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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

Aeina nodded, "I'm fine. I've lived with it, hell, I've been alone since I was 14." She gripped the bat from the memory, "Almost 11 years now."

She shifted her body and sighed, "What about you?" She asked the man, "What's your story?"

(( I actually changed her age a while ago, didn't want to overcrowd the rp with youngins, let's just say she looks younger than she is. ))
Ryan gave a light snort, she was older than he'd given her credit. "Not much to tell. Had a life, apocalypse hit, life over. The usual." Ryan would shift his eyes occasionally, he hadn't fully cleared the building and it made him nervous, talking and making noise in an unknown dark area. "If you don't mind, can we take this to the entrance. I'd rather not have anymore surprises from the back of the store mid-conversation." He made his move towards the brighter entrance, keeping her in his peripheral as he did.
Aeina nodded and followed Ryan, "I never caught your name." She wanted to know the name of the first alive person she had seen since this all started.
"Didn't catch yours either." He shot back with a partial smile. "It's Ryan." Once at the entrance that was illuminated by moonlight he stopped just inside before turning to face her. "So what brings you to a cozy mess of a supermarket in the middle of the night?"
Rey was even more confused with Kat's response. It didn't sound like Kat, he was expecting a 'fuck off' or 'eat shit'. Instead of inquiring further, Rey shrugged. He made a 'turn around' gesture with his hand. They had been driving for some time now. "Lemmie check your head. Barnaby stuck a bandage on it, but I'm not sure the blood has clotted yet. Might need stitches, but i've got a little substitute for that if it does."
Aeina looked at the boy,Ryan, "It's Aeina, pronounced eye yna, don't get it wrong." Aeina smiled, "And food brought me here, what else?"
"Yeah. Anya, got it." He jested, being sure to take a step back out of Aeina's range with the bat. It almost surprised himself that he'd tried the humor, it'd been a while since the option had even presented itself and he'd taken it. "I get that food brought you here but, in the middle of the night, really?" He paused realizing he was one to be talking but it was more complicated than that. Glancing out at where he'd watched the survivors attack one another before returning his gaze to her. "Know what? Nevermind. I've got a truck to check." He wasn't cold or harsh, just practical. With that he gave Aeina a courteous nod before exiting the building and heading for the truck.
Kat nodded at what Rey said to her, tilting her head at an angle so he could get a clear view of her head injury and the bandage. She felt the sudden urge to vent her internal pain to someone, highly unlike her, she usually bottled it all up inside and kept up her tough bitch attitude, that's how she always done it, and it had always worked for her..or did it? She didn't really know anymore, she was constantly angry and always getting irritated by the slightest things, she began to wonder if it really did work. Bottling it all up and venting it out with frustration. She didn't look at Rey as she spoke quietly, allowing him to check over her wound as she spoke.

"Rey..have you ever..lost someone close to you?" She asked genuinely, she really didn't know after all if this was supposed to be a normal reaction to what she had been experiencing, hopefully it was, or..hopefully it wasn't, she didn't want to be a normal teenager like all the countless ones before her, it must've been the bang to the head she got all that time ago in the mall, yeah...that must've been it..right? Although she kept her ears open for once to actually hear Rey's reply.
Aeina followed him, a bit ticked that he had called her Anya, but she still followed him, "I'm not staying in there alone," She called to him and sprinted over, "Ry-Ry." She smirked, she did this to annoy him. It was her form of payback without using her bat.
"You we're fine with going in, bat'a blazin' a few minutes ago." He commented and rolled his eyes as she threw the words at him, though she couldn't see that from behind him. "Aren't you a little old for giving nicknames like that?" He mused as he stepped up to the truck.

