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Fandom The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

Rey grinned. "Well look who decided to wake up. Well, howzit goin, how are things?" Rey inquired, spinning Kat's revolver in his hand then handing it to her handle first. "You dropped this genius." Rey jerked his head at the front of the car. "Your M16's in the front. You really need to keep track of your stuff Kat, this is why we can't have nice things." Rey smiled genuinely. Kat may have been a sociopath, and moody, and sassy, and a girl, but he was mentally insane, that was about the same thing. 'Better the devil you know,' Rey thought. He motioned to his jacket that she was now sitting on from straightenig up so fast. He considered retrieving it himself, but Kat might snap at him if he decided to take it, that was one of the last things he wanted. "I also need that sweetheart." He nodded.
Rey nodded, taking the revolver from Barnaby. He flipped the safety on and stuck the gun in the side of his pack, easily acessable. He turned to Kat; "I've got Barbs to start using guns some, but his aim's pretty much shit if he's not five feet away from the tareget." He chuckled. "Anyways, ya gotta start somewhere." Rey grabbed one of the handles hanging from the roof of the humvee, holding onto it nonchalantly. "How's your head Kitty Kat?"
Kat took the pistol, holstering it back where it belonged, folding her arms and replying to his other comment with "It's an M4, NOT an M16." With an agitated tone, she didn't pay much attention to what else he said, not really wanting to spare whatever was left of her brain function on whatever useless shit came from his mouth, she looked down at the seat now, noticing she was indeed sitting on his jacket, she nodded once at his request, standing up just a bit so she could pull it from underneath her, giving it to Rey now. She watched closely as Barnaby handed his weapon to Rey, now being informed that Barnaby couldn't handle firearms, important to know for the future probably. As Rey turned to her and asked how her head was she replied calmly with.

"Yes it's fine...thank you Rey, Barnaby." She spoke very formal like, not wanting to get to into a simple thank you, usually she wouldn't have batted an eye over good deeds, but they did just save her life essentially, even if they were technically the ones that put it in danger in the first place, but she just didn't have the energy to go off at someone again. She let out a breath and slumped back in her seat, yawning and gazing out the side window of the humvee.
A short bark of laughter escaped Rey's lungs. "Hah! Got Eeeeeeeem!" he chuckled, putting his jacket back on. It was still warm from Kat using it as a blanket, but Rey decided it was best not to joke about that since he had just handed the girl a loaded gun.
Kat almost instantly regretted even showing what a normal person would've called being civil, what Kat would've called being nice to these two idiots. She groaned in irritation at the overused meme, the urge to kill Rey re-surfacing. She may have been some spec ops type agent but she was still a student, whenever anyone used those types of jokes she made sure they couldn't speak for the next few minutes, by collapsing their windpipes, that was funny. Good times.
Ryan didn't think he'd ever be more thankful in his life. Between the destruction derby and the gunfire he was glad they hadn't decided to investigate the gunfire, scrambling up off the ground he turned his head looking around to make sure there weren't anymore surprises after they'd all sped off in the Humvee. He couldn't tell what had happened to the third person that showed up, he'd been too far and the angle was weird.

Thanking his lucky stars once again he took a breath to calm himself before moving towards the entrance to the supermarket. Peering inside it was dark, atleast out here he had moonlight. But the other guys had just been in here, surely it was clear. Still it was a big risk, but food was food. Giving a final huff of disapproval he stepped inside keeping his machete drawn in front of him in one hand and his gun in the other. He moved slow, allowing his eyes to adjust as much as possible to atleast see any moving figures in the dark. He never picked his feet up, simply sliding them against the floor. If anything useful got left behind it could easily be overlooked down there. "Helloooo, any smelly dead guys hiding in here?" He said in a low tone, listening for any sort of a reaction in the store. If there was, surely he'd hear it shuffling towards his voice.
Sarah finally allowed herself to breath, her breath coming out labored and horse with tears forming in her eyes as she slumped to the ground. The fear of repeat of her past flared through out the conversation with two survivors, the head mans tone voice was all too familiar to those of her past. It took her a moment to regain her composure, she distrusted the two and wanted to be sure they left. She used her cane to get herself back on her feet before walking out the alleyway and sneaked behind a car watching the two prepare their humvee.
Aeina sprinted towards the only form of shelter she could see, a supermarket. She gripped her baseball bat in case there were any zombies in it. She opened the door as quietly as possible and made her footsteps sound that of a ghost, nonexistent.

