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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

Rey made his way to the showerhouse. He heard the car door of the suv slam, but no engine started. He groaned and turned around, walking back to the suv, dropping his stuff by the fire again. "What's wrong? You aren't leaving, there's no movement. Is the suv working? You need me to fix it?" Rey knocked on the window of the car, noticing only Ryan was there. "Bruh, where's Kat?" He asked.
Ryan grabbed the keys to the SUV from Kat before jumping in and watching Kat jog off. He wasn't sure if he should be concerned or not but decided to leave it. Deciding to dig around in the SUV from his position in the drivers seat, his head buried into the center console when Rey's sudden appearance at the window causing him to jump. "Sheezus Rey!" Ryan called out, sitting up straight as he turned to face him, quick to answer all of his questions at once. "Kat ran off to do something. No, the cars fine. I thought you we're cleaning up?

(Rey's Spider-senses kicked in.)
Rey nodded. "Yea, but I heard the car door close, and you guys weren't off yet. And I'm like, dafaq? Yee. Anyways, I doubt either you or Kat know how to fix cars, I do, so that's why I came over. I'll be off now." Rey walked away with a comment over his shoulder, "See, this is how women are, allways late, even for the things they plan themselves, haha" Rey laughed a bit.
Kat growled quietly in annoyance as Rey changed direction, there was no way he caught onto something that quick. She watched as he walked over to the SUV and began interacting with Ryan, rubbing her face in annoyance, she stood up now, hearing Rey's comment about women, walking to him and slapping him over the side of the head harshly, glaring at him. "This is how women are? Asshole, go clean yourself now, I can smell your puberty from a mile away." She spat out at him in anger, opening the front passenger side door and climbing in, closing it after her with a loud slam. Folding her arms and slumping down in her seat.
Rey giggled maniacally. "Yea, sexy isn't it?" He did as Kat said, picking his stuff back up and finally taking a long needed shower. He stood with the water running over him, thinking a bit about what Kat was going to do. She was hunting people, yes, but she didn't have a good plan. Rey hated not having a plan, especially if he was going to kill some people. Multiple people. He shook his head, spattering water droplets on the wall from his hair. It was Kat, Kat didn't seem to like plans.
Ryan sat amused watching Rey and Kat, there was an upside to this odd relationship the two had, quite the show. When Kat plopped into the vehicle Ryan eyed her for a moment with a raised brow, she'd left seemingly happy and now she was just the opposite. "His comment about women get to you that much?" He had one hand on the steering wheel out of habit, considering a few comments but deciding it not the best time. Ryan didn't want to poke and prod the two, they did enough of that to each other.
"In your dreams, loner." She told him, in response to his sexy comment. Sighing in relief as he left, now turning to Ryan as he asked her his question. She groaned, rubbing her forehead. "No. He's just irritating. Everything that comes out of his mouth just annoys the shit out of me." She said in a huff, leaning against the side of her door casually. Arms still folded, she was definetely going to enjoy the next few hours of hunting down those that destroyed her from the inside out, a devilish smirk came onto her features as she thought in more detail about how she was going to do it, a comparison came into her mind between her and the movie Predator, perhaps she could do that, play mind games by hiding, picking them off one by one then killing the last few in one last attack. Yeah, that sounded fun..she got lost in her own little world of revenge for the next few moments, staring off blankly into space as she daydreamed about violent ends for evil people.
Rey finished his shower, and dried off and dressed. Coming outside, he found out the suv still hadn't left. He let out an exasperated sigh. "FINE!!! Fine, Kat, if you want me to come with you SO much that you'll just be TORN without me there, I'll go with you." Rey swung himself up over into the backseat of the car. "On one condition Kat. We have to sit, and wait, and gather info before we decide to start trying to kill people. We need to stay out of sight, away from everybody, and most importantly, unnoticed. Getting away with murder is hard, also, getting away with collective murder is harder. AND." Rey bobbed his head, holding up a finger, "I need to know why we are killing this speciffic group of people. I need a body count, I need background info, and anything else I can file away in my head." Rey rapped his knuckles on his forehead.
Ryan cleared his throat, genuinely appreciative that Rey had decided to come along. "What he said." He agreed with most of what Rey had said though he already guessed that Kat was planning to only give him about half of what he'd just demanded. They we're things Ryan would have liked to know but Ryan was a pushover, one sad story and Ryan was all aboard the yolo train, one of his faults probably.
Kat nodded at Rey's announcement that he was coming along with them. Not really wanting to waste the brain power to think about what he had just said, until he brought up his condition. She looked at him for a few moments afterwards, deep in thought about his proposition. Before nodding once and saying "Fine." But before she had even finished saying that one small word, he added his `AND` part. She groaned mentally but decided to pay attention anyway. Not that she had much choice most likely. She shook her head at him wanting to know more about the group, stating. "I want 25 bodies in a burning pit in the next 24 hours. That's all you need to know." She told him firmly, taking in a deep breath and holding it there for a few moments, letting it out afterwards. Facing away from the two now, distracting herself with what was outside the vehicle.
Rey shook his head. "Twenty five hours. Twenty four is not a good number. Not a square." Rey chuckled. Barnaby's coming too. Right Barbs? We're gonna hit stuff." Rey pounded Barnaby on the back, grinning wolfishly.
Ryan wasted no time in starting the vehicle and leaving once everyone was ready to go. The road wasn't too badly blocked with only the occasional deserted or crashed vehicle in the way to which Ryan just maneuvered around. An unconscious tapping on the steering wheel with his thumb as they wen't, habits die hard even in the apocalypse.

