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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

Rey shook his head. "No it's not." Rey came back to the humvee, looking at where Kat had rolled out. Nothing there. He dropped into a crouch, mimicing Kat's movements since the truck had crashed and rolling into cover where she had. He scanned the route he had taken, eyes sweeping back and forth. He then moved up on top of the barricade where Kat had dispatched a couple of the hostile survivors.
Crono said:
"Alright." Ryan said, "Your apartment is something, it could be safe." An unknown was never the best option but for now they'd go with it. It was somewhere Aeina knew, somewhere familiar, and it was better than just standing around at this point. Ryan maneuvered himself to the back end of the truck before turning around to face them. He held out a hand gesturing for Aeina to walk ahead. "Lead the way."
Glancing down at the young girl he sighed, "I don't know what you've been through but it might be best if you stuck with us for now." He knew it would probably be more than or now, the girl likely had nowhere to go, but he didn't want her to feel like agreeing to come with them meant anything more what she wanted it to and what she was comfortable with.

Ryan's bearded face curved into a smile, "We'll be walking, so uhh...if you start getting too tired just let one of us know, alright? Aeina or I can carry you piggyback." He gave a light shrug, not really knowing if she'd even be comfortable with that, but he didn't think they should stop rest every time Constance got tired.
Constance stayed quiet through most of the conversation. She knew many places they could go, but probably none as safe as an apartment room. 'Apartment.. I wonder if it'll be like home.' She thought, glancing up at the woman. How could someone ressemble another so well, live in the same sort place, and not be the ones mother? She stopped looking at the woman and looked up at the man when he started speaking to her. She nodded at his response. Of course she was tired, but she wasn't abou to get kidnapped by two random strangers. 'Isn't that sort of happenin right now?' She thought beofre contridicting herself, 'No, you're going with them under your consent.' Constance just shrugged it off, "I-I'll be f-fine." She said, the edge of her mouth twitching up slightly.
Kat sighed, she had no idea why he insisted that she was more than she really was. She was just a tool, something the government used to get their dirty work done, whenever she actually had any other reason to be around other than that, it was quickly taken away. She watched Rey closely as he tried to find her picture, she asked him. "Why do you care so much? What have I ever done to you that makes you want to help me?" It was true, he wondered why anyone would want to be nice towards her. She was never nice to them in return. She deep down truly wished that he could find that picture. She didn't just want it, she needed it. It was the only thing keeping her afloat, she wouldn't be able to handle the true horrors of the world AND keep her sanity without it.
Rey shook his head again, shadow boxing a few imaginary enemies, focusing on the ground around the barricade. "Kat, this stuff. These things that have happened for the past half a year, they cause problems. They make people view the world terribly now, every man for himself, every person running into all sorts of problems, struggling for survival." Rey wandered through a couple of corpses, then looked over the baracade, a few of the dead were still there, banging and growling at the trio. "You're young yet. You haven't lived. I don't know jack shit about your past, but I can tell that much by the way you move, the way you act." He scanned the deads faces, snapping jaws and wildly distended fingers reaching for him. "You viewed the world like it was over before it actually began. And what you don't realize..." Rey stuck his hand out quickly, snatching something out of one of the dead's hands. "... Is that there are still good things. There's still nice places. You just have to look a bit harder than you are right now." Rey examined it, it was a photo. A picture of someone he didn't recognize, along with a much younger Katalina. This was it, asumably. Rey shrugged. He brushed the something with his sleeve, flicked a bit of gore off. He jumped down from the barricade, landing nimbly on his toes. He handed the picture he had got from the dead over to Kat. "You said that's the only thing you have left." Rey nodded to the picture, "You lie. You have a hummer. You have some assorted supplies." Rey gestured around. "You have Barnaby." He smiled at Barnaby, giving him a thumbs up where he was killing things. "But you also have this." Rey rapped his knuckles on his head, "You also have this." He thumped his chest twice with a closed fist. "But most of all, you have someone willing to put up with all your shit, no matter what happens." Rey spread his arms. "You don't get one of those every day." Rey climbed into the hummer next to Kat. "If you take the time to see what you actually have instead of what you don't, you start to realize you're pretty damn lucky."
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Kat took the photo with much enthusiasm, holding it close to her and smiling towards Rey now. "Thank you.." But as he began talking towards her, she suddenly felt saddened, all this deeper shit that people spoke about really didn't interest her much, but this did strangely. She wanted to keep listening, Rey for once was actually making sense. She nodded as he told her about all the things she still had, she did have all of those things, but it always felt like she had nothing inside. She felt like she was going to just break down into tears at any possible moment. She needed something to keep her afloat now, something apart from that photo and the past, as Rey climbed up and sat next to her, she rested her head onto his shoulder, leaning onto him now in comfort. Breathing rather quietly but quickly as tears began to well up at the bottom of her eyes. Turning to Rey now.