She figured there would be at least one zombie in the supermarket, so for no surprises, she put her back against the nearest wall and called out, "Hello?" She didn't hear anything yet but decided to wait a few minutes.
Rey shook his head and grinned wolfishly. Katalina was still a mystery to him. One moment being a total bitch and waving her gun everywhere, the next stupid and woozy, and when she woke up reverting to her formal self, then going back to being a bitch again. Rey hadn't been around girls too much, his sister had died when he was five, but Kat really was a work of... well, not art... something. It was slightly charming though, Rey guessed that being a girl was almost as fucked up as being mentally insane like he was. A terrifying thought crossed Rey's mind. What was Kat like on her period? Bitch-mode 24/7? Bossy control freak military intern? Rey decided to stop joking with Kat too much and try to be nice to her for once. He dropped his grip on the handle and reached over to poke Kat in the side. "Hey..." He started. "I'm sorry..."
Jason dropped his pack that contained only a M1911A1 and a few porno magazines he had picked up from a XXX store back in Allentown, aswell as 2 granola bars, and he put his hands on his heads in surprise as he looked at the once great city of New York. He saw fire, heard gunshots, screams, moans. He felt lightheaded, and he heard the deafening sound that he was so familiar with - a B-17 Flying Fortress. He then heard the woosh of a Apache Attack Helicopter. He looked behind him.

He saw 10 B-17 flying fortresses and hundreds of Apaches flying toward New York City. The Apaches sent missiles and machine gun rounds toward the city, causing havoc, and Jason watched in terror as one slammed into the Empire State Building, and it toppled and fell onto the Brooklyn bridge, causing a huge explosion. Gunshots from the Apaches riddled the buildings of the great city as the terror fleet approached, but then a missile was fired from a RPG-7 from the city toward the fleet. Could the Civilians be fighting back? The missile swooped through the air but did not hit a aircraft. It fired off into the distance after a little while, out of Jason's eye range. The Apaches and the B-17s continued to advance toward the city, but when they got close, a flurry of gunshots came from the city. Jason knew it was a 50. Cal turret, and possibly a few pistols and assault rifles. A single apache went down into the city, but it landed right where the gunfire was coming from, eliminating the rebels. The air barrage continued, New York being mutilated beyond all repair, but soon, the bombers hovered over the City, and they dropped their explosives right into the City. So many explosions, shrapnel flying as high as to scrape at the airspace of the lowest Apaches of the terror fleet. The fleet continued North of the destroyed ruins of New York, and the dust still was not settled 20 minutes later. Jason fell to his knees....sobbing. Then he felt the cold barrel of a handgun press against the back of his head.

"Who..." Jason uttered. There was grumbling among the men behind him, he could sense there being more than just his direct assailant. "Are you bitten?" a deep, gruff voice asked, and he could feel the gun shaking. "No, I'm not. Please, don't shoot me" Jason said softly. "Get up" The man said, and Jason did as he was ordered. "What's in the bag?" the man with the gun asked him. "A M1911A1, two granola bars, and a few magazines. Like, paper magazines. I only have 3 loose bullets for the M1911A1" Jason explained. "Jones, grab the bag" The man with the gun said, and a black soldier in military camouflage bearing a M16A2in his hands and a G22 in a chest holster grabbed Jason's string bag. He threw it over his shoulder and then moved back to where he was. "Turn around" the man said, stepping back and lowering his gun. Jason turned to see a platoon of 8 soldiers including the officer that had held the gun to his head, all carrying what Jones had. Jason gulped, knowing that they were affiliated with the bombing of New York.

"Are you a rebel? Any other weapons we should know about?" The officer said. "No, I'm unarmed without that bag" Jason said, lying, for he had a switchblade in his back pocket. "Then you won't mind if we frisk you?" The Officer said, and two of his soldiers stepped forward. Jason grudgingly drew the blade and handed it to the Officer. The Officer took it. "Okay. Now, are you a rebel?" The Officer asked. "No, I just came here. I witnessed the bombing from this hill" Jason said. Just then, gunshots.

