."
Ryan was just about to tell him there was no need to apologize when he took the apology back and decided to mumble something under his breath instead. Rey's sudden want to find Kat let Ryan know the time had come and gone and for now he was good to move his hand. "Yeah, we should. Don't forget to put out that fire." Ryan was quick to stand up after winking at Rey, speed walking away as he wanted a moment to talk to Kat before Rey got there. Heading straight in the direction of the gunfire.

He saw the Humvee first, with the large gun on top. Assuming that might have been used considering just how loud those shots had been earlier. The dead bodies sprawled out near the fence, and he almost kept going on the search almost missing Kat sitting next to the fence covered in blood. He let out a deep breath as he walked towards her, she had a short fuse and he had to keep that in mind. For now he ignored the bodies stringing around the area, "You know. When you ask for someone's help you really shouldn't yell at them and storm off afterwards." His tone wasn't friendly but also not hostile. It just was, almost a balance of the two. "I don't know if what you said was out of anger or if it's how you actually feel." He got closer, hushing down to try and make sure no one could overhear what he was about to say. "One minute you say you'd go crazy if you lost him, then the next you say he's expendable at the right price."

Ryan took a step back realizing he needed to keep himself calm. He turned in a circle showing off the uniform. "You wanted a good soldier to dress up and follow you without question? You got one, for now. But get one thing straight, I'm going of my own accord. Not to kill people at your call, but to try and make sure nothing happens to the others because of your selfish reasons. The girl I saw earlier, I don't think she truly wants any of them hurt, or worse, at any cost. But maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm an idiot." You probably are an idiot, I mean look at what your signing up for.
Kat looked up at Ryan, her features quite neutral, even bored if you were honest in deductions. She threw away the decrepit hand and listened into his words as he essentially gave her a telling off about her behavior towards him earlier, as he had just listened to her problems and given advise. But Kat being her usual self, took his advise, then immediately got angry at him afterwards. She kicked herself for this. She nodded once as he finished his first sentence. Then hunching down to talk to her about Rey quietly. The next words that came out of her mouth were the compete truth. "Killing the fuckers that ruined my already shit life is a very reasonable Price.." She told him rather coldly. And it was the truth, Kat knew that for sure, no one could tell her any different on that.

She briefly nodded her approval to Ryan as he showed off the uniform she had given him, although he didn't seem to give the appropriate credit to her plan, saying dress up and terms like that it was a whole lot more than just pretending, getting that uniform had helped her a ton in the past, and it most likely would help her a ton in the future. But she then shook her head. Saying "Good, but I've got a better plan anyway. I'll tell you when we get there." He took that information in before talking again, this time about Kat's reasons for going to the town, to kill those fuckers, being selfish, she glared daggers at him for that statement. They needed to die, this wasn't selfish, this was right. He then brought up Rachel, at this part she much more noticeably grew a ton more aggressive, but looked down for a moment, her voice shaking as she spoke next. "You're right..she was such a nice person..so loving..and caring, gentle and warm. Everything I'm not." She let out, her back hunching as she covered her eyes with her hands, now genuinely crying. Her breath shaky along with her body. She turned away from Ryan, wiping her eyes. "Sorry. I..I just never found out what they...done to h-her." Those words were some of the Hardest she had ever had to say before, nearly chocking on them a few times.
Ryan got further ahead than Rey, but soon Rey had swaggered up to where he could see Ryan and Kat... What the bloody hell was happening? Kat was... There was water on her face... Holy fuck, she was crying. Rey quickly turned heel and went in the opposite direction, with the mood Kat was in he was likely to get a bullet in his head. Ryan was too. Instead he found Barnaby by the fire. "There is some CRAZY shit goin' down Barbs. And that's not easy for me to say, you know I'm mentally insane." Rey pulled the trail mix out of his pack and gestured to Barnay with it.
Ryan was surprised to see Kat stay calm for the majority of his quote speech unquote, if it could be called that. It was what he needed to say, and what he believed she needed to hear. Another unconscious scratch caught a spot that was going raw and he had half a mind to rip the Kevlar off just get it out of the way.

Seeing Kat start breaking down hit the sudden reminder that Kat was still young, even through that tough 'I'm a hardass' exterior she was just that. No one was ready for the supposed apocalypse and what it did to people, but even so it might have been easier for people with more life experience. The younger generation had to grow up faster than they should have to. And then her final words came out and Ryan cursed himself for not putting two and two together until now, she practically had to spell it out for him. The girl in the pic and Kat's emotional state when it came to these guys, like the man earlier. Bringing his good hand up and smearing it down his face, feeling kind of like somewhat of an ass.

He hadn't planned to coddle her in the least, he didn't think the chance would have even presented itself. Knowing full well she didn't want anyone seeing her like this he moved to position himself in front of her so if anyone showed up she had a chance to compose herself if need be. "Look I get it. Well I don't get it but ya know. I can't say I understand because the only way I could is if I was in your situation, and nobody should be."
Rey leaned in and whispered in Barnaby's ear: "Kat is fucking crying. I didn't know she could do that."
Kat was deep down really glad that Ryan was there, yet she just felt tired with the whole thing now. But killing those evil assholes was the only thing that had stopped her from trying anything she'd regret, she had to find out what they had done to Rachel. She had to, if she couldn't well things might get dark. She wiped away a few more tears that had slid down her cheeks, there were a lot of them. Ryan obviously couldn't have known what she was going through, but at least he was there for her. "We need to get going. Now." She told him in a rather commanding tone. Her will to kill suddenly revitalised.