"I'm sorry Rey..I know you like me, but..I can't..it's not you, I'm just..I.." She tried to put it into words as her ever nearing breakdown grew closer and closer, she hadn't felt like this in...forever would be a good guess. She had never felt like this, not since Rachel was taken from her anyway. But she pushed that far from her mind, but it was all coming back now. All in one big go, and she just couldn't handle it anymore. She couldn't.
Rey's eyes widened when she put her head on his shoulder, then he realized Kat was going to start crying. He raised an arm and put it around her awkwardly. "Doesn't matter if you like me back or not. It doesn't matter if you care. I'm just trying to hold onto something as well." Rey sighed a bit. Words weren't going to help Kat now. She just needed to know someone actually cared about her, something Rey had deduced had never happened in the past.
Kat felt comforted when he put his arm around her, she cuddled into it almost like it was second nature and her panicked state before almost completely subsided. She was relaxed now, and at peace. But she turned to look at him once again, asking quietly and slowly. "What..are you trying to hold onto?" She didn't want to intrude on his privacy, she wouldn't have cared in the past, but now. She felt wrong to be mean to someone who had just done all this for her, and her solely. She smiled a little at that thought.
Rey pondered that for a minute. He blew out a long breath before replying. "I think that I want people to be like people again. Like the people we just ran into. They weren't people, they were assholes. I'm trying to find people that know what they're doing in a place like this, people who know how to survive together. Like Barnaby. Like you. I hope we run into some more people like that." Rey turned his gaze to look downwards into Katalina's deep brown eyes, hardened by the world around her, but now the most open he'd ever seen them. "I guess that's what everybody's trying to find though."
Kat couldn't help herself but get lost in Rey's own eyes, they felt warmer than usual. Comforting her greatly, she looked into them for a few moments that seemed like hours, before her quiet breathing quickened a bit and she couldn't help but let out a quiet gasp. She had no clue what was wrong with her, had she hit her head again? Or had he done something to her, injected her with something. She had no idea, and it worried her. She hadn't felt like that since just before the outbreak, with Rachel obviously. Her features softened into the slightest of smiles, her joints relaxing, her body going slightly limp against Rey instinctively, she felt like she couldn't control it. Her arms wrapped around him as she leaned against him again, laying her head on his chest in a comfort position this time. Yawning.

"I don't understand.." She said simply, she didn't know how to elaborate on what she was feeling. She didn't know if it could be put into words properly. At least in someway that Rey would be able to understand.
Rey smirked a bit. "Most things that come out of my mouth are hard to understand." Rey had never had anybody this close to him in a long time. Not ever really. Not even his parents before the world went to shit. "After all, the whole world's gone mad, not just me. It's unlikely anyone will ever understand anything again." After Katalina wrapped her arms around him, he did the same, one hand on the back of her neck, the other on her waist. "Being insane is wonderful isn't it?" He said, voice almost a whisper.
Kat's body flinched a little as Rey touched her, but she quickly grew comforted to it. It felt right now. She replied in response to his whisper. "If we find somewhere to camp out I'll show you just how wonderful some things can be." The words were rather menacing but in a rather playful way. She herself just thought it'd be fun to say, perhaps tease him a little, she didn't know of course if she was actually going to go through with it. She had promised herself that after what happened she wouldn't, but perhaps it was time to move on. Maybe? She still didn't know what team she played for in those terms, but she had a feeling she might find out in the next few days. She just rested on him for another few minutes after that, being in the most relaxed state she had been in since a few months ago at the very least.
Rey smiled. "Hey, don't do that, that's my job." He rubbed her shoulder gently. Rey had never interacted with anyone like this before, and he was at a loss for what to do next. So he just sat there. Kat's hair smelled nice.
"Look..I'm sorry but this is...wrong, we have bigger things to worry about." She said, although with regret, it was true. Rey would understand, she knew he would. It was a dog eat dog world and Kat might not even have a place in it, that's why she always tried her best to succeed in this new wasteland, she had to get herself together, this wasn't the time for petty relationships and such. She had ever only had one relationship and that was taken away from her by whoever controlled her fate, and she couldn't do anything to save her. Her fists clenched in anger now, as all the negative memories came rolling back, of how she couldn't even do her job properly. How her teammates always tried to make her seem weaker than them. She never heard them say it, or imply it. But she knew they were against her.