Dust was kicked up all around the military soldiers, and the Officer yelled "Rebels, get down!" and the Officer threw himself to the floor, but not before catching a bullet in the right leg. Two of his soldiers dragged him to safety behind a rock and the rest opened fire from couched and proned positions nearby, but already three were down. Jason went prone and crawled behind a log, gunshots still landing all around him, and one even slammed into his log. He saw a figure crawling toward him. He recognized Jones. "Here, help us out!" Jones yelled, throwing Jason the bag that contained his pistol, porno magazines, and granola bars, and he then took cover behind the log aswell with Jason, firing upon the rebels, whose positions were not yet confirmed. Jason just stared at the bag. Jones saw this, and leveled his rifle towards Jason. "Help, that's an order!" Jones yelled. Jason grabbed the pistol and pulled it from the bag, and he cocked pulling the slide back and then forth, and he raised his am over the log and fired twice blindly, and after that, he knew he only had one shot left, and he raised the weapon to Jones's head, firing off his last shot, and killing the soldier. He then quickly unstrapped the uniform, which had the M16A2, the G22, andd the magazines to both attatched to it, as well as a Bayonet for the M16A2, and he carried it in his left hand, and the M1911A1, which was in his right hand, he shoved into his bag, and he grabbed the bag, throwing it over his shoulder, and he held the uniform with Jones's things with both hands as he ran from the firefight, ran from the screams, ran from the blood, ran from the Civil War taking place behind him, and he an like lighting, with a G22, M16A2, a M1911A1, and ammo for all of the weapons, enough to last him a life time, along with some rations that Jones had had on him, and a radio, and everything he needed for survival. And all he needed to do was kill a man. Fair price, right?
A chill ran up Ryan's spine when he heard the "Hello?" from somewhere behind him. He stopped mid-step, turning around he half expected to find himself face to face with someone. Wouldn't be the first time today afterall, it was dark but he didn't see any figures between him and the entrance. The voice sounded like a girl though it was hard to tell with only one word. He considered staying quiet, maybe try and sneak out, then as he shifted he stepped on something to knock him a little off balance and he had to catch himself from stumbling into the nearby shelf. However the incident and bracing made plenty of noise as he recovered. Seriously? The hell is my luck today?

Well, playing it silent was off the table now. He gave a sigh, Ryan knew he had to get ahead of this while he could. "Living guy in here." He called out trying not to sound like an asshole while at the same time trying not to sound like he was defenseless, he settled for a calm tone. "Don't shoot or anything." Ryan still wasn't taking chances as he stayed still with his gun raised and ready, he wasn't about to get caught off guard.
Kat felt the poke and the hair on her skin instantly stood up, being quick to turn to Rey and snapping out of the relaxing trance she was in as she peacefully stared out the window before. Taking in his words slowly and then nodding just as slowly. She didn't reply, she had no idea on what to say to that, she simply nodded again. Taking in a deep breath and going back to look outside the window again. Staying still for a few moments before nodding again and replying quietly with "It's fine Rey. Don't worry." Deciding just to keep looking out of the humvee as it drove along the abandoned streets, this being the first time in a long while she had began using deep thought, she locked her hands together, her fingers interlocking with each other.

Her intertwined knuckles now resting on her chin as she hunched over while looking out the humvee. Her eyes darting around the inside of the vehicle now, looking at Rey first, then Barnaby, she took in a deep breath before sitting back in the seat and stretching her arms, folding them after she had done so. Asking quickly with. "So where are we going?" There was something on her mind, something she had tried oh so hard to repress, something she had to continue focusing to repress, something that made her what she is today.
Aeina heard the voice and lowered her bat, not all the way, but as much as she would let herself. She didn't have a gun but didn't want to sound defensless, "I won't if you won't." She said calmly, trying to spot the person who had spoken.
Rey ran a hand through his hair, realizing he didn't have his fedora on. He checked his pack, and luckily it was there. He decided not to put it on, he just wanted to know where it was. "Well..." Rey began, "It was getting close to fall up in new jersy, after Barbs and I left the mall we decided to head south to avoid winter. It seems to have worked so far, it's late august and not even a slight chill's in the air." Rey zipped up his pack and continued. "I figured the gulf of mexico is an excelent place to be. Ya know why?" Rey wanted to let Katalina know that even though he WAS crazy, he was nonetheless smart. Something she hadn't acknowledged since they met up at the mall in new jersy. He wasn't offended by it, but being socially impared, he didn't know if Kat wanted him to notice anything about her that he hadn't. People were funny that way.
"You don't give me a reason and I don't give you one, sound fair?"