She stood up slowly, but shakily. Holding onto the wall for support, that irritating itch had returned, along with her very frequent headaches. She groaned rubbing her head and itching her left arm very agitatedly. "Come on. We have to get going..."
And again there we're the orders, he wasn't surprised at this point. He was just about to ask if she'd even mentioned leaving to any of the others when he noticed her having trouble standing. Ryan reached over in an attempt to grab her elbow to help support her weight. "Your not going anywhere in this state, when was the last time you slept?"
Kat pushed Ryan away gently, putting her hand up in a flat pose. Signalling to stand back. Her other hand supporting her against the wall. "A week ago, and that was only 4 hours. But we're going to the town. Now." She told him rather weakly but regaining her strength slowly, she stood up slowly, no longer supporting herself, rubbing her face and shaking her head, doing a 5 second jog on the spot before stretching her arms. "I'm good for it. Let's go." She had no time to sleep, never, and even when she did she couldn't, it was all that mediciation she was on, sure it did help her with her other problems, but it made sleep a bitch to be able to do, even in the very rare occurances that she managed to find sleep, it was plagued with nightmares, but of course they didn't know that. She practically limped over to the humvee, leaning against it and opening the door slowly.

She climbed in, starting the engine now, holding the steering wheel. Turning to Ryan once more. "Get in. The lot of you." She said commandingly, no longer in the mood for waiting around the base, she wanted to go to the town, now, she didn't know why it never bothered her before, but that didn't matter, all that did was that she wanted to now, and that was what she was going to do. She had too, she didn't know why, but she just had too. She was telling herself in her head that she had too. Regardless of what the others said.
Rey cocked his head as Kat climbed into the humvee. "Tha fuck? Where we goin, what's goin on, whatwhowhwenwhere what are we doin." Rey was going to kick some dirt over the fire, but the little girl and the woman might want to stay by it awhile longer. "Yeh bloody what mate, yeh what." He questioned.
Ryan stepped back patiently when Kat wanted him away from her. The fact that she'd gone a week without sleep either says something about her resilience or stupidity. He'd been without sleep for about twenty four hours now and he had to admit he was feeling a tad sluggish, but that probably came with the age. The man leaned against the humvee, craning his neck downwards to see Kat through the window as Rey spoke, clearly confused about the situation. "We doing this now?" He knew she meant now, she'd made that quite clear for a while but he still wanted to reiterate how much he didn't agree with it.
"Yeah we're doing it now. Let's go, pack your shit." She told him, tightening her grip on the steering wheel, growing impatient now. She needed to get moving, and she needed to do it now. Turning to Rey now with a glare back on her face. "Doesn't matter, just get in the fucking humvee." She told to Rey now, more hostile in the way she spoke, this was more important than anything they had going on, that was what she told herself, they didn't even have anything to do, she did. The least they could do was help her with it, she needed a group, usually she would've gone alone but she couldn't recall why she had thought it was a good idea to bring a group along with her, but she shook that thought off rather quickly, instead just pointing to the seats in the back now. "Hurry up. I don't have all day."
Rey shook his head. "Kat, I can't just drive off with you when we don't have a plan. I like plans. We need a plan. Not having a plan is how people goet killed." Rey stuffed his hands in his pockets and tilted his head back, looking at the sky. "Plus, it's like, noon. I want to sleep before night comes. Sleep is good." Rey stifled a yawn. Last time he had slept was in the car with Barnaby before they ran into Kat. The big guy was bound to need to go to bed soon. "Plus Kat, something's fucking with you. And it's not me, that's apparent. Some shit with the people we ah... Expelled, from these premises. If there's more, and they had friends, we need to take a rest, step back, and look at the situation." The insane light behind Rey's eyes was replaced with a bit of a calm demeanor now, it always was when he observed his surroundings.
"Rey's got a point. I know your all gung-ho about this but look at the big picture. Are we really prepared for something like this?" He looked over his shoulder at the others by the fire, with his elbow still rested against the Humvee. "How longs the trip gonna take?"

(Poor post. Apologies, friends are extremely distracting.)
"Fine...6 hours sleep, exactly, no more. The trip will take 2 hours at most." She informed both Rey and Ryan in the same sentence, grabbing her rifle and stepping out of the humvee, turning the engine off, walking towards the gate where she stood, watching out for any activity. Saying blankly to the others as she didn't even turn round to face them. "Go get your sleep. I'll keep watch." She flicked the safety off of her rifle and kept a firm grip on it as she surveyed the surroundings of outside the base. "And Rey..." She was in the midst of adding, turning around for a little bit. "Nothing is fucking with me. End of story." She told him firmly once again.

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