Everyone was against her, that's how it had always been, her and Rachel were the only two on the wronged side of the world. She could rely on her to back her up in arguments, or get her out of a tight situation. She sighed as she knew that could never be recreated, and pulled herself away from Rey now. Patting down her clothing and hopping off of the humvee. Letting out a deep breath. It was for the best, everyone that she let get close was taken away, all the time. No exceptions. This is how it always was, and how it always was going to be, and Kat really wouldn't have it any other way. "Listen Rey, it's not your fault. But I had a love once, it was taken from me. I can't bare to let that happen again."

She walked away from the humvee, Rey and Barnaby now. Turning back for a moment and saying "I need to go clear my head, you can leave without me if you want." She wouldn't really care to be honest, or would she? She didn't know, but had to retain the dominance she once had over her stern exterior and hardened interior. She would try and get herself back to the old Kat, the one that could get shit done. She began walking towards an abandoned 4 story apartment building across the street from the humvee, entering it and making her way to the roof.
Once Kat was out of earshot, Rey looked at Barnaby and shrugged. "Girls are strange." He swung out of the humvee, flipping up to the top and rolling off the hood. "We should get some cover man. We're sitting ducks by the car. Here, how bout this..." Rey took the keys out of the humvee then popped the hood. He sang as he worked. "Generals gathered in their masses, Just like witches at black masses, evil minds that plot destruction, sorcerers of deaths construction..." He fished around a bit, then pulled out the sparkplug, twirling it in his hands and sticking it in his pocket. "In the feilds the bodies burning, as the war machine keeps turning, death and hatred to mankind, poisoning their brainwashed minds..." Rey poked his head over the barricade, unscrewing a jar labled COCL2 and tossing some of it over the dead. He lit a match and threw that over too. "OH LORD YEA!!!" He locked the trunk where all their supplies were stored, everything was safe now, no way anybody could crack open this tough nut. Rey tugged on Barnaby's sleeve and headed towards the woods at the side of the road.
Kat continued up the apartment building, her mind clouded by what had happened in the previous minutes leading up to the ones she was living now. Had she really just gotten that close to Rey, HIM of all people. How did she fall for it? Better question, how did he make her fall for it. She was usually stronger willed than that..that was it, he took her in her moment of weakness, when she needed someone to rely on for emotional support, when she was re-entering grieving for fuck sake. She should've known that anyone who wanted to get that close to her was only in it for some sort of personal gain, perhaps the two were both in on it, wanting to get her on their side so she could pretty much be their attack dog. A glare returned to her face as she entered onto the roof. Looking down towards Rey and Barnaby, as the two approached the woods. Leaving the humvee out in the open.