Ryan almost immediately frowned, seeing the damage to the front end of the vehicle from where it'd hit the Humvee up close. Though it could still be driveable, leaning inside he felt for the keys and gave them a turn, nothing. He gave a light growl before kicking at the side of the truck, it was then the spotted the gas cap open as well. "Of course they would." He rested his arms against the side of the truck as he looked over it, down the road at the direction the Humvee had left in.
Aeina didn't respond to his first comments and looked at the road, where a girl that looked about 9 was laying down. "Ryan," Aeina started, "I don't think she's dead. Well, undead." Aeina pointed to the little girl and took a step closer to her.
Rey unwound the bandage and checked the wound. "Katalina, that's a stupid question. If I hadn't I wouldn't have been traveling alone before I met Barnaby. Anyone traveling alone or without anybody they knew from before has probably lost them." The wound had clotted, and didn't look like it needed extra help sealing. "I think you'll be fine, doesn't look infected." Rey re-wrapped the bandage. "If you meant before shit went down, then yea. Sister. Had a surgery, doctors accident. I fucking hate doctors." Rey cocked his head. "Why?"
Ryan followed Aeina around the truck, unconsciously enjoying the fact she hadn't called him Ry-Ry again. "What makes you so sure?" He held his machete in hand just in case. The girl was young, just a kid. "Hey kid." He called out softly, more afraid of seeing her dead than anything else, he wasn't sure he could handle seeing another dead kid, as if he had a choice. Taking his foot he gently nudged at her leg, expecting her to try to sink her teeth into one of them.
Constance heard a yell of anger and a pound of metal. She furrowed her eyebrows. It hasn't been long since she went to sleep but everything seemed groggy. She couldn't remember what she did last. The shout worried her so she stayed still, unsure of whether the shout was friendly and not. For all she knew, it could've been the bandots crom earlier. They did follow her pretty far. When s he heard a woman talking, she relaxed a bit. From what she remembered, they didn't have a woman with them. The voice sounded like her mom. On instinct, she wiped her eyes and sat up, mumbling, "M-mom?" Right when she did that, her body froze and a bit of color drain from her face. She didn't know what to do or why she did that. It could've been her mom, the woman even looked like her, brown hair, brown eyes, and skinny. Constance quickly stood, crutching her pocket knife and stepping away from the two grown-ups skeptically. "I-if yo-you're go-gonna kill me, j-just do it!" She stuttered out, hands shaking and her mind yelling at her, telling her to run. Constance was to tired to run. To much had happened for a little girl to cope with. Instead, she stood there, ready to take whatever was thrown at her. Her eyes looked over the man. He could easily split her in half it seemed like. Adrenaline pumped through her as her breathes started to become uneven.
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Kat realized as he told her that it was a stupid question, but it didn't hurt to ask did it? She nodded as he told her that the wound was fine. Mumoring a `I'm sorry` As he brought up his deceased sister, she looked down and brought out the folded picture as he asked her why she had bothered asking him in the first place, the side that was visible showing a pretty teenage girl, looking to be the same age as Kat with some bright blue dyed hair, smiling in what looks like a casual pose, the other side of the photo being folded over so it is not visible. Kat said quietly in response to his question with.