Only occasionally looking at the others through the rear view mirror or in Kats case a turned head. "So what makes you so sure they're still going to be in the area and not dead already?" The man asked keeping his eyes on the road. Kat was clearly not a fan of answering questions but that didn't deter him from trying.
Kat shrugged at Rey's comment. "Fine. Works for me either way, aslong as they're dead." She informed him once again. Reilliterating her hatred for these people, Ryan started the SUV, Kat fixing her seatbelt and having her rifle sitting next to her in the front passenger seat. Not turning to face Ryan as he asked his question involving the group she hated once again. "I know they're there. If they're not, I'll find them. And I'll kill them. End of story." She said, having to bring about her point of killing them again and again with these guys, she rested her head against the window in an attempt to calm herself down, she didn't show it...or she thought to herself that she wasn't showing it, but she didn't know if she was or not, but she was half an inch away from another breakdown, scratching her arm once again in agitation.
Rey clapped his hands once and snapped his fingers. "Allrighty, background information time. What thingy are these guys part of, what are they doing, is their arsenal the same as we saw at the base, what's goin on?"
Ryan frowned at Kat's answer, he understood that she wanted answers and that if she couldn't get it she'd atleast get revenge. But the way she was going about it was reckless, mind you she'd changed the plan to fit more appropriately but he still had his misgivings. Rey's questions reappeared rather excitedly, not one to give up. He gave Kat a glance, seeing the girl as far into the corner of her seat as she could get.

Ryan knew his idea was a terrible one, knew that it would probably irritate Kat but maybe it was something she needed. She could easily go either way with what he was about to do but he decided to hell with it, she was having a moment and Rey's constant badgering would only make things worse. So he reached down with his left hand and flipped the passenger window button down to open while Kat was still pressed against the glass. This would break the tension, whether that was a good thing or bad he'd be finding out surely. A gentle smirk crossing his face.
Kat glared back at Rey as he began asking questions again. But knowing he would NEVER shut up about it if she didn't just get it over with and tell him now. So she decided to do just that. "FINE, Jesus fuck, they killed someone I knew. End of story." Of course that was an extremely simplified version of the truth but it WAS the truth. She really wasn't in the mood to elaborate on who she was or why they did it, that was what hurt at the most, and WHY they did it was what angered her the most. Her fists clenched just reminding herself about it, her teeth gritting together almost naturally, but that really was Kat's nature, ever since `she` died, that had been her nature from the very day it happened. Sure she had a quick temper before it happened, but it just got so much worse and more frequent afterwards. She sighed, her glare retreating as she looked down at her feet now.

Suddenly the window she was leaning her head against went down, she turned to look at Ryan with a smug little expression on his face, she sent her boot straight into his shin harshly, her glare quickly returning as she said to Ryan "Put the window back up.." In a rather cold and dettached tone.
Rey's hysterical laughter could be heard anywhere in a 1500 yard radius. The way Kat had jumped when the window rolled down was too much for him. "HAH! Great one Ryan, NICE!!!" He giggled maniacally. Then Kat kicked Ryan and Rey knew she was in a better mood than usual at the upcoming and apparent bloodshed. "Allrighty, alrighty," He said, calming down a bit. "So vengence. Sweet. Just don't let it get to your head, no jumping in and going rambo on everybody, kay sweetheart?"
Ryan groaned at the pain his shin from the boot, rubbing at it with his hand. "Your lucky I didn't swerve and kill us all." He said still keeping a good attitude about it, he did ask for it afterall. He'd been ready for consequences and prepared not to do any such movement with the wheel. "You could put it back up yourself." He stated, while doing it himself anyways. Though unsure if he'd helped or hurt the situation overall. Rey's giggle fit in the backseat probably wasn't helping. He was sure to give Kat a smile either way. "And preferably not getting me killed, I like my body parts where they are located." He added on to Rey's last comment, jokingly.
Kat didn't bother replying to either of them, not even taking the time to make a grunting noise to at least let them know that she had heard what they had said, being far to comfortable in her own imagination at the moment. Dreaming up the things she wanted to do and wanted to happen before all of this went down, a perfect world, the world she did had before it was all taken. And the fact that these two idiots more specifically Rey didn't seem to take this into consideration angered her extremely. She decided to just look outside the window again, giving it a blank stare as she began getting caught up in her daydreaming. She gave off a light smile as the daydreams were steadily replaced by times that actually happened sweet memories to keep her sanity in check. But Kat being herself those didn't last long before she started blaming herself for what happened again. Her glare growing subconsciously and her fists clenching once more without Kat even noticing. It was her fault but she would make it right again. She would..
Luna sat up blinking a few times befor realizing what was happening "oh uhh kay..." she mumbled hearing the shuffles as well. She stood and whimpered from the pain before following him with her crossbow ready. She went up he stairs with only little trouble.