She sat down on the very edge of the building, her legs dangling over the side as her hands rested behind her. Supporting her body like pillars to a building. She just couldn't get rid of those feelings she had towards Rey for that brief period of time, she had too though. It was for the best, she had a love once, it was taken. End of story, nothing else. She let out a sigh, rubbing her temples, she was real fucked up at the moment that was for sure. She decided to just sit at the edge of the building and let her thoughts sort themselves out.
Aeina stepped forwards and led the group to the apartment buildings in wich she once had a normal life. Now, it was abandoned, nothing would ever be the same again. A tear fell down Aeina's face but she quickly wiped it away. She knew she had to stay strong, she wouldn't let this destroy her anymore than it already did.
Dannygirl900 said:
Luna stopped by the door when she heard a crack sound on the stairwell door. "F*ck." She mumbled before running over to the room Max locked herself in "Max open the door!" She screamed hitting the door a few times. When her sister opened the door with an eyerool, Luna slammed it shut after she entered. "Come on" she commanded her sister, opening the window. When she made sure Max was on the roof, she hopped off onto the front porch railing, helping Max down then taking off toward the entrance to the community they got in.
After a few hours of walking, Max grumbled "Luna, its dark, cold and I'm tired. We need to rest. Somewhere that isn't so obvious, a dark, breaking shed. Or in a tree" Max frowned at Luna.

"I know, I know. We'll find somewhere. . ." Luna assured, looking back at Max. They found a tree, Luna boosting Max up first, then handing the girl a blanket she took from the house before going to pull herself up "Luna look out!" Max yelled just as a Walker grabbed Lunas ankle. Luna let out a scream and fell from the tree, hurting her ankle, probably a severe sprain, on the way down. The girl was about to get up when the Walker fell on top of her two more on the firsts trail. Luna began to panic. Max hopped down to help her sister, stabbing one in the head.
@Archangel Galdrael
Christian had been walking for hours, much like nearly everyday... Some nights he wondered if he would ever find shelter, this was one of those nights. It hadn't been long ago when he had managed to scavenge a map of the local area, and if it was to be trusted, there was likely a gated community which could - albeit rarely - be shelter for the night.

"No water, no shelter, no blankets... I'll freeze my ass off before being eaten or shot at this ra -"

A scream echoed not to far away, likely coming from the very woods Christian was marching through, and despite his first instincts to run away from the noise, his brain must have got mixed signals because he was running towards the noise, a stupid thing to do in the apocalypse... Making sure he was prepared however, he withdrew his blade, completely familiar with - and grateful for - its excellency at roamer slaying, though if the humans were bandits with guns that wouldn't be a problem either. He'd let the roamer have its snack and sneak quietly away.

The scream was getting mush louder, and Christian had only been running for a few seconds, soon enough however, he saw the victims of the roamer attack and was pleasantly surprised... Instead of bandits, they were just young girls, his mind went to work on how they possibly survived, death at the hands of roamers for these two would have been a nice way to go should the bandits get their hands on them...

But they were definitely innocent to an extent, they looked like anything but scumbags and ruthless killers, rushing forward with his sword raised, he brought it down with a heavy slash, as the roamer's skull was split in two, absolutely destroying the clothing the girl who almost became a snack was wearing. Yet before another second had passed, Christian drew his gun with a spare hand, and aimed at the two girls, still cautious. As was expected when being forced to survive like he had.

The dead thing looming overtop Luna was about to bite into her neck when a man came ou of nowhere and killed it, "holy sh*t man, that was awesome!" Max said excitedly but froze when he pulled out a gun. Luna groaned and pushed the body off of her before standing and narrowing her eyes at the gun.

"Do you really think it's necessary to pull a gun on a girl who almost got killed?" Luna asked, raising an eyebrow before looking at Max and swatting the back of the girls head "just because mom and dad aren't around doesn't mean you can swear."

Max rubbed the back of her head with an eyeroll "fine then."

Luna looked back at the man and shook her head "really no need for that" she pointed at his gun before slipping her fingers into her pockets. "Because you helped me, I'm not gonna pull my gun on you." She stated, looking around for shelter one more time, but here was nothing around.

"Dude, do you know somewhere we could stay?" Max asked him, "cause I'm kinda tired." She said admittingly with a shrug. Luna gave her sister a warning glare to stop talking and Max did.

@Archangel Galdrael
Christian was taken aback by their nonchalant attitude, either they were secret sociopaths, or had been incredibly lucky throughout the apocalypse, yet despite his survivors gut instinct, he felt they were being genuine, so he lowered the gun.

Although at first, the smartest questions would be 'why are you out here', and 'how have you survived'. The duo's already lively, and nonchalant attitude was at least an obvious sign that they had had it easy so far... Which was a good thing, they were the first friendly people he had met in nearly 7 months, he didn't care whether they were hardened survivors or not, it was simply real human interaction.