"Because I did too..I don't know why it's just bothering me now though." She told him, although she did have a good idea as to why it was just bothering her now, but she didn't really want to tell him that part. She was a mess, a mess that would soon in time be fixed once again by the medications, but she needed to find more before she ran out and history began to repeat itself again.
Aeina walked up to the girl and knelt down next to her, "We're not going to kill you," She said softly, "Why are you out here all alone?" Aeina didn't have the heart to tell the girl she wasn't her mom, so she pretended like she didn't hear it. She glanced back at Ryan and then back at the little girl.
Ryan grasped gently at Aeina's shoulder as she knealt down. "Be careful, watch the knife." It was clear the girl was afraid, and if she felt threatened he had no doubt she's use the knife, she might have already. He tried to give the girl a reassuring smile, "No one's gonna hurt you." Ryan knew how he probably looked intimidating so he took a few steps back and sheathed his machete in an attempt to try and not look so threatening. He guessed Aneia being a woman would help with the girl, not only that but she was probably better with kids than he'd ever been, so he'd let her take the lead.
Constance backed up a bit more, away from the lady. "T-th-that's wh-what you s-say now." She said bitterly. At the question, more tears filled her eyes, threatening to spill. Before they could, she wiped her eyes with her sleeve and fixed her hat, making sure it was still on her head. "R-rea-reasons." She said. They didn't need to know. There was still a chance that they were friends of the bandits or- 'Just stop it already. You're going to die out here if you don't with them.' Constance hesitantly dropped her arm and fixed her sleeve, putting the sweater back onto her shoulder. Her eyes still searched both of them frantically, unsure of what to do now. The only perso she was really worried about, was the man. His machete didn't seem to inviting and he hasn't said much. 'Who am I to judge right now?' Constance thought, sighing quietly and putting the pocket knife in the pocket of her shorts.
Aeina looked at Ryan and mouthed something, Put the stupid thing in the truck, she gestured to his machete with her head, Aeina put her hand on the little girl's shoulder, "I promise you, we won't hurt you. We want to help."
Rey was shocked tht Kat had decided to share anything with him. He thought what he said net might be a bit insensitive, but he didn't know. "Hey, listen to what I'm gonna say next Katalina. Backstory's are useless. Yes, experience makes up a big part of who we are. But the fact is, you can be whoever the hell you want to be." Rey didn't smile, he needed Kat to know he was serious. "Barbs has heard me say this before, but; Let the past be in the past, and all choices go to those who have to live with them." Rey was looking Kat directly in the eyes, not intimidatingly, but as a way to show her that he was serious. "I'm crazy. Totally off my rocker. Fucked up from the floor up. But even I know what to let bother me, and what to not." Rey leaned back a bit, expecting to get smacked. If she wanted to, that was fine, he deserved it, but he had seen some people in this state of mind before. What he had said would be one of the most important things she had ever heard in his life if she took them to heart.
Ryan frowned, he didn't particularly want to scare the girl, rolling his eyes at Aeina but understanding. "I'll be over here." He said before moving back over to the truck, deciding to leave them to their thing rather than put the machete in and return. Sure the machete wasn't helping but Ryan in general probably wasn't exactly a fun sight either, so he decided to keep his distance, but kept an eye on them. Had to be a kid, didn't it?
Kat continued to look down at the photo, this was one of the last times she was ever truly happy in her life, not the sadistic kind of happy she gets from injuring others, or the menacing happy she gets from insulting them, but a true, and pure happy. It made her heart feel like it was physically hurting, even though it wasn't in reality, but fuck did it feel like it, and there was NO way she was going to look at the other side of that photo, it was the side of her that only she had seen. She nodded at what Rey had to say, but not agreeing with him, she couldn't just put this to rest, she never was the best at letting things go, espically since this was the only thing in her life that ever brought her anything that wasn't just anger. She wouldn't simply let that go. She glared up at Rey now.

"So what? Do I just forget about it..about her, it was my fucking fault Rey! MINE, no one elses! I had ONE job and I fucked it up big time!" She yelled at him angrily, at the same time she kept the photograph close to her chest quite literally, in a very protective manner. She was pissed off to say the least, she looked down at the floor of the vehicle now, going deadly quiet, breathing heavily through her nose in frustration and something else she couldn't quite put her finger on, her cheeks going flustered again.
Constance winced at her touch but relaxed when she realized it wasn't meant to injure her. "Y-y-yeah..." She whispered, avoiding eye contact with the woman. When the man left, she didn't feel much safer, though for some reason, relief flooded her body as more tears sprung into her eyes again and she raised her hands to cover her face while she started crying again. Sadly, the two caught her an emotionally unstable moment of her life, so she wasn't acting like she usually would. 'Get yourself together!' She yelled at herself, which only made her cry a bit harder.
Aeina looked at the crying girl, "You can come with us," She said, "If you want. What's your name?" Aeina was still speaking soft so she didn't scare the girl any more than she already had.
Rey straightened a bit, glad to not have recieved physical retaliation. "Yea. And I murdered my neibors at the start of the apocalypse for my uzi. I'm not telling you to forget about it, sure as hell not telling you to forget anything, I'm telling you to integrade that experience into you as a person, so that you don't make that mistake again, and become a little more perfect for it." Rey fiddled with the wrist cuffs on his jacket. "I never forget anything. Never forgotten anything in my life. But the reason for that is so I don't make the same mistakes. I've learned to think a bit before I speak. I've learned about chemicals that can help me on my way to where I'm going, you know that. I've learned to maticulously plan ahead and consider every single probability before advancing into a situation. The last time Barnaby was seriously hurt was when somebody cut his chest with a knife. That's why when you held us up, I told him to do what he does best; flip shit. I watched his back." Rey paused a bit. "Now that you're with us, I'm trying to watch your back too. But I can't think of all the unpredictable things you could do if you're constantly kicking yourself over god knows what. I can't help you with yourself. But I can teach you how to deal with shit."

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