Max heard the bang on the door and quickly rushed up the stairs and looked in the rooms, "someone's been here..." she said to herself quietly and climbed onto the roof to spy on the newcomer. She saw him and hid behind one of the peaks

@Archangel Galdrael
Rey got bored in the car. He decided to start spinning his knife. That got old after a bit. "Hey Kat." Rey said, poking her with the hilt, "hey Kat, hey Kat, hey Kat." Rey was like a child in that way, he needed to be constantly entertained. He was crazy afterall, so at least he had an excuse. 'Idle minds take dangerous paths,' he recalled. He was glad his had, otherwise he would have never survived the dead walking.
Kat didn't seem interested in their questions or comments so Ryan saw it best to simply focus on the road ahead. Putting his left elbow against the door and propping his head against his fist. His thoughts lingering on what they we're planning to do, sure these people sounded like they deserved it but did all of them? Do you condemn a whole group for the actions of some? Though they could all easily have been involved. The man furrowed his brow at why this whole thing was bothering him so much, if he didn't like it he should have just stayed at the base. But here he was. Kat keeping a level head didn't seem likely and if the two of them we're going to be alone he needed her to try.

He wasn't against killing people who came at him, even the people that might truly deserve it. But how we're they supposed to know who deserved it and who didn't? Did Kat have a way of marking the people from this group? She wasn't in a sharing mood so he decided to keep his thoughts to himself for now. Rey's sudden annoying voice bouncing around the car made his eye twitch, but he was happy not to have any backseat drivers. Even if he didn't have full awareness of where they we're going Kat was pointing out directions occasionally.
Kat whipped round to see Rey. Glaring at him. "What do you want?!" She yelled at him angrily, her fists clenching. Slapping the knife from his hand, as it landed on the floor of the vehicle. Her temper snapping once again with this annoying little shit, her teeth were gritting against each other almost dangerously hard as she looked directly at him, she didn't have time for this complete and utter bullshit, she took these idiots along to help her kill people who deserved it, not to have them annoy the living shit out of her every second of every day. She was breathing heavily now, from the exertion of her anger spike, her face becoming slightly flustered from the spike. She'd gone from quiet and in thought to loud and angry in just a matter of seconds.
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At some point Kat had very bluntly told Ryan to stop the vehicle. It was what he expected at this point but a please or maybe having it in the form of a question couldn't hurt right? He'd done so, before jumping out and stretching his legs a bit, he wondered just how far Kat was planning to make them walk from here, not that it really mattered. He'd parked the vehicle alongside a small wooded area, looking into it as he stretched, wondering if there was any wildlife within or if it to had been taken out.

The man pulled his shirt forwards as he rounded the car so he could look down at his chest and grimaced at the reddened skin. He really had to stop scratching it, he was only going to make things worse. The man swore he'd never wear Kevlar again, he'd rather take a bullet than break out like this again. "So these two watch the car while we just stroll through the area. See what happens?" Ryan arched a brow and crossed his arms over his chest.
She didn't let Rey answer however as they finally entered the town limits, it was a rather small backwater town, with only one noteable structure, it's highly secure tornado shelter, it was the only one for a few miles, now if Kat knew people and tactics, and tactics people used more specifically, she'd know that someone will have taken up shelter in that bunker, or have taken the supplies either way. She wanted to go and kill those assholes so badly, but she'd need to scout the shelter first, along with the surrounding area, and then go in guns blazing, you never know what you might find to help you in your blood lust of revenge. She got out of the SUV, nodding at Ryan as he asked if Rey and Barnaby would be staying by the SUV. "Yeah, they'll stay here, we'll go do our thing.

She began jogging down the abandoned main street of the town, in direction of said tornado shelter, she'd recalled which building the group used to set up camp in, but they'd most likely left it and chosen another by now, hopefully they weren't using the shelter as a base of operations. Kat gestured for Ryan to follow her now, putting on her fake accent and more youthful and laid back demeanor. "Get in character, never know who you'll find."

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