Ryan heaved out a silent sigh, he could tell the direction she was in but had no way of knowing if she was a threat. His eyes had adjusted so he could make out most shapes on the ground below and he started stepping in that direction. There we're shelves and who knows what else between them, he needed to get a visual check on where she was and if she was alone. This could very easily be a trap and that made him nervous.

Reaching the corner of the aisle he poked his head around, he almost thought he could make out someone against the wall but he was unsure. "You alone?" He called out, doing a double take of his surroundings to be sure he didn't see any other possible figures. It was a tense situation and he wasn't interested in making it worse.
Kat nodded in response to Rey's explanation, adding "Makes sense." She said calmly, her mind still occupied on keeping itself afloat for the moment, Kat no matter how hard she tried couldn't rid her mind of the one thing that truly and deeply bothered her. As Rey asked her a question, she took a few minutes to even process what he had said, too busy focused on other things, like letting her feelings spill out over something that she would've normally considered a tiny issue, she rubbed her hands across her face and turned to Rey. Answering with. "No, I don't know why." And waiting his response as she zoned out once again, she turned away from him, looking once more out of the humvee. Inspecting the empty streets as they drove past them.

She closed her eyes and took in another deep breath, letting it out through her nose before putting one of her hands up and saying quietly to Rey. "In-fact, don't bother. I just need some quiet." Which wasn't a lie, she did really. Hopefully Rey would give her the silence and time she needed to sort herself out so she could be an effective operator again.
Rey cocked his head. He had to explain his brilliant plan to find and fix a boat, run it out to an oil rig, clear the oil rig of the dead (if there were any), get it up and running again, and try to ride out the rest of the infetion living off of the sea and power from the oil that the rig drilled up. But he could tell that Kat needed some quiet even before she told him so, her cheeks were flushed and she was holding her head up in a funny way. Rey kept silent, and instead unzipped the dead survivors pack and got out the trail mix. He held it out to her, unintentionally giving her a baby-face. That was Rey's face when he wasn't grinning like an idiot or chatting the person't ear off, and the fact that he still had the inability to grow a beard of any kind only added to his childish air.
Kat hadn't noticed any of Rey's movements after she told him to give her some quiet, but she was thankful that he did. Feeling a more saddening feeling wash over her suddenly, it took her far too long to realize exactly what was happening, she mentally slapped herself, she turned to Rey to look for her backpack but noticed that he was holding out some trail mix for her, she shook her head and said "I'm good, but where the hell is my backpack.." She said, sounding less calm towards the end of that sentence, becoming either more agitated or desperate for her backpack. She should've remembered to keep herself up to date on when she was supposed to be using.

Of course that's why she came back into Kat's mind after weeks without any problems, this is why Kat never had any friends anymore, or anyone close for that matter, she slid her hand into both pockets to check if it was still there, it wasn't. Her eyes widened and she most definetely went into a more panicked state of mind, looking around the humvee quickly now for her backpack. "Where is it!?" She asked more loudly this time.
Constance walked down the street. Cars and trash littered the area as the little girl continued to carry herself down the road. Her hand was clutched around the pocket knife that was in her right hand while her left hand wav occupied with attempting to keep the sweater on her shoulders. Her steps seemed labored and forced, as if she had no will the continue on. Then, she stopped. Warm tears flooded out of her blue eyes and rolling down her puffy, red cheeks. She didn't know where she was going, she didn't have anything other than what she's carrying, and the worst of all, she didn't have any plan. What was a single 9 year old girl going to do to survive? The answer was either find some friendly faces, or die. The last people she met shot her friend and killed her and so meeting others probably wouldn't be the best option. Constance crouched down and hugged her legs, nuzzling her head into her knees. She didn't have the time to properly mourn. All the anger and resentment was built up inside her, including sadness. Hope seeped out of the tears that were staining her sweater. There was nothing to do other than wait.