"I - No... No I don't know anywhere... I was heading for a... gated community to use for shelter... But I'm doubtful."
Luna shook her head a bit "we just came from there... there were a bunch of survivors staying in the only house that wasn't burnt downl but it was overrun. Max and I ran, if there's danger... I won't hesitate to leave people behind as long as we're safe." She explained to make herself sound less mean. "I saw most get out. But I don't know whats up with them anymore." She shrugged. "If you wanna stick with us, then sure. But like I said before, I won't hesitate to leave."

Max narrowed her eyes at her sister and climbed back up the tree. She hated that Luna left them behind, there was a little girl with them. And Luna just left them behind. A angry sigh came from Max and Luna shook her head "she's whiney when she's tired." Luna told the stranger. "By the way, I'm Luna, and this is my sister Max." She pointed above her, then held out her hand. "I know you won't hurt us, because you could've ran in the opposite direction of my screams."
Christian listened intently, to what she had to say, it was a royal shame that the 'potential' shelter was overrun. Worse still that they were in the middle of the woods, in the middle of the night. It looked like shelter wasn't an option, under normal circumstances it'd be better to keep walking, but perhaps... No, it was a stupid idea. The older girl had made it clear she'd leave him for dead, nothing stopped her from stealing his weapons, and few supplies he had left whilst he slept.

"Huh, fine by me. Though so far your Max there was saved by me because I didn't leave you two behind... I've been out here for a long time, most people are evil, a few are good. Now I don't know what you are, but I've survived by avoiding the bad, and helping the good - however few they may be. Eventually, you're going to have to depend on the good graces of strangers when in danger. But nobody will help you if they know you won't help them... And of course I won't hurt you, if I wanted to do that I wouldn't have lowered my gun..."

Despite the little monologue, it wasn't realistically so black and white. Christian had killed plenty of people, But the point still stood, trust in the 'good' people was important.
Luna listened and nodded "thank you for that." She tilted her head a bit "I fell from the tree." now that the adrenaline was subsiding, she could feel the throbbing in her ankle and winced a little bit "I think I sprained my ankle..." she said, taking the weight off it and leaning against the tree. Hearing that, Max worriedly climbed down from the tree and knelt beside her sisters ankle "Damn Luna, that looks bad..." Max said in a shaky voice and stood up, a sad look on her face.

Luna frowned a bit and sat on the ground. It was swollen, and in the moonlight she could see a red and purple bruise. "Damnit" she mumbled looking in her backpack for a wrap of some sort. She found a old sprain gauze and began rolling it around her ankle, wincing a few times as her fingers grazed it. When she finished she loosened the strings on her boot and slipped it on, the pain making tears form in her eyes. She hadn't had an injury since she fell off her horse when she was 14 and broke her wrist.
Christian remained silent, and watched as the girl tried heal her sprained foot, eventually slipping the boot on but tears forming in her eyes. Once more, he was completely baffled at how they survived this long, neither of them were incredibly capable survivors from what he'd seen, but maybe he could keep them alive at least.

"Look, I'm sure its bad, and I'm sure it hurts like hell, but we need to get moving if we're going to find shelter for the night... We're sitting ducks out here." He advised, as softly as possible. Before examining the surroundings for any threat, and keeping his ears and eyes alert for roamers or bandits prowling the woods. Once more he spared a glance at Luna's foot, slightly concerned because she had just become a huge burden... Not that she was his responsibility, but for now they were traveling together, that meant something.

With a tint of sympathy in his eyes, he spoke to Luna once more. "Can you walk?"
Max helped Luna up, Luna wincing a bit. The girl tried taking a normal step, but stumbled a bit from the pain and shook her head "it hurts too much... you could leave if you want. No one needs to be a burden on another survivor." She said, leaning against Max. "Jeezus Luna. Lose some weight." Max said jokingly and Luna bumped Max with a small smile.

"Okay, lead the way mr tough guy" Luna nodded. Max helped Luna limp along behind the stranger. Keeping her eye out for a shelter, the dead, and bandits, not wanting their helper to be in danger.

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