Suddenly, the wave of exhaustion hit her. All of the running and fright had caught up with her and Constance closed her eyes.
'Maybe a small nap is due...' She thought, closing her eyes and laying down on the road. 'If I die in my sleep, it'll atleast be peaceful.'
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Rey unbuckled his seatbelt and pulled Kat's pack out of the passangers seat, grunting as he sat back down. He put it in between them so she could reach it easily. He then used his knife to cut the top off the trailmix, almost unnaturally straight. "Ya want some Barbs?" He asked softly so Kat didn't get more angry.
Kat almost immedinately dug into her backpack, scavenging through it wildly and sighing in relief as she brought out a folded photo and simply began to stare at it, unfolding it and looking at the contents of the photo, a genuine smile appearing on Kat's features, quickly folding it back however and putting it into her left pocket, grabbing a small bottle of medically prescribed pills by the looks of it and opening it up, throwing two into her mouth and using the water bottle that was accompanying the bottle to drink them down. Putting the two bottles back into the backpack and turning away from Rey, looking outside the humvee again, she lowered her head.

Rubbing her eyes as she contemplated on what she was doing to herself over this simple matter, she was better than this, she knew she was. But why did she feel like she wasn't then, she didn't feel whole, she felt like something important had been taken from her, impairing her effectiveness in the field, she felt useless in other words. She rested her head in her hands and let out a groan of irritation and how stupid she was by letting this-her get to her.
Aeina looked at the shadowy figure in front of her, trying to find her. Aeina had adjusted to the light and could almost make out his face. She stepped off the wall and took a step towards him, "Fair enough," She said, "And yes, I'm alone. Are you?"

Aeina didn't feel like getting killed today, especally by another person. She finally lowered her bat all the way, she didn't know if she trusted the guy yet though. If she had to, she would beat his head in. But, she would only do it if she absolutely had to.
Seeing the figure move confirmed that he'd been correct. As she stepped out of the shadowy corner Ryan realized she was young, probably a teenager. He let his finger off the trigger of his gun and holstered it before moving fully out from behind the shelving but still a good ten feet away. She didn't have a gun that he could see, and while her being so young put him slightly at ease he still knew even kids could shoot a gun or attack. It's what most people had to do to survive now against those things, and against some people.

So he kept his guard up, and came out with his hands in the air showing he meant no harm, one empty and the other still holding the machete. Moments later he let them fall back to his sides, "Yeah. I'm alone, just looking for supplies. Probably the same as you. Shouldn't you be holed up somewhere? It's not exactly safe at night." Or in the day for that matter...
Rey left the bag of trail mix in the front with Barnaby, then watched as Kat paniced, but calmed down, even smiled as she looked at the photo. That was the first time he ever saw her smile. When Kat smiled, she was relaxed, but then returned to making irritated noises and slumping. She was kinda cute when she wasn't pouting all the time, he wondered why she was always such a grouch. 'Some people are just like that,' he guessed. Rey nudged her arm gently. "Hey," he grinned, "Smile more often." he made a smiley face in the air with his pointer finger. "Why do you think Barbs and I do all the time? It makes things better." Rey chuckled a bit. It was true that both he and Barnaby smiled alot, but that's because Barnaby enjoyed what he did. Barnaby was free, something he wasn't before the apocalypse, allways stuck under his boss's thumb. Rey just smiled because he found everything horribly amusing. He was insane afterall.
Kat lifted her head to look at Rey after he had poked her arm rather gently. She knew how much of a wimp she looked like as she did it, her face for the first proper time had an emotion that wasn't just anger on it, it was sadness, and regret, sorrow and anger accompanying it. She let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding in and rubbed her eyes again, making sure just in-case that there weren't any tears threatening to form, her face slightly softened as Rey spoke, nodding but replying with. "I wish I could..I really do." It was the truth, she didn't ask to be like this, didn't ask to be constantly going off at everyone and everything that stepped in her way. Didn't ask to be on fucking meds because of it.

Her walls were collapsing, too long without the prescription would do that to her, she should've paid closer attention to how much she was taking and how often, now she looked weak in-front of these two, something that angered her to no small extent. Then came in the regret and anger, her fists clenched as she blamed herself mentally for what had happened all those months ago, it wasn't her fault, she knew that, but that didn't in no way stop her from blaming herself for screwing up. She was truly depressed.

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